This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything.
The principle Technology is Identical.
That must go out to everyone to show them Nazis... Jewish Nazis.... and expose them
There is no limit for this Technology.
This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz.
This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves.
This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle.
This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever
I wrote this article because there are too many people... often paid for... that praise Hitler... and I have no praise for either Nazis Zionists or anyone who praises Hitler.
The excepts are from books that are forbidden in Germany.
About the Gas Chambers.
Zyclon B was invented by a Jew... Fritz Haber... who killed Millions with his produc in WW1 and WW2.
And you should watch this Documentary... David Cole... a Jew... in Auschwitz...
My friend's father survived a gas chamber because they couldn’t squeeze him in before the Soviets liberated Majdanek… His siblings weren’t so lucky… The Soviets were 2 days late…
I visited Majdanek in the early 1970-ties. Maybe you should too…
Hell is not the right place for people who committed those atrocities and those who ignorantly deny them…
Nations that wish to wipe out debt and issue their own currency is an inevitable return to freedom. BUT ugly steps are needed before this: There has never not been pogroms. These pogroms are inevitable and the discussions must begin now. Not just Jews, Bill Gates is one of the largest landowners in America. He also is guilty of genocide. Before Nationalism can form, we need tribalism. Before tribalism, we need clans with warriors and engineers. In the immediate hard times, ethnic clans will protect you from Mexican Narco mafias and various ethnic mafias. Time is up.
It will get and must get very ugly because those in power will not give it up... and they are building an AI war infrastructure which must not be allowed to finish.
We outnumber them but AI makes up for the numbers and allows a minority to dictate and rule by sheer force.
Hi, Dr. John: What do you know now, … after reading that latest “Armageddon Newsletter”, we currently simply have not even a foggiest idea of what is going on in that USA-NATO-Ukraine vs. Russia war, do we?
Add to above John Helmer’s latest screed on the same subject, and we might as well safely assume that our perceived level of knowledge on the subject is not even matching a wisdom of a cremini mushroom growing happily in horses dung. Amirite?
I wonder if a new lockdown will ensure protest is minimal. And secondly I wonder based observationally on the enthusiasm for voting the lesser evil who shall mislead the magic uprising that has never yet materialized. What shadowy force behind "opposition" props the Pied Piper? None running for office at this time can do so without genuflecting to Zion, after all, money is the mother's milk of politics.AIPAC OFFICIALLY SURPASSES $100,000,000 SPENT ON 2024 ELECTION
AIPAC Officially Surpasses $100 Million in Spending on 2024 Elections
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has spent more than $100 million on federal elections so far this cycle, according to a review of the latest FEC data.
AIPAC’s PAC has spent $44.8 million as of the end of July, according to the FEC, with $42 million given to the campaigns of members of Congress and other candidates, as well as to party groups and leadership PACs.
The vast majority of AIPAC PAC’s spending has come in the form of earmarked donations made by individuals in the United States who support the pro-Israel group.
I simply feel faith with works has zero to do with voting. I think directly caring is best. Shelter for those who need it. Food for the hungry. Medical care for the ill. Not a Tsar. Arguably the only good President is one who starts seriously to dissolve the overkill of the military. Erich Fromm in 1964 said to accomplish disarmament do so unilaterally. Announce one nuclear weapon system would eliminated and urge other nations to follow suit. No one listened and here we are. All in all I agree with works.
I did not mean to imply that faith/works was in a category with voting. I meant to portray them as distinctly different, and meant to imply that passive faith in leaders was not enough.
We share the same perspective on personal works, "directly caring", which was what I made my career in public health.
Sorry I was confused. I know that you are 100% devoted to directly caring. I have more or less after Contra Aid and political horse trading -decided that without a dedicated base politicians are hopeless. Ellul has written some good pieces on voting being useless. 😊. Will Rogers quipped that the the only way to get a politician to stand up straight was to push them hard from both sides.
