I wrote this article because there are too many people... often paid for... that praise Hitler... and I have no praise for either Nazis Zionists or anyone who praises Hitler.
The excepts are from books that are forbidden in Germany.
About the Gas Chambers.
Zyclon B was invented by a Jew... Fritz Haber... who killed Millions with his produc in WW1 and WW2.
And you should watch this Documentary... David Cole... a Jew... in Auschwitz...
My friend's father survived a gas chamber because they couldn’t squeeze him in before the Soviets liberated Majdanek… His siblings weren’t so lucky… The Soviets were 2 days late…
I visited Majdanek in the early 1970-ties. Maybe you should too…
Hell is not the right place for people who committed those atrocities and those who ignorantly deny them…
I sure do...
Did you actually read everything in the article you linked above?
I hope not… I’ve read it with semi-interest until I got to this statement:
“ In this Documentary he debunks the so called Gas Chambers.
Another courageous Man I commend.”
I gotta tell ya, the article and its author were already lacking credibility. When I reached that point I realized it is just a bunch of nonsense…
I wrote this article because there are too many people... often paid for... that praise Hitler... and I have no praise for either Nazis Zionists or anyone who praises Hitler.
The excepts are from books that are forbidden in Germany.
About the Gas Chambers.
Zyclon B was invented by a Jew... Fritz Haber... who killed Millions with his produc in WW1 and WW2.
And you should watch this Documentary... David Cole... a Jew... in Auschwitz...
The article stands... my credibility stands... and I stand by it.
My friend's father survived a gas chamber because they couldn’t squeeze him in before the Soviets liberated Majdanek… His siblings weren’t so lucky… The Soviets were 2 days late…
I visited Majdanek in the early 1970-ties. Maybe you should too…
Hell is not the right place for people who committed those atrocities and those who ignorantly deny them…
Now that you mention it...
Does your self righteousness has the same attitude against the Israeli Nazis who genocide Gaza in the same traditions as the German Nazis before?
"Hell is not the right place for people who committed those atrocities and those who ignorantly deny them…"
I agree... however I don't deny the Holocaust.
Do you deny the Holocaust happening in Gaza?
Because if you do... by your own words... Hell is not the right place for you.
This is a straw man argument, which a I expected…
If so... then you exposed yourself as the strawman you are... exactly what I expected... scarecrow.