video and transcript of mike yeadon's censored uk address - for those who aren't on twitter


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Dec 7, 2023
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yeadon has said that his view of viruses has become more nuanced since 2020. he's not one of the shrieking, doctrinaire no-virues-exist crowd, most of whom appear to be trolls on the truth ministry payroll.

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There is also another possibility for war continuance and this may be important. The idea of One World Government and One World Faith (excluding Jews who get a new Temple) both centered in Jerusalem. The concept is that horror is how the world state is birthed.

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Hmmm, WHOSE concept is that?


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Evidently not only the Vatican. https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=166. One of the long-standing goals of the Masonic New World Order seems finally within grasp: its one-world church, in the making for over 150 years, is about to become institutionalized as the United Religions Organization—the UR. Collaborating on the details are Bishop William Swing of the Episcopal Diocese of California, the Communist Gorbachev Foundation/USA, and certain leaders of the Catholic Church, working through the interreligious organization known as the World Conference on Religion and Peace.

Plans for the formation of the UR were first revealed by Bishop Swing at the syncretic service held to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter. Attending the service in San Francisco's Grace Episcopal Cathedral on June 25, 1995, were representatives of all religions as well as political and spiritual luminaries like Princess Margaret of Britain, Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, then President Lech Walesa of Poland and UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

One might ask why a religious service (of sorts—it was permeated with consciousness-raising politics) was held to mark the founding of a political group. The answer is that interfaith religiosity is now a must for important social or cultural events, especially those involving world figures, as this gives credibility and form to the concept of a one-world religion and community. The separation of church and state does not apply to the Masonic Church and State. But there was another reason why religious groups and leaders were part of this particular celebration. Rev. Alan Jones, dean of the cathedral, said the service was "also a summons to the great religious traditions of the world to be in deeper conversation with each other ... as workers for peace, as guarantors of the sacredness of the earth...."

A Multi-Deity Service

According to the San Francisco Chronicle 1,"prayers, chants and incantations were offered to a dozen deities". But the tone... for the United Religions Organization was really set by a pantheistic ceremony in which children from around the world mingled water from over thirty so-called "sacred waters" in "a great bowl of unity", to the accompaniment of an international) children's choir singing a mournful dirge from the blasphemous Missa Gaia (the earth-worshipping concert originally commissioned by New York's Episcopal Cathedral, St. John the Divine). Mixed together was water from such sources as the. Ganges, Amazon, Red Sea, Jordan and Lourdes. Bishop Swing intoned, "As these sacred waters find confluence here, may the city that chartered the nations of the world bring together the religions of the world."

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Weird stuff. Pedophile overtones. Prob'ly just my suspicious mind...

Time to sack out.

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I will pull together the money picture. In the end after all it is just ducats. From time out of mind - once the concept arose of suborning trust probably in Atlantis or Lemuria, maybe with some dinosaurs I saw online -gold coins showing them goin' inta outerspace, LOL.

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Here is a start. Land ownership. https://momentmag.com/deed-to-the-holy-land/

“If we are talking about geopolitical concerns within the Old City of Jerusalem, at the moment there are more and more foreign players involved, and that complicates the matter of reaching any kind of understanding between Israel and the Palestinians because everyone has his own interests,” Gurevich said. “But in most cases regarding these churches, we are not talking about sovereignty, but rather property rights.” https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/who-really-owns-jerusalem-church-properties/#google_vignette

Chat GPT amusingly-The issue of Jerusalem is a complex and sensitive one, with deep historical, religious, and political significance for multiple parties. The Vatican's position on Jerusalem as an international city is rooted in its desire to promote peace and ensure access to the city's religious sites for people of all faiths. The Vatican's stance is influenced by its role as a religious and diplomatic entity, and it seeks to uphold the rights and interests of all parties involved. It's important to recognize that perspectives on this issue can vary widely, and they are often deeply intertwined with religious beliefs and geopolitical considerations.

Then a brief look at the Knights of Malta. https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived-44d

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This is quite speculative other than the Black Nobility do actually exist and some families do have lineages, land, and longevity with wealth. https://lauram42.substack.com/p/vatican-israel-and-jerusalem-english?utm_campaign=comment&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post

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No it’s not ‘ evidence that western elites are wholly complicit in Israel’s expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza’ they’re content to see as many Gaza residents killed as possible, because in there words “the world is over-populated” and without any Palestinians, there won’t be a Palestine problem. Likewise with Ukraine.

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Dec 6, 2023
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Yes, I saw that, and wondered why everybody was so calm about Lebanese civilians in their village being killed with white phosphorous munitions, but so upset about one Lebanese Army soldier being killed. The Lebanese Army is mostly a foreign-supplied figurehead army, beholden to "the west", as I understand it, not an actual army, like Hezbollah.

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Dec 7, 2023Edited
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Some mysterious big US military transports flew tons of something to Lebanon in October. Dunno what... Wonder who it was for.

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