Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by John Day MD

I'm thinking now that the transnational deep state has chosen Trump as the fake nationalist next POTUS. So they need to bury Kennedy and wash away the mRNA stains all over Trump to get him ready, hence the fake assassination attempt. Then after Trump is selected there will be brand new emergencies to scare the cattle into the one world government chute. Or so they plan.


I hope I'm wrong and Trump and Vance will really trend nationalist, but the assassination attempt looked pretty fake.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

I think it was a real attempt and we are in Plan-B-on-the-fly world now.

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God willing

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I think it was a planned-to-fail attempt with the overt goal being imposition of an overtly Jewish VP on Trump. If you see this as part of Mossad bringing Trump to heel, it has a cogent logic to it....

But I have no evidence to substantiate my subliminal hunch.

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It's hard to keep up with Trump's Zionism, and he took $100 million from Sheldon Adelson already, a few weeks ago. No insurance policy needed in that regard, but he may be animated by a different archetypal spirit-energy now.

We'll see, I guess.

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I hope he took the money from the Mrs and didn't dig up Adelson's body for the cash!

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Yes, he accepted it from "the Mrs."

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Do you ever watch Jimmy Dore? I do because sometimes I need a laugh! This is probably not very funny, but is informative:


I have zero belief in any of these people. If you are a decent human being, you are not high up in U.S. politics; those days are long gone.

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Dr. John, I see you are still a Trump supporter--and I have to admit that his fist raised in anger under the American flag, with SS huddled around him, brought me to tears. I was so grateful that he survived the attempt perpetrated against him. But then I heard the Kennedy media address after the attempt. I heard him state that Trump had just announced, if he becomes President that he plans to name Jamie Diamond, head of JP Morgan Chase, as Commerce Secretary and Larry Fink, head of Black Rock, as head of the Treasury Dept. Our country is being run by corporate criminals. He is not draining the swamp but only naming more of them to top positions... I see that you are very supportive of Trumps pick for VP--JD Vance. I thought he looked like a great guy too--until I read the article by Whitney Webb--and you have to admit that this is one, smart cookie of a journalist--called, The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

While J.D. Vance has his own controversies, his close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel, who is poised to have unprecedented influence in a new Trump administration, should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reining in the surveillance state.

https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/ I have to ask you, Dr. John, as someone who obviously cares about freedom, privacy and justice for the American public--why would you not choose to support the candidate who plans to end the capture of most of our govt agencies by corporate profiteers and criminals. Why would you NOT choose the candidate who has a history of integrity in doing just that--making polluters of our environment pay and taking the Biden Admin to the Supreme Court for collusion with the MSM and social media in suppressing Free Speech. You know well enough what has happened in the Trump years and the Biden years and how our country and our Constitution have been run into the ground--how our National debt is more than $34 Trillion and growing and how this is untenable and to cover it up, these corporate criminals will simple let the whole thing implode--but not until they have captured us all through their CBDC web. Kennedy can't undue the whole mess that Citizen's United began but he--better than any candidate we've seen for decades--has the integrity, the intelligence, the intention and the know-how to make great inroads in reclaiming our country and uniting our people. What do ya say? :)

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Jul 27Liked by John Day MD

To expand on SpirituFarmer's comments, here is RFK's press conference after the assassination attempt on Former President Trump. It has information on how Trump plans to name Jaime Diamond and Larry Fink to positions in his administration which would be a continuation of what he did the first time around when, after vowing to drain the swamp, he appointed numerous swampsters. https://youtu.be/LXrysxb8_m4?t=1000

RFK Jr is the only candidate who has the expertise, knowledge, independence, integrity and tenacity to actually drain the swamp. Corruption is at the root of nearly all our problems, so this is Job #1. When you haven't been funded by Big Everything -- Big Pharma, Tech, Banks, Oil, Ag, Military profiteers, etc., as Democrat and Republican candidates always are and are thus equally controllable by those entities -- and you have 40 years of experience successfully suing corrupt corporations and govt agencies and standing up for freedom and human, civil and constitutional rights, you can make the changes that we so desperately need.

Kennedy is the remedy.

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I do follow RFK Jr.'s statements closely on his blog, in his campaign emails, and through posts by Dr. Nass and elsewhere.

I am well aware that the "players" recruited to fight property-ownership-wars are deeply corrupted by their lifetime actions on that field of battle.

I like RFK Jr.'s persona, and he works it well, but Palestinian rights is a litmus test.

I look towards a likely outcome where Kennedy And Trump work together in the next administration, but I do not see them working for Palestinian Rights, 2-State Solution, or anything more than better "public relations" images for the world.

I would be happy if they were to go beyond that and embrace Russia's position on the 2 State-Solution with 1967 borders.

