I think only a fool would let themselves be injected with anything from the gov. at this point.

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Peace is good!


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I always root for peace

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Thanks for the link to Spartacus. He/she has a believable explanation for the COVID fraud:

"It is only when you recognize the virus, the vaccines, the lockdowns, and all the other ham-fisted interventions for what they really are—the imposition of tyranny through mass psychological torture—that they even begin to make sense."

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Everybody assumes Spartacus is a "he", I think.

He sure writes that way.


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Glad you included his / her summary! Personally agree male.

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Well, they're all PROFITABLE, as well. Our entire "healthcare" "system" runs primarily for the profit of its private owners.

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War happens not just because a small minority cabal (almost always powerful and influential) benefit from it, rather that a critical mass of unthinking, dutiful, subservient citizens go along with their duplicity and ostracise anyone that challenges it.

I see the prostitutes of the media as almost the worst people during any build up to war. Shameless psychopaths, almost none of whom go to fight and possibly die, writing disgusting things about nations which have little relation to reality most of the time.

If the media were truly independent and 66% of headlines prefaced detailed arguments as to why going to war were the least appropriate option, then 90% of wars simply wouldn't happen.

Of course, there are a minority of wars that are justified, but usually the belligerents have a genuine reason to be aggrieved and the self-righteous often have a reason to admit that their prior actions may have exacerbated such grievances. Diplomacy should be able to iron out such disputes 90% of the time.

But in the main, wars are fought for money and the people who die don't benefit from the riches accrued by those who don't fight.

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The tragedy lies in the fact that this is our herd mentality.

We can be stampeded against each other.

The owners know how, and are skilled adepts at manipulating us this way, and spotting outliers, and dealing with us.

We rogue types are also important to survival of the species, and must take our roles seriously.

Don't give up if the world fails to become just, though.


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Yes, Dr John, the crucial change in mindset to stay sane involves saying: 'I'm saying what I'm saying because it's the right thing to say, it's what I as an individual can do.' It's a rare individual that can make a war stop and it's certainly a rare individual that can make the herds start to think for themselves.

I see it in church communities, where those supposing extolling Jesus Christ are so easily led into Covid vaccinations, war in Ukraine and climate heating.

The reason I think is that the form of organised religion involves passively listening to a preacher instead of arguing for oneself.

It's why I don't believe in organised religions in the main: they organise a passive herd of sheep using an ancient book to befuddle the minds of those often too scared to dig deep and find the realities beneath....

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A name that seems conspicuously missing from most student's American History schooling is "Smedley Butler". Butler wrote a short pamphlet, "War Is A Racket", that exposed who profited from WWI, the wealthy families and bankers. You can read it yourself, here:


Normally we're taught to think of anti-war figures as unpatriotic, subversives, pinkos, etc. So who was Smedley Butler? He was a brigadier general in the USMC in WWI. In learning of the grifting that took place "in support of the war", and the senseless loss of lives in the trenches, he said that if he understood all this that he would have not been party to it.

Perhaps most poignantly, in War Is A Racket, he said, "War is the only racket in which the profits are measured in dollars and the losses measured in lives." The same holds true today.

The way forward is mutually beneficial trade with all, entanglements with none, as suggested by Washington's farewell address. If your neighbor and you depend on each other for things you need, you are disinclined to wage war against them and they, you. This, of course, does not enable the elitist class to grift from making war, nor to satisfy their sick, Malthusian and eugenic fantasies.

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Smedley Butler was an awesome hero!

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It all comes down to this:

Albert Pike and the three world wars.

The result so they think would make us accept the world Government which we will not.

We the people do not want war... I know for certain that you don't and I do neither.

However it is the minority of Zionists Freemasons the Occult Jews who occupy politics Media and Government who with their Behavioral Modification science try to push you and me into a war we both do not want.

Follow the Money and Hang the Bankers.


Also if we communicate... as you and I do... to the public and take the politicians out of the equation... we will win.

War is only a tool for the Elite to stay in power.

