Russia's chess game in our time is as dire and long-term as possible. How to defang USNATO without triggering a nuclear tyrant tantrum? While Ukraine is Russia's red-headed stepchild in today's geopolitics, Putin doesn't like having to beat her. But if he directly pummels USA, everyone runs the risk of nuclear devastation.

Meanwhile, the slow but steady pace Russia follows in neutralizing Ukraine sits well with Sun Tzu's maxim: "Never interfere with your enemy when he is busy destroying himself."

If Putin can just wait us out, we'll be a de facto collapsed state in another year albeit with Potemkin presidential elections and such to feed the collective denial of reality that has become modern Western culture.


But today, today the heat is on, the belly is full, and magic screens make good music:


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I don't consider his chess game to be dire, but maybe I have misjudged Putin the man? Defanging USNATO is a worthy goal, so long as the ultimate goal is not replacing USNATO with an indistinguishable Russian version.

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The former (defanging USNATO) must be accomplished before we can discover what shape the latter (the ultimate goal) will develop into. Right now, some pissant wannabe hegemon with too many nukes (USA) has been throwing lethal ballistics in Russia's backyard for ten years and enough is enough. Alas, to create enough enough requires a game of nuclear chicken. Fortunately, Putin's a savvy world-class real-G gangster while the USNATO bloc is a buncha chickenshit candyass whiners... but, alas, with too many nukes and a tendency to mistake the size of their ICBMs with the size of their weenies and exaggerate the benefit/deny the risk both present to humankind.

Right now, Putin's job is to crush whatever we're doing in Ukraine/Poland/etc. Whether he crushes the globalist network that runs the USNATO shitshow is another question, one we can hardly answer through the current fog of war, especially since we pretty much ARE that shitshow.

Last time we fought a land war in Europe, everyone was convinced that the mustache dude with the funny salutes ( https://media.fugly.com/IMAGES/Random/hitler_nigga_please.jpg ) was going to NWO the whole world with Japan running the Asian half. Now *we're* the fascist creepsters par none trying to NWO the whole world, yet everyone believes that the nation we're fighting is doing it just for show per NWO puppetmasters, not to put an end to the center of the USNATO infestation that has been trying to crush Russia since we first learned to pronounce the words Federal Reserve (1913).

The logic in this involves Klein bottle reasoning that makes my head hurt.


I note that in the end, Putin/Russians don't give a shiot what we or any Western entity or polity thinks.

We are The Enemy, and we'd be smart to get that through our heads: Russia can and likely will nuke us into oblivion if we back it into a corner where it has nothing left to lose. Modern Westerners, having lost nothing that they didn't take from themselves (like health, happiness, sanity) seem unable to comprehend that we could so enrage and threaten an adversary that it would go nuclear... something that happens a few ten thousand time every night drinking establishments around the world.

I'll worry more about megalomaniacal monkeys with banks after I see a satisfactory calming down of megalomaniacal monkeys with nukes.

One survives/wins war as they're happening. One can complain about the type of peace that a victor might impose on its failed opponents and itself, but that's putting the cart before the horse.

And that's all I have to say about it. Internet discussion is a form of self-perpetuating misery I can only take in small doses.

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The Neoliberals are all about externalizing risk and internalizing profits, while the Neoconservatives are all about doubling down the bets and raising the risk-ante.

I think the Russians anc Chinese, even without Iran and India, can play a more sophisticated long game. They will provide a lot of less-risky and not-expensive-today baby steps of de-escalation.

I think...


Maybe not China, though. China sees a breaking-advantage, an opportunity.

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When your primary enemy is your only best hope, one is indeed in a pickle. Hmmm.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aab8VjzuXyM Yes, Virginia, the Internet has everything. Santa wants it back.

