I believe in old Russia serfs were hung and shouted "Long live the Tsar." Tsardom was not thought responsible but bad advisors were and if only the Tsar knew all would be different. In the case of we moderns evidently we serfs think the same. Warp Speed Trump is not blamed, bad advisors he trusted are. Pitted then in Big Time Wrestling one against the other Harris vs. Trump the non-candidate non-profit attorney whose daughter in law is former CIA decides from spite to not run 3d party but jump into the ring to back the Great Pretender. Of course RFK Jr. overlooks Warp Speed. Perhaps because neither denounces all vaccinations or calls for significant reform of FDA or CDC. Nor denounces Israel the Sacred Cow. I feel like the States are in the Bosch painting The Cure of Folly. Master, cut the stone out, fast. My name is Lubbert Das, a comical (foolish) character in Dutch literature. Michel Foucault, in his 1961 book History of Madness, says "Bosch's famous doctor is far more insane than the patient he is attempting to cure, and his false knowledge does nothing more than reveal the worst excesses of a madness immediately apparent to all but himself."

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Recently Trump said that all military personnel discharged for COVID-vaccine non-compliance would be invited back with back pay.

We are observing and participating, but have the short end of the information-asymmetry stick in the physical world. We can be led astray by enticing our desires, so should remain stoic, not hungry or hopeful, responsible for our own actions, and maintaining honest, helpful intentions.

It would likely be a mistake to get high hopes, but nihilism is also a mistake.

We have responsibility.

To say that everything is fine, or that everything is hopeless removes our responsibility.

Don't fall for it, eh?

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Technique has become the dominant factor in the Western world, so that the best name for our society is the “technicist society”1. It is on technique that all other factors depend. Technique is no longer some uncertain and incomplete intermediary between humanity and the natural milieu. The latter is totally dominated and utilized (in Western society). Technique now constitutes a fabric of its own, replacing nature. Technique is the complex and complete milieu in which human beings must live, and in relation to which they must define themselves.

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Technique only goes so far ("fool me once...") and longing for the truth as a life-habit is protective from the "fool me twice" part.

At least one can spot a bunch of the same plays being run again and again, "not giving the suckers an even break", but also marking the Decepticons who purvey them for what they are. Every once in a while we can spot a play early enough to act decisively in a timely manner, as I did in refusing COVID vaccination and accepting firing on principle.

Look How Fortunate I Was! :-D

(I could have easily gotten a "conscience exemption", but my conscience said that was not quite the honorable action.)

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Each election after the assumption of the Purple by LBJ brought us Duo-Poly, essentially a no party state owned outright. Is this really not Technique? In other words this deception is not existent but instead a true contest of representatives - Tribunes of the People? Biden or Harris v. Trump? I have my doubts. It is more like ruling Barbarian following ruling Barbarian on the banks of the Potomac. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/51294/waiting-for-the-barbarians

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You hit on the head, the nail that has been sticking out in my consciousness in recent days, that of calling out the crimes of LBJ, assassinating the Kennedys, MLK, Malcolm X, a million Vietnamese and plenty of Americans, the secret-wars, funded by heroin-smuggling, in Laos and Cambodia, losing enriched plutonium towards Israel, to get them the A-bomb, trying to false-flag sink the Liberty, and fully ensconcing the demonic forces in the halls of power.

Lets do revisit LBJ soon, America.


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A Truth and Reconciliation podcast from Austin. People Investigating The LBJ Deep State.

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And what about climate change and the obvious intention to lock us all down again with another phony pandemic, be it mpox or bird flu? As is often the case, it is what politicians don't say that really matters.

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We will see. There are numerous potential paths into becoming cyborg-slaves.

Don't take bait.

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Kennedy’s sister on X, … most nasty and on public forum! Imagine, the full degree of this family’s love.

"Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment. Today's announcement is deeply saddening for us. We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country."



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Actually, he is too much like his father for the family to feel "safe".


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Expect Truth From Liars… You must…

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Hi Dr. John, Greeting from Whitehorse, what about Geoengeneering by the USAF ??? Nobody talks about it

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"The good news is that we can change all of this, and change it quickly. America can get healthy again. To do that we need to do three things."


We got this guy 'Not Sure'


Plants need 'lectrolytes'


Brawndo has 'lectrolytes!!!

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His product promotion claims it provides end-to-end encrypted messaging.

The Authorities allege it has facilitated 'terrorism' drug trafficking, and fraud.'

If The Authorities know that, then the product is not safe and effective as

promoted...Maybe the 'fraud' allegation is for false/misleading claims ?

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See this Russian "dysinformation": https://swentr.site/news/603054-us-behind-durov-arrest/

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Hi, Dr. John. Greetings from Calgary.

Anyway, … here is a link to a very interesting vid: … analysis of August 22, Vladimir Putin’s meeting with national and local officials via video link on the situation in the Belgorod, Bryansk, and Kursk regions: https://youtu.be/Xf50thcrGbA?si=gyzB-qIjBw4nelmi

No mention of this meeting anywhere else I can find. I believe it is a pivotal point, … information that suggests Russia is getting ready to turn the page [ … it, sort of reminds me a situation of what was going on just prior to Putin’s "special military operation" sudden and unexpected initiation.]

Looks as that latest "shelling and the boots on the ground have caused substantive damage to Russian houses, agriculture, and the general economy, especially in Kursk" needs fixin’, … gloves off soon, I suspect, …



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I watched that, FS. Most dreary. Death by meetings... ;-(

That being said, nobody wants to fail to help Russia and Russians under military assault.

That much is clear. It is difficult to obtain nuanced meaning from bureaucrats reading reports.

Gilbert Doctorow has been doing fairly well, and Dima @ Military Summary often has pieces of info that put things in a different light.

Evil is sprinting for some finish line now.

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Hey John. My pull start push lawnmower, Briggs and Stratton, is from 1989. That's conservation! How old is yours? Much better garden production this year in my area.

Dennis, Boston

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Hi Dennis. This one (6 y/o) has a Honda motor in it, which is lovely by comparison. I really like this little motor. We got rains through July and a little at the beginning of August, so the ground isn't hot Bakelite so far, quite a relief compared to the longest hottest summer ever last year.

We are still getting some little tomatoes, but in Yoakum, the deer which were driven to raid our garden last summer still come by to eat the okra leaves and bother this and that, though not the nightshades...

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