I was gratified to see big excerpts of my new essay, From Covid-19 to Synthetic Design, up in lights on Dr. Day's Blog. As I see it there is still big and highly troubling news being made in that quarter, even though the discussion here demonstrates that wars and elections and such are drawing in all the oxygen.
I do not see the election as delivering us from evil. Evil inherently is on the Potomac. Child sacrifice routine and no President is a lantern bearer. Some will say this and that about the image they like. Unfounded, irrational, but with hope in their eyes they enable their demise.
Umm ‘cept voting doth appear the more worser path than say a Boycott of the massive fraud. While not a Calhoun in my politics per se I do rather like the pre-Civil War idea of Nullification. None of the above naturally is never allowed so in 2024 simply decide which warp speed BRAND you are taking a cotton to and be an grown up and choose, vote for it and shut up and pay your taxes. More importantly in the words of Andre the Giant-
Funny about our music. If you go by temporal context the message mix is very interesting as regards the spirit of resistance from Folk to Rock then Punk and from Punk to today. I still laugh loud that no one is performing Covid resistance music detourning old chestnuts. I can easily visualize Punk bands today doing so or even popular bands slyly twisting lyrics.
Perhaps the way to teach Emanuel the value of an apology is to tie him up in public, rip his pants down and have 250 violent homosexual criminals rape him?
I don't think Rahm Emanuel's previous conduct in government grants him the right to human dignity, after all......
And I am absolutely convinced that this is less extensive 'acceptable collateral damage' than bombing West Point to teach the US military how to behave????
Yes, lots of work. Questions come to mind and I chase them.
I suspect Trump will be good for humans by being bad for globalist corporations such as NATO and the EU, but he looks to be bad for Palestinians, having accepted $100 million from Sheldon Adelson recently.
Sheldon doesn't look like he'll live very long, though. Bibi is counting on Trump to bring back his good-old-days, but I wouldn't do that if I were Bibi (though I would never be Bibi).
The American republic was gone by 9/11/2001, dont'cha think?
No surprise that the liberal/socialist parties have become embedded.
Part of the problem is hidden from view for most people. The free lunch of plentiful easy to access cheap energy and raw materials is ending. Our debt based system requires economic growth to service the debt. You can not have endless growth when you've reached the limits of your energy and raw materials. The correlation between economic growth and energy is over 95%. They have always moved in lock step.
People are starting to get uneasy in view of the increased cost of living and will therefore hitch their wagon to the government in hopes of it providing them with food, medical care, continued social security payouts and even possible universal basic income. This is what Democrat politicians salivate over. They don't give a shit about you, they just want their paychecks, perks, and pensions
A favorite opening sentence from some author whose name I can not remember said it best.
"Socialism is a parasite in search of its next capitalist host."
Again, Capitalism with its mantra of "economic growth" requires ever increasing energy and raw materials.
In China there are millions of indebted college graduates with no job prospects-unless they can get a government job. The problem is government produces nothing. It simply redistributes wealth from the producers to the parasites in exchange for votes. Our founding fathers recognized this dilemma when they only allowed people who had skin in the game to vote; home owners, business owners or else pay a poll tax. Now a majority of people can vote for their living instead of doing honest value added productive work. Government jobs.
I don't know who are more deluded; those who will continue to vote Democrat or those who think Trump is going to be able to anything about this coming train wreck.
As a side thought, I think that NATO and the Globalists quietly realize/admit that they can no longer fight any major wars especially against peer opponents like Russia or China. So they rely on low key conflicts to instill fear in the populations. Where have we heard this before? COVID, Climate Change etc. The military industrial complex can continue being profitable simply by raising the fear of conflict and thus the need for all these expensive but useless arms. The F-35 is a hangar queen. Only 30% are combat ready and need 8 hrs service for every hour flown. The Abrams tank assumes it will be accompanied by fuel trucks to supply it's thirsty turbine engine. The Patriot anti missile system doesn't work. But the MIC sure makes a ton of money. As Brian Berletic on The New Atlas says, Russian weapons are purpose driven even if they aren't as polished looking as the US weapons. Not for the industry to make profit but to make weapons that are functional and designed for conditions of total war against peer adversaries, not like the US is facing when it goes to war against goat herders in Afghanistan or poorly trained troops with outdated weapons in Iraq.
Yes, the train wreck is coming, and who is "conductor" will matter in the management. There are different approaches. I particularly fear the globalist-technocratic approach.
Mate, if you're deluded enough to think that your 'capitalist country' isn't full of multibillionaire parasites, then that's your choice.
Every friggin' overseas war is paid for by mugginses like you just so that 'capitalist' parasites like oil companies, Halliburton etc etc can make billions raping a foreign economy, getting idiots like you to pay for 'reconstruction' at hugely padded prices etc etc.
Those 'corporations' aren't capitalist, they are just organised criminals.
