As usual, haven't found the time to do more than glance at some of the highlights of what you manage to publish nearly every day ... but enough to be bewildered that we have survived as a species for this long. The "kagemusha-behind-kagemusha" ad-infinitum psychopathy of power mongers is mind bogglingly depressing.
Just survival alone, much less flourishing, is increasingly seeming like a naive Taoist dream within a dream of a butterfly who dreamed he was a man. 🙃
Thanks Steve. I watched the first 6 minutes, and I agree, but if you watch the first 6 minutes of Alex Krainer you will know a whole lot more than that. ;-)
My understanding is that the measles vaccine has failed repeatedly, so what is RFK doing here?
And of course, it has never been properly tested for safety or efficacy...So stay away....
European leaders are incredibly delusional about Ukraine...or maybe it's just the kickbacks from Zelensky...Starmer's "deal" is quite impressively stupid, since the UK will never get its hands on any Ukrainian resources, but then, he is a very stupid man...
There is no good way to deal with measles outbreaks, which can often be fatal to adults without immunity.
The case fatality rate in kids in the US used to be about 1:1000. It was passed off as "just a childhood disease" in those days, but it is a bad one. I had it almost exactly 60 years ago, and it was the most inescapably miserable I have ever been in my life. I had an ordinary case of measles; no complications, rested at home.
So there is no way around vaccinating everybody who has never had measles or a vaccination when there is an outbreak. The stuff spreads wickedly well.
We should all keep our vitamin-D levels up, of course.
There is not one measles vaccine to test and be done with. It is a live-attenuated virus vaccine, so people can definitely get measles from some batches of measles vaccine that are not attenuated enough, and if the virus is too attenuated, it fails to produce an infection, and fails to provide immunity.
In a world where most people have not had the measles, and some percentage, maybe 20%, don't actually have measles immunity, due to vaccine flop, or never vaccination, a society really has to scramble to prevent big outbreaks, because adult fatalities can be assumed.
John that's such a trash finance capitalist, usurious disinfo. Stop doing their work for them.
Measles is a very visible cry for help -- to the surrounding adults -- from an intelligent, adolescent body that has a structural retinol deficiency during a physical growth spurt. Retinol deficiency during growth spurt, I'm sure you'll agree, is a terrible combination. What organ has the highest demand for retinol? The skin? What causes deficiency? The standard American diet.
All of the childhood diseases with skin symptoms are evolutionary feedback mechanisms to the adults that they need to step up their game and be better, more responsible hunters, because that's where the retinols lay.
How does it ‘spread?’ when kids are subject to the same environmental constraints and deficiencies, they are all producing similar levels of signalling exosomes that are signaling about coordinating constructive responses to the deprivations and deficiencies. Many of these exosomes leave the body and enter other bodies. The are exogenous exosomes. Tipping points are reached in that interpersonal exosomal conversation, and the ‘measles’ goes acute in multiple bodies.
What is the function of the symptoms? Obviously -- a long with the huge warning flag it raises to parents who still know their ecological asses from a hole in the ground -- the skin symptoms are an intelligently distributed mass apoptosis due to the underlying malnutrition, which relieves a little of the nutritional pressure as the cell turnover plays out, and presumably kicks off a systemic, temporary redistribution of available retinol away from other tissues and towards skin, the largest organ and also the hungriest during a developmental growth spurt. Pulling from organs and other deeper tissues has long-term consequences if the malnutrition is not addressed. Enter chronic disease later in life.
‘Measles’ is an intelligent,adaptive (healing/rebalancing) protocol no different than any other symptomology. It's nothing to do with submicroscopic terrorists without box cutters for fuck sake.
Whereas measles outbreaks may be weaponized to employ fear tactics to manipulate people, Ben, everything I wrote was correct and you have just been rude like Zelensky.
Okay so now you're buying MAGA's interpretation of the oval office theater. Eyeliner Vance was the little bitch in that room that started it with his princess histrionics which was Trump cue to to do his conman schtick. Now that the liberals are the controlled opposition, they are going to be correct more often about political dynamics: rinse and repeat. And they are correct that this scene in particular was obvious ambush.