I don't believe the leader/s of any formal resistance will come from any current public figure anywhere in the world today. That/those person/persons will rise organically from the ashes of the coming contraction. This type of resistance will not be broadcast across the airwaves, it will come about through word of mouth face to face as trust and truth will be its only binding force. Slowly but surely all are learning to trust nothing they see or hear on the airwaves be they MSM or alternative media. Too many bias' to be trustworthy. This means a slow and gradual shift to some as yet to be defined alternative world.
Dr. Day you are a force for the good to be sure. Keep up the fight brother, as always all the best to you and yours.
Resistance is human. We are wired for leaders. Leaders emerge -sometimes easy to discern and other times not as opportunists or agents or mistaken and steering, may tacking the resistance to a different port of call. Money is magic. In my case I worked for SF CISPES as both a fundraiser and human rights coordinator. My rather narrow interest was telegrams, phone calls, letters, to get Salvadorans out of torture chambers. I was not at all interested in “Demonstrations.” I thought them a waste of time. I argued against the NAtional organization buying full page ads in major newspapers to protest the killing as I did the purchase of Subway ads. I recall pointing out showing the chalk outline of the dead activists and stern soldiers as an ad of protest in the D.C. or NYC subway or BART not only gave money away better used for what I did but trivialized the matter. After all it was an ad next to the Jaguar ad or the Rolex watch or the upcoming TV program or movie. In disgust I quit. I do not know if any national leaders had been co-opted. I did know the gesture, like the street demo, was pointless.
I grew up under the communists in Easter Europe, so I look at some of those political problems from a different perspective… There have always been hate and animosity among all the nations form the former Soviet influenced block driven by nationalism and the history of mistreatment…
When it comes to Israel vs Palestine issue at its roots it is a religious issue…People from those lands who realize what the problem really is - the religious and ethic hate - they often make peace and remove themselves from this conflict….
Wherever I travel, when I open my mouth everybody knows I'm American.
But in Germany they assumed that "my ancestors were German" and in Ireland I was assumed to be an O'Day... English assumed my ancestors were English, which was partly right. All those assumptions had some bit of validity...
Funny thing about my accent, many people can’t figure it out. Since I speak a few languages pretty well and rather regularly, my accent (s) got influenced by other languages… For example, I speak Spanish with the lisp. This means I learned Spanish in Spain. But because I use my Spanish in other Spanish speaking countries most of my life other than Spain, people in Spain get confused when I speak it, especially in the Islands…
Few years back when I was visiting Spain, several Brits were following us around trying to figure out where my English accent was from. They were surprised that we came from Canada because apparently not many Canadians visit that region…
No matter what one believes, evolution or creation, we all come from the same ancestor… Some call the ancestor “The Mitochondrial Eve”, but others just Eve :-)
This isn’t really meant as a joke but which country other than Russia (or China!) has the capabilities to bring Americas two astronauts back to earth before it crashes back to earth after disintegrating of its own accord next year anyway? Maybe before America finds itself at war with Russia it better find someone to ask Putin nicely if they can hitch a lift back down!
Fit my friend...
Of course the BOE and IMF want the great reset which is WW3.
But every Nation has the ability to wipe out all debt and re issue a new currency.
That is what they try to hide... this is why they push WW3.
Kursk: Exposing Treason & Treachury
Say NO! to WW3
About the Digital ID...
It was born is Auschwitz and by IBM.
This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything.
The principle Technology is Identical.
That must go out to everyone to show them Nazis... Jewish Nazis.... and expose them
There is no limit for this Technology.
This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz.
This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves.
This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle.
This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever
Do you know who brought Hitler and the Nazis to power?
I sure do...
Did you actually read everything in the article you linked above?
I hope not… I’ve read it with semi-interest until I got to this statement:
“ In this Documentary he debunks the so called Gas Chambers.
Another courageous Man I commend.”
I gotta tell ya, the article and its author were already lacking credibility. When I reached that point I realized it is just a bunch of nonsense…
I wrote this article because there are too many people... often paid for... that praise Hitler... and I have no praise for either Nazis Zionists or anyone who praises Hitler.
The excepts are from books that are forbidden in Germany.
About the Gas Chambers.