The only capitalists in your country are people like hairdressers, car mechanics, cafe owners, private driving schools etc.
Capitalism as you call it is just as full of criminal grifters as any 'socialist republic'. The whole of Wall Street is full of grifters. All the estate agents that take bungs from buyers to betray their clients by reducing the final offers are grifters. Doctors getting paid to prescribe Covid vaccines are grifters. Pharma companies buying politicians are grifters. Every Israeli buying Capitol Hill is a grifter.
Every capitalist boom follows with a bust and whoopie doo, it's always the bankers that get bailed out.
That's your capitalism.
I call it legalised grand larceny on an epic scale.
You are conflating capitalism with coporaticism (formerly called fascism- defined as the duopoly of control by politicians and corporations) which is what we have now. Capitalism is an "ideal" economic model whereby people work hard, save and invest in new products and provide new services between two agreeable parties and everyone benefits. These transactions were supposed to be settled with honest money ( medium of exchange and a true store of value.) After going off the gold standard completely in 1971, there was no chance of honest money.
I take it you are from down under and are getting raped by the coporations there.
In my protest in Columbia SC 2020 ,my sign said:
"We need honesty; 4 things
1.)Honest money
2.) Honest media
3.) Honest elections
4.) Honest rule of law."
We have none of these, and therefore we have nothing to work with.There are no political, legal,or Constitutional remedies to address what awaits us- the consequence of free lunches in a "Democracy" instead of the Representative Constituional Republic our Founding Fathers knew was necessary. The parasites now outvote the producers.. A pure "Democracy" contains the seeds that assure its own self destruction.
By design by the Jewish criminal banking syndicate, the FED, creates an inflationary, debt based currency along with passage of laws that legalize a fractionary reserve system. This legalized counterfeiting allows banks to loan out 9 dollars for every dollar deposited, and then collect interest on it. Pure fraud.
The issues of plateauing energy and readily acessible raw materials, fresh water etc in a debt based system are coming home to roost. The system can not survivve if it does not have increasing supplies of energy. War accelerates depletion. So does the hoax of green energy. Rises in economic activity have a 95% correlation in rises in energy production. They are linked .
Back to the FED and unbacked fiat currency. It allows the politicians to pay for the promises they make that get them elected/re elected. No voter ever refuses a free lunch. "Well pay it back later through economic growth." Riiiiight.
Once these politicans get established, they become magnets for corporate influence money, bribes, and these coporate lobbyists write the bills and tell these controlled politicians to submit them, vote on them and pass them. A classic quid pro quo fascist sytem has gained traction and snowballs into what we have today. . Rouge agencies like the CIA, NSA, CDC, etc are unleashed upon the world to strip other weaker hapless nations of their sovereignty and natural resources. Domestically, the agencies that are supposed to regulate things like big pharma ( FDA) are captured through bribes paid to these very agencies that are supposed to be watching over them. The fox is already in the hen house. That's not capitalism. That barely ever got a hold, even in the guilded age but all was lost once the FED was established in 1913. What you are seeing is the end stage of fascism- find the root causes. We are experiencing a huge wealth extraction and transfer. It is enabled by debt, fake money,inflation, the guaranteed end result of out monetary system.
As far as "Which One". Why not Oliver Chase the Libertarian Presidential candidate? Pretty sure he will be on the ballot in all 50 states. To my mind "The Three" are too beholden to the Zionists. That is a big problem in American politics.
I did not mean to imply my backing of Trump, Biden, Obama or Kennedy, all of which support Zionist genocide. I'm voting for Jill Stein again. I made 100 green on green "Jill Stein MD, President 2016" t shirts and gave them away in 2015-2016, one to Dr. Stein when she visited.
I am wearing one now, as it happens. I have preferentially worn them on bike rides from the outset.
I was gratified to see big excerpts of my new essay, From Covid-19 to Synthetic Design, up in lights on Dr. Day's Blog. As I see it there is still big and highly troubling news being made in that quarter, even though the discussion here demonstrates that wars and elections and such are drawing in all the oxygen.
Thanks for the content, Amigo!
Michel published it this morning.
Then without Detourning Ray Charles spot on-https://youtu.be/fPPDehYZkoE
He doesn't need a doctor, he says...
Right. One sentence on PCR and Covid in introduction. He don't need one because if sick it's usually called the flu. Therefore he does know. :)
The rapid antigen tests re pretty good if positive, and if you are still sick the next day after a negative, it is worth repeating.
The PCR tests are voodoo, as you say.
I see. If Covid does not exist what is found? From the outset China has no isolated virus. https://youtu.be/w24g5zj__qo
Then more recently https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/perhaps-the-most-important-work-of
The virus family exists in my working medical model of reality.
The rapid antigen tests don't "amplify" anything, just bind to a few coronavirus antigens if they are there, and show a positive line on the paper.
