If we had a plan to reformat society, this is what we would do. We would remove all obstacles, physical and mental. We would remove inspiration from the past by rebuilding actual cities to be ugly and dehumanizing. We would also remove mental obstacles, both moral and archetypal. Only then can a new structure be built. The people doing this have identified certain aspects of popular culture as both obstacles and opportunities, and decided two things: 1) To remove the most powerful of their archetypal forms and 2) replace them with something new. This is the reason for the urgency to ‘deconstruct’ powerful archetypal characters from powerful movie franchises. The old versions are still there. Those people cannot, yet, remove them from existence – preventing people from watching them. Instead they must ‘go back in time’ and destroy the archetypal forms in them. In the new reinterpretations, such as the New Star Wars, the New Star Trek, and the New Lord of the Rings, the most powerful archetypal characters from the old versions are therefore being systematically destroyed.
Luke Skywalker is now a pathetic figure, and so are Han Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Galadriel is no longer wise; she has become an intolerable idiot. The Jedi Order is no longer a powerful beacon of honor and justice; they are now both weak and evil. This goes on and on, all over the place. The demolition of these archetypal characters is both systematic and obvious.
The new productions then present us with a new archetypal landscape we are supposed to accept. The new archetypal characters have new way of doing things, they have new agendas, and new morality. Steadfastness, logic, bravery, wisdom, honor and justice have been replaced with emotional outbursts, random decisions, stupidity, deceit, and moral ‘ambiguity.’ Hard work and intelligence are no longer required and the new characters’ skills and knowledge just appear without effort...
..This is too systematic not to be done according to a plan. A company like Disney doesn’t abandon profit for no reason. This is not only a plan, but the people doing this are willing to lose a lot of money to accomplish their goals. This means that they see these goals as important – and they are right about that.
Is it working? Not really. The response in society to all this has been harsh, and is getting harsher. It has become so harsh that projects are now being shut down. It started with the Acolyte and perhaps Snow White will be next. So, why isn’t this working? There are two main reasons: Firstly, there is the nature of the archetypes. For a significant majority of people, upside-down archetypes are simply not acceptable. Turning good into evil will not compute for them. The positive archetypes are already there – in our genes, and they are strong. It is doubtful that this majority can ever be conditioned to internalize upside-down archetypal forms. The majority of the human race is fundamentally decent and wants fairness and justice. I never thought I would say this, but there it is.
Secondly, the people available to execute this plan tend to be hacks with low self-awareness... You can go through the list of the people involved in the new projects and what you’ll find is mostly the same type of people – incompetents who have never accomplished anything significant – and who can’t even answer questions or appear publicly without making fools of themselves. (The good news is that if Kamala Harris doesn’t become president, she would be a perfect showrunner for the next Star Wars project.)...
..A well-constructed fictional world gives the propagandists an opportunity to sell a whole ‘concept’ rather than just new archetypal characters. This particularly applies to worlds that represent a possible future, rather than ‘side worlds’ like in the Lord of the Rings. Science fiction is therefore a more suitable venue for programming because those worlds can be used to sell a particular type of future, or eventuality, for the human race.
There are two basic sales methods which we can call ‘seduction’ and ‘normalization.’
The seduction method involves presenting a glorious future where mankind has evolved to a higher state. Perhaps there is no violence anymore and everybody lives prosperously and happily. These worlds are bright and optimistic, and there is a lot of interesting stuff going on. The positive aspects, however, are a camouflage for some form of tyranny – usually through consolidation of power. This tyranny can be a world government, a society ruled by an AI, or a shadowy council, or some sort of code which forces us to be good to each other. The goal is to present this particular type of totalitarianism as a necessary step to achieve this golden future. Tyranny is essentially wrapped in kittens and rainbows (much like the EU is doing now and the West in general). The goal is to sell this totalitarian structure as both a necessary and inevitable step toward this golden future. You see, humanity will never progress like this unless we all come together. It’s a subtle and seductive way of selling tyranny.
The normalization method involves presenting a dark future where mankind has ‘gotten itself’ into a blind alley. These worlds are dark and depressing. There is suffering, shortages and hunger, oppression (for the common good), and perhaps rampant crime. Life is nasty, brutish and short for the common man and woman. The situation is our fault, usually because we polluted the air, consumed all the resources, released carbon into the air, or something along those lines. Now there’s just too many of us and there’s not enough for everybody. The goal is to normalize a dark future – to get people used to it before it actually happens – and to make sure we blame ourselves for it instead of the people who actually engineered it...
