First of all a big shout to Substack... because that business model although I feel I am shadowbanned is still the way forward.
Second we are living through a slow motion Alien Invasion which started at the tower of Babel.
"Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other" - Genisis 11:7
Now this is an ongoing Process and at the center are Freemasons Jews Zionists and the Aristocracy.
If you look at all the people that are responsible for yesterdays and tomorrows atrocities you will find they are always the same... Freemasons Jews Zionists and the Aristocracy.
They actually believe they are of God... the God Race... and that may be true.
They are not Human they are Alien to Humanity... they are Mathematical Idiots that have no shred of Empathy within them.
They may be the Offspring of our Creator race but they are nothing... I am way better than them because I am Human.
But they have infiltrated all points of power so that they can stir Humanity into mutual self destruction.
So they started this Holy war... a war they (Albert Pike) wanted and propagandized.
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…
You “think” wrong it’s not the acute but the chronic! When you consider the carcinogenic SV40 promoter, the plasmids DNA contaminants, the Good Products Practices which were violated, the vaccines of the first trials that were switched (witched), the Spikopathy and the falsified batches, than there’s no escape for anybody, it leaves us no other choice than to detox lifelong! or go to Mars. And living in a French overseas territory I heard “rumors” but are they? that apples, potatoes, beef, pork, ducks (especially the famous foi gras), shrimps, strawberries, the list is not complete all gonna be mRNA transformed, meaning we’ll choke on them vaccines.
and for the vegetarians and Vegans there’s no hope either, I just came to know that the USDA gave a green light for a new generation of mRNA pesticides.... and worm burgers mRNA’s.
Yes living from pure sunlight as the testimony of 1 single yogi who has never eaten in his whole life (D3?) and from pure crystalline water….I prefer a fat hamburger and do the necessary detox when the toxines are rising to my throat, intermittent fasting is the miracle, I once haven’t eaten for 5 days and I felt like 20-30 years younger.
You should go back to the origins of zen….it had to compete with mercenaries samurai, zen is not your best friend, if you’re not a warrior you’re out. What about Bodhidarma who insulted the Chinese emperor, what about other masters cutting your first finger or throwing you out of a window not on the first floor but higher, or beating you everyday or masters challenging you to beat them, which some did! Zen attitude is so Americanised and transformed in something nice and soft and peaceful all bullshit, it took the power out of it, don’t be a pussy be a warrior,
Not all have eaten them and not in masses, most of us have eaten crops with glyphosate but now the attack is from all sides, a cumul of intoxication you cannot imagine! There are 250 vaccines awaiting us all N1-Methyl-pseudouridine RNA which is not the same as mRNA, the 2 Noble price winners Kariko-Weissman are the inventors of the lipid, if not to say the synthetic or plastic version of the mRNA and besides vaccines all medicines waits the same plastic envelope junk coating not digestible for the human microbiome, bon appetit mon ami.
The "foaming-at-the-mouth" syndrome seems to be spreading like wildfire. I already lost trust in a lot of folks on the virus thingy, now this holy land issue seems to wash out most of the rest of them. Moon of Alabama comments are full of My God/dad/buddy is bigger and meaner than yours, and has bigger guns and bigger blessings from the only real god/dad. Thread on Palestine contains foam-mouth comments about hindus - obviously just breaking a discourse is enough to destroy all possibility of human sense of proportion. Of course, a lot may be AI for just muddying the waters. I guess we all have some point where we start to foam at the mouth and spout inanities - me too. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind - Gandhi saw how this goes. But that geographical area is a strange one: this oldie was brought up again on Dennigers' site: A tough place, making me ask myself: is it the judeo-christian worldview that contains some seed of destruction? The last gasps of British Empire were Israel and Pakistan, both religious states built upon a large pile of corpses.
Wear the robes and sit quietly in front of a SAC base. Bring friends. 100th monkey sits Zen and 100,000 Buddhas cheer. A few other options come to mind. Symbolic, but not gestures. And this space time does work off symbol. The nuclear sword of Damocles hanging by a thread is only one in front of our eyes. Eyes accustomed since 1945 to Atom Krieg. Nein nein Atomkrieg.
Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose
I'm engaging in compassion-meditation on my bike ride. This 3 mile neighborhood loop without traffic accommodates that, 6 laps, 90 minutes. It all works well. I've been wearing my "Free Palestine" t-shirt. Yesterday a lady with covered head and neck arms and legs, near the elementary school, looked me in the face and smiled as I went by. She has always turned her face from me in the past. I think she may have seem my shirt and remembered, because the flag/map/words are on the back.
Thanks for the news about Israel and Gaza. I'm beginning to think we can blame England for the quagmire that is Israel. England issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which said “Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”. And with their very next breath, English soldiers evicted Palestinians from areas near to Jerusalem, killing them and destroying their property, in order to make room for the Jews.
In 1920 England was entrusted by the UN to administer Palestine. The terms of the mandate entrusted Britain with establishing in Palestine "a national home for the Jewish people", so long as doing so did not prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities there. Apparently Britain failed, as the rights of non-Jewish communities were violated. The area addressed came to be known as Mandatory Palestine.
And then the 1936 British Peel Commission was formed to address the causes of unrest in Mandatory Palestine. In 1947 the UN proposed to partition Palestine into two states: one Jewish, one Arab.
One horror after another. Who were the responsible parties? The UN, England, and the Zionists who swarmed into Mandatory Palestine and eventually formed the state of Israel. The existing Arab states defended their borders, sometimes unsuccessfully.
Israel is a state founded on a quagmire and aggressively hostile to its neighbors. Neither the UN, nor Britain, nor America has been able to calm its nastiness.
Yes, Balfour did make that declaration to Rothschild re : Palestine and did administer ( or attempt to ) the Mandate. The British did in fact try to prevent the mass immigration of Jews and displacement of non Jews. This resulted in anti British terror attacks by the Zionist groups such as the Stern Gang and Irgun.
"Menahem Begin, prime minister of Israel from 1977-1982, was one of the Irgun’s early leaders. As commander of the Irgun in 1943, Begin is believed to have been responsible for planning and executing the King David Hotel attack."
Here is one more. It describes what the problem for Palestinians always was, that is, … it all started as <i>Arab-Israeli Conflict</i>, but than quickly became <i>Palestinian-Israeli Conflict</i> … and now, it is - sort of presented - in Western MSM - as <i> Hamas-Israeli Conflict</i>, … which it no longer
… but that, it appears - from your roundup of articles - will no longer stand ( … and rightfully so!). Greatest hint to all that is in Helmer’s filing - as you excerpted above - <i>"The Russians and Chinese can maximise their limited military projection by deterring, or if need be pre-empting a nuclear attack on the Arab cities or Teheran. For this to work, the Russians and the Chinese need to say more – loudly so there’s no mistaking what they mean"</i>.
If I have been remiss attributing links to you, it is because I have just been juggling so very many links lately.
This one that you send seems pretty wishy-washy until the very end, which sort-of redeems it, but I find that I am kind of impatient.
"For this vicious cycle to break, Palestine must, once more, become an issue that concerns all Arabs, the whole region. The Israeli narrative must be countered, Western bias confronted, and a new, collective strategy formed.
In other words, Palestine cannot be left alone anymore."
Good point. To me, I'm Christian, Israel is a terrorist. But I am quickly losing interest in characterizing anyone as "terrorist", as it has all too often become just another meaningless label. Using it seems lazy.
And, does Israel actually have militias in addition to the IDF (Israel Defense Forces)?
Talking their book of business. The greater powers evidently know that blood and treasure will ease the burden of concern. The only game in town I guess.
Lovely Aubergines!
If I learned anything than it is this:
Governments never serve the people... only the System.
And the System is still Aristocracy... camouflaged as Democracy...
Politicians never speak the Truth...
And the Media is only Propaganda.
They all serve the money which again feeds this Aristocracy.
