Sounds like Bill Gates has deliberately released a dangerous virus strain. If he has, he needs the death sentence. If he was just completely incompetent, he needs locking up for life for causing multiple deaths across many countries of the world.

Just because he is worth north of $200bn doesn't mean he can't be locked up, without trial, as an aging old Jewish man.

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He could just be locked up to watch I Love Lucy reruns in black & white until the end of his days.

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Busy Doc!

Polio accidentally reintroduced in Pakistan? Surely not. It must have been deliberate. Either that, or the vaccine cops are effing incompetent.

Netanyahu proves he is more clever than Biden. This is likely not dificult.

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Sep 8Liked by John Day MD

Not incompetent, corrupt. Watch polio explode in Gaza now that Billy is allowed in with his poison flogged as medicine.

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Sep 7Liked by John Day MD

Very sound information. Sharing with all! Each of us have what we call "intuition or that gut feeling". That is God speaking within us for we are the 'I AM" but we need more to recognize it and choose to receive it. I agree that humanity ultimately will not accept that good is evil though the road will be long and arduous. We need more believers.

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Show the Way; lead by example.


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