I'm looking at getting a used Mayteag gas dryer at Habitat for Humanity for about $100.

Go Good-old-Stuff!

Killing makes you a killer, though.

Let's be a little patient while we do the work building survival arrangements.

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It’s time for the Mussolini treatment on all globalist and their unelected three letter agencies.

There are more of us than them.

The only good thing, hopefully no more Made In China crap being peddled.

Back to the bored Maytag man because quality not quantity is more important.

No more China made trainers, 300 a pop. 10 cents to make w slave labor.

Hopefully this will bankrupt all the billionaires.

I have a dream, and globalist psychopaths are not in it.

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Why the fancy word? Fascism works fine. G. Edward Griffin simplifies all forms of despotism further: Global Collectivism

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Yeah, but read the article. It's a little different. The Ethical Skeptic does such good analysis, as he did with COVID gene mutations.

Look at his stuff on his site. The topics are all over the place, but the analysis is always excellent.

He doesn't reveal his true identity, but I like the guy. (pronouns: he, him, his)

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Nice picture John.

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Thanks Frank.

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It seems several things protect against or reduce severity of SARS-COV-2 - I swore by my diluted oil of oregano nasal spray (along w D, etc.) when I was subbing in schools the past 2 yrs. Volunteered in a community garden Spring 2020. Also follow an astrologer/energy healer/

permaculturist from Tasmania, Gordon White, who got the "moth shot" solely because he wanted to travel to Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, & US this summer & had to be vaxxed (he follows Catherine Austin Fitts & Martin Armstrong, so isn't pro-WEF). So far, he's okay. (I think he overdoes the Ayahuasca, but that's me.)

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Robert Musil of blessed memory defined his homeland of Austria-Hungary as Kakania.

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Fair enough, since clipping these 2 together was like clipping Mexico together with USA. In a world of nominally sovereign states it appears mad and doomed , yet while it lasted it was something uniquely rich and civilisationally endowed, in that it contained all the post-Byzantine space from the Adriatic to the Balkans. It was the Austro-Hungarians under Polish King Jan Sobieski that defeated the 200,000 strong Ottoman army at the Battle of Vienna' in 1683 (80 years after the establishment of the Virginia colony at Jamestown). It was this empire that produced the great composers, with the exception of Bach, which are wrongly attributed to Germany. Germany, when it came into existence in 1880, deliberately eschewed Austro-Hungary, in so doing denying itself a wealth of knowledge - historical, diplomatic, cultural - which has continued to hamper it to this day. The destruction & balkanisation of Austro_Hungary in WW1 left a defensless hole in the SE of Europe, and the extinguishment of great cultural-diplomatic force. A ghost that haunts Europe today and whom we now only experience in the present resistance of Victor Orban.

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Thanks Eleni. History is really interesting when it is cast in the appropriate context.

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