The revolution will not be televised. Duh. If it's on tv, it's not actually a revolution. The DA is that which will not be teveed. For the millionth time
Ok will do thx. Haven't done that yet. That said, what choice does he have but to rely on the status quo? And what else is Trump's resource deal other than a big fucking shakedown?
Your introductory essay on it said nothing about the fact that Z said nothing about $500B and also that his September idea to Trump included security guarantees which Trump's opposed to. Russia is never going to give back the land it has taken and Trump has zero interest in challenging that yet Z obviously cannot make a deal that would negate Ukie sovereignty.
Also your fake "20 more years of our world because nationalism" is a sick joke. The DA's formal switch to nationalism this year will be catastrophic. "Our world" will disappear into a global deflationary depression (in dollar terms). The Hidden Hand cannot avoid that. Complexity theory, which because of your manufactured hate for globalism, you're now happy to ignore, just because you bought into The Great Reset misdirection play which I told you a million times not to do.
The nationalisms will be more efficient for collapse once they're established -- thus their manufactured reason for coming into being -- but they themselves still have to be catabolically collapsed into (control demolished into). Your manufactured hopium is you doing the globalists' work for them. The globalists you hate. I told you that that's the manufactured political consent that we were going to be surrounded by, and now you've chosen to bathe in it. And that really disappoints me because your better than that, and you had plenty of forewarning. The Truth is not a popularity contest. When orwellian rinse and repeat reigns supreme, it's closer to a contest in contrarianism. Unfortunately.
“ …if in 1938 British PM Chamberlain claimed, “Peace for our time", in 2025 PM
Starmer is admitting, “Peace for our dime. ” Bloomberg has estimated Europe might have to
spend €300bn extra annually in defence spending ahead, but Jakub Janda from the Centre for
Security Policy in Prague states: “It is possible to have strong European military to defend Europe. Even without the US. It costs at least 7-10% of GDP annually in initial years and then at least 5% of GDP. When the hell are we starting?” Is Europe serious about doing this? We will hear more on that this week, with a Bundesbank proposal on debt brake reform today, and another European summit on Thursday. Just recall there is a huge price tag for European inaction as well.”
It is, perhaps possible to borrow a bunch of money towards this end, but not possible to accomplish the end, and probably impossible to even service the debt, so it leads to a crash, which appears inevitable in the near-term, anyway...
Hey John have you taken out a home equity loan yet for installing blue roofs on your houses? What's the word on the street? People jumping on that? Mittledorf got one yet?
There is zero physical reason that I can see that blue is positron-resistant lol, so I take the phenomenon as an Illuminati nod and a wink, with nod being as good as a wink to a blind bat.
Imagine all the DEWing they can get away with during Collapse, if they so choose to. Blue roofs built to the new code.
Sorry John, I'm not actually making fun of the idea of getting a b
Blue roof at all. If we were to put a new roof on the house I'd lobby with my wife for blue myself because it certainly can't hurt can it? In fact it's kind of a no brainer. I genuinely think that the Elites may be suggesting that it's a good idea. I'm just presenting the topic humorously. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
As for my other comment on 'measles,' I'm entitled to come out firing on that one, John, because you just don't care enough to question your own 'doctoral' everything orthodoxy. Vaccinations suppress what it is that the body is needing to do, which only ever kicks the can down the road. Nobody dies of 'measles,' ever. Sometimes they just die for other reasons while they're having those symptoms, either because it's coincidental or those symptoms are just the straw that breaks the camel's back.
We disagree on that. Millions of people have died of measles. It devastated the Americas and the Pacific islands.
I had measles, and I had an ordinary case of stay-home-from-school measles exactly 60 years ago to this date, and it was the most inescapably miserable I have ever been for over a week.
Malaria, numerous traumatic injuries and 3 day undiagnosed appendicitis were notably less suffering.