Zyclon B was invented by a Jew... Fritz Haber... who killed Millions with his produc in WW1 and WW2.
And you should watch this Documentary... David Cole... a Jew... in Auschwitz...
The article stands... my credibility stands... and I stand by it.
My friend's father survived a gas chamber because they couldn’t squeeze him in before the Soviets liberated Majdanek… His siblings weren’t so lucky… The Soviets were 2 days late…
I visited Majdanek in the early 1970-ties. Maybe you should too…
Hell is not the right place for people who committed those atrocities and those who ignorantly deny them…
Now that you mention it...
Does your self righteousness has the same attitude against the Israeli Nazis who genocide Gaza in the same traditions as the German Nazis before?
"Hell is not the right place for people who committed those atrocities and those who ignorantly deny them…"
I agree... however I don't deny the Holocaust.
Do you deny the Holocaust happening in Gaza?
Because if you do... by your own words... Hell is not the right place for you.
Nations that wish to wipe out debt and issue their own currency is an inevitable return to freedom. BUT ugly steps are needed before this: There has never not been pogroms. These pogroms are inevitable and the discussions must begin now. Not just Jews, Bill Gates is one of the largest landowners in America. He also is guilty of genocide. Before Nationalism can form, we need tribalism. Before tribalism, we need clans with warriors and engineers. In the immediate hard times, ethnic clans will protect you from Mexican Narco mafias and various ethnic mafias. Time is up.
Spot on.
That is exactly my point.
It will get and must get very ugly because those in power will not give it up... and they are building an AI war infrastructure which must not be allowed to finish.
We outnumber them but AI makes up for the numbers and allows a minority to dictate and rule by sheer force.
Hi, Dr. John: What do you know now, … after reading that latest “Armageddon Newsletter”, we currently simply have not even a foggiest idea of what is going on in that USA-NATO-Ukraine vs. Russia war, do we?
Add to above John Helmer’s latest screed on the same subject, and we might as well safely assume that our perceived level of knowledge on the subject is not even matching a wisdom of a cremini mushroom growing happily in horses dung. Amirite?
Hi FS. Fog of war pertains, but the financial predicaments may decide military actions again.
I wonder if a new lockdown will ensure protest is minimal. And secondly I wonder based observationally on the enthusiasm for voting the lesser evil who shall mislead the magic uprising that has never yet materialized. What shadowy force behind "opposition" props the Pied Piper? None running for office at this time can do so without genuflecting to Zion, after all, money is the mother's milk of politics.AIPAC OFFICIALLY SURPASSES $100,000,000 SPENT ON 2024 ELECTION
AIPAC Officially Surpasses $100 Million in Spending on 2024 Elections
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has spent more than $100 million on federal elections so far this cycle, according to a review of the latest FEC data.
AIPAC’s PAC has spent $44.8 million as of the end of July, according to the FEC, with $42 million given to the campaigns of members of Congress and other candidates, as well as to party groups and leadership PACs.
The vast majority of AIPAC PAC’s spending has come in the form of earmarked donations made by individuals in the United States who support the pro-Israel group.
[link to (secure)]
Do vote your honest opinion, and pray, but "faith without works is dead", so we all need to be constructive, more than hopeful, I think.
I simply feel faith with works has zero to do with voting. I think directly caring is best. Shelter for those who need it. Food for the hungry. Medical care for the ill. Not a Tsar. Arguably the only good President is one who starts seriously to dissolve the overkill of the military. Erich Fromm in 1964 said to accomplish disarmament do so unilaterally. Announce one nuclear weapon system would eliminated and urge other nations to follow suit. No one listened and here we are. All in all I agree with works.
I did not mean to imply that faith/works was in a category with voting. I meant to portray them as distinctly different, and meant to imply that passive faith in leaders was not enough.
We share the same perspective on personal works, "directly caring", which was what I made my career in public health.
Sorry I was confused. I know that you are 100% devoted to directly caring. I have more or less after Contra Aid and political horse trading -decided that without a dedicated base politicians are hopeless. Ellul has written some good pieces on voting being useless. 😊. Will Rogers quipped that the the only way to get a politician to stand up straight was to push them hard from both sides.