And the Money... FED... is a private Bank who makes 900% profit on every Dollar you put into it.
And that is the problem.
The System must break in order to change... but the people running the show live great on this scam.
People like you and me... well we don't matter.... not to the system anyway.
But we do matter.
More than ever.
I put it simple... well I try...
First of all a big shout to Substack... because that business model although I feel I am shadowbanned is still the way forward.
Second we are living through a slow motion Alien Invasion which started at the tower of Babel.
"Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other" - Genisis 11:7
Now this is an ongoing Process and at the center are Freemasons Jews Zionists and the Aristocracy.
If you look at all the people that are responsible for yesterdays and tomorrows atrocities you will find they are always the same... Freemasons Jews Zionists and the Aristocracy.
They actually believe they are of God... the God Race... and that may be true.
They are not Human they are Alien to Humanity... they are Mathematical Idiots that have no shred of Empathy within them.
They may be the Offspring of our Creator race but they are nothing... I am way better than them because I am Human.
But they have infiltrated all points of power so that they can stir Humanity into mutual self destruction.
And they created Ai to kill off Humanity.
The endgame is totral control over Humanity via AI.
That is why I say every politician needs to be killed... hanged for Treason... for Treason is all Politicians do.
They actively work against us.
So they started this Holy war... a war they (Albert Pike) wanted and propagandized.
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…
-Albert Pike... Grand Freemason Scumbag
When the Jews said this Hamas attack was like 9/11 I argee.
It was a false flag just like 9/11...
It was a Mossad attack just like 9/11...
It was a stand down order just like 9/11...
It was financed by the Rothchilds just like 9/11...
It was a precursor for war just like 9/11...
It was a Lie just like 9/11...
On 9/11 they took a Passport out of the rubble...
Here they pull out a chemical weapons manual...
Should this manual not be found there where the Chemicals are made?
Did you find any?
The Enemy is our own Government which we must Kill to survive.
Or else we fight AI and Machines within a year.
And the Government just yesterday announced to progress AI faster.
Because the Aim is total control over the Human Race via Ai.
Israel already uses AI in the war against nobody.
Ukraine is a Testbed for AI warfare... with German RHEINMETALL using it extensively to test their weapons.
RHEINMETALL is Jewish Controlled.
And behind that AI war are the same people... Freemasons Jews Zionists
And it all comes down to Genisis 11:7 and the Tower of Babel
Does nature abhor the sheep or the wolf?
Might we find some other path?
How could we be guided?
Teach the sheep Kung Fu...
Who are we?
Animal Heart...
Infinite Spirit...
Human Soul...
We are Gentiles...
Beautiful Beings...
And just like sheep we are herded...
Time to raze the fences between us.
You “think” wrong it’s not the acute but the chronic! When you consider the carcinogenic SV40 promoter, the plasmids DNA contaminants, the Good Products Practices which were violated, the vaccines of the first trials that were switched (witched), the Spikopathy and the falsified batches, than there’s no escape for anybody, it leaves us no other choice than to detox lifelong! or go to Mars. And living in a French overseas territory I heard “rumors” but are they? that apples, potatoes, beef, pork, ducks (especially the famous foi gras), shrimps, strawberries, the list is not complete all gonna be mRNA transformed, meaning we’ll choke on them vaccines.
Sorry my French is no longer up to date foi gras means fat religion while foi-e gras means the liver of the duck gonflated.
and for the vegetarians and Vegans there’s no hope either, I just came to know that the USDA gave a green light for a new generation of mRNA pesticides.... and worm burgers mRNA’s.
Homegrown's alright with me...
Yes living from pure sunlight as the testimony of 1 single yogi who has never eaten in his whole life (D3?) and from pure crystalline water….I prefer a fat hamburger and do the necessary detox when the toxines are rising to my throat, intermittent fasting is the miracle, I once haven’t eaten for 5 days and I felt like 20-30 years younger.
Are you Gentile or a Predator.
If you are a Predator you never understand Gentiles.
ZEN is Gentile Human Spirit.
