I just realized that Biden has probably been working for Putin. Ai-EEEEEE!!!!! Russian brain control nanochips!
But seriously, here's my logic: Biden came back from his Big Summit with Putin genuinely happy. He was emotionally congruent, even looked relieved. Putin told him exactly what his options were and exactly Putin what would do in response to each option. To a crossed T and dotted I. He laid out a plan where Biden/DNC/GOP could save their asses on the home political scene. Distract the people from the disastrous shyte-show we've had since the Duopoly lost its lunatic all-over-the-road-block: Trump the spinning top president.
So Biden Was Right About Putin headlines appear just in time to distract from USA's growing revolutionary fever.
Now they follow/ perform Putin's next planned step: cut Russia off SWIFT. Russia/China have their own version of SWIFT in place and tested. Russia is cut from SWIFT, moves to its new system, and the nations of the world switch most of their international payments to the new system in a fairly short period (more like years than months, I would think).
The USA dollar tanks big time along with our already dead-in-the-water economy. Ouch, but inevitable.
Russia wins the war against insane USA imperialism and becomes the new global hero and we become the new Big Pariah.
Putin has set it up to minimize the risk of an out of control conflict started by raving, raging narcosociopaths who might go nuclear and take the world out with them when thy realize how screwed they are and suicide becomes their only remaining friend. They now a) have at least the illusion of being able to save face, and b) know that they could launch 100 nukes and maybe if they're lucky have ten get through while assuring that the entire USA continent would get hammered. They also have the nearly certain knowledge that they would perish.
Much better that they behave and then abscond to some safe haven nation when the public comes after them. Putin probably has a verifiable track record of removing nasty Russian region oligarchs and keeping any evacuation deals he made with those who were smart enough to accept the offers Putin made that they couldn't refuse, so I suspect that Biden et al will follow orders right into their escape tickets to seaside Crimea or such.
This also pleases upper tier Wall Street cuz now they have a good idea of when the plug will be pulled. I suspect we'll see a major uptick in wall street market players "shorting the market". I pray I have another year to get novels written and sold... although it occurs to me that the Santa story I'm writing, that wants to be expand into a novel, would sell just as well in Russian as English and European translations.
It shouldn't take long to learn if I'm right or smoking loco weed.
I won't attempt to be 'fair and balanced' or 'reasonable' in my response here because that would interfere with the core lunatic point, albeit anything but illogical, that I want to stress here:
I think Xi is already toast. Major house of cards. I think that China provides the big economic bully-pulpit target for Euromerican propaganda pundits to focus our fear on (even as it says russiarussiarussia foreverandeverandever). Russia is deemed the Evil Empire but China is the Big Fat Dragon that the pundits refer to over and over. Russia allegedly wants to rule the world, but t is China, we're told, that will actually eat our lunch.
In psych terms, it makes sense for them to do this. Russia is the REAL global military power now. It could take out China easily if it wanted to. Military power MATTERS, jah? Since Russia is whom TPTB *should* be really scared of, and I wish to think that TPTB are not entirely clueless, it is propagandized as weak but willing while characterizing China as vastly powerful but tolerably well-behaved. Logic being: don't show the people what you're really scared of.
I think Putin holds all the defining cards at this point. I think we're witnessing one of those rare Napoleon/Genghis Khan miracle moments in history. It is not that Putin is imperially acquisitive like those guys, he's isn't, is actually the opposite, but rather, it is that he has played global realpolitik with a skill that will leave history books speaking breathlessly of him. (I'm putting aside whether he'll be viewed as a good or bad person, just that his chess skills will become legendary; but I think he'll be remembered as a good man and a hero.)
Will Putin remain free of global elitist ensnarement? Has he already been ensnared? His mostly official narrative response to covid suggests so. With any other leader, I'd shut the book right there and call him an NWO pawn.
But this is Vlad the Man. He might've made a psychopathically but benevolently intended and politically shrewd decision to go along with covidiocy in order to hold onto to public approval during a crazy time globally. He might even have been conning TPTB that he was with them in their plan. 'Gimme that toxic remdesivir! Let's trigger a bit of VAIDS with non-sterilizing mass inoculations during a relatively compressed time frame. Sure! I'm in! $$$$$$$!!!!"