We share the same geopolitical hopes. I still have hopes for my children or grandchildren to make it to Russia where the power will still be on awhile yet unless we're all glowing so brightly in the radioactive dark that illumination is not an issue. But if not, I've been studying Life Without since I was 16, not from curiosity but necessity. Life Without will involve a whole lot more killing than anyone is used to, but I'm more used to it than most so I have that much of an edge. Plus, I have and know what true love is:


Strange things, the BGs. Either excellent or awful, little medium for them. Kinda like your average Aussie per my impression of them.

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Well, that second video is sort of a "Gibb" response, innit?

(First glowing pickle experiment is a fine balance between conductivity of the pickle-medium and voltage from the transformer. There will be a sweet-pickle-spot, which will vary with pickle diameter and salt content, as well as applied-voltage. If there is too much salt, the pickle won't have enough resistance to current flow to fully glow. This localized glow from around the electrode may be a reflection of that. Not sure. Need a Variac to play with the AC voltage to optimize.}

I have a Variac, but it's buried in a box in the garage.

WW-3 preparations intensify near Moldova. https://gilbertdoctorow.com/2023/03/01/faits-divers-or-if-you-will-straws-in-the-wind-as-wwiii-blows-in/#comments

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I see Xi as wanting to be the new emperor. Maybe i am wrong, but he has built a Mao-like cult-of-personality, and he has not groomed any successor, rather the opposite.

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I see XI soon out of office while China undergoes a strategically necessary internal overhaul, assumedly driven by the military, who need things to hold together while they fight WWIII. Xi is toast.

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That's an easily confirmed or refuted hypothesis.

Standing By!


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GOD luck with 'The Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back' - we can't lose with GOD on our side ...

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I just try to be on God's side.


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Someone serious about growing healthy food will need to learn this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDCRYtmkDsX-6Er47dETKwdAhVf1r0L3N

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Compost what is left. Right on.

We may all need more compost than what we generate, too.

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Consider the possibility the Earth has been taken so far back it can't repair biological equilibrium by itself.

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New equilibrium some day.

Might take a while...

We might be composted before that.

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Or about a billion people become tree planters.

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Rick - it's possible to generate 1.5 cubic metres of high quality compost each summer if you rigorously recycle all organic waste from your kitchen and you garden, allied to helping yourself to the products of stables mucking out stalls for horses on a daily basis.

If you can gather the following at one time of year you can make a perfect heap:

1. Grass clippings (spring here in the UK is best);

2. Horse manure/straw mixture from stables.

3. Cardboard from any products you bought/had delivered.

4. A small amount of basaltic rock dust.

5. A small amount of leaf/twig litter from a wood (valuable for the ecology in the topsoil).

6. Chopped comfrey leaves.

Layer each one in a thin layer until all materials have been used up, water well and then turn the heap after 4-6 weeks, then transfer to a light-excluding environment for the immature compost to mature and ripen.

You can also replace concrete slab paths with woodchips, if you know a local tree surgeon who will deliver you a cubic metre or so. It rots down really well in the UK over a 6-12 month period and it helps the quality of the soil to develop too.

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I do all of that and more, here I am: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDCRYtmkDsX-6Er47dETKwdAhVf1r0L3N

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If you generate any wood dust from your carpentry, Dr John, you could always put it on the surface of your vegetable plot.

'Sow in dust, grow they must' was a local homily in the UK back in the 1940s....apparently covering sown carrot seed in such dust ensured that they grew well....

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Thank You, Rhys. Good exchange you had with Sasha Latypova!

I am hesitant to use plywood sawdust, since it contains a lot of glu//binderI

I will get one kind of high-fiber (fibre) compost for my Austin garden, which I recently got photographed shoveling-on (cotton bur), and another type for the Yoakum garden, which is shredded-tree composted with "municipal waste". "Dillo dirt".

I just picked up 1.5 cu yd of that and drove it to Yoakum with a tarp over it. I'll shovel it on and head back after I eat.

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Cotton burr composts like a sauna. Excellent stuff. Our dogs on the farm in Georgia ages ago slept on our cotton burr blend compost heap during winter months. nothing like a steaming dog greeting you in the predawn glimmer as you go to milk a few cows by hand. Good times.

