Jan 3, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Old dead tree analogous to [all the alphabet agencies trying to kill us]; after seasoning, will be burned.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by John Day MD

What are the chances the football player lives (again)?

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by John Day MD

qu'elle suprise... 'Zelensky Prepares for WEF and BlackRock Private-Public Takeover of Ukraine 12/30/2022

Western elites have plans for Ukraine. Very big plans.

One only has to look at the website of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to see the various agenda items they are actively promoting, including openly using the war as a springboard to bring Ukraine into the EU. They are also planning to make Ukraine their ‘beta testing ground’ for Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution and Smart City digital control grid.

Unbeknownst the most Ukrainians, the former comedian turned president is scheduled

to hold talks with BlackRock Investments to negotiate the private-public partnership takeover the country’s postwar ‘reconstruction’.

But this is only the beginning.

As trillionaire sponsors of the WEF and private owners of the large swaths of western wealth, BlackRock, are planning to ‘buy-up’ Ukraine, piece by piece,and integrate it into western fold,

and allow the US and NATO to use it as a beach head to antagonize Russia and maintain a geopolitical strategy of tension.

The final plans are now being hatched at Davos…'

21stcenturywire.com /2022/12/30/zelensky-prepares-for-wef-and-blackrock-private-public-takeover-of-ukraine/

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by John Day MD

I know this is far out, but maybe the 5g is also a contributing factor in those player deaths? The transmitters are definitely in all stadiums, and contributing an additional stress on specifically the electrical signaling of the heart. The physical streass is high but not out of normal range for athletes.

I've been looking at alternative healing things, and many seem to be partly sales pitches, but there are also refreshingly different perspectives. There are many things we do not know that well. Our inventiveness has overtaken our ability to adapt.

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Dr. John I do not know if in your education you acquired the taste for older poetry. Wallace Stevens I feel had a poem which articulates. http://michaelschiavo.blogspot.com/2004/10/dry-loaf-by-wallace-stevens.html?m=1

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