..However, there seems to be an ongoing trend where worlds are not only darker but certain behaviors are being normalized. This includes a total disrespect for human lives, random violence, manipulation of the population, and systematic experiments on the population. Many of these worlds have a new ‘overclass’ of people, who under normal circumstances wouldn’t be trusted to run a hot dog stand – but in these shows have almost magical properties...
..You should expect to be ruled by emotional and incompetent people who will subject you to random and nonsensical decisions, experiments, violence, constant contempt, and death. It seems that the real world is rapidly catching up with these programming operations. It is also interesting that the emphasis seems to have shifted from the seduction method to the normalization method...
..Why did New Star Trek abandon the seduction method? There are many possible reasons. The seductive method requires subtlety, good screenwriting and good characters. Those properties require writing talent. Writing talent is incompatible with woke ideology, which means that the seduction method is generally outside the ‘approved’ modern screenwriter’s ability.
There were also strong archetypal characters in Star Trek who cannot be allowed and must be deconstructed. The original Star Trek had the archetype for the Leader (Captain Kirk) and Reason (Mr. Spock) and was full of ‘toxic masculinity.’ The later Star Trek also had strong archetypal characters, such as the Father (Picard), the Mother (Dr. Crusher), the Noble and Brave Knight (Commander Worf), as well as a multitude of characters symbolizing all kinds of archetypes, including Redemption. Star Trek therefore had to be reconfigured into a dark normalization world with upside-down archetypes.
All this, as stated earlier, cannot be a coincidence or ‘emerging properties’ of a ‘new culture.’ Entertainment companies do not decide to lose money for no reason. In fact, they are not losing money at all. They are investing it – in a new future for humanity. A dark future.
Israeli Strikes Kill Woman, Wound at Least Five in Southern Lebanon, Israeli officials say target of strike was source of rocket fire days ago The Israeli military said that Qabrikha was attacked because it had been the source of Hezbollah rocket fire in the last few days. The fact a woman was killed and a child wounded does not make it appear that Hezbollah was targeted. https://news.antiwar.com/2024/09/04/israeli-strikes-kill-woman-wound-at-least-five-in-southern-lebanon/
Amnesty International Calls for War Crimes Probe Into Israel’s ‘Buffer Zone’
Israel has demolished buildings and agricultural land to create the zone around the Israel-Gaza border, which accounts for 16% of Gaza's territory On Thursday, Amnesty International said Israel’s creation of a “buffer zone” in Gaza should be investigated as war crimes since it has involved the “wanton destruction” of all buildings and agricultural land in those areas.
“Using bulldozers and manually laid explosives, the Israeli military has unlawfully destroyed agricultural land and civilian buildings, razing entire neighborhoods, including homes, schools and mosques,” Amnesty said. https://news.antiwar.com/2024/09/05/amnesty-international-calls-for-war-crimes-probe-into-israels-buffer-zone/
Why vaccinate starving, immunosuppressed children in Gaza for Polio? UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa Health officials have now admitted that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed by a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent wave of polio to spread.
This latest pharma-induced pandemic started out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, with the culprit identified as vaccine-derived polio virus type 2.
Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.
Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the a pharmaceutical vaccine. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio. The same incident has happened in India as well. https://www.globalresearch.ca/un-forced-admit-gates-funded-vaccine-causing-polio-outbreak-africa/5723137
Biolab leaks happen over time... Chinese lab linked to Covid leak may have also released ANOTHER deadly virus The Chinese lab that the FBI believes likely leaked Covid-19 may have also released a ‘highly evolved’ strain of polio in 2014.
A bombshell new study suggests that this polio strain, which infected a four-year-old boy amid a wider viral outbreak in China’s Anhui province, is ’99 percent’ identical to a polio variant that was stored 200 miles away, during that same time period, at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology. https://endtimeheadlines.org/2024/09/chinese-lab-linked-to-covid-leak-may-have-also-released-another-deadly-virus/
Netanyahu putting final nail in Biden peace plan’s coffin
Biden’s ‘two-state’ solution going nowhere fast while Netanyahu laying groundwork for a permanent military occupation of Gaza https://asiatimes.com/2024/09/netanyahu-putting-final-nail-in-biden-peace-plans-coffin/
It is an overtly hopeful and idealistic statement, isn't it? Meta Oversight Board Says 'River To The Sea' Not Inherently Hate Speech https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/meta-oversight-board-says-river-sea-not-inherently-hate-speech
Student Activists Vow to Continue Pro-Palestine Protests Despite University Crackdowns https://scheerpost.com/2024/09/05/student-activists-vow-to-continue-pro-palestine-protests-despite-university-crackdowns/
Female international activist killed by Israeli gunfire in Beita NABLUS, September 6, 2024 (WAFA) – A 26-year-old female international activist succumbed to her wounds on Friday after being shot and critically injured in the head by Israeli occupation forces in Beita, a town located south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.