Measles deserves a lot of respect in my experience.
Millions of people have died of comorbidities that almost always include malnutrition which itself always includes chronic retinol deficiency which itself always results in cells producing related signaling exosomes designed to cope with the deficiency, and which allopathy calls alien 'viruses.' understand that you sought out the easy, profitable answer and that's exactly what you got.
The dark magic of virology lies in the fact that it has a complete internal logic because it takes advantage of the complete logic of exosomal biology by substition. It's an imposter complex. It uses a body double. Where have we seen body doubles before, hm?
If you acknowledge the established existence of signaling exosomes and their established roles in disease-related coordination responses then political body doubles are a perfect analogy. Yet you don't acknowledge that signaling exosomes and supposed viruses are structurally the same to say nothing of the fact that supposed viruses have never been observed to forcibly hijack cells without boxcutters nor has a plausible biochemical mechanism for hijacking been elucidated. Nor has the conscious wherewithal for them to evolve such hijacking abilities been explained. Yet those truths don't move your soul.
Two actors and a stooge, that's how I see the Trump-Zelensky-Vance wrestling match. Thanks to Mark Elsis for sending me here. You've compiled a deep dive of evidence, John.
Hey John.
As usual, haven't found the time to do more than glance at some of the highlights of what you manage to publish nearly every day ... but enough to be bewildered that we have survived as a species for this long. The "kagemusha-behind-kagemusha" ad-infinitum psychopathy of power mongers is mind bogglingly depressing.
Just survival alone, much less flourishing, is increasingly seeming like a naive Taoist dream within a dream of a butterfly who dreamed he was a man. 🙃
Cheers buddy.
I don't know how you keep it up.
But cheers.
Thank You, Steve. It may sound odd, but as I am always looking at all the evil, my mind is studying paths to improvement, to harmonious existence.
You might not know that if I didn't say so.
All the more to be amazed at your output's quality as well as quantity.
I am so overwhelmed with the mass of data, I have to sniff out integrity and increasingly depend on snippets such as this ...
Cheers buddy!
Thanks Steve. I watched the first 6 minutes, and I agree, but if you watch the first 6 minutes of Alex Krainer you will know a whole lot more than that. ;-)
New name for me! Thanks for the heads up.
Will search for him now.
Alex Krainer is the very first video link in this post.
I also looked at the video you linked to here, but Alex presented his ideas more quickly, clearly and comfortably at the link I posted.
The content is the same as this link, though.
Alex Krainer has seen a lot of the world, managed a lot of money, and is still honest and constructive.
Thanks, John. Will go back and take a look at that link.
Cheers from a cold and snowy night in Tokyo.
My understanding is that the measles vaccine has failed repeatedly, so what is RFK doing here?
And of course, it has never been properly tested for safety or efficacy...So stay away....
European leaders are incredibly delusional about Ukraine...or maybe it's just the kickbacks from Zelensky...Starmer's "deal" is quite impressively stupid, since the UK will never get its hands on any Ukrainian resources, but then, he is a very stupid man...
There is no good way to deal with measles outbreaks, which can often be fatal to adults without immunity.
The case fatality rate in kids in the US used to be about 1:1000. It was passed off as "just a childhood disease" in those days, but it is a bad one. I had it almost exactly 60 years ago, and it was the most inescapably miserable I have ever been in my life. I had an ordinary case of measles; no complications, rested at home.
So there is no way around vaccinating everybody who has never had measles or a vaccination when there is an outbreak. The stuff spreads wickedly well.
We should all keep our vitamin-D levels up, of course.
There is not one measles vaccine to test and be done with. It is a live-attenuated virus vaccine, so people can definitely get measles from some batches of measles vaccine that are not attenuated enough, and if the virus is too attenuated, it fails to produce an infection, and fails to provide immunity.
In a world where most people have not had the measles, and some percentage, maybe 20%, don't actually have measles immunity, due to vaccine flop, or never vaccination, a society really has to scramble to prevent big outbreaks, because adult fatalities can be assumed.
