You would have done well to actually read Capital rather than the Communist Manifesto, etc. if this is all you were going to read. The anlaysis of money and value is far more nuanced and useful than you seem to understand. But most importantly, you write an essay on Marx where the words class struggle do not appear. This is the core of Marxist analysis and historical materialism. You do great work, but this attempt to trivialize Marx at a time when we need his analyses the most is decidedly counterprodutive. A better elucidation of Marx and Marxism might have also cut short the ongoing idiotic otion that the Great Reset, etc. is "communist." I must have missed the workers' seixure of power and the dismantling of the capitalist state
Oh I tried valiantly to read Das Kapital over a decade ago, making it about 58 pages in.
I'm interested in Marx's insights, but he demands a tremendous investment of his reader. Das Kapital was much better philosophically, but it's just not feasible to go through it, because of the complexity interwoven into each extended sentence. I seek to clearly understand "value" and its monetary representation, which is different from means-of-production. I seek to avoid specialist terminology, and prefer clear description, in service of the reader.
Marx's "class struggle" is a useful concept, but I don't seek to be a Marxist, rather to appreciate what useful insights he may have had, and he certainly did. It is also true that he was very much a product of what Europe was going through in the middle of the 19th century, a time of rapid, revolutionary, and mostly ugly change. I just read parts 1 and 7 of The 18th Brumaire of Luis Bonaparte, which are the excerpts in the Selected Writings book that sits on my shelf, but I've taken down.
In it, Marx is full of himself and judgmental, which is not hard to understand, but the workings of politics in times of change are a mess. He could have acknowledged that, but it is also true that he wrote for a specific and narrow class of readers, well educated intellectuals with revolutionary bent. His style in this piece, the 1869 edition, is very much that of a smug club-member writing for other smug club members.
I'm taking suggestions for other essays of his to read, which would be currently useful.
More recent authors, trained in Marxian analysis, especially Michael Hudson, serve our current needs much better.
Karl Marx seemed to get focused upon the revolutionary period right in the middle of the 19th century, when "Capitalism", of which he was an excellent analyst, was overthrowing older monarchic and feudal orders.
"Communist" is merely a pejorative these days, and for 174 years, at least. People use it to mean "totalitarian" most of the time, best I can tell.
The great-reset is a financier's trap for all other classes. It serves no broad class, but only the artificial class of financial-capital. Finance is not really "capital" especially these days, and those who wield it's power know that better than others.
That's why we need our brains chipped to own nothing and be happy. Ghoulish...
That being said, their adversaries seem to be New York Bankers, Rockefellers. It's hard to tell if the Rothschilds have a side they prefer, but Macron works for them. They are not discontent with their order, it seems, and the 4th Industrial Revolution stuff is not popular, nor is it more feasible, I think, than carbon-free-economy by 2050.
You know I like your posts because they are well written and down to the point.
As always...
If I may I like to add something to it.
You speak of Systems... I just want to point out that Humans are no Systems, and that all Systems you speak of come from Top Down.
And the key roots of this invisible dictatorial system ( call in neo feudalistic system) is education.
And there are two education systems.
One in use for us... the plebs... is to comply with authority whatsoever and never ask questions... especially here in Germany where the System by design produces Nazis.
It is a system of indoctrination education that discourages civil courage.
It basically is a system of "shut up and work" slavery.
On the other hand the upper class, the Jews and the money people are educated to work the people.
They teach them is their schools exactly the opposite what plebs are taught.
I am not sure if you know Kurt Hahn.
Kurt Hahn is a German Jew and founder of two "Wizzard" Schools... Salem and Gordonstoun
Now the word Wizzard is a combination of Wizz (Intelligence) and Art.
In these schools they are taught properly and also racist against us... the plebs... the goy... the Muggles... Mud Blood.
And yes I refer to the Harry Potter books that like Karl Marx have been written by the Order of the Rothschilds in order to indoctrinate and influence Generations.
Your Systems originated there.
Because those neo feudalistic fascists are taught how to use us how to control us and how to influence us.... they call it "Behavioral Modification Science"
You might find this article about Gordonstoun and Salem interesting.