And then pull the trap string starting with Ukraine. TPTB, according to my logic above, like this so far. Part of the old (TPTB think they've cornered Putin and got him to sell out) / new (Putin gives Biden order at last summit but those orders save Biden's/TPTB's ass and they're happy) plan that I described above. But then (hope springs eternal alert), using the cover of his Ukraine campaign, he rounds up all the Euromerican NGO-types that he can (as is happening now with his protest arrests, and which TPTB would at least partially expect), and then, rounds up Russian heavyweights and such who've been secretly selling Russia out, a chronic problem for Vlad given that a) his country is built on oligarchic shoulders that he manes like a king manages his nobles and warlords, and b) some hell-state named the USA keeps throwing huge $$$ at his nations large players.
Suddenly TPTB are on their own, Russia holds all the cards, is best buddies with the world's manufacturing center, and Putin gets to decide if Marshall Planning us is his best option (USA as a Russian vassal state like Western Europe was to post-WWII USA) or if he'll just let us flounder in poverty and domestic mayhem.
I think he'd be smart to go Marshall Plan -- they have the physical resources to share (sell on credit repayable only in rubles) -- herby retaining the USA somewhat as a market while proving to the world that Russia is now the Great Big Good Guy and de facto global policeman.
So, if Russia experiences a major round-up and upset in its higher levels of power-by-wealth, ESPECIALLY regarding those who sold* Putin on covidiocy (and he either believed them at first then wised up later, or disbelieved them from the start but strung them along), I will order another supply of whatever I'm smoking.
I won't be commenting but a tiny bit, but this topic seemed especially pertinent and deserved serious text.
BTW, you look happier now that you quit your day job. :)
'...that he manes like a king manages his nobles and warlords...'
'manes' is a typo meant to read 'manages', but I think that 'manes' does a leonine job of getting the point across too, but 'herby herby retaining the USA ' won't work. Needs to be 'thereby'
"BTW, you look happier now that you quit your day job. :)"
It's the nice warm lighting and Jenny making me appear happier.
Each piece of what you said makes some sense, but is not conclusive and it constitutes something like 1000 to the second power of possible variations.
I sure don't have "the answer".
I think the elites conspire against the herds by creating narratives where they marry each other and we kill each other.
I think that's happening along the old lines again, which made Biden happy to have finally arranged. Maybe he just got some good meds...
I am just prepping the best I can, with a long view, and paying attention to the actions I see, trying to understand them within a context that has a bit of predictive value.
That's what I share. It's the best I can do.
China is a lot more than Xi. China has 100 year plans.
Russia has weapons, and so does China, but China has so many people, and Russia just has so much Russia. Both countries have done a lot with what they have, and are historically wary of each other.
Everybody wants to profit from the other 2 fighting each other..
Everybody needs to control gas and oil and strategic minerals, water and food going forward. Everybody wants a choke hold on the others to collect tribute/rent.
Maybe Charles Hugh Smith is right, and this paradigm collapses.
A really big coronal mass ejection could do it, for instance, or loss of the Van Allen belts from a magnetic pole shift, visiting interstellar space junk, big volcano, accidental nuclear launch...
Oh, I agree that it's just speculation. But it's my speculation and I'm sticking to it. I certainly have no interest in arguing it but am always interested in comparative data and ideas.
fwiw, this item I found 6 minutes ago fits my Putin's COvid Plan narrative:
"The magazine also published footage of demonstrations along Nevsky Avenue in Saint Petersburg. Those protests that were interrupted by police with megaphones, informing them that large organized gatherings violated Russia’s coronavirus-era social distancing restrictions."
How convenient, not just for NWO globelites wanting to control their populations, but for Russian presidents wanting to ferret out and question, defang, and deport Euromerican NWO-based NGO operatives and the Russian citizens they've either bribed or conned into betraying their own nation.