Something would have changed "bigly" for that to happen.

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Dr. John, in response to "Palestinian rights is a litmus test", I'd like to refresh you memory with Kennedy's words when asked, in theRealDebate.com, "As President, what leverage would you use to get Hamas and Israel to end the war?"

RFJ Jr.: "Well, I would have used more diplomacy from the beginning. You know, I think we have to recognize a couple of things: One is we're a nation of compassion, all of us are heartbroken by seeing the bloodshed that’s happening in Gaza. All of us are affected and horrified by the injuries to the civilians in Gaza and the damage to the innocents in Gaza. We also have to understand that Israel is in an existential battle now and that Hamas, which is a genocidal organization which is pledged to Israel’s annihilation, is pledged to the extermination of Jews, and it does not want a two-state solution. It wants a one-state solution, which is Israel gone. And it actually has in its charter, a provision that says it is against Islamic law to even negotiate with Israel. So Israel is in a 5-front war: with 1) Hamas, which is a proxy of Iran, 2) & 3) with the Shia militias in Iraq and Syria, 4) with Hezbollah – these are all proxies of Iran – in Lebanon, and 5) with Houthis in Yemen, and it's being attacked on two fronts right now. It is at full war with Hezbollah and we have to let Israel disarm Hamas; we have to support them. Israel is our oldest ally. It is the only democracy in the Mideast. If you can imagine what the world would be like without Israel… For the first time in 80 years, people are entertaining that possibility that in 5 or 10 years, Israel may not exist, because they are no longer dealing with the weakened forces that they were in the 2000s and 1967 and 1956, etc. Hezbollah is the most proficient guerrilla army in the world and probably in history. Iran is now a super-power in the Mideast and has the capacity to maintain a war and to wipe out Israel. We need to support Israel, but we need to use diplomacy – and the people in the White House are not capable of doing that. We need to bring in President Xi, we need to bring in President Putin, and we even need to be negotiating with Iran. The Neocons in the White House see this as a bipolar world where the United States is dominating the world and won’t negotiate with anybody and that is the problem that caused this."

Sorry for including the whole transcript but I don't want to paraphrase Kennedy. He has very good reason for wanting to support Israel in taking down Hamas. They will never recognize Israel as a state and they will not tolerate any Palestinians who do so. It is a death warrant to do so. I think these words on Kennedy's part help to show how Israel must win this war with Hamas. It is an existential issue for them. It is not that Netanyahu is a good guy. I don't think he is. But we must have a President--and I say it is Kennedy--who is willing to lead to use diplomacy. We know that the Neocons will never accept this or "in good faith" make an effort to bring all the forces involved together to find a solution. I don't see any other candidate who is willing to work for this sane solution.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30Author

This is some of the worst, lying, distorted tripe that I have seen from Bobby Jr.

The history is that Netanyahu et al drove the creation of Hamas to divide the Palestinians away from the PLO, and avoid the 2 state solution, and covertly funded Hamas for decades. That served the Zionist ends...

Now it is time for the end-game of genocide.

I wish Hezbollah the best, now that Israel has done a false flag attack to kill Druze people playing soccer on Syrian Golan, pretending that Hezbollah did it, and did it to "Israelis", instead of some other local people the Zionists want to wipe out completely. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/huge-airstrikes-rock-densely-populated-beirut-suburb-israels-retaliation-begins

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Thank you Beth C for providing that link to Kennedy's press conference. Because Kennedy actually sees the really bad situation our nation is in due to corporate capture and criminal profiteering, I do not see how he can work with Trump. I don't see how our country can get back on a path where the American Voter has any say-so in the powers that run our country until someone of Kennedy's integrity and independence takes on the corporate capture of our government. I understand Dr. John's hesitancy over the Gaza issue, but that is one issue. There are many others things to love about the guy and we all know he is genuine.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Author

I do not characterize myself as a "Trump supporter". I have never liked or voted for him, and do not plan to vote for him.

I am observing history moving rapidly in elite power struggles, and I do like that the globalists had Trump's assassination staged for maximum shock effect, attended by CNN and a NYT photographer with a super-camera, but they got the shock themselves, as all the other power-murderers in the world rolled on the floor laughing to see them fail in such high-definition.

Likewise, I am interested in JD Vance, and I did read Whitney Webb's piece, and I really like Whitney Webb, and appreciate her research.

JD Vance and Trump both appear to be "live players", and may have made deals and have visible and invisible commitments, but at least they are live-players, actually cognitively engaged executives.

I also agree about the swamp. Jamie Dimon and Larry Fink seem to be high-level swamp-lords. Trump knows them both. JD Vance ran in the top ranks of venture capital. Peter Thiel is a live-player, Elon Musk's old PayPal partner, now in Palantir.