Thanks Fritz, We have divergent interests from the owners, and particularly now, at the end of one economic-control-system. Systems don't work very long without serving all the participants, and we seem to be at an extreme swing of that. The work-layer participants have been deprived as a "solution" to maintaining the system for 45 years. That "solution" is finished. We all need an economic system that can keep working as we go forward.
There are dangers to targeting any single group, as history keeps showing.
Targeting "others" was used in Nazi and Bolshevik and Cultural-Revolution and "killing fields" scenarios.
Systems take a long time to reform, as Marx eventually noticed, but nobody seems to have noticed that Marx quit advocating proletarian-revolution after those revolutions caused harm, and system-evolution began to ameliorate the problems that his initial simplistic-solution didn't fix. People suffer trauma in revolutions.
Blaming an enemy to sustain a control-narrative is different from having a working economy, which can do without those enemies.
I have a friend, still, who was a German soldier in WW-2, captured and taken to the US.
He let me work for him for a summer in 1981, when I went to Germany to get his daughter to marry me, with my bicycle and $200. She wouldn't marry me, but he liked me and hired me for the summer.
We all visited again in 2005, when my family bike toured from Amsterdam to Bavaria, along the "Romantic Road".
He was told many lies, and explained some to me when I worked for him. We are told many lies now.
Knowing what the lies are is still only a first step to knowing the truth.
First of all... thank you for sharing such an emotional episode of your past.
If you know USA installations you might know "Charlie Battery" used to be a Nike base...
Our little village is close to that.
I guess it was in the late 60's when a seventeen year old GI and his pregnant Girlfriend arrived on the steps of the Door to our house hoping for accommodation.
My parents rented them the upper floor of our house and Lisa was her name was born within a couple of years of me.
We became friends and I learned english before I went to school.
It was great growing up with American and German culture and I remember fondly the BBQ's we had with my mother making the best potato salad in the whole world and my father grilling...
I loved Kool Aid and Peanut butter (to this day) I hate Marchmellows.
They became lifelong friends until the day my father died.
The Kurt Hahn 'philosophy' ['system' in fact] is not concerned with - in fact eschews - academic achievement . It is about developing a leadership class - 'class' being the operative word - a class of those entitled to Global Leaders. Hrd sport , spartan living, grueling expeditions are tests to winnow out the toughest among the elite intake but also the most loyal and biddable. The WEF Young Leaders can be described as an advanced seminar for the elect. The PMs of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, not to mention Sanna Marin of Finland!, are perfect examples of the low IQ / highly entitled / ultra-loyal elite products of Kurt Hahn's system.
Kurt Hahn set up a school in Greece in the 1950s - the National School of Anavryta - specifically to educate the Crown Prince Constantine. It was aimed at children of rich and powerful Greek families, with a few gifted students from poor backgrounds..
As a public elitist school it was heavily criticised for "its incongruity with the needs and priorities of Greek people." What were these Greek needs and priorities? As a small country struggling to climb out of the ruins of WW2 followed by 4 years of civil war, with half its people scattered in remote locations, it sought a universally high level of educational attainment. High school education then and today focuses on mathematics and sciences; expects mastery of ancient Greek and Greek history, literature and philosophy; mastery of at least one foreign language; Orthodox theology; geography and modern history. University education in Greece is free but places are limited with intense competition for admission. Students who do not make the cut and can afford it go to foreign universities. In other words, the Greek public school system has far higher standards than Kurt Hahn's schools.
The edcation system for plebs was called the German System by American educatiors and it was universally applied in the public schools in the United States from the 1920s onwards. NOT elsewhere - though after the 80s the lowering of standards was extended throughout the Echelon countries (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK)..
The aim of the German system is to prepare youth for employment, and discourages questioning. It consists of the 3Rs, some basic science, national narratives and Good Citizenship ie unquestioning faith in the system, 'civic' responsibility to keep others in line.
Thanks for the exhaustive research on Mossad Unit 8200, which has a finger in every pot, when it comes to electronic communications. They, like the NSA and Chinese government process all communications within their scope. NSA and Unit 8200 have unlimited scope, though.