As for China: China will always exist, of course. But it's economy is in the same sad shape as ours but worse, and it's people are still not stabilized into a sufficiently adhering concept of What China Is Today to get them through a crash in one political piece, as I see it. I see economic collapse and another revolution in their cards, and fairly soon, probably the end of this decade.
As for paradigm collapses: I see it already well underway and beyond repair, but that's just one man's crystal ball.
Michael Hudson calls me the rentier class, I am retired and get money from investments through my bank and the Canadian government pension plans. All Wall Street and Ponzi schemes! Not a very secure situation.
Thanks Mary. I have seen one or both of those articles last fall, which seems so long ago, now.
"The purpose of the ‘pandemic’ was to accelerate the pre-existing macrotrend of monetary expansion, while postponing inflationary damage. Following the Federal Reserve, the world’s central bankers have created oceans of liquidity, thus devaluing their currencies to the detriment of populations. While this continues, the transnational turbo-capital of the elites keeps expanding in the financial orbit, absorbing those small and medium size businesses it has depressed and destroyed. In other words, there is no such thing as a free lunch (for us). The Central Bank’s money-printer works only for the 0.0001% – with the help of Virus, or a global threat of equal traction."
Michael Hudson doesn't have anything against you, Sister, but you and everybody like you are in a group subject to culling in hard times. Unless I can get work, I will also be,
The people of a nation will typically latch onto some narrative in order to work together in hard times. Plato's "Noble Lie". It's dangerous to look like a "traitor" to such a narrative in these times. The COVID-pandemic control narrative is rapidly fading. The war control-narrative is a very dangerous one, especially in desperate times, which are on the near horizon.
A letter I mailed fam&friends an hour ago:
Call me crazy...
But don't call me late for my dinner meds.
I just realized that Biden has probably been working for Putin. Ai-EEEEEE!!!!! Russian brain control nanochips!
But seriously, here's my logic: Biden came back from his Big Summit with Putin genuinely happy. He was emotionally congruent, even looked relieved. Putin told him exactly what his options were and exactly Putin what would do in response to each option. To a crossed T and dotted I. He laid out a plan where Biden/DNC/GOP could save their asses on the home political scene. Distract the people from the disastrous shyte-show we've had since the Duopoly lost its lunatic all-over-the-road-block: Trump the spinning top president.
So Biden Was Right About Putin headlines appear just in time to distract from USA's growing revolutionary fever.
Now they follow/ perform Putin's next planned step: cut Russia off SWIFT. Russia/China have their own version of SWIFT in place and tested. Russia is cut from SWIFT, moves to its new system, and the nations of the world switch most of their international payments to the new system in a fairly short period (more like years than months, I would think).
The USA dollar tanks big time along with our already dead-in-the-water economy. Ouch, but inevitable.
Russia wins the war against insane USA imperialism and becomes the new global hero and we become the new Big Pariah.
Putin has set it up to minimize the risk of an out of control conflict started by raving, raging narcosociopaths who might go nuclear and take the world out with them when thy realize how screwed they are and suicide becomes their only remaining friend. They now a) have at least the illusion of being able to save face, and b) know that they could launch 100 nukes and maybe if they're lucky have ten get through while assuring that the entire USA continent would get hammered. They also have the nearly certain knowledge that they would perish.
Much better that they behave and then abscond to some safe haven nation when the public comes after them. Putin probably has a verifiable track record of removing nasty Russian region oligarchs and keeping any evacuation deals he made with those who were smart enough to accept the offers Putin made that they couldn't refuse, so I suspect that Biden et al will follow orders right into their escape tickets to seaside Crimea or such.
This also pleases upper tier Wall Street cuz now they have a good idea of when the plug will be pulled. I suspect we'll see a major uptick in wall street market players "shorting the market". I pray I have another year to get novels written and sold... although it occurs to me that the Santa story I'm writing, that wants to be expand into a novel, would sell just as well in Russian as English and European translations.
It shouldn't take long to learn if I'm right or smoking loco weed.
Oh, Xi might be running the whole show, knocking Russia, EU/NATO and US against each other to wear them down.