I feel sorry for you that you don't understand the Human Spirit.
Because the Human Spirit is strong... it don't need war.
Predators are weak... they need war.
They have no ZEN.
You should go back to the origins of zen….it had to compete with mercenaries samurai, zen is not your best friend, if you’re not a warrior you’re out. What about Bodhidarma who insulted the Chinese emperor, what about other masters cutting your first finger or throwing you out of a window not on the first floor but higher, or beating you everyday or masters challenging you to beat them, which some did! Zen attitude is so Americanised and transformed in something nice and soft and peaceful all bullshit, it took the power out of it, don’t be a pussy be a warrior,
Not all have eaten them and not in masses, most of us have eaten crops with glyphosate but now the attack is from all sides, a cumul of intoxication you cannot imagine! There are 250 vaccines awaiting us all N1-Methyl-pseudouridine RNA which is not the same as mRNA, the 2 Noble price winners Kariko-Weissman are the inventors of the lipid, if not to say the synthetic or plastic version of the mRNA and besides vaccines all medicines waits the same plastic envelope junk coating not digestible for the human microbiome, bon appetit mon ami.
Only, seul mon ami the SV40 is dans le temps progressive……cancérogène and the plasmids as good as autoimmune. I would say à la votre santé
Yes, John Helmers article is a basically explaining the scenario I tried to explain from a birds view.
Very dangerous times, John...
Thank You, Aleks, for taking the flak and still doing the non-partisan analysis.
The "foaming-at-the-mouth" syndrome seems to be spreading like wildfire. I already lost trust in a lot of folks on the virus thingy, now this holy land issue seems to wash out most of the rest of them. Moon of Alabama comments are full of My God/dad/buddy is bigger and meaner than yours, and has bigger guns and bigger blessings from the only real god/dad. Thread on Palestine contains foam-mouth comments about hindus - obviously just breaking a discourse is enough to destroy all possibility of human sense of proportion. Of course, a lot may be AI for just muddying the waters. I guess we all have some point where we start to foam at the mouth and spout inanities - me too. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind - Gandhi saw how this goes. But that geographical area is a strange one: this oldie was brought up again on Dennigers' site: A tough place, making me ask myself: is it the judeo-christian worldview that contains some seed of destruction? The last gasps of British Empire were Israel and Pakistan, both religious states built upon a large pile of corpses.
Thank You, Kristiina.
"Become the change that you would see in the world", also Gandhi.
Dr. John evidently I am an optimist.
Just do your best and be at peace with The Divine... What else can be done with the nuclear sword of Damocles hanging by a thread?
Wear the robes and sit quietly in front of a SAC base. Bring friends. 100th monkey sits Zen and 100,000 Buddhas cheer. A few other options come to mind. Symbolic, but not gestures. And this space time does work off symbol. The nuclear sword of Damocles hanging by a thread is only one in front of our eyes. Eyes accustomed since 1945 to Atom Krieg. Nein nein Atomkrieg.
Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose
Nothin' ain't worth nothin' but it's free
I'm engaging in compassion-meditation on my bike ride. This 3 mile neighborhood loop without traffic accommodates that, 6 laps, 90 minutes. It all works well. I've been wearing my "Free Palestine" t-shirt. Yesterday a lady with covered head and neck arms and legs, near the elementary school, looked me in the face and smiled as I went by. She has always turned her face from me in the past. I think she may have seem my shirt and remembered, because the flag/map/words are on the back.
Thanks for the news about Israel and Gaza. I'm beginning to think we can blame England for the quagmire that is Israel. England issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which said “Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”. And with their very next breath, English soldiers evicted Palestinians from areas near to Jerusalem, killing them and destroying their property, in order to make room for the Jews.
In 1920 England was entrusted by the UN to administer Palestine. The terms of the mandate entrusted Britain with establishing in Palestine "a national home for the Jewish people", so long as doing so did not prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities there. Apparently Britain failed, as the rights of non-Jewish communities were violated. The area addressed came to be known as Mandatory Palestine.