I don't believe the leader/s of any formal resistance will come from any current public figure anywhere in the world today. That/those person/persons will rise organically from the ashes of the coming contraction. This type of resistance will not be broadcast across the airwaves, it will come about through word of mouth face to face as trust and truth will be its only binding force. Slowly but surely all are learning to trust nothing they see or hear on the airwaves be they MSM or alternative media. Too many bias' to be trustworthy. This means a slow and gradual shift to some as yet to be defined alternative world.
Dr. Day you are a force for the good to be sure. Keep up the fight brother, as always all the best to you and yours.
Thanks Red. There is "karass", too, epiphany, serendipity and synchronicity...
What, you are trying to tell us that the revolution will not be televised?!
The revolution will not put a tiger in my tank...
Resistance is human. We are wired for leaders. Leaders emerge -sometimes easy to discern and other times not as opportunists or agents or mistaken and steering, may tacking the resistance to a different port of call. Money is magic. In my case I worked for SF CISPES as both a fundraiser and human rights coordinator. My rather narrow interest was telegrams, phone calls, letters, to get Salvadorans out of torture chambers. I was not at all interested in “Demonstrations.” I thought them a waste of time. I argued against the NAtional organization buying full page ads in major newspapers to protest the killing as I did the purchase of Subway ads. I recall pointing out showing the chalk outline of the dead activists and stern soldiers as an ad of protest in the D.C. or NYC subway or BART not only gave money away better used for what I did but trivialized the matter. After all it was an ad next to the Jaguar ad or the Rolex watch or the upcoming TV program or movie. In disgust I quit. I do not know if any national leaders had been co-opted. I did know the gesture, like the street demo, was pointless.
A lot to digest, here.
Maybe more than any single intestinal tract can deal with.
I grew up under the communists in Easter Europe, so I look at some of those political problems from a different perspective… There have always been hate and animosity among all the nations form the former Soviet influenced block driven by nationalism and the history of mistreatment…
When it comes to Israel vs Palestine issue at its roots it is a religious issue…People from those lands who realize what the problem really is - the religious and ethic hate - they often make peace and remove themselves from this conflict….
The monied interests moved a lot of Eastern Europeans to the Levant with a separatist and supremacist ideology. Problematic...
Where did you grow up, Thomas? Your last name is typically English, rarely Estonian, I read.
Hull (Hulle) last name also has German origins..
A variation on "hill" in that context, from Dutch origin
A lot of Germans ask me if I’m German….
Wherever I travel, when I open my mouth everybody knows I'm American.
But in Germany they assumed that "my ancestors were German" and in Ireland I was assumed to be an O'Day... English assumed my ancestors were English, which was partly right. All those assumptions had some bit of validity...
Funny thing about my accent, many people can’t figure it out. Since I speak a few languages pretty well and rather regularly, my accent (s) got influenced by other languages… For example, I speak Spanish with the lisp. This means I learned Spanish in Spain. But because I use my Spanish in other Spanish speaking countries most of my life other than Spain, people in Spain get confused when I speak it, especially in the Islands…
Few years back when I was visiting Spain, several Brits were following us around trying to figure out where my English accent was from. They were surprised that we came from Canada because apparently not many Canadians visit that region…
No matter what one believes, evolution or creation, we all come from the same ancestor… Some call the ancestor “The Mitochondrial Eve”, but others just Eve :-)
Lots of new traffic John? Hmmm.
"If you want it, here it is, come and get it"
Thank you John.
I just came across more mind numbing information that connects even more Trump, Tessla, UFO, Kennedy dots. I hope to get that published this weekend.
Looking forward to more explorations of the rabbit hole.
Mad Hatter
This isn’t really meant as a joke but which country other than Russia (or China!) has the capabilities to bring Americas two astronauts back to earth before it crashes back to earth after disintegrating of its own accord next year anyway? Maybe before America finds itself at war with Russia it better find someone to ask Putin nicely if they can hitch a lift back down!
NASA gave up on Boeing and has asked Musk's Space-X to get the castaways back to earth.