It's so sad when a government wants its constituents dead. I am done being sad, though, I have been turned from merely a disgruntled citizen to a dissident. Now, I want to return the favor, to 'remove' the government as it stands, member by member. Local first.

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Right-On, Sister!

(Do secure all of your necessities of life, first, though...)

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Necessities of Life is a very ponderable phrase. Important. Complicated. Mostly, us making it complicated, but even in the olden days, also still complicated. Differently complicated than before. Whew. 3rd edit, sorry. Also, same as before, if we can only get back to that. To whit your partner may have some wisdom? The radish greens are also spicy!

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Yes, "secure the necessities if life" is life-itself, is it not?

Jenny (my wife of 37+ years) and I had daikon root and leaves in salad later that day.

It's easy to eat, isn't it?

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Adding the jabs to the childhood vaxx schedule indefinitely indemnifies pHARMa. The CDC are sick bastards to do this. Between this and the crap that public schools are attempting to pass off as "education" (CRT, grooming, porno), the healthiest way forward is for parents to massively remove their kids from government public schools and to Home School them. If there was ever a time for communities to try to come together to help each other, it is forming a robust home school network for the children.

Now that the jab will be on the childhood vaxx schedule per the CDC, schools can legally require attending children to get the jabs. This is fucquery writ large. Resist!!

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Certainly agreed, but what you say is hard to do and takes a lot of resources and life-force, so few will be able.

Texas will be more survivable than some places. I think a lot of thoughtful parents may have to move.

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John the earthling!

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Long read but helps somewhat in the understanding of what the hell is going on within society, I think? Is it rational? Certainly not! But then we are humans and rational isn't our strong suit. Group think, ha, now that's something to think about.


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Thanks Red.

"Deference to Authorities" is a good idea if they are actually serving the needs of the group, right?

How is that running these days?

Killing us and declaring our constitutional rights to be superseded by necessity...

That defines "Enemy-Authority", doesn't it?

(Sorry, I have not yet read it.)

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That's just it! Authority is very busy undermining its own legitimacy. This may be intentional as it would seem the trajectory is toward totalitarianism. If enough of the population can be converted over to thinking the gov has lost its legitimacy, it could cause the uprising of a large enough mass that would justify the heavy hand of big brother to come down hard on the dissenting ones at the behest and seeming will of the rest. Once the new order is in place get rid of it! Dot gov never gives up its regulations, after all they usually favour the corporations, even if losing in their court they only go back to the drawing board and set the legal beagles to fixing the reason they lost and re-write the legislation. Or stir the pot to the point the general public demands the change i.e. false flags. I once read an opinion way back in time that what you see your gov doing in far away nations to further the "cause" you can expect in your own yard at some point in the future. I'm beginning to believe the that future is now knocking at the door. If not opened voluntarily it will be smashed in. I believe I hear someone pounding on the door!

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P.S. The new build looks fantastic, top notch job!

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Thanks Red. I'm in agreement with your reflections and observations, but societies do go through positive resets despite owners and corporations.

The rigors of transition are quite variable, as we have seen.

We are doing our best to help . What else can we do?

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I don't trust SK.

The anticipated deaths (by them) and the real numbers are way apart

And you are right... all of these "accidents" are actually terrorist attacks.

So they mock up a nuclear threat in order to fear us into submission.

I wrote couple of weeks ago that it is their goal to drive people insane by creating problem after problem in order for us to miss the big gun... STARLINK.

At the same time they talk about recording our thoughts.

Truly diabolical.


On another note I just wrote an open letter to Jordan Peterson who published an Invitation to the Future.

Seemed only to be right to give him the answers he seeks...

After all someone must have a vision for the future after this whole shithouse blows up...


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Much to digest on this rainy cold day. You are one of the truth tellers, keep it up.

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Thank You, Bert.

Will do.

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Interesting. It appears that the same date the nordstream affair was being planned, was also the day when COG met with Trudy-o in Canada, perhaps over a balloon coming soon? YEah, buncha clowns.

If you want to keep on top of the "it's not officially clown world until the balloons show up" show, Dark Jouranlist is the place to go.

AS far as childhood "schedule", harrumph!!, injections, I've been posting for two years or more that a huge sign in front of a clinic in Grants Pass, Oregon was announcing "covid shots for three years on up with coverage"....from spring of 2021.

So, that was a slam dunk, eh? Do folks see anything around them anymore? I'm pretty sure that was not the only place in the US such advertising appeared. Pretty sure.

Anyway, the circus entertains, and bread keeps coming.

Reading much of what was occurring in Central America in the eighties, I knew there were no borders to this kind of war. And a later viewing of "Imagining Argentina" brought home to me the full reality of the neoliberal agenda.

Wannna know what's coming? Watch "Imagining Argentina." After all, that's where the other nazis went. the ones the US and Russia didn't get.

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I also use the sources in the article, although I am often quite a bit ahead of them.

Somehow, I cannot believe that Russia, China, and the US are not on the same team:


Whose hero is Putin?


WW3 is likely to break out on TV and even have some "collateral damage," with a few places blown up in the US, too, in the tradition of 9/11.

The deception is endless:


Fitts is good, but she is not showing any way out of what's coming; in fact, nobody else is:


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