Grown Ups,
We slept upstairs in the new house in the futon-bed I had just finished building, constructing it upstairs since the stairway is steep and has a small opening between the floors. It was kind of like an adventure, like sleeping in a tree-house. We had never spent a night there before. I was awake a lot, aware of the different sounds, how everything looks different at night with the lights off, and how the phase of building the project is closing. It is now a new living space. It reminds me of custom built homes and cool hotels in southern California in the late 1950s and early 1960s, triggering perceptions from my toddlerhood.
I like that homebuilt-home" look and feel.
I also get the feeling that a current stagnation in human society, human history, is about to give way to a different perceptual framework. A lot of people are very stressed as they attempt to hold to a conceptual framework which still worked fine in 2019.
My Buddhist meditation group is meeting virtually on Zoom, as during COVID, with no in person meeting this month, which we had started back to once a month last summer. We always have a practice to hold-in-our-hearts those who may be going through extreme suffering. Members present the circumstances of friends and family, often with illness, death, injury or combinations thereof. There are so many people with newly diagnosed cancer lately, 3 reports today, one a 4 year old, one in her 20s, and so very many recent deaths, also, some from cancer. I practice compassion meditation. It's what I can do. Battling with conceptual constructs is no use.
One member today reported his battles with the demons of his youth, after he attended his 60th high school reunion in west Texas. He has made himself scarce from Sangha meetings in recent months, not wanting to harm the rest of us with what he is going through...
He is in my meditations. No words more than that. "First do no harm."
Are we any closer to midnight on the doomsday-clock today? Some say "yes". How do we constructively deal with that? Really, it's hard to do some practical prepping-things in addition to one's everyday necessities of living, when it all gets so surreal. We all struggle to pick some flotsam of truth or substance from the rushing river of lies, in which we all must wade. Sometimes we grab the wrong trash. Who's to blame?
It seems like the global societal construct is at a juncture of crisis, and it is always possible to make it worse, but the doubling-down of western power and financial elites has gone on for so long that the next doubling-down move appears to be some kind of mass-slaughter-war. I hesitate to write "WW-3" because it seems to have begun, and is just not realized and defined for the forms it will take.
Jim Rickards makes the historical case that WW-3 has already begun, perhaps as early as 2014, though a lot of us could sign-on to 2020, and certainly to 2022. He figures we're at 1937 now. Who could really dispute it. Whither go we now?
The Most Egregious Mistake, Alastair Crooke The U.S. government is hostage to its financial hegemony in a way that is rarely fully understood...
It is the miscalculation of this era – one that may begin the collapse of dollar primacy, and therefore, global compliance with U.S. political demands, too. But its most grievous content is that it corners the U.S. into promoting dangerous Ukrainian escalation against Russia directly (i.e. Crimea).
Washington dares not – indeed cannot – yield on dollar primacy, the ultimate signifier for ‘American decline’. And so the U.S. government is hostage to its financial hegemony in a way that is rarely fully understood.
The Biden Team cannot withdraw its fantastical narrative of Russia’s imminent humiliation; they have bet the House on it.
Yet it has become an existential issue for the U.S. precisely because of this egregious initial miscalculation that has been subsequently levered-up into a preposterous narrative of a floundering, at any moment ‘collapsing’ Russia.
What then is this ‘Great Surprise’ – the almost completely unforeseen event of recent geo-politics that has so shaken U.S. expectations, and which takes the world to the precipice?
It is, in a word, Resilience.
The Resilience displayed by the Russian economy after the West had committed the entire weight of its financial resources to crushing Russia...
..This shock of miscalculation is all the greater because the West disdainfully had taken Russia to be a backward economy, with a GDP on a par to that of Spain...
..Russia’s resilience, (French historian, Emmanuel) Todd attests, is due to the fact that it has a real economy of production. “War is the ultimate test of a political economy”, he notes. “It is the Great Revealer”...
This is a situation where the management team in Washington can't really double-down again without ending the game of global economy. A new management team would be able to ride a different narrative into negotiations in the Ukraine war, also into the new multipolar world of trade and finance, where conjured dollars are no longer in special demand, but carry value based upon what American goods they can purchase. Massive $US debt default is a physical and mathematical inevitability. How this will be managed needs to be decided cooperatively in the world, though that may be unrealistic until it is happening.
