I’m relieved to find out that Britain wasn’t the first country to try and get an Israel going, Napoleon had the idea first. Firstly as a destination for Europe to send its unwanted Jews and secondly to permanently unsettle the surrounding Arabs. That left the small matter of who was to finance it since it was never meant to be a viable state, and like a miracle along came Harry Truman who despite protest from everybody of relevance in the US at the time saved the day. And everyone in America has been paying for it ever since. And nothing in return except grief! The Scofield Bible fakery wasn’t new either, the puritan Cromwell came up with it first. Anyway if some US President had the wherewithal to face down AIPAC and the ADL and abandon Israel once and for all it could give them another reason to abandon the FED and the people’s debt to its owners. Just a thought.

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And Cromwell was wholly funded by the AIPAC of the day in Holland , in return for 1) making revolution 2) murdering the king 3) destroying Catholic churches 2) criminalising and terrorising Catholics and 3) allowing the jews back in England. No surprise that he's a "Left" hero.

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Thanks for the extra info, re. Cromwell. That must have been why they dug him up and executed him again! No wonder god called these characters ‘the chosen ones’, they’re really something else,,,especially when you consider how many Russian Christians were massacred by the Bolsheviks as well.

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Sorry! the omment about Roundheads was meant to be reply :-) See below

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That’s ok the truth is usually stranger than fiction/or what’s supposed to be reality anyway. In Iraq I only found out in 2011 that a lot of important Iraqi generals had been bribed to just,,disappear back in 2003. The future almost writes itself, Trump gets elected and to make amends with Adelson and friends he invades Iran,,,

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Maybe a different mafia will muscle-in on the Khazarian mafia's turf.

Ya gotta' wonder...

Trump is sort of a "free agent", I suspect.


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Cromwell's gang were called 'Roundheads' and the Deplorables of the time were "Cavaliers". Here is a famous painting of the so called "civil war" [these are always instigated from outside or a 5th colunm in my understanding] showing the interrogation of a small "Cavalier" child in his own house


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Tense moment in fictional history, but humanly "true".


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The priests were hidden behind walls and in cellars...these were called priest holes. Centuries apart but following a recognisable pattern!

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Appears "Times Up !" for Ukraine's president Zelensky

in more ways than one:

1) His stint as President ends in about two weeks, and,

2) Sections of Ukraine's Intelligence service are talking

about terminating him !

Why else would they seed the notion that it's Russia

that wants to terminate him - except to prepare us to

blame Russia for their actions ?

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He may yet live, but where? Florida?

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Maybe, even Israel doesn’t want him!

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Well of course it was the bad guy Russia, who else? Why would the Russian DoD want him dead? He's their bestest friend as far as strategy on the battlefield goes. Why would you kill a losing loser at the end game when he's losing to you? Now if you were backing Zelensky I could see a logic in removing him yourself and then blaming the other side. Sound familiar? Get that jab or you'll single handedly kill thousands!

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The neocons wage Total War of ILLOGIC.

how many times in recent years have we heard that bombing a country will turn the bombed citizens against their own leader? LOL...

The best hope is that the Ukrainians can find the will and the means to rise up against this illegal regime.

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Wow! What a beautiful picture of Jenny! A keeper for all time :-)

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Wow! A wild ride. There’s a lot of red meat here, I have to digest before giving an informed opinion. But in first glance I agree with a lot of what you say, here’s where I differ; I don’t think anything drastic like financial collapse will happen until we’ll past the election, but after that date, everything is up for grabs, certainly a financial collapse, do get your ducks in order, pay off all debts, and have some spare resources on the side to survive a 7- day bank closure, and reversion of all your deposits into CBDC’s. Let’s see what happens, nobody can predict the future.

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Thank You, Geoffrey. We shall see what comes to pass. We can see a general form approaching, but not every scheme, trick, booby-trap or accident.


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Jenny, you are looking younger from year to year! Having a doctor in the house might explain this.

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I'll pass that on. It is likely the fresh vegetables and healthy lifestyle, though.


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It is humanly prudent now to make relationships, consider how to live for a month without your bank or the internet, maybe without electricity, and to practice friendship.

Amen brother.

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