OK: You're "Crazy"!
It might be similar to that, but simpler, too.
The elites can all work this control narrative on their populations.
That's the good old way, right?
This "Goldilocks war" was just unusually difficult to arrange properly.
These things, no matter how well planned, can still go wrong, too.
Some elite factions are bound to get cut out of the good end of the deal.
I won't attempt to be 'fair and balanced' or 'reasonable' in my response here because that would interfere with the core lunatic point, albeit anything but illogical, that I want to stress here:
I think Xi is already toast. Major house of cards. I think that China provides the big economic bully-pulpit target for Euromerican propaganda pundits to focus our fear on (even as it says russiarussiarussia foreverandeverandever). Russia is deemed the Evil Empire but China is the Big Fat Dragon that the pundits refer to over and over. Russia allegedly wants to rule the world, but t is China, we're told, that will actually eat our lunch.
In psych terms, it makes sense for them to do this. Russia is the REAL global military power now. It could take out China easily if it wanted to. Military power MATTERS, jah? Since Russia is whom TPTB *should* be really scared of, and I wish to think that TPTB are not entirely clueless, it is propagandized as weak but willing while characterizing China as vastly powerful but tolerably well-behaved. Logic being: don't show the people what you're really scared of.
I think Putin holds all the defining cards at this point. I think we're witnessing one of those rare Napoleon/Genghis Khan miracle moments in history. It is not that Putin is imperially acquisitive like those guys, he's isn't, is actually the opposite, but rather, it is that he has played global realpolitik with a skill that will leave history books speaking breathlessly of him. (I'm putting aside whether he'll be viewed as a good or bad person, just that his chess skills will become legendary; but I think he'll be remembered as a good man and a hero.)
Will Putin remain free of global elitist ensnarement? Has he already been ensnared? His mostly official narrative response to covid suggests so. With any other leader, I'd shut the book right there and call him an NWO pawn.
But this is Vlad the Man. He might've made a psychopathically but benevolently intended and politically shrewd decision to go along with covidiocy in order to hold onto to public approval during a crazy time globally. He might even have been conning TPTB that he was with them in their plan. 'Gimme that toxic remdesivir! Let's trigger a bit of VAIDS with non-sterilizing mass inoculations during a relatively compressed time frame. Sure! I'm in! $$$$$$$!!!!"
And then pull the trap string starting with Ukraine. TPTB, according to my logic above, like this so far. Part of the old (TPTB think they've cornered Putin and got him to sell out) / new (Putin gives Biden order at last summit but those orders save Biden's/TPTB's ass and they're happy) plan that I described above. But then (hope springs eternal alert), using the cover of his Ukraine campaign, he rounds up all the Euromerican NGO-types that he can (as is happening now with his protest arrests, and which TPTB would at least partially expect), and then, rounds up Russian heavyweights and such who've been secretly selling Russia out, a chronic problem for Vlad given that a) his country is built on oligarchic shoulders that he manes like a king manages his nobles and warlords, and b) some hell-state named the USA keeps throwing huge $$$ at his nations large players.
Suddenly TPTB are on their own, Russia holds all the cards, is best buddies with the world's manufacturing center, and Putin gets to decide if Marshall Planning us is his best option (USA as a Russian vassal state like Western Europe was to post-WWII USA) or if he'll just let us flounder in poverty and domestic mayhem.
I think he'd be smart to go Marshall Plan -- they have the physical resources to share (sell on credit repayable only in rubles) -- herby retaining the USA somewhat as a market while proving to the world that Russia is now the Great Big Good Guy and de facto global policeman.
So, if Russia experiences a major round-up and upset in its higher levels of power-by-wealth, ESPECIALLY regarding those who sold* Putin on covidiocy (and he either believed them at first then wised up later, or disbelieved them from the start but strung them along), I will order another supply of whatever I'm smoking.
I won't be commenting but a tiny bit, but this topic seemed especially pertinent and deserved serious text.
BTW, you look happier now that you quit your day job. :)
'...that he manes like a king manages his nobles and warlords...'