And then the 1936 British Peel Commission was formed to address the causes of unrest in Mandatory Palestine. In 1947 the UN proposed to partition Palestine into two states: one Jewish, one Arab.
One horror after another. Who were the responsible parties? The UN, England, and the Zionists who swarmed into Mandatory Palestine and eventually formed the state of Israel. The existing Arab states defended their borders, sometimes unsuccessfully.
Israel is a state founded on a quagmire and aggressively hostile to its neighbors. Neither the UN, nor Britain, nor America has been able to calm its nastiness.
Yes, indeed. Weird how that all happened that way, but none of my English friends were involved, or knew about it.
My Palestinian friends are likewise all very nice people, not "human animals" at all.
There are a lot of strong opinions which seem to be based on emotional conditioning.
I see intelligent, and usually thoughtful, people make aggressive and unfounded assertions and accusations a lot recently.
Yes, Balfour did make that declaration to Rothschild re : Palestine and did administer ( or attempt to ) the Mandate. The British did in fact try to prevent the mass immigration of Jews and displacement of non Jews. This resulted in anti British terror attacks by the Zionist groups such as the Stern Gang and Irgun.
King David Hotel Bombing:
(Where Rishi Sunak was recently hosted to meet Jewish victims of terrorism.)
Thanks Doc.
Yes, how cringeworthy. A slimy whining little greaser like Sunak representing Britain. Then again maybe fitting for ‘new’ Britain
Even worse if we cast our minds back to Menachim Begin getting the royal treatment in Britain after his terrorist past
Yes, and specifically the case with Begin:
"Menahem Begin, prime minister of Israel from 1977-1982, was one of the Irgun’s early leaders. As commander of the Irgun in 1943, Begin is believed to have been responsible for planning and executing the King David Hotel attack."
Nice roundup of articles, Dr. Day. Thanks!
Here is one more. It describes what the problem for Palestinians always was, that is, … it all started as <i>Arab-Israeli Conflict</i>, but than quickly became <i>Palestinian-Israeli Conflict</i> … and now, it is - sort of presented - in Western MSM - as <i> Hamas-Israeli Conflict</i>, … which it no longer
appears to be.
The article:
<b> Israel’s War Is Not Just Against Hamas</b>
… but that, it appears - from your roundup of articles - will no longer stand ( … and rightfully so!). Greatest hint to all that is in Helmer’s filing - as you excerpted above - <i>"The Russians and Chinese can maximise their limited military projection by deterring, or if need be pre-empting a nuclear attack on the Arab cities or Teheran. For this to work, the Russians and the Chinese need to say more – loudly so there’s no mistaking what they mean"</i>.
Thanks for dropping-by, F.S.
If I have been remiss attributing links to you, it is because I have just been juggling so very many links lately.
This one that you send seems pretty wishy-washy until the very end, which sort-of redeems it, but I find that I am kind of impatient.
"For this vicious cycle to break, Palestine must, once more, become an issue that concerns all Arabs, the whole region. The Israeli narrative must be countered, Western bias confronted, and a new, collective strategy formed.
In other words, Palestine cannot be left alone anymore."
I do always appreciate your finds.
Embedded twice in your "International Leaders Gathered"......" is:
"That year (1948) Zionist militias used rape and massacre....."
"This allowed Zionist militias......"
There is definitely one vocabulary used when Israel is the varmint (ie. militia)
and another vocabulary used when Palestinian Hamas is the varmint (ie. terrorists)...
Good point. To me, I'm Christian, Israel is a terrorist. But I am quickly losing interest in characterizing anyone as "terrorist", as it has all too often become just another meaningless label. Using it seems lazy.
And, does Israel actually have militias in addition to the IDF (Israel Defense Forces)?
Yep, I keep noticing that, too. So do others.
Talking their book of business. The greater powers evidently know that blood and treasure will ease the burden of concern. The only game in town I guess.
Which one of these states didn’t vaccinate their children or people?
You mean relatively?
Trying to find "good guys"?