John that's such a trash finance capitalist, usurious disinfo. Stop doing their work for them.
Measles is a very visible cry for help -- to the surrounding adults -- from an intelligent, adolescent body that has a structural retinol deficiency during a physical growth spurt. Retinol deficiency during growth spurt, I'm sure you'll agree, is a terrible combination. What organ has the highest demand for retinol? The skin? What causes deficiency? The standard American diet.
All of the childhood diseases with skin symptoms are evolutionary feedback mechanisms to the adults that they need to step up their game and be better, more responsible hunters, because that's where the retinols lay.
How does it ‘spread?’ when kids are subject to the same environmental constraints and deficiencies, they are all producing similar levels of signalling exosomes that are signaling about coordinating constructive responses to the deprivations and deficiencies. Many of these exosomes leave the body and enter other bodies. The are exogenous exosomes. Tipping points are reached in that interpersonal exosomal conversation, and the ‘measles’ goes acute in multiple bodies.
What is the function of the symptoms? Obviously -- a long with the huge warning flag it raises to parents who still know their ecological asses from a hole in the ground -- the skin symptoms are an intelligently distributed mass apoptosis due to the underlying malnutrition, which relieves a little of the nutritional pressure as the cell turnover plays out, and presumably kicks off a systemic, temporary redistribution of available retinol away from other tissues and towards skin, the largest organ and also the hungriest during a developmental growth spurt. Pulling from organs and other deeper tissues has long-term consequences if the malnutrition is not addressed. Enter chronic disease later in life.
‘Measles’ is an intelligent,adaptive (healing/rebalancing) protocol no different than any other symptomology. It's nothing to do with submicroscopic terrorists without box cutters for fuck sake.
Whereas measles outbreaks may be weaponized to employ fear tactics to manipulate people, Ben, everything I wrote was correct and you have just been rude like Zelensky.
Okay so now you're buying MAGA's interpretation of the oval office theater. Eyeliner Vance was the little bitch in that room that started it with his princess histrionics which was Trump cue to to do his conman schtick. Now that the liberals are the controlled opposition, they are going to be correct more often about political dynamics: rinse and repeat. And they are correct that this scene in particular was obvious ambush.
The revolution will not be televised. Duh. If it's on tv, it's not actually a revolution. The DA is that which will not be teveed. For the millionth time
Zelensky made deals to blow it up before he went to the White House that day. He did his job for his globalist masters in the "Square Mile".
Do read the essay and the first few links of this post for more.
Ok will do thx. Haven't done that yet. That said, what choice does he have but to rely on the status quo? And what else is Trump's resource deal other than a big fucking shakedown?
Your introductory essay on it said nothing about the fact that Z said nothing about $500B and also that his September idea to Trump included security guarantees which Trump's opposed to. Russia is never going to give back the land it has taken and Trump has zero interest in challenging that yet Z obviously cannot make a deal that would negate Ukie sovereignty.
Also your fake "20 more years of our world because nationalism" is a sick joke. The DA's formal switch to nationalism this year will be catastrophic. "Our world" will disappear into a global deflationary depression (in dollar terms). The Hidden Hand cannot avoid that. Complexity theory, which because of your manufactured hate for globalism, you're now happy to ignore, just because you bought into The Great Reset misdirection play which I told you a million times not to do.
The nationalisms will be more efficient for collapse once they're established -- thus their manufactured reason for coming into being -- but they themselves still have to be catabolically collapsed into (control demolished into). Your manufactured hopium is you doing the globalists' work for them. The globalists you hate. I told you that that's the manufactured political consent that we were going to be surrounded by, and now you've chosen to bathe in it. And that really disappoints me because your better than that, and you had plenty of forewarning. The Truth is not a popularity contest. When orwellian rinse and repeat reigns supreme, it's closer to a contest in contrarianism. Unfortunately.