I do not see the election as delivering us from evil. Evil inherently is on the Potomac. Child sacrifice routine and no President is a lantern bearer. Some will say this and that about the image they like. Unfounded, irrational, but with hope in their eyes they enable their demise.
If dreams were lightning
And thunder were desire
This old house would've burned down
A long time ago
Make me an angel
That flies from Montgomery
Make me a poster
Of an old rodeo
Just give me one thing
That I can hold on to
To believe in this livin'
Is just a hard way to go
There are less-worser and more-worser paths into this swamp of history, which we must enter.
Umm ‘cept voting doth appear the more worser path than say a Boycott of the massive fraud. While not a Calhoun in my politics per se I do rather like the pre-Civil War idea of Nullification. None of the above naturally is never allowed so in 2024 simply decide which warp speed BRAND you are taking a cotton to and be an grown up and choose, vote for it and shut up and pay your taxes. More importantly in the words of Andre the Giant-
Voting is a national opinion-poll. Twas ever this.
Cast a sincere "protest" vote.
It's clear what that means.
Indeed. Color me a classic Paranoid.
Ozzie was always weird.
Funny about our music. If you go by temporal context the message mix is very interesting as regards the spirit of resistance from Folk to Rock then Punk and from Punk to today. I still laugh loud that no one is performing Covid resistance music detourning old chestnuts. I can easily visualize Punk bands today doing so or even popular bands slyly twisting lyrics.
'US ambassador to Japan comments on American military sex crimes, Rahm Emanuel has expressed regret over the incidents but fell short of apologizing https://swentr.site/news/600610-japan-us-military-sex-crimes/'
Perhaps the way to teach Emanuel the value of an apology is to tie him up in public, rip his pants down and have 250 violent homosexual criminals rape him?
I don't think Rahm Emanuel's previous conduct in government grants him the right to human dignity, after all......
And I am absolutely convinced that this is less extensive 'acceptable collateral damage' than bombing West Point to teach the US military how to behave????
We don't want to condone sexual torture, do we?
That's the spread of evil into those who sanction and enact it..
I do see that you yearn for some form of recognizable justice, but...
So much work here! How is your garden doing?
Trump may be good for Ukraine or NATO, but he will destroy the American republic. Let Putin solve the mess.
I have been looking forward to Orban. Fresh blood?
Yes, lots of work. Questions come to mind and I chase them.
I suspect Trump will be good for humans by being bad for globalist corporations such as NATO and the EU, but he looks to be bad for Palestinians, having accepted $100 million from Sheldon Adelson recently.
Sheldon doesn't look like he'll live very long, though. Bibi is counting on Trump to bring back his good-old-days, but I wouldn't do that if I were Bibi (though I would never be Bibi).
The American republic was gone by 9/11/2001, dont'cha think?
No surprise that the liberal/socialist parties have become embedded.
Part of the problem is hidden from view for most people. The free lunch of plentiful easy to access cheap energy and raw materials is ending. Our debt based system requires economic growth to service the debt. You can not have endless growth when you've reached the limits of your energy and raw materials. The correlation between economic growth and energy is over 95%. They have always moved in lock step.
People are starting to get uneasy in view of the increased cost of living and will therefore hitch their wagon to the government in hopes of it providing them with food, medical care, continued social security payouts and even possible universal basic income. This is what Democrat politicians salivate over. They don't give a shit about you, they just want their paychecks, perks, and pensions
A favorite opening sentence from some author whose name I can not remember said it best.
"Socialism is a parasite in search of its next capitalist host."
Again, Capitalism with its mantra of "economic growth" requires ever increasing energy and raw materials.
In China there are millions of indebted college graduates with no job prospects-unless they can get a government job. The problem is government produces nothing. It simply redistributes wealth from the producers to the parasites in exchange for votes. Our founding fathers recognized this dilemma when they only allowed people who had skin in the game to vote; home owners, business owners or else pay a poll tax. Now a majority of people can vote for their living instead of doing honest value added productive work. Government jobs.
I don't know who are more deluded; those who will continue to vote Democrat or those who think Trump is going to be able to anything about this coming train wreck.
As a side thought, I think that NATO and the Globalists quietly realize/admit that they can no longer fight any major wars especially against peer opponents like Russia or China. So they rely on low key conflicts to instill fear in the populations. Where have we heard this before? COVID, Climate Change etc. The military industrial complex can continue being profitable simply by raising the fear of conflict and thus the need for all these expensive but useless arms. The F-35 is a hangar queen. Only 30% are combat ready and need 8 hrs service for every hour flown. The Abrams tank assumes it will be accompanied by fuel trucks to supply it's thirsty turbine engine. The Patriot anti missile system doesn't work. But the MIC sure makes a ton of money. As Brian Berletic on The New Atlas says, Russian weapons are purpose driven even if they aren't as polished looking as the US weapons. Not for the industry to make profit but to make weapons that are functional and designed for conditions of total war against peer adversaries, not like the US is facing when it goes to war against goat herders in Afghanistan or poorly trained troops with outdated weapons in Iraq.
