"Why we don't talk about those things... Mind-control"

There have been rumors of social media, mainly facebook and twitter, being bankrolled by the CIA in the early days of its existence and quite possibly accurate claims as that.

My question is this latest vaccine -- could there be something in it not yet understood by the majority that can be used for mind control, similar to how LSD was in the 50s/60s? I've seen a lot of claims about nano particles self-assembling but not verifiable absolute proof -- yet. Of course, there's also the chemical makeup itself. Can it possible affect thought, inhibitions, morality, and more?

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Wish we could grow bananas here in central victoria Aus. Spring is finally here though and we can think about putting tomatoes into seedling trays soon.

Sick of cold and years of WET.

ah well it is the weather...

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I shared your personal writing at the top with a blog I frequent. Intro:

Written by an MD in his early 60s who let himself be fired from his clinic rather than administer/advise for vakzinazions, and recommended things like Ivermectin and (gasp! the audacity!) 5-10 units of vitamin D. He has a knack for collating patterns into readily comprehensible concepts. I like his large, non-hysterical perspective here:

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My heart goes out to humanity and the massive suffering caused by these entities.

I am an idealist, who feels living in this world could and should be a wonderful and magical experience. My heart tells me it can be that way for all of us.

We were given everything we need to survive and thrive, by our Creator, the Universe, however you understand or experience our natural abundance, but tragically, due to greed, corruption, violence, deceit and perverse actions by some, our beautiful world and life on it, have been and continues to be compromised and destroyed.

I feel as if we’re living in a horrific sci-fi movie that becomes more strange and horrifying by the day.

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