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Wishing well to everybody and now let’s go home and live in peace till we die. It’s not that simple, there has always been a morbid and fatal attraction between Jews and Germans. My own roots are both, I’m as much a German as a Jew, which I’ll explain further on. So the enemy is inside of me, no escape possible. To be a Jew or a German means to have a certain quality of mind that has both essences, analysis, isolation, to dive into matter and above all to conquer, to be a leader! In the end you know a lot, you become specialized to the extreme and ultimately you know everything about the smallest, if not to say nothing. To my rescue I also have a non Jewish non German mind, a mind that doesn’t want to explore the part but that wants to unite, to merge with the whole, the mystic in me and in everyone even in a Jew or a German. The analytical Jewish-German mind, can we conclude the never trusting mind, asserts when mind and nature are in balance there will be harmony but that cannot be, there’s always a tension a war going on between both. So we can only switch between the 2 and each going their own way, the one going to war, the other always surrendering. Both can never meet that’s our “état human” as long as we’re humans of course.

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Thank You, Guido.

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Love that... and yes Germans and Jews are very similar in what you just described there...

However there are two major differences...

Germans are proud of being Honest... so honest in fact that Germans are easily manipulated... and that goes against the German mind.

Somehow they are like Siamese twins always arguing who is the better one and who is the strongest+++

Yet they are inseparable.

I always had respect for Jews... however when I found out that Hitler Himself as Goebbels Goering basically the whole of the Nazis came from Jewish Bloodlines... i got very... and I mean very upset.

Hitler was a Rothchild... that is a fact.

That Truth must come out.

Then I read a book by Edwin Black... a Jew... about the contract of the Nazis with the Zionists... the Havaara agreement.

Which means the Jews knew about this which means they were willingly going to the Transportation camps because they thought they were going to the promised land.

Then there was David Cole... and his beautiful Documentary about Auschwitz.

And Zyclon B was invented by Fritz Haber... another Jew.

Two wrongs don't make one right.

Finkelstein wrote about the Holocaust industry and I do agree on that too.

The German people are cursed by the events of WWII of which we are told only lies.

I resent that.

I am a good person... not because I say it but because I live it.

And I am a Buddhist I live by the Truth.

You have a Dutch name... I been to Holland many times... I love people I love cultures.

The only place I hate is Germany because we in Germany ate taught and told to hate our own country.

This is not acceptable.

Nobody tells me who I am... nobody.

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Good analysis, but get my point I’m not talking about some ethnic or race but a mind, a mind that is in the end self-destructive. Yes Germans are very very impressionable and manipulative, they are even ready to go to hell as long as they can take over the shop. German women compared to other women are real dictators notwithstanding very beautiful and cunning of course.

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and the same goes for Jewish women very beautiful but bitches

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I think you are spot on with your analysis...

But... or plus... where the Germans are perfectionists and self destructive the Jews are manipulative to the same extend...

I tell you a story about one of those Jewish women as you describe them...

I met one when i lived in London... she moved in with me but used me fully... I threw her out at some stage...

After I realized that there are some "Occult" Jews who train their women to go out basically without money to "take care" of themselves.

Maria Abramowitch did the same with lady gaga (who is transgender).

So we have within Judaism the Satanic Jews based on the Talmud who see everyone but themselves as inferior and to be used... then we have the Canonfudder...

Also I realized that Circumcision really drives you mad... which I believe is the aim...

I had an accident when I was young... I have a permanent pain which constantly reminds me of that...

Circumcision is the same... it stimulates the Brain but inevitably drives you crazy...

I don't like neither Jewish nor German women...

I am Chinese (Native American) by heart... I love the Chinese people and I was a wild child... still am... love it.

My dream would be a beautiful Squaw Chinese or Native American...

I love and respect above all Intelligence and Truth.

I hate the Lie.

That is why I have no respect for those who live by the Kol Nidre...