The failure of the COVID-vacinate-everybody-oops-excess-deaths-get-more-vaccines-and-neural-implants control-narrative to gain critical mass is somewhat heartening intellectually, but there is a world of hurt going on as a result.
People are suffering, and those who are suffering the most don't seem ready to talk about the possibility that they, their family and friends were fooled and are now dying as a direct result. I have had a very hard time letting go of mistakes that I have endorsed fully in my life. It is inherently hard and it takes a long time. It's not just a quick non-specific admission before the church on Sunday, like I grew up with.
Pepe Escobar says the Doomsday Clock is "90 seconds to midnight". What's that in dog years? What is my appropriate level of arousal? Can I store up electricity, gas and water with my bags of rice and beans? What will I do about plumbing? Should I pay my bills this month, or convert everything I can to cash, or gold, or ammo? This is the whole world facing this, but it's more of a shock to some of us.
A Russian Orthodox Priest's perspective about what the next western move against Russia may be.
For Russians, 2022 was simply a repeat of 1812 and 1941. The Third Great Patriotic War. The West doing its barbaric thing, as usual. The fact is that, though some historians deny it, history does repeat itself, simply because human pride, arrogance and hubris repeat themselves. German tanks with their black crosses trying to destroy Russia on the Ukrainian steppes? We Russians shrug our shoulders. We have seen it all before. The Anti-Russia of the Ukraine will simply never happen. Zelensky is on drugs and so is the Ukraine, addicted to Western transfusions of blood, money, mercenaries and arms...
..Some write that Russia can only win the war in the Ukraine as long as it can help the US to save face after its defeat and then the collapse of NATO and the EU. Remember Saigon? Remember Bush and his ‘Mission Accomplished’? (The world laughed at his farce, but plenty in the US were convinced by it). Remember Kabul? The US just left them and pretended to be in denial about them. Like the British at Dunkirk in 1940, who left their French allies in the lurch, they just ran away back to their island, declaring victory, though leaving lots of their equipment behind them. The Americans can also run away, saying: ‘Forget it. They are not worthy of us’.
Self-isolation would be such a good thing. Go back to the big island of Northern America...
..The only problem is that the US never admits failure, it never admits that it backed the wrong horse at huge expense to the US taxpayer. How will it get out of this one?
More on this particular fulcrum of escalation, which is a showdown, or a game of "chicken" where somebody else dies if you take too big a dare.
Russia Warns Depleted Uranium Will be Considered a Nuclear Weapon
M242 gun mounted on Bradley Fighting Vehicles going to Ukraine fire depleted uranium rounds.
More from: Russia and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Are Considering Using Gold for Pan-Asian Trade
Glazyev is all but saying for definite that Russia will enact Golden rouble 3.0. And we should be in no doubt that Russia is backing away from the west’s fiat monetary system and sees far higher gold prices expressed in its currencies. The only question is the speed with which it is moving in this direction.
What Glazyev did not mention in his Vedomosti article, other than his reference to western central banks not necessarily having possession of their gold reserves, would be the consequences for the dollar and other western fiat currencies of gold becoming the trade settlement medium throughout Asia, or of the rouble returning to a gold standard. Inevitably, holders of dollars and financial assets, totalling some $30 trillion, would make comparative value judgements not just for the dollar but also for their exposure to other fiat currencies. Not only would this cause private sector actors engaged in cross-border trade to re-evaluate their exposure to fiat currencies, but the whole system of currency reserves held by central banks could come under threat.
The indications are that Putin supports Glazyev’s thesis.
Multiple alternatives, each with specific situational strengths, will promise greater retained trade value over $US, which extracts value when used for global transactions.
Russian FM says BRICS group to consider common currency Lavrov says idea will be discussed at upcoming summit this August in South Africa
I wonder who funds "The Hungarian Conservative". Does it sound CIA-think-tanky to you? People who are willingly-used can be unwillingly used, too.
