Here's a thought— how about a 2024 Ticket with RFK, Jr. for President and Trump for V.P.? NOBODY would dare assassinate Bobby because there is no way they would want Trump back in as President!!!! Lol!

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That idea has garnered a fair amount of interest, but the main war is being fought invisibly now, behind the DNC and RNC walls. They both need new teams this year.

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When was the last time we the public discussed the usefulness/uselessness of the DNC and RNC? Their sins are trying.

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This article opened my eyes to what might really be happening. As some proclaim, all of NATO is at stake and this alliance can only be preserved if Putin loses power. No NATO and no Military Industrial Complex also serving NATO ... would be an epic disaster for the Powers that Be ... so, they can't let this outcome happen. They have to not just win the Ukraine War, but get rid of Putin too.

Now would Russia or Putin allow this to happen? Of course not - so this war really could escalate and end up in a war between NATO and Russia, which might mean global Armageddon.

We better hope RFK, Jr. pulls the upset of all upsets and becomes president. Or maybe Trump would end this war "in five minutes?"

If the real goal is to preserve NATO and protect the status of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, neither politician can be allowed to be elected. And since I think these same people now control the outcomes of presidential elections, I'm pretty sure this result won't happen.

In other words, what's happening in Ukraine is a very big deal.

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I think the real war is inside the empire now, not next year. The imperial courtiers are "worse-than-corrupt, they are incompetent". I think there are rational Americans (in the deep state), which is a thing we used to assume in the olden days. I think they backed Trump, pulled off a coup d'etat by un-rigging the 2016 election results, but couldn't fight the establishment very effectively after that.

That's my hypothesis. We don't have to wait forever. A palace-coup needs to take place this year, so that there can be somewhat-unrigged elections next year, and the US can have a live chief executive for the tribulations to come.

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I hope you are right - that we have un-rigged elections. But that would be a huge risk to these people - a real threat to their current and future rule. I don't think they can or will risk that.

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Right. There is no way either Bobby or Trump will get elected. The Cabal was hubristicly over-confident in 2016. They could not imagine that Trump could beat their Chosen Darling, so they didn't try hard enough. They did not repeat that mistake in 2020. They will never repeat it in the future. Tragically, I imagine that the Evil Ones will go to any lengths necessary to protect their agenda against a real patriotic President, even so far as a repeat of 1963.

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Their hold is weakening, because they are serving the "owners" so poorly these days, not because they are evil, which is what we can't stop liooking at.

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I keep writing that these people are "beyond brazen." If I am correct, of course they would rig elections to ensure their candidate(s) win. Everything is at stake for them. They can't risk fair elections dethroning them.

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I hope that "they" will be "made an offer they can't refuse".

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Busy busy. All those stories were not in the Guardian. All that censorship. RFK Jr is right. The country we think we live in and support does not exist, and it is deliberately hiding from us. What right have we got to attack another sovereign nation (Russia)? Yes, I know, we do that all the time in Central and South America - but it's always been wrong. We want to do that to Syria and its neighbors - again, wrong. America has turned into a santimonius liar.

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"We" is somebody's word, but it's not really you and I that have done these evils, is it?

We were always against them, I presume, and professed that in public, right?

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I agree that you and I did not do these evils. I was blissfully unaware. Had I been aware, would I have discussed them in public? I don't know.

Your article and perhaps a comment informed me of the Carrington Event, of which I was completely ignorant. Talk about a great reset! I am studying that now. Another disaster to somehow be prepared for, and me without a garden.

Thank you for your writing!

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You are welcome, Susan.

I hope to be useful to people.

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Germany needs to tell NATO to go to Hell, work directly with Russia to rebuild Nordstream, and then exit the EU.

Who can believe the results of US elections any more?

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Yes, NATO-out-of-Europe, but with delicacy. The power elites are irritable and spooked lately.

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There are tens of millions of people, almost none of them 'British Neoconservatives', who consider a rampant EU and a UN-global government to be absolute anathema.

17 million people voted against that, three times, in UK elections and referenda. I don't think the Italians want that, I'm sure the Greeks don't and I would wager the UK national debt that Viktor Orban doesn't want it either.

The vast majority of ordinary people don't want any of the following propositions:

1. A neocolonial USA turning all of Europe into their colony.

2. An anti-democratic EU removing all semblance of freedom from the continent of Europe.

3. A revanchist Zionist totalitariat seeking Lebensraum all over the world, starting in Khazaria and Argentina.

4. A social-credit driven totalitarianism reminiscent of the CCP.

5. Any form of nationalist racist entity that claims that one particular set of genes are intrinsically superior in all situations.

Unfortunately, the whole of politics is controlled by those that demand that only unacceptable solutions for the majority be within the window of acceptability for the relentless brainwashing operation.

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The owners want more and more rigid and complete control of all the proles.

They will kill the proles on this trajectory, which will be bad for them, too.

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The Ultimate Path is Without Difficulty

Chao Chou, teaching the assembly, said, “The Ultimate Path is without difficulty; just

avoid picking and choosing. As soon as there are words spoken, 'this is picking and

choosing', 'this is clarity'. This old monk does not abide within clarity; do you still

preserve anything or not?"

At that time a certain monk asked,”Since you do not abide within clarity, what do you


Chao Chou replied, “I don't know either."

