As you well know the first casualty of war is truth. Another great picture of the eclipse John. I and a friend have spent many hours at the eye piece of our scopes. I have a 90mm refractor and by star gazing partner has a six inch refractor with solar filter. We've taken some good shots of past eclipses both solar and lunar and lots of deep space as well as some comets. I have a number of 8x10's of our work, very satisfying. Certainly more rewarding than following world events, the slow motion train wreck thingy. As always all the best!

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Thanks Red. I feel called to do this muck-raking work.


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(1983) "History Rhymes. "

It is true that only an extreme lunatic fringe of Zionism went so far as to offer to join the war on Germany’s side in 1941, in the hope of establishing “the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, and bound by a treaty with the German Reich”. Unfortunately this was the group which the present Prime Minister of Israel chose to join.

That fact gives an extra edge of topicality to what would in any case be a highly controversial study of the Zionist record in the heyday of European fascism by Lenni Brenner, and American Trotskyist writer who happens also to be Jewish. It is short (250 pages), crisp and carefully documented. Mr Brenner is able to cite numerous cases where Zionists collaborated with anti-Semitic regimes, including Hitler’s; he is careful also to put on record the opposition to such policies within the Zionist movement.

In retrospect these activities have been defended as a distasteful but necessary expedient to save Jewish lives. But Brenner shows that most of the time this aim was secondary. The Zionist leaders wanted to help young, skilled and able-bodied Jews to emigrate to Palestine. They were never in the forefront of the struggle against fascism in Europe.

That in no way absolves the wartime Allies for their callous refusal to make any serious effort to save European Jewry. As Brenner says, “Britain must be condemned for abandoning the Jews of Europe”; but, “it is not for the Zionists to do it.”

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If you did a bit more history, you would realise that Britain was fairly busy saving its own nation during the Battle of Britain in 1940. All this absolute claptrap stating that the Jews are priority one for the 99% of the world who are not Jews needs nipping in the bud.

America sacrificed almost no-one in WW II compared to Britain, so it is not for America nor Americans to comment in any way on the far greater sacrifices made by British servicemen and-women during a conflict which benefitted almost uniquely the United States of America.

Twenty million plus Russians died in 'the Great Patriotic War', far outstripping the Jews as the greatest single sacrifice made. They were no more criminals than the Jews were.

Turning every single piece of history into victimhood for Jews and vengeance against anyone who did not enslave themselves to the Jewish cause is unacceptable pro-Zionist racism.

The 1930s in Europe were viewed through the lens of 'Communism being the greatest threat', something that Americans took up with a vengeance for 40 years after the war. McCarthyism and all that. A total disfigurement of democracy caused by anything to the right of neoconservatism being termed 'communism'. You don't do democracy at all well in the USA and all the world knows it. But pig headed as you are, you still delude yourselves that 'we have the greatest democracy in the world'. NOT!!!!

Hitler was wrongly regarded in the mid 1930s as a 'useful ally against communism'. Those are the choices leaders make, right or wrong.

History with the benefit of hindsight is the mantra of vengeful murderers.

We call upon the world to condemn the USA for its genocide in Iraq based on entirely false lies about WMD. We call upon the world to condemn the USA for its 9/11 false flag, murdering Americans and others to justify genocide in the Middle East.

We call upon the world to condemn the USA for going to war in Afghanistan to perpetuate the trade in opium, something eradicated by the Taliban a year before the US invasion.

We call upon the world to condemn the USA for its destruction of Libya, an act of absolute evil destroying the most vibrant North African economy, whose support of new mothers puts the entire USA to shame, just because they decided not to trade their economic assets in US dollars. That's called Free Trade, but in the USA it is the trigger for genocides. Teaches the world what the USA is really all about.