The activist, who was identified as Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an American of Turkish descent, was shot in the head by live ammunition while participating in the weekly protest against settlement expansion. https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/148963
Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank A clip from an English-language Israeli podcast showing hosts Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein discussing the idea of eradicating all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza has gone viral online. In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.”
He claimed that “most Israelis” would do the same. Meningher added that they would also want to wipe out Palestinians in “the territories”. “Because that’s the reality we live in, it’s us or them, and it has to be them,” Weinstein said. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israeli-podcast-hosts-call-erase-every-living-being-gaza-and-west-bank
Poll: 72% of Israelis Want Social Media Companies to Censor Graphic Footage of War on Gaza
Poll also finds 59% of Israelis want to censor all posts that express sympathy for Palestinian civilians
The "incompetence defense": Whistleblower: Inexperienced DHS Agents Trained w/ 2-Hr. Webinar before Trump Shooting
'Once it got rolling, the Secret Service instructor couldn't figure out how to get the audio working on the prerecorded videos...' https://headlineusa.com/whistleblower-inexperienced-dhs-agents-trained-w-2-hr-webinar-before-trump-shooting/
Russian media, Sputnik hints a little farther along into the list of obvious considerations:
'They Cannot Afford Another Botched Operation': Whistleblowers Reveal US Secret Service Blunders
“In Butler, there was what I would view as it wasn't simply incompetence. There was actually active security stripping, which is very, very troubling because that's not just a matter of people not doing their jobs properly. It's a matter of an intent to expose him to potential assassination or assassination, and that is, that's corruption that is so - I mean, it would be criminal, obviously, that level of corruption.” https://sputnikglobe.com/20240905/they-cannot-afford-another-botched-operation-whistleblowers-reveal-us-secret-service-blunders--1120022176.html
Andrew Korybko makes the case that Putin means it. Friends and Foes Alike Don’t Believe That Putin’s Endorsement of Kamala Is Sincere
Putin prefers dealing with the “devils that he knows” than risking a repeat of Trump’s unpredictability.
Putin confirmed on Thursday during the Eastern Economic Forum’s plenary session that his previously stated support for Biden now extends to Kamala, yet friends like the famous dissident Kim Dotcom and foes like the BBC’s Russia Editor Steve Rosenberg don’t believe him. The first tweeted that it’s a “Grandmaster Chess” move on the Russian leader’s part while the second speculated that this is being done to discredit the Democrats. The reality though is that Putin is being sincere.
It was explained earlier this year that “It’s Reasonable For Putin To Prefer Biden Over Trump” because
“1) Biden has the support of the ‘deep state’s’ ruling liberal-globalists;
2) this faction is expected to remain in power even if Trump wins; and
3) they could carry out more anti-Russian provocations to discredit him in that case just like last time.” This insight still holds true and accounts for why he now supports Kamala since nothing has changed in the six months since he publicly backed Biden. https://www.globalresearch.ca/putin-endorsement-kamala/5867185
Trump reacts to Putin rooting for Harris, The Republican presidential candidate has said he was unsure whether he should feel insulted or grateful https://www.rt.com/news/603591-us-trump-putin-harris/
Democrats in the US are clearly dissatisfied after Putin's words about supporting Harris in the elections https://en.topcor.ru/51267-v-ssha-nabljudaetsja-voshititelnaja-isterika-demokratov-posle-slov-putina-o-podderzhke-harris-na-vyborah.html
Vladimir Putin and Dick Cheney have both endorsed Kamala Harris? It's The Trump Party Vs The Cheney Party, Caitlin Johnstone
“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” said the former vice president in a statement, adding, “As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.”
Highlights From Trump's Town Hall With Fox News
“Everybody has a plan until they get ‘punched in the face,’” Trump said, quoting Mike Tyson.
“A lot depends on ABC. ... I hope they’re going to be fair,” he said, adding that a contract bars the network from providing questions to either candidate in advance of the showdown.