Hi Unit 8200!
The 8 Hz frequency that Starlink can function at will also communicate with nuke-subs.
China may shoot down Musk's Starlink satellites for national-security reasons:
What a well-done summary of the last 150 years of history. Reading Marx makes a good back ground with his historic analysis. Of course after he wrote the world diverged from his vision, and now we have "financialization" of our world. I appreciate your honesty and strength. Keep on truckin'. And thanks for your clear sightedness.
Was 12th century Europe so bad? I see a hell on earth... Oh, I have a few extra toys.. But society is broken. Communists and freemasons have been working on this for a long time.
Kings in Europe that treated their subjects badly were taught by Catholic Church that mortal sin, unrepentant, lands them in hell.
I'd rather be under King Louis of France, the Saint who cleaned bedpans and looked after widows. Biden? I'm a traitor to his handlers and vice versa
You would have done well to actually read Capital rather than the Communist Manifesto, etc. if this is all you were going to read. The anlaysis of money and value is far more nuanced and useful than you seem to understand. But most importantly, you write an essay on Marx where the words class struggle do not appear. This is the core of Marxist analysis and historical materialism. You do great work, but this attempt to trivialize Marx at a time when we need his analyses the most is decidedly counterprodutive. A better elucidation of Marx and Marxism might have also cut short the ongoing idiotic otion that the Great Reset, etc. is "communist." I must have missed the workers' seixure of power and the dismantling of the capitalist state
Oh I tried valiantly to read Das Kapital over a decade ago, making it about 58 pages in.
I'm interested in Marx's insights, but he demands a tremendous investment of his reader. Das Kapital was much better philosophically, but it's just not feasible to go through it, because of the complexity interwoven into each extended sentence. I seek to clearly understand "value" and its monetary representation, which is different from means-of-production. I seek to avoid specialist terminology, and prefer clear description, in service of the reader.
Marx's "class struggle" is a useful concept, but I don't seek to be a Marxist, rather to appreciate what useful insights he may have had, and he certainly did. It is also true that he was very much a product of what Europe was going through in the middle of the 19th century, a time of rapid, revolutionary, and mostly ugly change. I just read parts 1 and 7 of The 18th Brumaire of Luis Bonaparte, which are the excerpts in the Selected Writings book that sits on my shelf, but I've taken down.
In it, Marx is full of himself and judgmental, which is not hard to understand, but the workings of politics in times of change are a mess. He could have acknowledged that, but it is also true that he wrote for a specific and narrow class of readers, well educated intellectuals with revolutionary bent. His style in this piece, the 1869 edition, is very much that of a smug club-member writing for other smug club members.
I'm taking suggestions for other essays of his to read, which would be currently useful.
More recent authors, trained in Marxian analysis, especially Michael Hudson, serve our current needs much better.
Karl Marx seemed to get focused upon the revolutionary period right in the middle of the 19th century, when "Capitalism", of which he was an excellent analyst, was overthrowing older monarchic and feudal orders.
"Communist" is merely a pejorative these days, and for 174 years, at least. People use it to mean "totalitarian" most of the time, best I can tell.
The great-reset is a financier's trap for all other classes. It serves no broad class, but only the artificial class of financial-capital. Finance is not really "capital" especially these days, and those who wield it's power know that better than others.
That's why we need our brains chipped to own nothing and be happy. Ghoulish...
That being said, their adversaries seem to be New York Bankers, Rockefellers. It's hard to tell if the Rothschilds have a side they prefer, but Macron works for them. They are not discontent with their order, it seems, and the 4th Industrial Revolution stuff is not popular, nor is it more feasible, I think, than carbon-free-economy by 2050.
Thanks for the sincere explanation! Your restraint of pen is much appreciated on this important topic. I will keep coming back for more JDMD.
You know I like your posts because they are well written and down to the point.
As always...
If I may I like to add something to it.
You speak of Systems... I just want to point out that Humans are no Systems, and that all Systems you speak of come from Top Down.
And the key roots of this invisible dictatorial system ( call in neo feudalistic system) is education.
