Thank you John. I should let you know that since posting that article I've learned that there are some questions about that particular photo. Some are saying it was a wing vortex test flight of a Boeing 747. I've not yet been able to verify that. I'm looking into it.

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Have you heard of Dan Wigington? He has a theory that it is all poisonous including the contrails.https://x.com/ELExodus7/status/1808793391704011235

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He's the man! Apart from interviewing Elana Freeland in 2021, he's the person who inspired me to look into this. I've linked to his primary site in a number of posts over the past year.

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Jul 3Liked by John Day MD

Kyle it must have been you ..thank you I just got it❤️‍🔥🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

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Jul 3Liked by John Day MD

I would be very interested if someone can verify this photo as Boeing 747 or chem trail distributor ...I had two years ago gotten ahold of amazing "Spray and Pray" photos but didn't organize to save and honestly need to do a better job...anyone out there remember those photos of inside the air craft etc.....the badge, there tanks full of chemicals and people actually touring the inside of the airplanes...it looked to real to be staged...Many Thanks...John this was a nice compilation blog I will share...it would help update many on many topics...something people don't get with the MSM TV views...you are a gem and a comment made to me awhile back has helped me through difficult moments..again thank you!! Psyche👱‍♀️🙏🏼

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I've only been diligently looking into this topic since mid 2021. What I'm learning is that there may be even more subterfuge surrounding the topic of geoengineering than there was/is around covidcon. There seems to be a significant amount of ops being run by 3 letter agencies online to muddy the waters. None of that squares with what I've been researching on satellite loops, NEXRAD radar and other sources.

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There's enormous numbers of ways of 'altering the climate', but there's equally plenty of short-term kinds of 'weather warfare'.

'Weather warfare' is primarily associated with destroying crop cycles by inducing adverse weather conditions at particular times of year (e.g. late spring frosts; violent storms with huge hailstones; droughts; extended heavy rainfall etc etc), but has also undoubtedly been carried out at numerous Olympics held outside the USA.

Potential 'geoengineering' targets include the atmosphere and stratosphere (HAARP heating; chemtrails; cloud seeding; creation of huge, stable high pressure zones); the oceans (massive algal blooms; interference with ENSO effects; deliberate melting of Arctic/Antarctic Ice etc).

Remember that actions in California may have adverse effects at higher latitutdes - just because Gates is a narcissistic psychopath doesn't mean that only weather near San Diego is important.

People need to remember that one of the biggest effects on weather cycles is actually what covers land surfaces: is it ice/snow, desert sand, bare soil, grasses, arborial monoculture, meadowlands, woods/forests etc. Equatorial forests create their own weather, after all, due to the huge cumulative transpiration rates of trees releasing water into the atmosphere (and inducing atmospheric cooling as a result of turning liquid into vapour).

All this 'scientific engineering' is totally unproven in terms of being superior to simply restoring degraded lands to a variety of healthy ecosystems, be they wetlands, grasslands, climax forests, boreal forests, temperate woods.

And as for trying to say that spraying aluminium into the atmosphere will 'heal the planet', well, words fail me. Aluminium is extremely toxic to plants, to humans and probably to animals as well. We don't want aluminium in our brains, which means we don't want to eat plants coated with aluminium and quite frankly, we don't need aluminium blocking out the sun's rays either.

We have all the technology we need to restore planet earth to health. It's low tech, it's natural and after a few years, it just happens by itself.

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All good points.

Thought you might appreciate this.


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I am happy to have been of some benefit, fellow-human.


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Jul 4Liked by John Day MD

Fun Days ahead, arguing over which are the Real, and which are Deepfakes /

Cheapfakes put out by the two contenders in the USA Uniparty election !!

Whitehouse Defends Labeling Critical Biden Videos As "Deepfakes":


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Jul 4Liked by John Day MD

It's already 10 am on Independence Day, here in Sydney in the USA

vassal state Australia. I havent yet heard of any local celebrations, nor

have received any invites...Must be because of something i said ?

Anyway, In case you're unaware, Australia's defense forces are joined

at the hip to the US military, and will fight to the last Aussie defending

'US Interests' ! Happy Independence Day, Yanks !!

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Americans are more likely to go to war with the government than submit to the draft.


Happy independence Day, Mate.


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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by John Day MD

And we can credit the brilliant Caitlin Johnstone with her definition of 4 July:

The day Americans decided to switch from one oligarchy to another!

If anyone would like to know why I live in a town called Unity (but am closer to Freedom), I'll tell you the story.

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And here in the UK, Dr John, we go to the polls tomorrow with all pollsters predicting a Labour Party landslide, despite the suggestions being that they will only get 37% of the popular vote. Given that there is also talk of only 60% of eligible voters actually turning out, that would equate to a 22% vote in favour of what is expected to be the biggest majority in Parliament for over 100 years.

Our election is predicated upon 'kick out the Conservatives' rather than a positive vote for Labour. The reality is that the right is split now between the collapsing Conservatives and the new resurgent party of Reform UK (headed up by the leader of the Brexit Campaign, Nigel Farage), whilst there is not a direct competitor to Labour pinching their votes. Other smaller parties like SNP will pinch Labour votes in Scotland, but the more traditionally pro-EU party the Liberal Democrats is more likely to steal Conservative votes in rural constituencies where Labour has no chance, whereas the Greens are unlikely to attract anyone other than hard-left utopian idealists.

We may end up with something ridiculous like:

Labour 37% = 470/650 seats;

Reform 20% = 10/650 seats;

Conservatives 17% = 80 seats;

Liberal Democrats 11% = 50 seats;

Greens - 5% = 1 seat

SNP - 4% = 35 seats;

Workers Party - 2% = 2 seats;

Independent - 2% = 2 seats

Others - 2% = zero seats.

Anyone who read an election result like that would say: 'this isn't an election, it's a fix!'

We are likely to have the strongest clamourings for a proportional voting system in nearly half a century and Labour are going to have a honeymoon lasting one weekend if they try to say that 37% of 60% of voters is 'a mandate to rule as an elected dictatorship'.

The biggest feature of the voting would be the total collapse of the traditional 'Big Two Parties'' share of vote - that prediction would be 54%, way, way down on traditional figures in the high 60s or even 70s. The era of brainwashed loyalists appears to be permanently on the way out.....and given the bipartisan support for genocide in Gaza, subservience to Washington in terms of other foreign policy, it's not that surprising. We aren't voting for US government, we're supposed to be voting for our own sovereign Parliament.....

We live in interesting electoral times.....

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Author

"We're only making plans for Nigel..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s29RKnB7l7o

Even if he's a bit of a boor, he's got a bold style, a biting sense of humor on-the-fly, even under-pressure, he survived de-banking, and he can Properly Speak the English Language. :-D

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Thanks for this interesting round up. It's quite clear that Israel lies about most things, including the horrific conditions of Palestinian prisoners. Who would want to be in that military who is not a psychopathic sadist?

Sometimes its all you can do to hang on as the world unravels...

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Hang in there and pray, Sister Amy.

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