The Trump and Harris camps had proposed different ground rules for the debate; they disagreed over whether the candidates should be seated or standing, and over whether microphones should be muted while the opposing candidate is speaking.
Trump’s strategy? “I’m gonna let her talk,” he said. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/highlights-trumps-town-hall-fox-news
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: The US knows very well where the red lines are drawn
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned against jokes about red lines in a comment to journalist Pavel Zarubin posted on his official Telegram channel on September 4.
This is how the minister commented on media reports that the USA plans to supply Ukraine with cruise missiles for F-16 fighter jets.
Lavrov also assessed the behavior of the US authorities, saying that he would not be surprised by anything anymore. In his opinion, the US authorities have “overstepped” the threshold that they had previously outlined for themselves. “They are being teased, and Zelensky, of course, sees this and takes advantage of it. Who jokes about our red lines, don’t joke about our red lines. They know very well where they are,” the minister said.
He is also convinced that the obsession of power circles in the US with the struggle for power, with showing who is “tougher” – Republicans or Democrats, will lead to further escalation. “I am convinced that there are reasonable people there who have a certain influence. I hope that the interests of the United States will be taken into account,” Lavrov emphasized. https://eu.eot.su/2024/09/04/russian-foreign-minister-lavrov-the-us-knows-very-well-where-the-red-lines-are-drawn/
Nuclear-powered cruise-missile can travel at least 15,000 miles, likely much more, enabling meandering attack approaches which are undefended. Russia is on the brink of commissioning the Skyfall nuclear missile
What sets the 9M730 Burevestnik apart is its nuclear-powered propulsion system. This unique feature grants it an unlimited range and the ability to undertake extended flights. Unlike traditional missiles that use conventional fuel, the Burevestnik’s nuclear propulsion allows it to fly at low altitudes and execute unpredictable maneuvers, making it exceptionally challenging to detect and intercept. This unique combination of features not only boosts its survivability against modern missile defense systems but also presents a significant strategic challenge to global security. https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2024/09/04/russia-is-on-the-brink-of-commissioning-the-skyfall-nuclear-missile/#google_vignette
Permanently subordinated without further review: UK Quietly Ties Nuclear Arsenal to Washington
Richard Norton-Taylor says the Starmer government’s rewriting of a transatlantic treaty undermines persistent claims that Britain’s Trident missile system is operationally independent. https://consortiumnews.com/2024/09/04/uk-quietly-ties-nuclear-arsenal-to-washington/
Simplicius, The Grind Continues as Aftermath of Poltava Strikes Reverberates
Ukraine pulled some forces from Kursk and Ugledar—like the 72nd Brigade—to finally reinforce Pokrovsk. As such, Russia shifted a few units and this has had two immediate effects: the Pokrovsk direction slightly slowed down due to the influx of new Ukrainian reserves, while the Ugledar direction was conversely activated as Russian commanders pounced on the unit withdrawal to capture new territories like Preschistovka village to the west...
..Now let’s comment on the broader geopolitical matters.
The reverberations from the massive Poltava strike continue echoing as more information leaks regarding the consequences.
For instance, many people doubted the Swedish connection, dismissing the “Swedish trainers/mercenaries killed” angle as just an exaggeration, despite the fact that the Swedish FM responsible for Sweden’s transition into NATO shockingly stepped down literally a day after...
..Other ‘interesting’ news continued coming forth, such as a high-ranking US Army Lt. Colonel “died suddenly” in his apartment in ‘Poland’ on the very next day after the massive Russian strikes in Poltava and Lvov...
..This comes in conjunction with reports that a swarm of NATO transport planes were recorded descending on Poland, presumably to evacuate the mass amounts of dead NATO representatives:
The most obvious evidence of the effectiveness of the missile strike on Poltava was the swarm of NATO medical aircraft (USA, Germany, Poland, Romania).
They were evacuating both wounded instructors and the dead bodies. In cities like Berlin, police guarded convoys of ambulances rushed to hospitals by the evening. (Follower witness)
At the same time, the “legalization” of the dead NATO personnel began: US Army Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Kamara died suddenly in Poland.
Ahead of us are many unexpected helicopter, yacht and private jet crashes or hiking incidents all over the world, with sudden passing NATO personnel...
..Sputnik appeared to validate the high casualty count, citing a ‘high-ranking military source’:
"As a result of the strike, about 500 specialists were killed and wounded. Among the dead and wounded are servicepeople of the Ukrainian armed forces and the National Guard - communication specialists, operators of radio-electronic warfare systems, electronic intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as foreign mercenaries from Poland, France, Germany and Sweden, who were training the Ukrainian military," the source said...