And there are two education systems.
One in use for us... the plebs... is to comply with authority whatsoever and never ask questions... especially here in Germany where the System by design produces Nazis.
It is a system of indoctrination education that discourages civil courage.
It basically is a system of "shut up and work" slavery.
On the other hand the upper class, the Jews and the money people are educated to work the people.
They teach them is their schools exactly the opposite what plebs are taught.
I am not sure if you know Kurt Hahn.
Kurt Hahn is a German Jew and founder of two "Wizzard" Schools... Salem and Gordonstoun
Now the word Wizzard is a combination of Wizz (Intelligence) and Art.
In these schools they are taught properly and also racist against us... the plebs... the goy... the Muggles... Mud Blood.
And yes I refer to the Harry Potter books that like Karl Marx have been written by the Order of the Rothschilds in order to indoctrinate and influence Generations.
Your Systems originated there.
Because those neo feudalistic fascists are taught how to use us how to control us and how to influence us.... they call it "Behavioral Modification Science"
You might find this article about Gordonstoun and Salem interesting.
Love your articles!
Thanks Fritz, We have divergent interests from the owners, and particularly now, at the end of one economic-control-system. Systems don't work very long without serving all the participants, and we seem to be at an extreme swing of that. The work-layer participants have been deprived as a "solution" to maintaining the system for 45 years. That "solution" is finished. We all need an economic system that can keep working as we go forward.
There are dangers to targeting any single group, as history keeps showing.
Targeting "others" was used in Nazi and Bolshevik and Cultural-Revolution and "killing fields" scenarios.
Systems take a long time to reform, as Marx eventually noticed, but nobody seems to have noticed that Marx quit advocating proletarian-revolution after those revolutions caused harm, and system-evolution began to ameliorate the problems that his initial simplistic-solution didn't fix. People suffer trauma in revolutions.
Actually on the contrary... Systems need a "Feindbild" an enemy to blame on in order to shield our so called leaders from inspection and critics..
And yes people are traumatized... as I know quite well as my father was traumatized by WWII... and I was too stupid to see this.
I redeemed myself and cared to his death which brought me closer to him than ever before.
I learned that he was lied to as his Generation was lied to as I was lied to too.
That gave me a purpose in my life... to make a change and to expose those liars.
In some ways it was my father who encouraged me to start writing again and to start a blog.
When i came home after 20 odd years he showed me a manuscript I had written a very long time ago and he told me I have a talent for writing.
He kept is and he liked it and told me so.
My mother on the other hand never had any interest in any of my work.
"There are dangers to targeting any single group, as history keeps showing.
Yes... but as I point out the systems needs an enemy and these dangers are wanted and willing.
My solution is simple:
Empower the individual and make everyone strong... so we don't need System.
You may call me an Anarchist... and I would proudly agree.
Blaming an enemy to sustain a control-narrative is different from having a working economy, which can do without those enemies.
I have a friend, still, who was a German soldier in WW-2, captured and taken to the US.
He let me work for him for a summer in 1981, when I went to Germany to get his daughter to marry me, with my bicycle and $200. She wouldn't marry me, but he liked me and hired me for the summer.
We all visited again in 2005, when my family bike toured from Amsterdam to Bavaria, along the "Romantic Road".
He was told many lies, and explained some to me when I worked for him. We are told many lies now.
Knowing what the lies are is still only a first step to knowing the truth.
First of all... thank you for sharing such an emotional episode of your past.
If you know USA installations you might know "Charlie Battery" used to be a Nike base...
Our little village is close to that.
I guess it was in the late 60's when a seventeen year old GI and his pregnant Girlfriend arrived on the steps of the Door to our house hoping for accommodation.
My parents rented them the upper floor of our house and Lisa was her name was born within a couple of years of me.
We became friends and I learned english before I went to school.
It was great growing up with American and German culture and I remember fondly the BBQ's we had with my mother making the best potato salad in the whole world and my father grilling...
I loved Kool Aid and Peanut butter (to this day) I hate Marchmellows.
They became lifelong friends until the day my father died.
And I was always grateful for that.
Some things cannot be bought with money...