I could go on and on and on, but the USA will be in the weakest position possible to condemn ANYONE and Israel will be no better, once all the facts about that State Apparatus are laid out free of Mossad death threats, Government-sponsored bot farms and prostituted media slaves whose peccadilloes are used by Mossad and other Israeli agents to turn the Western media into a depraved apologist for Zionist hegemony.

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BTW, Churchill wanted Germany to bomb the UK, hence sending Bomber Harris on some questionable raids on civilians. History that we took for granted is often anything but.

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Nazis/CIA and Zionists/Neocons are two wings of the same genocidal bird. Hillary Clinton would love to cull her own white race of the “deplorables” just as Zionists culled their own undesirable ghetto Jews that were found unworthy of the Promised Land... Moses and his fellow sinners were barred by God from the Promised Land and ghettos Jews were sent to concentration camps to be sorted and culled by Zionist/Nazi collaboration.

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I keep hearing this rumor decade after decade...

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Throw him under a tank, a tank the US gave him. And then transport the tank to the white house and let it keep going.

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There was a lot in this substack, but I will only comment on one piece.

"And bear in mind that the actual incident that triggered the uprising was a rampage involving at least 800 Israeli settlers in and around the al-Aqsa mosque, the third holiest site in Islam, beating pilgrims and destroying Palestinian shops, all without any interference from the nearby Israeli security forces."

I clicked through to the source, unz review, which in turn cited al jazeera. Unz review vastly inflated what Al Jezeera reported.


There was no "rampage." Al Jazeera reports that either dozens or hundreds (its reported both ways) of Jews entered the Temple Mount/ Al Aqsa Mosque area to pray. Jews ARE permitted by civil law to do this, although Orthodox Jews will not do this as they could step on the site of the Holy of Holies of the second temple (that's my understanding - I'm a Christian, so my understanding is not great). The report also notes Jews have been spitting on or near Christians. That's it. No rampaging, no destroying of shops.

At any rate, how could this have possibly instigated the attacks of October 7th? Those attacks had been planned for weeks if not months?

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I will say that I had been aware of the particular Thursday provocation at Al Aqsa Mosque on Thursday, and have been aware of those provocations, and the tension between Jews and Muslims about that holy site for many years, so that statement did not raise any suspicions. Whether it was a more dramatic use of speech or not, I just thought about the Israelis only admitting elderly (not other ages) Muslims in to pray, and letting Israeli Jewish settler groups in to cause trouble for the Muslims on a Holy Day, which I already knew about.

Other signs of the current Jewish fundamentalist coalition, now in power, seeking to rebuild the temple have abounded recently. They imported the 3 red heifers to slaughter, and have been speaking openly. If the Supreme COurt no longer has an override of Knesset extremism, Palestinians will have no rights at all, which is also broadly advertized. So tensions are very high, and Palestinians have known that a crisis was approaching.

Of course events like this being held as active contingencies, as all militaries do, involves constant, ongoing training and preparation.

I suspect, but cannot know, that training sessions which were being carried out for Hamas military-recruits were all seen as potential Go-days, and that this particular provocation was big enough for the whole Muslim world to get behind.

I just do not know how much coordination of efforts may have taken place between the Netanyahu government, IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet and Hamas, because so many things fell perfectly in place, like the provocation 2 days before a scheduled training, the removal of Israeli border forces (2/3 of them) one day prior to the event, and the apparent turning off of the electronic security features of the whole border, so that soldiers were killed in their beds in their forts at dawn. It is too much to have happened without a broad and coordinated Israeli army stand-down, with prepared excuses.

That's how I am reading it. I hope that is helpful.

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The first 2 reports of desecrations of Christian sites are from February and March of this year, while the spitting on the ground towards Christians carrying a cross was this month.

There is enmity between the "Abrahamic" religions...

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I suspect I'm a good deal more pro-Israeli than most people who read your substack. That said, I do think there is probably a good 90% chance there was a deliberate stand-down before the raids. The NYTimes has an article titled "The Secrets Hamas Knew About Israel's Military" from the 13th with details about raiders going to an military intelligence base with one unarmed sentry (!)