.. Now Lloyd Austin has given a rather shaky response to the repeated question of why Ukraine is allegedly not being given permission to strike deeper Russian targets...
..The fact is, the US has secret red-line agreements with Russia and it would simply be too embarrassing for US establishment figures to admit this, as it would be a tremendous signal of weakness on the world stage to have to say: “Sorry, we simply cannot allow them to strike that deep into Russia, otherwise Russia has promised some very painful asymmetric responses to our own forces, efforts, interests worldwide that would prove impossible to counteract.”... In many ways, this is perfectly understandable because for the US to even admit what those weaknesses are would be a major breach of national security, as it would allow other adversaries to know precisely where Russia is holding the US ‘by the balls’...
..Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has urged NATO countries to pressure Russia to agree to Kiev’s peace terms this fall. He made his statement during a meeting with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany. Regular gatherings at Ramstein are designed to coordinate military aid to Kiev...
..Zelensky seems to have two choices: either continue the war, which forks into its own two possibilities: he gets violently overthrown by a coup, whether sponsored by the West or his own nationalist groups or society after his political mandate has run out, given that he’s now operating on illegal time, or he gets destroyed or captured by a prevailing Russia.
The other choice is to end the war: the problem here is that he’s now pretty unpopular in society and only maintains a grip on power via martial law which requires active hostilities. However, he may think that if he can fashion some grand peace agreement that can be sold as very favorable to Ukraine, he will be given a chance to survive politically. The only way to do that would be to end the war with some major concession to Ukraine, such as immediate invitation to NATO as a full-ranking member—but we all know this will never happen. He’s running out of options.
This is the evidence presented in a Philadelphia court this week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in an indictment for money laundering and trademark counterfeiting alleged against Gambashidze and his associates. Without saying how the agency got hold of his records, the FBI has quoted at length from Kirienko’s remarks to Gambashidze “between April 2022 and April 2023…[in] notes relat[ing] to at least 20 Russian Presidential Administration meetings.”
During that time the FBI charges that Kirienko, Gambashidze and other Russian officials decided to implement “foreign malign influence campaigns…designed to reduce international support for Ukraine, bolster pro-Russian policies, and influence voters in U.S. and foreign elections by posing as citizens of those countries, impersonating legitimate news outlets, and peddling Russian government propaganda under the guise of independent media brands.” https://johnhelmer.net/the-war-and-the-world-according-to-sergei-kirienko-in-the-kremlin/#more-90315
Ritter has remained resolute until now. Scott Ritter Says Ending Cooperation With RT, Sputnik Due to US Sanctions https://sputnikglobe.com/20240905/scott-ritter-says-ending-cooperation-with-rt-sputnik-due-to-us-sanctions-1120022824.html
Durov speaks out for first time since arrest in France
The Telegram founder says it was wrong to charge him with crimes allegedly committed on his platform https://www.rt.com/news/603595-durov-speaks-out-arrest-france/
Judge Hands Elon Musk’s X A Win In Lawsuit Against California's Content-Moderation Law
A federal appeals court has granted X Corp.’s request to block part of a California state law that requires social media platforms to disclose their content moderation and anti-hate speech policies. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/judge-hands-elon-musks-x-win-lawsuit-against-californias-content-moderation-law
Kurginyan tells how the US is organizing a new type of colonialism
The US sanctions suffocate the Latin American countries with their resource-based economy, and they promote migration of the active part of these countries to the US where these people are easier governed ... “As soon as they are suffocated with sanctions – and sanctions are nothing but an absolutely new type of global colonialism, which is even uglier because it speculates about democracy, you see? As soon as sanctions are imposed, they are trapped. They need to develop their oil sector and to invest in it. They need equipment and everything else, they need money. But they lack even funds to overcome poverty,” the leader of Essence of Time explained. https://eu.eot.su/2024/09/03/kurginyan-tells-how-the-us-is-organizing-a-new-type-of-colonialism/
US 'extremely concerned' over Nicaragua, China, Russia relations
The United States, in light of strained relations with Nicaragua, has expressed deep concerns over the trilateral cooperation between Nicaragua, China, and Russia.
In June, Nicaraguan investment adviser Laureano Ortega announced that Nicaragua aims to join the BRICS collective, and is in discussions with BRICS member countries regarding potential membership.