Peace for our dime, … snip:
“ …if in 1938 British PM Chamberlain claimed, “Peace for our time", in 2025 PM
Starmer is admitting, “Peace for our dime. ” Bloomberg has estimated Europe might have to
spend €300bn extra annually in defence spending ahead, but Jakub Janda from the Centre for
Security Policy in Prague states: “It is possible to have strong European military to defend Europe. Even without the US. It costs at least 7-10% of GDP annually in initial years and then at least 5% of GDP. When the hell are we starting?” Is Europe serious about doing this? We will hear more on that this week, with a Bundesbank proposal on debt brake reform today, and another European summit on Thursday. Just recall there is a huge price tag for European inaction as well.”
… rest at:
It is, perhaps possible to borrow a bunch of money towards this end, but not possible to accomplish the end, and probably impossible to even service the debt, so it leads to a crash, which appears inevitable in the near-term, anyway...
Hey John have you taken out a home equity loan yet for installing blue roofs on your houses? What's the word on the street? People jumping on that? Mittledorf got one yet?
There is zero physical reason that I can see that blue is positron-resistant lol, so I take the phenomenon as an Illuminati nod and a wink, with nod being as good as a wink to a blind bat.
Imagine all the DEWing they can get away with during Collapse, if they so choose to. Blue roofs built to the new code.
Why are you so negative today Ben?
This is unconstructive.
Sorry John, I'm not actually making fun of the idea of getting a b
Blue roof at all. If we were to put a new roof on the house I'd lobby with my wife for blue myself because it certainly can't hurt can it? In fact it's kind of a no brainer. I genuinely think that the Elites may be suggesting that it's a good idea. I'm just presenting the topic humorously. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
As for my other comment on 'measles,' I'm entitled to come out firing on that one, John, because you just don't care enough to question your own 'doctoral' everything orthodoxy. Vaccinations suppress what it is that the body is needing to do, which only ever kicks the can down the road. Nobody dies of 'measles,' ever. Sometimes they just die for other reasons while they're having those symptoms, either because it's coincidental or those symptoms are just the straw that breaks the camel's back.
We disagree on that. Millions of people have died of measles. It devastated the Americas and the Pacific islands.
I had measles, and I had an ordinary case of stay-home-from-school measles exactly 60 years ago to this date, and it was the most inescapably miserable I have ever been for over a week.
Malaria, numerous traumatic injuries and 3 day undiagnosed appendicitis were notably less suffering.
Measles deserves a lot of respect in my experience.
Millions of people have died of comorbidities that almost always include malnutrition which itself always includes chronic retinol deficiency which itself always results in cells producing related signaling exosomes designed to cope with the deficiency, and which allopathy calls alien 'viruses.' understand that you sought out the easy, profitable answer and that's exactly what you got.
The dark magic of virology lies in the fact that it has a complete internal logic because it takes advantage of the complete logic of exosomal biology by substition. It's an imposter complex. It uses a body double. Where have we seen body doubles before, hm?
But you don't want to know John.
Viral infections and illness are not identical to invasion of the body snatchers or even political "doubles", such as "tall Biden".
The infectious theory of disease works well, as a working model to practice medicine and successfully treat people with these illnesses.
There are always scams in business-for-profit, certainly in medicine, but both germs and underlying health are important.
If you acknowledge the established existence of signaling exosomes and their established roles in disease-related coordination responses then political body doubles are a perfect analogy. Yet you don't acknowledge that signaling exosomes and supposed viruses are structurally the same to say nothing of the fact that supposed viruses have never been observed to forcibly hijack cells without boxcutters nor has a plausible biochemical mechanism for hijacking been elucidated. Nor has the conscious wherewithal for them to evolve such hijacking abilities been explained. Yet those truths don't move your soul.
Two actors and a stooge, that's how I see the Trump-Zelensky-Vance wrestling match. Thanks to Mark Elsis for sending me here. You've compiled a deep dive of evidence, John.
The biggest complainers in this world are the ones that wage War Like Zelinsky and like the Jews….