At the outset of the so-called Ukraine-Russia War I opted to ignore it. The US war machine is beyond help, they have no moral center, they are desperate for an opponent they can paint as a bogeyman, they feel no remorse at slaughtering Americans who joined the military for a basic income - or wasting billions of taxpayer money on munitions, planes and ships, etc. I do not regret ignoring the war thus far, as yet once again the American govt. is effing stupid. I begin to cheer for Putin.

Thanks for your recap.

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They "feel no remorse at slaughtering Americans" with so-called "biological countermeasures" either, the same stuff they refer to as "vaccines". I highly recommend reading the work of Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova here on substack. This would be a good starting point: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program

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I do read both women.

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"The government’s misconduct was so widespread, one wonders what the federal government was doing during the pandemic apart from censoring Americans."

The answer: it was censoring Ivermectin and HCQ and conducting a witch hunt against Doctors and Scientists who dared to try to actually help People.

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"The government" has so many hidden and private partners that it can do so much more every dy than we may concieve of. The sooner the magic-money-machine is rejected, the better, though it will be harder here for a long time.

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Printing press goes brrrrrrrrrrr.

Also, to quote Kris Kristofferson's lyric (populatized by Janis Joplin), "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..."

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I relly liked Janis, but she burned too fast.


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Alexander used insight to solve a knotty question and reasonably it was Aristotelean in being pure act.

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To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)

There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)

And a time for every purpose, under Heaven

Which in reading Gabriel Marcel is more than a little bit alarming. In 1952 - There is a deep, albeit unrecognized kinship between the man who in 1937 was denying, or justifying, the massacre of Guernica, and the man who in 1947 is justifying, or denying Stalinist deportations and slave camps; (translator -‘progress’ and ‘tradition’ are excellent examples of the sort of abstraction from whose tyranny M. Marcel would free us).

One must add that conformism of the Left, not only because it has, if I may put it so, the wind behind its sails these days, but because it is in such glaring contradiction with the principles that the Left claims to be defending, must be denounced just as ruthlessly as conformism of the Right. Not, of course—this hardly needs saying—that there is any excuse for allowing conformism of the Right, with all it too often implies of blindness and unconscious cruelty, to cash in on that weight of reprobation with which, on this count, one must load the shoulders of the Left.

One must recognize the fact that, in certain countries of Europe and the Americas, the spirit of clericalism, with the hateful political connivances that it implies, is tending to take on a character that, for a true Christian conscience, becomes more and more offensive. The note of a truly honest mode of thinking in these matters, as in book-keeping, is to have a system of double entry, and to prohibit oneself from marking down—by an intellectually fraudulent operation—to the credit of the Right what one has to mark down to the debit of the Left. I am thinking now of people who, because of their horror of the Soviet world, are today tending to regard Nazism with a certain retrospective tolerance. That is an aberration—and a criminal aberration. In any case, who could fail to see at once the simple mechanism of the mental conjuring trick by which we belittle a danger that is past, simply because it is past, or because we believe it past? Is it really past? Or may it not in fact appear again, and in a form not radically altered? In this realm of discourse, we must learn once more to express ourselves categorically and to denounce the errors of a moral relativism which is, as may be easily shown, radically self centered, Human nature being what it is, the movement which I condemn morally is too often the movement which hurts me personally; and I am likely to go on condemning it for so long as (and just for so long as) it is really able to hurt me.

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Insight informs right-action, but should not paralyze it, right?

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