Today WW3 has started as Israel attacked Iran.

My thoughts are with the soldiers fallen of the USS Liberty who was attacked by Israel.


I did not know you are a Buddhist.

You know that Siddartha Gautama became Buddha a man of spirit by following ZEN the way.

We all need to follow the right path with the right principles.

In these days as in the western world it is hard to have principles when we are forced to live against them.

It takes a man to be a boy... and it takes a child to become a man.

When Bodhisattva came to China he tried to teach the Chinese meditation... and they fell asleep.

He then devised standing Meditation exercises in a cave above the now Shaolin Monastery.

There are two schools of Gung Fu in China... Shaolin and Wudang.

Shaolin is Hung Gar...

Wudang is Ba Gua Zheng..

When the Southern Shaolin Monastery was attacked by the Chinese Imperial troops and burned to the ground the five eldest survived.

One was the nun Ng Mui.

She settled on the White Crane Monastery.

One day she saw a snake and a crane fighting.

By observation she developed the Wing Chung Kung Fu System... such is the legend.

But Many believe Wing Chung was a secret yet undeveloped system.

Wing Chung is a system that is designed to use speed and tactics in defense against a stronger opponent... especially Hung Gar.

I am proud that I learned Wing Chung Hung Gar and Ba Gua... but in essence I learned ZEN.

And what I am most proud is that I evolved as a Human being... and i am not finished... I never will be.

Bless you my friend.

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Thank You, Fritz. When I was in 10th grade in Japan, I took Judo, and we would sit in meditation before each training session.

That was a good introduction to Japan for me.

I have baggage to drop, but I have work to do, and I hope to drop baggage along the way, because now is the time to do the work.


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I started Judo when I was 10...

But I was a small kid and Judo is hard against heavier opponents.

Mind you I defeated as an Orange belt a black belt in a school tournament... because they were too cocky and i concentrated on counter movement...

I later switched to Ju Jitsu and then to Aikido Jitsu.

Kung Fu is different and the roots of all martial arts.

In Japan they use Ki AI... which is agression.

In Kung Fu they use Qi and ZEN which is Inner peace.

Suits me better.

Watachi Wa FF san des.

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My older daughter started in Shaolin Kung Fu when she was about 10, and has attained a third degree black belt. Her husband, who she met there, is a fourth degree black belt, who is very good against 3-4 opponents, but he's getting bad knees, has had surgery and really needs to stop that deep, low stuff.

I took Tae-Kwondo for years in college, never testing past green, because I had no money and didn't care about rank, just the sparring/training.

Youth is the time for that.

One may note that Vldimir Putin is a Judoka.

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I know that...

Shaolin is Hung Gar... Horse stance... very demanding on your angles.

I also have Green belt in Taekwondo...

But when I was 18 I had a near fatal car accident and a plate in my leg and 14 screws since.

Tai Qi and Ba Gua is Circle walking stretching and breathing...

Combined with WT it is pretty cool.

And the basis of every martial art is Qi Gung...

I recommend falun dafa...


This is pretty cool and you can do this until you are 100.

Oh I never been a friend of sparring.

When you know how to defeat a guy within 30 sec, why would you need to fight?

What do you have to prove?

I learned Kung Fu so I don't need to fight.

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I was able to take Tae-Kwon do as an almost free college PE class, semester after semester. We did training and sparring, but avoided actually harming each other.

Fighting is always unpredictable once it begins.

My last fight was in college, 1981 or so. I did not start it, but I still felt sorry for the guy. I learned some wisdom from the older man who broke us up when I had him in a headlock, bleeding on my shirt. It's better not to fight, if possible.

I've been told that "I have a lot of kidney-chi (Qi). I'm pretty sure that is a compliment, as it is almost synonymous with "life force".


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When too much Qi is there it is called shah and it turns negative...

Qi Gung and Kung Fu comes directly from Yoga and the same principles apply.

Open your Chackras by standing in the correct positions and let the Qi flow.

Once the Qi flows you really feel it circulating through your body and it is an amazing feeling.

Kidney Qi means you have a blockage... so you have to open up.

That falun dafa is pretty good because unlike other Qi Gong you contract by breathing out and expand by breathing in... just like the Universe.

Maybe I should give you some zoom lessons... (:-:)

There is hard Qi and soft Qi... and there is positive Qi and negative (Shah) Qi.

Keep Breathing...

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Congrats on your beautiful bed! (Made something similar though probably much simpler several years ago; it's nice to fall asleep and wake up feeling proud and thankful.)

Note: Jordon Walker story and video still available on Project Veritas site: https://www.projectveritas.com/news/pfizer-executive-mutate-covid-via-directed-evolution-for-company-to-continue/

Appreciate the historical richness of your posts.

Peace and kindness.

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Thank You, NB, for the kind words and the live link.


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Thanks, John. And peace to you this January night.


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Dear John, I appreciate you commentary, my thanks from here in Sydney Australia.

Further: I would like to recommend the following Part 1 & 2 interviews, I am persuaded that you will find them very interesting:

Part 1: https://rumble.com/v23c5jb-early-christianity-and-the-aramaic-gospel-odon-lafontaine-part1.html

Part 2: https://rumble.com/v23haq9-early-christianity-and-the-aramaic-gospel-part-2-odon-lafontaine.html

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Thanks Teza,

Rarely can I watch a video. This came into my world recently and I am meditating on it bit by bit.


All truth is one truth, and the seeker must find it...

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Congratulations on your new bed and sleeping area! It sure takes awhile to get used to a new area - for sure. But soon it will feel just perfect! I realize things are 'getting worse all over the world, and we knew this was coming. But it must that way in order to create something new and better. I keep repeating my own mantra "The future is Positive"! We will all get through this and laugh on the other side!

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Maybe some of us who don't "get through this" will "laugh on the other side" sooner.

I'm in for the duration, whatever that may come to mean...

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Right! Hard to see the humor now, but a different perspective might help!

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how about this, FZ...at least we've all got a front row seat to witness this barbaric Dr Strange-lovian comedy of errors,eh?

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You're right about that! Very strange - like I'd never dreamed it could be. Hopefully one day we can look back and talk about how we watched history being made!

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"Interesting times", in the Chinese sense...


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Just got Bruce Lipton's latest newsletter. Love his direct quote from the opening paragraph which expresses what we're going through now:

"Crisis ignites evolution. The challenges and crises the world faces today are signs that change is imminent. We are about to face our evolution. Evolution is a participatory event. It is up to us to change our perceptions of “doom and gloom” into something more positive and encouraging. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said so eloquently, ...“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. ...To change the world, we must change ourselves first, and furthermore we are being called upon to come together in community and share in a positive vision for humanity as well as Mother Earth."


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Sometimes it'd be nice to go to sleep and wake up in the Peace and Beauty of the new ones!

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I also think World War III has begun, but I hesitate to say it to others for fear they think I am a crazy old lady who has lost her mind. It’s difficult to be judged by one’s belief or feelings in these “twilight zone” times.  Of course, the beginning of World War III is going to look different than WWI or WWII.  Underground

Nuclear weapons have taken the place of guns, bombs and tanks.  the nuclear weapons were designed to be a stealthy surprise and that is exactly how the masses will find out about it.  I don’t know how the Biden war criminals can sleep at night.

It warms my heart to see of all the progress you and Jenny made on your hand crafted house and life-sustaining garden.

A few days ago, I was in a serious car accident and crushed my sternum, which also affected the hardware in my spine. Not sure if there’s anything I can do about it though.

 I guess God’s plan does not include dancing or any physical activity in my old age. 

Looking forward to seeing you again – – sometime soon I hope. 

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