This is the pivotal battlefield, don't you think? Successfully fighting on this battlefield could prevent nuclear war, since world wars are first "banker's wars". Who fights effectively?

I would like to support Kennedy, but I can't vote for him for the same reason I won't vote for Trump, Palestinian human rights and property rights.

Kennedy may have made a deal with the Mossad as a teenager to stay alive. I am supposing that JFK Jr. violated some such deal with his "George Magazine" article on Clinton corruption. Supposedly, he was going to enter national politics. He died in a mysterious small plane crash right after that.

I'll vote for Jill Stein MD again, who came out against Israeli "genocide", calling it that in early December, and got arrested protesting for Palestinian human rights in April.

American elections have always, constitutionally, been set up as a national opinion poll, subject to due consideration and political adjustments.

Vote your conscience.


By the way. Trump and Kennedy know each other fairly well. Barron Trump may have Asperger's Syndrome from childhood vaccines. A conversation between Trump and Kennedy was recently leaked. I presume that they will work together this time. They almost did after 2016.

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Wow! I got more than I bargained for here. :) I voted for Jill Stein rather than Trump or Hillary but last time I voted for Biden--:( I think. :) You have some conspiracy theories I haven't heard of. I'll tuck them in my back pocket in case they should make a reappearance. I understand your hesitancy to vote for Kennedy based on his Israel/Palestine position--but aside from that. Remember the good old days when we accepted that we would never find the candidate we agreed with totally. It was the best out of the bunch, and he is that for me. I know he has integrity. If nothing else, I love him for his long history of CHD and his genuine support for that issue. I'm sure he is not perfect but he has so much more to offer and I really think he can win. He and his army of followers are committed to this win--or die trying. There is always that possibility and he has made his peace with that. He will have made a positive difference in our country--no matter which way it turns out. :) Thanks for engaging with me.

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I also am a gardener and I loved the picture of you and Jenny in the garden in early morning. I think you are a superior gardener. I can't help but do it but rarely have a good harvest to show for it. :))))

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Do study those posts for how I do things. I studied and practiced seriously.

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This is my October 25, 2020 post on my original blog, "Kennedy For President"


I donated to CHD back when I had a job. I certainly wish Kennedy well, and I presented in the CHD food Security symposium in February 2023.

That information is in these 3 posts:




God's-will be done.

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Thank you John Day. I will look through these. I can see that you have an interesting perspective on the present situation. If there is one think I've learned from these COVID years, it is to look beyond my old ideas and beliefs. There is a reality out there but I can't see it from here. It is important to try on other perspectives. I'll see what I can see. :)

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"Seek and ye shall find..." (Truth, that is.)

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Nice picture of very nice people!

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Thanks Frank.

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Dang. I need a drink

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Lime fizzy water, no sweetener.

Think of your long term health.


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Sometimes a drink or weed is the only thing that "gets us through."

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Or a nice warm cup of chamomile tea

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It's difficult being a human, but potentially satisfying and rewarding.


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Jul 18Liked by John Day MD

Dude's got a chance to clean up his act. He's smart enough to do it.

What kind of world does he foresee being in...?

Smart, motivated hillbilly became a Marine for 4 years, then started checking all the success-boxes... He can do a really good job if he fully commits, or he can go along with the program in a perfunctory way. I think he likes accomplishing big things.

He can give up the investing tricks for a seat at that particular table.

A lot hinges on what Trump's new speech says, and then the next day and the next day and the Ukraine war, and the Israeli dilemma...

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What I am interested in are these people who signed up for the military after the false-flag event of 9/11. I think some of them were recruited prior to joining up, some of them were probably recruited while being in the military, and some of them when they retired. Recruited by whom? By Israel, of course, which explains their ardent Zionism and total lack of compassion. Yes, I include Tulsi Gabbard, Duckworth, etc, and my representative Jared Golden who is clearly bought and paid for.

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Tulsi was young. She changed her viewpoint when she saw the truth. She has been a proponent of peace, but cannot openly criticize US military policy, since she is still a reserve Lt. Colonel.

I didn't realize it was a false-flag event for probably half a year, until a friend introduced me to the concept, and I started investigating it on the new "internet".

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Jul 17Liked by John Day MD

And the (Show) must go on, all theather...The Great cleansing of the social Order will come with the collapse of the criminal Dollar and also the collapse of the existing Power Structures !!!!

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We shall see what Trump says tomorrow in his "new" speech to the convention.

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Jul 17Liked by John Day MD

Trump has selected a 'left-wing' populist to balance his 'right-wing' populism ?

("Take That, bobby junior !!)