Yes, the train wreck is coming, and who is "conductor" will matter in the management. There are different approaches. I particularly fear the globalist-technocratic approach.
Brian Berletic was Tony Cartalucci when I first enjoyed his work https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2020/11/04/conspiracy-blogger-tony-cartalucci-reveals-his-identity
(I removed the double-post.)
Mate, if you're deluded enough to think that your 'capitalist country' isn't full of multibillionaire parasites, then that's your choice.
Every friggin' overseas war is paid for by mugginses like you just so that 'capitalist' parasites like oil companies, Halliburton etc etc can make billions raping a foreign economy, getting idiots like you to pay for 'reconstruction' at hugely padded prices etc etc.
Those 'corporations' aren't capitalist, they are just organised criminals.
The only capitalists in your country are people like hairdressers, car mechanics, cafe owners, private driving schools etc.
Capitalism as you call it is just as full of criminal grifters as any 'socialist republic'. The whole of Wall Street is full of grifters. All the estate agents that take bungs from buyers to betray their clients by reducing the final offers are grifters. Doctors getting paid to prescribe Covid vaccines are grifters. Pharma companies buying politicians are grifters. Every Israeli buying Capitol Hill is a grifter.
Every capitalist boom follows with a bust and whoopie doo, it's always the bankers that get bailed out.
That's your capitalism.
I call it legalised grand larceny on an epic scale.
You are conflating capitalism with coporaticism (formerly called fascism- defined as the duopoly of control by politicians and corporations) which is what we have now. Capitalism is an "ideal" economic model whereby people work hard, save and invest in new products and provide new services between two agreeable parties and everyone benefits. These transactions were supposed to be settled with honest money ( medium of exchange and a true store of value.) After going off the gold standard completely in 1971, there was no chance of honest money.
I take it you are from down under and are getting raped by the coporations there.
In my protest in Columbia SC 2020 ,my sign said:
"We need honesty; 4 things
1.)Honest money
2.) Honest media
3.) Honest elections
4.) Honest rule of law."
We have none of these, and therefore we have nothing to work with.There are no political, legal,or Constitutional remedies to address what awaits us- the consequence of free lunches in a "Democracy" instead of the Representative Constituional Republic our Founding Fathers knew was necessary. The parasites now outvote the producers.. A pure "Democracy" contains the seeds that assure its own self destruction.
By design by the Jewish criminal banking syndicate, the FED, creates an inflationary, debt based currency along with passage of laws that legalize a fractionary reserve system. This legalized counterfeiting allows banks to loan out 9 dollars for every dollar deposited, and then collect interest on it. Pure fraud.
The issues of plateauing energy and readily acessible raw materials, fresh water etc in a debt based system are coming home to roost. The system can not survivve if it does not have increasing supplies of energy. War accelerates depletion. So does the hoax of green energy. Rises in economic activity have a 95% correlation in rises in energy production. They are linked .
Back to the FED and unbacked fiat currency. It allows the politicians to pay for the promises they make that get them elected/re elected. No voter ever refuses a free lunch. "Well pay it back later through economic growth." Riiiiight.
Once these politicans get established, they become magnets for corporate influence money, bribes, and these coporate lobbyists write the bills and tell these controlled politicians to submit them, vote on them and pass them. A classic quid pro quo fascist sytem has gained traction and snowballs into what we have today. . Rouge agencies like the CIA, NSA, CDC, etc are unleashed upon the world to strip other weaker hapless nations of their sovereignty and natural resources. Domestically, the agencies that are supposed to regulate things like big pharma ( FDA) are captured through bribes paid to these very agencies that are supposed to be watching over them. The fox is already in the hen house. That's not capitalism. That barely ever got a hold, even in the guilded age but all was lost once the FED was established in 1913. What you are seeing is the end stage of fascism- find the root causes. We are experiencing a huge wealth extraction and transfer. It is enabled by debt, fake money,inflation, the guaranteed end result of out monetary system.
(I'm eliminating poly-posts tonight, for some reason.)
As far as "Which One". Why not Oliver Chase the Libertarian Presidential candidate? Pretty sure he will be on the ballot in all 50 states. To my mind "The Three" are too beholden to the Zionists. That is a big problem in American politics.
I did not mean to imply my backing of Trump, Biden, Obama or Kennedy, all of which support Zionist genocide. I'm voting for Jill Stein again. I made 100 green on green "Jill Stein MD, President 2016" t shirts and gave them away in 2015-2016, one to Dr. Stein when she visited.
I am wearing one now, as it happens. I have preferentially worn them on bike rides from the outset.