Thanks Fritz.
Spot on Fritz!
The Kurt Hahn 'philosophy' ['system' in fact] is not concerned with - in fact eschews - academic achievement . It is about developing a leadership class - 'class' being the operative word - a class of those entitled to Global Leaders. Hrd sport , spartan living, grueling expeditions are tests to winnow out the toughest among the elite intake but also the most loyal and biddable. The WEF Young Leaders can be described as an advanced seminar for the elect. The PMs of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, not to mention Sanna Marin of Finland!, are perfect examples of the low IQ / highly entitled / ultra-loyal elite products of Kurt Hahn's system.
Kurt Hahn set up a school in Greece in the 1950s - the National School of Anavryta - specifically to educate the Crown Prince Constantine. It was aimed at children of rich and powerful Greek families, with a few gifted students from poor backgrounds..
As a public elitist school it was heavily criticised for "its incongruity with the needs and priorities of Greek people." What were these Greek needs and priorities? As a small country struggling to climb out of the ruins of WW2 followed by 4 years of civil war, with half its people scattered in remote locations, it sought a universally high level of educational attainment. High school education then and today focuses on mathematics and sciences; expects mastery of ancient Greek and Greek history, literature and philosophy; mastery of at least one foreign language; Orthodox theology; geography and modern history. University education in Greece is free but places are limited with intense competition for admission. Students who do not make the cut and can afford it go to foreign universities. In other words, the Greek public school system has far higher standards than Kurt Hahn's schools.
The edcation system for plebs was called the German System by American educatiors and it was universally applied in the public schools in the United States from the 1920s onwards. NOT elsewhere - though after the 80s the lowering of standards was extended throughout the Echelon countries (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK)..
The aim of the German system is to prepare youth for employment, and discourages questioning. It consists of the 3Rs, some basic science, national narratives and Good Citizenship ie unquestioning faith in the system, 'civic' responsibility to keep others in line.
Thank you very much...
I didn't know about the Greek School... thank you...
"The aim of the German system is to prepare youth for employment, and discourages questioning"....
That I know being indoctrinated by this shit...
However I was too smart / lazy to do what I been told... I always had a mind of my own.
Please read and if you like promote the following article I just released about UNIT8200.
I promise it will blow your mind...
Thanks for the exhaustive research on Mossad Unit 8200, which has a finger in every pot, when it comes to electronic communications. They, like the NSA and Chinese government process all communications within their scope. NSA and Unit 8200 have unlimited scope, though.
Hi Unit 8200!
The 8 Hz frequency that Starlink can function at will also communicate with nuke-subs.
China may shoot down Musk's Starlink satellites for national-security reasons:
Also: Eleni's mind does not blow, not ever.
There is so much more to it...
Ths Schuman Resonance acts like the door to every living thing here.
Every living being is connected through this Frequency.
It is the frequency of consciousness.
That's why they use it.
And someone must take them starlink sattelites down...
Which will give them a reason for war.
Double crossed.
What a well-done summary of the last 150 years of history. Reading Marx makes a good back ground with his historic analysis. Of course after he wrote the world diverged from his vision, and now we have "financialization" of our world. I appreciate your honesty and strength. Keep on truckin'. And thanks for your clear sightedness.
Thank You, Glenda.
I hope to be able to see things clearly in a way that is helpful to us all.
It's difficult, and will get really hard, also.
There are lots of valid viewpoints, but I seek understanding that allows us to choose useful actions, and to take them.
Was 12th century Europe so bad? I see a hell on earth... Oh, I have a few extra toys.. But society is broken. Communists and freemasons have been working on this for a long time.
Kings in Europe that treated their subjects badly were taught by Catholic Church that mortal sin, unrepentant, lands them in hell.
I'd rather be under King Louis of France, the Saint who cleaned bedpans and looked after widows. Biden? I'm a traitor to his handlers and vice versa
We have to do our best in the times we're in.
I'd have been dead at 4 years of age from appendicitis, myself.
I'm glad you're tough
Thank you for the easy to understand analysis that shines light on current state of the world.
As simple as possible, but not simpler?