JD is now well positioned to become a future POTUS...(Younger than JFK. And may capture the Youth Vote ?)


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This is all Teddy Roosevelt trust-busting conservatism, not even to the left of Henry Ford...



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Have you seen the video the man made (3M views) about feeling despair and desperation? It broke my heart and I'll find the link if you haven't seen it.

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No. I get it. There is despair when a false worldview cannot be maintained.

One should revise worldviews daily, I think, but most can't/don't.

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John - many people have very rigid mental frameworks, rather at odds with the fluid, dynamic, chaotic open systems that make up planet earth. Particularly those with OCD, they are so uncomfortably facing the reality of uncertainty that they find ways to simplify their lives down to very, very formalised, rigid sets of rules/tasks.

The other thing is that deviations from means occurs routinely on a daily basis, so it would be quite easy to swing from a 'far left' to a 'far right' worldview and then back again almost daily.

The real question to ask is: 'what are the key things to assess when deciding whether to change one's worldview?'

I would wager that most people haven't ever asked themselves that question.

John - if an understanding of the world as it is makes you realise that you're never going to have children, having been brainwashed for a few decades that that's overwhelmingly important, I'd be amazed if that didn't induce despair for many. If the first thirty years of your life was regimented by powerful families/schools/employers to prepare you to have children and then the world tells you 'Bad luck, mate!', then you're entirely unprepared to live a life where that's not going to be the case. The lucky ones who breed don't really care about the 'acceptable collateral damage' in the system, though.

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Lots there, Rhys...

Worldview fluid vs worldview rigid vs worldview overly simplified...

70% or so of people "test reality" by taking a poll of the people around them. It's our species. I'd be wrong to judge it, but I'm in a much smaller fraction, maybe 5%, who self-determine what the truth is, and the appropriate course of action is, and follow that.

I'll never be able to convince people of "reality" and I gave up trying, but I do present my own findings for review and consideration, because there are other people with this same "personality disorder", if you would.

Occasionally in history there is a "paradigm shift", like 1968, Vietnam-War-Bad.

We might get a bit of attention in those rare inflections of group consciousness.

There are a couple of reproductive strategies for success, which were followed by proxy for over 200 years in some New England town with immaculate records:

1) Have a bunch of kids, early, rabbitlike, which seems to come out a little behind after long enough, maybe even, not ahead as you might think.

2) Have fewer kids later and prepare them ideally, which starts slow, but seems to survive tough spots better.

The implication is that "selection events" favor the well-raised, intelligent, problem solving adults, whose families invested more in each of them.

We sure did this with our kids.

I think we are headed for a cascading sequence of selection-events. Somebody has to survive and build a world...

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by John Day MD

The Plot Thickens !

Enter: The Second Gunman ( aka - Sniper)...

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Yes, I'll have to post what I'm putting together for tomorrow:

​ Meryl Nass MD, Coffee and COVID (Jeff Childers' substack) suggests possible second shooter on the water tower. And other notable quotes.

What? 3 police snipers were staged inside the building from which Crook​s took his shots.

​ Consider JFK, RFK assassinations: there was a patsy and there were the real shooters. The Deep State does not rely on its patsy to do the job. It relies on at least 2 distance shooters or a point blank hit. Because it cannot afford to fail.

​ And yet it just did. Thanks to Providence. Look at the freefall the Democrats are now experiencing. Because the whole world knows who did this. After all the attacks during Trump’s earlier Presidency, the extraordinary lawfare attacks during his campaign, and now this attempted assassination, it does not take a rocket scientist to say Qui Bono (who benefits?).​ [Videos of Two different witnesses describing 2 different shooters, one on the water tower​. Aerial diagrams provided.]​ https://merylnass.substack.com/p/coffee-and-covid-jeff-childers-substack

​ The Trump Assassination Attempt: A Serious Audited Investigation is Urgently Needed​ Weapons and Strategy, Stephen Bryen

Was there a Second Shooter? New Acoustic Forensic Evidence​ [Acoustics analysis indicates 3 different patters. T​wo "shooters" and the police sniper.]

[Update: Since publication the gun has been identified as a DPMS AR-15 5.56 rifle that was purchases more than 10 years ago by the shooter’s father. DPMS is a low cost AR-15 and there are different models with price ranges today under $700. Compare to a Ruger AR15 which is over $1,000. There are some criticisms of the DPMS gun’s quality, but others find the rifle barrels good.]​ https://weapons.substack.com/p/the-trump-assassination-attempt-a

Trump Shooter Rejected From High School Rifle Team: ‘Couldn’t Hit a Target at 50 Feet’​ https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/trump-shooter-rejected-from-high-school-rifle-team-couldnt-hit-a-target-at-50-fee

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