The monk said, "Since you don't know, Teacher, why do you nevertheless say that

you do not abide within clarity?" Chao Chou said, “It is enough to ask about the matter;

bow and withdraw." https://members.efn.org/~itech/pdf%20files/Koans,%20part%202,%20selections%20from%20the%20Blue%20Cliff%20Record.pdf

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NATO wins we all loose, open doors for the new world order, WEF, WHO Pandemic treaty and one health, Bill Gates and his impossible Burger, UN and climate Lockdowns, Musk and his neuralink speeding for Mars, Vaccin mandates and Passports up to date with 250 more bioweapons countermeasures, re-indoctrination camps for the misinformation spreaders, Hunter Biden a weekly coke delivery at the White House, above 60 not to be resuscitated,….If Russia wins, we forget Napoleon, Hitler and now NATO, Macron will find out when he writes his memoires at old age, suppose he’ll be fortunate enough to be an octogenarian? His nickname is little Napoleon and he is the emperor to install a neo-Napoleon also Cabal one world Empire, but he forgets one thing. There’s no European nor a NATO one identity, there is in Russia, Russians can only be Russians and they will spend the last drop of their blood to defend their country, talking about NATO njet there’s no such thing, but again Russia is hibernating, they have to loose some battles first before they wake up.

Remember Stalin to his soldiers in Stalingrad, take your shovel and make your coming grave deep enough when you die we only have to put the sand over it, his message was clear die to defend your country, and this mentality I will never never see nor in NATO, nor the US Army.

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I dunno Dr. John but in my meandering readings I came to the notion political change is "Sudden Enlightenment."

Lord Buddha taught 8,400 paths catering for the 8,400 types of sentient beings." In essence, these 8,400 paths may be categorized into two distinct approaches - the gradual path and the sudden enlightenment. The Council of Lhasa was often quoted to show the apparent conflict of these two approaches. Legend has it that in the 8th century the Indian scholar Kamalashila (740-795) engaged in a series of debates with the Chinese monk Hwashang Mahayana at Samye Monastery in the pres- ence of the Tibetan king, Trisong Detsen (742-797). The former held that enlightenment can only be attained by gradual yogic practices while the latter subscribed to the belief of sudden enlightenment. In the debate Hwashang Mahayana was defeated and left in disgrace because the Tibetan did not accept the idea of sudden enlightenment.

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I am resigned to walking the gradual path, and there is always work to do, and I keep seeing different aspects of my own "obstacles" to enlightenment, but I am completely game to awaken suddenly, too.

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All these grand chessboard moves are taking place on a board (industrial civilization + finite planet) that depends on access to cheap, on demand, portable surplus energy of the correct types.

The quiet part is the Degrowth Agenda. Post carbon goals are: Managed economic contraction and desirable and humane population control.

Who are the useless eaters and who is also gobbling up the Covid and War propaganda? If anything this whole deal is mitigating hard collapse + social engineering + mass alpha test of gene therapy platform to cure common diseases ahead of a plotted geological and/or celestial event.

The constant mixed messaging and gaslighting is an obvious tell to energy skeptics, business owners, producers, the self employed, agrarian conservatives, libertarians of all persuasions and savvy critical thinkers whose livelihoods arent dependent on compliance with the prevailing narrative and is intended to prepare "greater resetters" and other collapse-able elements of society for peak affordability.

Damaging sanctions encourage regional trade and energy blocs, constant emergencies allow for restrictions to access/mobility and rollout of digital infrastructure and many jabs in arms satisfies multiple nefarious plans ranging from gene therapy cures for the elite, big bucks for strategic philanthropists and positioning public private partnerships to set global health, economic and social justice policy.

Archived Forbes Michael Fumento article from the Swine Flu scamdemic laid all this out nicely. They were able to capture the few remaining regulatory and nonprofit watchdog groups in the meantime.

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Picture a scenario where there is something bigger than the "Carrington Event" and all the electric grids in the world go down. Picture the elites in their deep bunkers with some mini-nuke generatro, MREs, machine guns and so on.

The rest of us are basically up here, naked with a Swiss-army-knife for the test.

How does that play out over 100 years?

Which team would you choose to be on?

What might be the effects on our species, other species and the ecosystem 200 years after that Carrington Event?

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Now that I am reading about the Carrington Event - thank you very much - a Scientific American article from 2008 claims that a storm with half that intensity hits every 50 years or so, the last one being in 1960. If they are correct, we are overdue. Gird your loins.

I'll sharpen my Swiss Army Knife.

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Bigger will be the problem...

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Yes Electric grid failure. The WEF gamed a cyber pandemic.. Cyber Polygon with heavy participation by Russian corporations including Sberbank. Some of those players are also pushing ESG - Digital transformation in Russia as if following the same script.. Hobson's choice, narrative control and incremental changes. See Edward Slavsquat substack.

My location and job brings me into contact with people in the defense and logistics community and as well as military intelligence, cointelplro action. State department officials, retired 2-star generals, Steel executives, Trucking magnets.. One of my recent clients worked with EMP proof containers. Another is a retired engineer seeking funding for a disruptive wind turbine design with no need for subsidies. I ask them about the Limits to Growth and Surplus Energy. One fellow who traveled to Brazil and China said we started the transition 15-20 years too late. I just had my Dad in the hospital and one of the respiratory nurses offered that "we all know they are going to turn off the electric" when I said I have a solar inverter for a portable oxygen machine.

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"Turkish irregular forces in Syria have apparently been getting pounded for 3 weeks by Russia. That is bound to hurt. Turkey has not been getting-out as agreed with Russia and Syria. Is Erdogan retaliating against Russia?"

Erdogan ALWAYS plays both ends against the middle. Putin surely knows this and works within those terms, while strategically cementing himself as Big Daddy. Those ends that Erdo squeezes against the middle will squeeze against him.

These are all old men, like us. What the young inherit in five-ten years is the strategic criteria that matters most. Edro will become another minor footnote.

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Erdogan is a "live-player", though.

The US does not have such a "live-player".

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USA hasn't much of anything but mounting disaster.

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". . . does not have such a 'live-player'."

You mean the walking Corpse in the W.H.?

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