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That’s really a confession from the bottom of your heart, and I suppose everyone has some stories to tell about their lives. I grew up with my grandparents 72 years ago, they were farmers so I remember eating food that no longer exist concerning nutrients and “real” food, real water, no obscured or filtered sun with chem trails. My father and my uncle joined the German army and fought together against the Russians during WWII, as far as I remember somewhere near Sebastopol(?) when to came back they were sent to jail for desertion for 2 years. Nowadays he would be a hero and being decorated for defending democracy or repatriated in an another canon fodder body bag. See how actions can change over time, first a traitor now a hero. My whole life I had an enormous sympathy for Russians, and that has nothing to do with communism he’ll no me a Russian spider, njet! So collisions with my father and pro German family on my mothers side were constant. As a non conformist I traveled around the world and got stuck in India, now called Brarata (Bharati?) meaning womb, the place where mysticism is born, The Rig Veda is 70 thousand years old, far far behind the roots of any other old culture. I thought this is my place, but no I was lucky to have very very good teachers, gurus not the spiritual simpletons that are excellent salesmen. One particular master told me my way I have to walk alone, and for that I had to leave India. To make a long story short, he said don’t wait for the moment when you die, to see that not for a single moment you have left paradise. Realise this, this very moment and in every moment before the moment of death, and takes you to a next life. The place where I am now with my family Tahiti, reminds me of what was said to me, realising that paradises also last for some precious moments before they evaporate into eternity.

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And for wealth transfer via misappropriation of taxes.

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Don't pay taxes.

We don't need them... they need us.

Let's work together and get rid of them...

Here is my plan


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Yup. Funny you should say that. I was self-employed 18 years until I took a full time job. I 'owe" a self assessment to admit what I need to pay. Am looking at how I can withhold my participation without bailiffs kicking in my door. Am in UK so am researching what I can do.

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You can help me...

My technology is designed to replace all of Aviation all of the Trains and more.

Fuck ULEZ fuck Politics.

The Profits will go into a NGO where we focus on research education and growing Food.

Allen & Overy just put out an article where they stated that the value is over 200 Trillion Pound.

And I am the only one who has the technology... but I can't do it alone.

This is an article from 10 years ago about my creation

HS2 will be a real slowcoach!


We work together there is enough money... your problems taken care.

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Fritz, I am a British Sign Language interpreter with zero reach and little influence apart from the odd substack like for my comments and musings. We know humanity advancing tech has been suppressed by the Khazarians. Your time will come and I will be cheerleading. I don't need money. I got enough for now. I got you in my orbit too. Karma will reveal how we can nudge forward mutually in due course! Will read the article soon.

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What you are... who is to say...

The day you realize this the day your new life begins.

Me I am trapped... this is my own fault...

I am just fighting to survive...

I have no money... nothing but a roof over my head in a far away place.

Not even my writing is up to my standards... and I haven't played music since my father died.

But I try... I never give up... deep inside my heart I feel I have a destiny... a true purpose of life... and a vision like no one else.

Thank you for your emotional support.

If you ever come to Leeds... Headingly... Leeds Postcards...

Tell Christine I love her.


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Spartacus nailed it, as did Smedley Butler. At 19 I was going to be drafted so joined the Navy. Am proud of the job that I did in service but am ashamed that I participated in yet another bullshit war (I.e. the war in Vietnam). My cousin died in that war. He was like a brother. Tore our family apart. My Aunt never really recovered. I served in the air wing on 2 carriers and often think of the anguish that rained down on the people of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos as the result of our actions. I told my son that he’d never serve and counseled his friends not to serve unless the enemy was on our doorstep. I live with guilt and remorse. We should all live with each other with peace, love compassion and understanding.

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Are we as humans always in peace or many times not at ease, not to call it a dis-ease? The humble man in me which of course is not always the case, must admit that I have many warlords in me, there’s Mars and Venus, testosteron and estrogen but also adrenaline and cortisol and serotonin, not to forget the peacekeeper oxytocin but most of the time there’s a clash among all these players. The Eros wants to dominate as long as possible of course, but the Thanatos is putting his claws in me and there will come a time I cannot escape any longer. My war, is to avoid transmitting as much as possible all these private battles on my fellow humans. In Politics you fight these personal wars with and against others, that’s why they’re called brothers in arms.

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Sometimes I clone ✌️💕🇺🇸😎

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Sep 27, 2023
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The weight of the evidence favors the use of nuclear weapons to show Russia the effects of them, as Japan was already prepared to surrender.

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