They bring up a good point about real journalists resorting to cold war spycraft. It makes sense when regular journalist are getting their paychecks from the CIA.
Undercover Footage of Pfizer Director Recorded by Project Veritas: Cold War Era Tactics Becoming New Journalistic Norm
Jordan Trishton Walker MD information got scrubbed from Google the day before yesterday, and the original video of him impressing his (Project Veritas) "date" has been removed by You-Tube for content violations. There are other iterations of it, like from Indian TV news, but they contain a lot of chatter and look funny.
Probably everybody will just forget about it and get another booster, right?
Finally some guarded and carefully worded comments from Pfizer:
Pfizer late Jan. 28 responded to comments from a director at the company about exploring ways to mutate COVID-19 as a method to “preemptively develop new vaccines.”
“In the ongoing development of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer has not conducted gain of function or directed evolution research,” Pfizer said in a lengthy written statement after days of ignoring queries from The Epoch Times and other outlets.
Pfizer did say that it has conducted research “where the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern.” (Creating chimeric viruses.)
“This work is undertaken once a new variant of concern has been identified by public health authorities. This research provides a way for us to rapidly assess the ability of an existing vaccine to induce antibodies that neutralize a newly identified variant of concern. We then make this data available through peer reviewed scientific journals and use it as one of the steps to determine whether a vaccine update is required,” the company added.
12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots, Daniel Horowitz
“During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill, and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.” ~Nuremberg Code #10
We’ve reached a critical mass of data points and safety signals on the COVID shots from a full two years of it circulating in 5.5 billion people. One must be worse than a conspiracy theorist to ignore them. One now has to be a “coincidence theorist” to chalk up this degree of human suffering that is in immediate need of redress to mere coincidence.
The latest bad news for vaccine advocates came from the British government this morning.
The Office of National Statistics said it had registered 17,381 deaths in England and Wales in the week ended Friday, January 13. That figure is about 20 percent more than the five-year average – and 30 percent more than longer-term averages – for the year’s second week.
Only about 650 of the deaths had Covid as an underlying cause, the government said, so most of the excess was not related to Covid.
The British data confirms recent trends all over Western Europe, including the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Most wealthy countries that relied on mRNA Covid shots and boosters had non-Covid deaths well above normal in 2022. The problem has worsened in recent weeks, in the wake of the fall Omicron booster campaigns.
Making My Bed (pictured with just-completed futon bed frame)
Today WW3 has started as Israel attacked Iran.
My thoughts are with the soldiers fallen of the USS Liberty who was attacked by Israel.
I did not know you are a Buddhist.
You know that Siddartha Gautama became Buddha a man of spirit by following ZEN the way.
We all need to follow the right path with the right principles.
In these days as in the western world it is hard to have principles when we are forced to live against them.
It takes a man to be a boy... and it takes a child to become a man.
When Bodhisattva came to China he tried to teach the Chinese meditation... and they fell asleep.
He then devised standing Meditation exercises in a cave above the now Shaolin Monastery.
There are two schools of Gung Fu in China... Shaolin and Wudang.
Shaolin is Hung Gar...
Wudang is Ba Gua Zheng..
When the Southern Shaolin Monastery was attacked by the Chinese Imperial troops and burned to the ground the five eldest survived.
One was the nun Ng Mui.
She settled on the White Crane Monastery.
One day she saw a snake and a crane fighting.
By observation she developed the Wing Chung Kung Fu System... such is the legend.
But Many believe Wing Chung was a secret yet undeveloped system.
Wing Chung is a system that is designed to use speed and tactics in defense against a stronger opponent... especially Hung Gar.
I am proud that I learned Wing Chung Hung Gar and Ba Gua... but in essence I learned ZEN.
And what I am most proud is that I evolved as a Human being... and i am not finished... I never will be.
Bless you my friend.
Congrats on your beautiful bed! (Made something similar though probably much simpler several years ago; it's nice to fall asleep and wake up feeling proud and thankful.)
Note: Jordon Walker story and video still available on Project Veritas site:
Appreciate the historical richness of your posts.
Peace and kindness.