Also, I heartily agree with the implications of Larson's remarks regarding the "monkeysphere". Survivors will need adequate human emotional/cooperative compost by which to stay warm and alive.

Apropos of self-entertainment and personal interest, I just yesterday figured out how to describe me to someone who hasn't yet met me: he's like a cross between Robin Williams' little brother (who thinks he's funny but really, not so much) and Woody Harrelson's big sister.

Let's hear it for Woody!


So well played, including the vegan name drop.


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I picked up 1.5 cu yds of "Dillo Dirt" yesterday morning and trucked it from Austin, where yard-waste and shredded trees are composted on a massive industrial scale with "municiple waste" to make Dillo-Dirt https://www.austintexas.gov/department/dillo-dirt

Note that 170F composting is adequate to "virtually eliminate pathogens", which is pretty much good enough, I guess. This is the best possible use of "Biosolids" and yard waste, and it's pretty cheap. I use it as a "dessert-toppng & a floor-wax", or at least as composted mulch.

I use it in Yoakum. I spent 3 hours carefull shovel-spreading it between all the plants in the beds. The Austin garden tested with too much phosphorus, so Austin garden gets lw-phosporus organic cotton-bur compost, which is quite lovely.

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the big picture is crazzyy...with lots of maps... unz.com /article/world-war-jew/

World War Jew?

Marco de Wit  • 382 Comments •  11/23/2022

[Note from the author: I was sentenced to a half a year conditional prison term for 1) incitement to racial and religious hatred for criticizing Islamization and the Talmud, 2) defamation against state officials and especially the police leading the Helsinki pride march and 3) being a “threat to the security of the Finnish state”. This article will probably also bring incitement and defamation charges so here is my message to the Finnish attorney general: Not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists even if practically all Jewish oligarchs are.]

There is a huge elephant in the living room but everybody is too afraid to talk about it. This despite the fact that the Zionist elephant is now pushing the world into a nuclear war...

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This conflict continues for a number of reasons. The chief being Russia believes NATO dare not start nuclear war. The second that without massive military expenditure and deployment the Russian Federation can contain NATO+Ukraine short of atomic war or Blitzkrieg. Russia knows better than Paul Craig Roberts I suspect.

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I have recurrently wondered why PCR keeps presenting Russia as having been hoodwinked.

I think they always knew the score at every step of the way, but they remained polite in public.

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I hate to say it but militarism and military victory seem to color his thought. He does not think the thought, conquering Ukraine to deny it to NATO is saddling Russia with massive expenditure and many problems it prefers Euro-American money to solve.

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These Russians are not fools. Don't play chess against them.

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My concern is the West is. And this goes very very deep to WW1. The USSR and Communist China had tremendous Capitalist help. Capitalist investors discerned business can be done. Arguably easier to buy influence abroad than at home.

Communism had tremendous emotional appeal. I think Voegelin right - "the philosophy of Eric Voegelin offers insight into the causes

of the twentieth-century nightmare, causes, he suggests, bound

up with the very nature of “modernity” itself. According to

Voegelin, the great modern ideological movements—communism,

fascism, national socialism—are neither random and inexplicable

outbursts nor solely the products of particular material

and historical conditions. They should be understood instead as

the extreme manifestations of a form of spiritual disorder or

psychic disorientation that springs from certain tensions inherent

in human existence. For Voegelin, the crisis of modernity is in

essence a spiritual crisis rooted in a deformation of the truth of

reality." philosophy of Eric Voegelin offers insight into the causes

of the twentieth-century nightmare, causes, he suggests, bound

up with the very nature of “modernity” itself. (edit dupe- notes duped liked it so much. 😂

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Well, I guess that WAS worth repeating...

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I think it comes out of the The Peasants War, as an oppositional front to the Twelve Articles. The black nobility were paranoid from that point on, they even tortured Munger before they killed him.

But then you came along and changed the paradigm.

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