'manes' is a typo meant to read 'manages', but I think that 'manes' does a leonine job of getting the point across too, but 'herby herby retaining the USA ' won't work. Needs to be 'thereby'
"BTW, you look happier now that you quit your day job. :)"
It's the nice warm lighting and Jenny making me appear happier.
Each piece of what you said makes some sense, but is not conclusive and it constitutes something like 1000 to the second power of possible variations.
I sure don't have "the answer".
I think the elites conspire against the herds by creating narratives where they marry each other and we kill each other.
I think that's happening along the old lines again, which made Biden happy to have finally arranged. Maybe he just got some good meds...
I am just prepping the best I can, with a long view, and paying attention to the actions I see, trying to understand them within a context that has a bit of predictive value.
That's what I share. It's the best I can do.
China is a lot more than Xi. China has 100 year plans.
Russia has weapons, and so does China, but China has so many people, and Russia just has so much Russia. Both countries have done a lot with what they have, and are historically wary of each other.
Everybody wants to profit from the other 2 fighting each other..
Everybody needs to control gas and oil and strategic minerals, water and food going forward. Everybody wants a choke hold on the others to collect tribute/rent.
Maybe Charles Hugh Smith is right, and this paradigm collapses.
A really big coronal mass ejection could do it, for instance, or loss of the Van Allen belts from a magnetic pole shift, visiting interstellar space junk, big volcano, accidental nuclear launch...
Oh, I agree that it's just speculation. But it's my speculation and I'm sticking to it. I certainly have no interest in arguing it but am always interested in comparative data and ideas.
fwiw, this item I found 6 minutes ago fits my Putin's COvid Plan narrative:
"The magazine also published footage of demonstrations along Nevsky Avenue in Saint Petersburg. Those protests that were interrupted by police with megaphones, informing them that large organized gatherings violated Russia’s coronavirus-era social distancing restrictions."
How convenient, not just for NWO globelites wanting to control their populations, but for Russian presidents wanting to ferret out and question, defang, and deport Euromerican NWO-based NGO operatives and the Russian citizens they've either bribed or conned into betraying their own nation.
As for China: China will always exist, of course. But it's economy is in the same sad shape as ours but worse, and it's people are still not stabilized into a sufficiently adhering concept of What China Is Today to get them through a crash in one political piece, as I see it. I see economic collapse and another revolution in their cards, and fairly soon, probably the end of this decade.
As for paradigm collapses: I see it already well underway and beyond repair, but that's just one man's crystal ball.
OK, then, we more or less agree, yet again, and I'm calling it a day.
Sweet Dreams, Robin-Hood.
Nicely done, I like this format. You may have seen this but I think it is worth looking at again:
and this
Michael Hudson calls me the rentier class, I am retired and get money from investments through my bank and the Canadian government pension plans. All Wall Street and Ponzi schemes! Not a very secure situation.
Thanks Mary. I have seen one or both of those articles last fall, which seems so long ago, now.
"The purpose of the ‘pandemic’ was to accelerate the pre-existing macrotrend of monetary expansion, while postponing inflationary damage. Following the Federal Reserve, the world’s central bankers have created oceans of liquidity, thus devaluing their currencies to the detriment of populations. While this continues, the transnational turbo-capital of the elites keeps expanding in the financial orbit, absorbing those small and medium size businesses it has depressed and destroyed. In other words, there is no such thing as a free lunch (for us). The Central Bank’s money-printer works only for the 0.0001% – with the help of Virus, or a global threat of equal traction."
Michael Hudson doesn't have anything against you, Sister, but you and everybody like you are in a group subject to culling in hard times. Unless I can get work, I will also be,
The people of a nation will typically latch onto some narrative in order to work together in hard times. Plato's "Noble Lie". It's dangerous to look like a "traitor" to such a narrative in these times. The COVID-pandemic control narrative is rapidly fading. The war control-narrative is a very dangerous one, especially in desperate times, which are on the near horizon.
Souls can accept direct guidance from the Divine. It has been unlearned by many.
It is what I seek.
This is the time that we must truly become good stewards of life on Earth.