Moreover, the director of the Latin America Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Alexander Shchetinin, relayed to Sputnik back in June that de-dollarization is being discussed in trade between Russia and several Latin American countries, including Nicaragua. https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/us--extremely-concerned--over-nicaragua--china--russia-relat
The Silent Crisis: Understanding Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Its Impact on Our Health
As school children learn, mitochondria are the “power plants” of the cell. This rudimentary description of mitochondria is a good start, but it is incomplete. When healthy, these powerhouses also regulate many cellular functions, including growth and death. When they are stressed or dysfunctional, the consequences span cardiovascular disease, autism, schizophrenia, dementia, cancer, and much more.
For example, conditions like atherosclerosis (the build-up of dangerous plaques in the arteries), hypertension, and diabetes, have all been associated with inflammation coupled with mitochondrial dysfunction...
..RFK Jr.’s call is for an overhaul of the food and pharmaceutical industries, and the agencies that regulate them. It appears from his endorsement of Trump that the former president may agree. One thing is for certain – the rise of mitochondrial dysfunction and related diseases is a doom spiral requiring radical individual and societal action. The modern food industry heavily relies on processed foods that are cheap to produce, have a long shelf life, and are addictive. They have been stripped of the nutrients that make them healthy, in favor of making them irresistible to promote overindulgence. Chronic illness is the consequence. Similarly, the pharmaceutical industry, and the captured agency that regulates it, rely on the progressive slide into chronic illness to sell more treatments that mask symptoms but do not treat the root causes. The perverse economic incentives are driving mitochondrial dysfunction.
There is no doubt that we all need to exercise more, and lower our exposure to stress, but to truly battle mitochondrial dysfunction and regain our health, we need to make food and medical decisions differently. As a nation, we need to demand leadership that will change the status quo, and, as RFK Jr. said, Make America Healthy Again. https://realclearwire.com/blog/2024/08/30/the_silent_crisis_understanding_mitochondrial_dysfunction_and_its_impact_on_our_health_1055281.html
Day #2 (Catch RFK Jr. at lunch and I follow him. It's all getting recorded.) The Attack On Food And Farmers and How to Fight Back https://doortofreedom.org/the-attack-on-food-and-how-to-fight-back-symposium/
Sasha Latypova, Re-Publishing the Article on Poison-19 Shots in Pregnancy, Updated article, first published September 2, 2022 on Trial Site News.
William Makis MD, Alberta, Ontario and Sask Are Destroying All COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, As ordered by Health Canada on August 27, 2024
My Take…
They are destroying all COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine vials so they cannot be tested for DNA contamination (or other types of contamination).
The COVID-19 Vaccines are themselves evidence of a crime, and destroying evidence is a violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. https://www.globalresearch.ca/alberta-ontario-sask-destroying-covid-19-mrna-vaccines/5867206
A Midwestern Doctor, The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings
How Dangerous Must a Drug Be Before it is Pulled from the Market?
Story at a Glance:
•SSRI antidepressants have a variety of horrendous side effects. These include sometimes causing the individual to become agitated, feeling they can’t be in their skin, turning psychotic, and occasionally becoming violently psychotic.
•During these psychoses, individuals can have out of body experiences where they commit lethal violence either to themselves or others.
•As lawsuits later showed, this violent behavior (and the frequent suicides that followed it) were observed throughout the SSRI clinical trials, but were covered up by the SSRI manufacturers and then the drug regulators (e.g., the FDA).
•Once the SSRIs entered the market, there has been a wave of SSRI suicides and unspeakable acts of violence—which continue to this day.
•Sadly, the idea that SSRIs could cause any of this has always been viewed as a “conspiracy theory” or “mistaking correlation with causation” because very few are aware of the extensive evidence linking SSRIs to violent and psychotic behavior—despite it now being on the warning label of those drugs.
Practicing Nonviolence (pictured with Jenny)
Sounds like Bill Gates has deliberately released a dangerous virus strain. If he has, he needs the death sentence. If he was just completely incompetent, he needs locking up for life for causing multiple deaths across many countries of the world.
Just because he is worth north of $200bn doesn't mean he can't be locked up, without trial, as an aging old Jewish man.
Busy Doc!
Polio accidentally reintroduced in Pakistan? Surely not. It must have been deliberate. Either that, or the vaccine cops are effing incompetent.
Netanyahu proves he is more clever than Biden. This is likely not dificult.