"In short, we’re going to get successively less prosperous over time. We can certainly try to manage this process, but we can’t stop it from happening..." well this is why death and tyranny are sold as the solution. Redistribute bottom up the existing wealth. Share amongst the .001% and grow a Successor state..

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That's the obvious game-theory approach for the top 1000 owners, isn't it?

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Evidently when theorizing regarding energy resources population reduction is never mentioned as a strategy for stabilizing or at least reducing significantly energy use.

https://www.garynorth.com/public/13370.cfm. In the following section, beginning on page 423, Webster described a widely discussed and widely accepted program of the Jacobin revolutionaries associated with Robespierre. It was a program of systematic de-population by the government: literal extermination. The Jacobins planned to murder as much as half of the French population. This fact is never discussed in graduate school seminars. Here is her discussion. I omit her footnotes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

But could a nation of 25,000,000 be thus transformed? To the regenerators of France it seemed extremely doubtful; already the country was rent with dissensions, and any scheme for universal contentment seemed impossible of attainment. Moreover, the plan of dividing things up into equal shares presented an insuperable difficulty, for it became evident that amongst a population of this size there was not enough money, not enough property, not enough employment, not even at this moment enough bread to go round; no one would be satisfied with his share, and instead of universal contentment, universal dissatisfaction would result. What was to be done? The population was too large for the scheme of the leaders to be carried out successfully, therefore either the scheme must be abandoned or the population must he diminished.

To this conclusion the surgeons operating on the State had at last been brought. In vain they had amputated the gangrened limb of the nobility and the clergy, had paralysed the brain by attacking the intellectual classes, had turned (as in Aesop's fable) upon the stomach, that is to say, the industrial system, by which the whole body of the State was fed, and denied it sustenance--all these means to restore health to the State had failed, and they were now reduced to a last and desperate expedient: the size of the whole body must be reduced. In other words, a plan of systematic depopulation must be carried out all over France.

That this idea, worthy of a mad Procrustes, really existed it is impossible to doubt, since it has been revealed to us by innumerable revolutionaries who were behind the scenes during the Terror. Thus Courtois, in his report on the papers seized at Robespierre's house after Thermidor, wrote: "These men, in order to bring us to the happiness of Sparta, wished to annihilate twelve or fifteen millions of the French people, and hoped after this revolutionary transfiguration to distribute to each one a plough and some land to clear, so as to save us from the dangers of the happiness of Persepolis."

Another intime of Robespierre, the Marquis d'Antonelle, a member of the Revolutionary Tribunal, actually explained the whole scheme in print whilst the Terror was at its height. Beaulieu, who met him in prison, where he was incarcerated by Robespierre for giving away the secret of the leaders, thus describes the system as revealed to him by D'Antonelle: "He thought, like the greater number of the revolutionary clubs, that, in order to institute the Republic on the ruins of the monarchy, it was necessary to exterminate all those who preferred the latter form of government, and that the former could only become democratic by the destruction of luxury and riches, which form the support of royalty; that equality would never be anything but a chimera as long as men did not all enjoy approximately equal properties; and finally, that such an order of things could never be established until a third of the population had been suppressed; this was the general idea of the fanatics of the Revolution."

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It was left to Napoleon to fulfill the revolution through wars of conquest, an odd conclusion to the theories which began the French Revolution, but only Napoleon made it work, and only by turning the population to wars of conquest.


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You're looking great! One thing that is interesting is that I have never agreed with you about peak oil per say as I think there is likely zero point energy sources which could be harnessed to make a transition, BUT I agree with you fully about the implications of a simpler life where much less discretionary income is spent on non necessities. Is there a reason for constant expansion beyond the hypothetical money supply one?

What I'm becoming fascinated by is the implications of MMT (modern monetary theory aka print however much you want to) with UBI (Universal Basic Income-Bread and Circuses) against the backdrop of depopulation, which is deflationary. I'm still trying to wrap my head around those things...

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1) Thanks Amy

2) It's not necessary to agree on everything to work in concert for good.

3) Humans can't be trusted with unlimited energy yet.

4) MMT is fine, just as Keynes was fine, but the owners controlling everybody's purchases of food and fuel on a person-by-person digital monitoring basis would risk a dead-end for our species, I think.

5) Deflationary/Inflationary go through changes when supply-limitations become the driving parameter, and demand (population & CBDC) and money supply (CBDC, etc.) need to be manipulated to maintain a financial regime.

Let's reset-to reality, please. That will imply different management. That is the existential crisis for current owners and management. ;-(

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How do we achieve different management?

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Every developed country, including Iran and North Korea, has fertility below 2.1, , usually much below, and therefore would lose population without 3d world immigration...S.Korea's is at .7...If you ask me, that's a good thing, since food production in much of Asia is far below local needs,,,

And in the US, I think the country was much better at 150 million than it is now at double that...

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12 hrs agoLiked by John Day MD

Claiming the blue haze over some mountain ranges for plant terpenes ?

It's Orgone Energy, discovered by Dr Wilhelm Reich, 1940-50s. Dr James

DeMeo concurs. He published The Orgone Accumulator handbook...

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Time may tell...

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Hey John!

I just finished writing a very short and simplified observation on Meryl Nass's post regarding reform of scientific inquiry, and thought it dovetailed with your analysis of the economy well enough to post here. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/they-wont-let-up-more-fraud-to-take/comment/69651893

Cheers ... and where do you get the time to write at such a high level of quality AND quantity?


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Arigato Gozaimashita Steve,

A: I read fast and have become proficient at editing down the work of others.

I have replied to your comment. Dr. Nass is headed your way.


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Thanks John.

Still way too much for me to even keep up with daily mail from substack, much less books. Maybe audio at double speed when I'm on the toilet will help? Uh, make it double loud too. 😂


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Kier Starmer follows the advice/instruction of the last persuasive person who’s talked at him . Worse than that, always the last is his Zionist wife. He was very fortunate that she just happened along to conveniently meet him,,

As for trees and the modern craze of planting millions of them, don’t they need water exponentially, in other words the bigger they are and the less carefully managed the more water they require? There was a report today in Spain of recently planted pines in Murcia all dying because of a supposed drought. (It’s been no worse than any other summer here in Spain). And this has led to a rise in sap loving insects. So it’s not just a daft way to conserve water I’d suggest, it’s worse.

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Old growth forests seem to draw water to themselves from far away oceans, drawing it across continents.

Terpenes as a signal to feed into the Biotic Pump model would be a further development of that elegant theory, based upon a whole lot of time in the Siberian forests.

Anastassia Makarieva https://www.wgbh.org/people/anastassia-makarieva

Biotic Pump Model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biotic_pump

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