That said, in the larger scheme of things, sometimes Letting It Happen On Purpose may be for the best. Assuming Roosevelt did have notice of the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor, would it have been better if we had stopped the raid and stayed out of the war? I'm not saying it was for the best this time, just sometimes.

Now as far as 9/11 goes, I believe the US military did it. Why, I don't know. But aluminum planes don't go through steel box beams and reinforce concrete floors like a hot knife through butter. And if the towers did collapse, they should have left a pile of rubble 11 stories tall, which they didn't. So some weapon was used then that hasn't been used before or since to turn those towers to dust (not nukes or DEWs). I digress.

So no, I don't think Muslims were behind the 9/11 attacks. But I do remember the Palestinians cheering. And I see terrorist attacks going on all over the world many times each year. It never stops. The Palestinians in the West Bank do have some legitimate grievances, but I know that almost all of their kids have been trained to hate Israelis with a passion. Just like in Iran they call the US the Great Satan and Israel the Little Satan. What can one do? I'm glad I'm not in a position to decide, that's all.

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Thank you for your thoughtful considerations and perspective.

Truth is difficult to suss out in our world of lies and deceit.


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Israeli DNA and Human Rat Labs by Dr. Malone on his substack 17/10/23, Hamas-Gaza-Israel a Pfizer war or Pfizer genocide? Bibi and his DNA Eugenics program is the same as the Arian DNA supremacy of the Nazis, which makes him a fascist/racist as well, no difference at all.

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Hi John... theres only 3 nations which refuse to recognize Palestine. Its Israel, America and the Solomon Islands. However, Israel's record of genocide, Land-Grab, killing doctors, medics, journalists and children throwing rocks, plus it's apartheid / racism has been well documented by well known Jewish academics, truth tellers like Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein. Check it out!

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Israeli Terrorism started when Jews came to Palestine...

King David Hotel?

Israeli Prime Ministers who were Terrorists and War Criminals

David Ben-Gurion — #1 — Israel's George Washington commanded the ethnic cleansing of approximately 750,000 Arabs during the destruction of hundreds of Palestinian villages in 1948.

Levi Eshkol — #2 — Eshkol presided over the ethnic cleansing of another 250,000 Palestinians.

Menachem Begin — #3 — Begin was the preeminent terrorist in the Middle East, murdering Arabs, Englishmen and Jews ... until Ben-Gurion and Eshkol surpassed him.

Ariel Sharon — #4 — A murderous war hawk, Sharon was responsible for the massacres of civilians at Qibya, Sabra and Shatila.

Benjamin Netanyahu — #5 — "Bibi" caused the deaths and mutilations of thousands of children during Operations "Cast Lead," "Pillar of Defense" and "Protective Edge."

Yitzhak Shamir — #6 — Shamir, as head of the terrorist Stern Gang, had British and Swedish nobles murdered for seeking peace between Palestinians and Israeli Jews!

Ehud Barak — #7 — A cross-dressing assassin, Barak participated in death squads that killed women, policemen and a poet known as "The Conscience."

Golda Meir — #8 — "Mother Israel" threatened to destroy the world with nukes during a BBC interview and more than once insisted that Palestinians "did not exist" as a people.

Yitzhak Rabin — #9 — Rabin signed an order for the children of Lydda to be ethnically cleansed "quickly, without attention to age."

Yigal Allon — #10 — Allon served in Special Night Squads which tortured and killed "without compunction."

Ehud Olmert — #11 — Olmert presided over the 2006 invasion of Lebanon, which killed 1,300 people and displaced more than a million others.

Moshe Sharett — #12 — Sharett was a staunch proponent of compulsory population transfer (ethnic cleansing).

Shimon Peres — #13 — Peres aggressively pursued nuclear weapons and succeeded in delivering them.

More Bibi Satanyahoo was head of Mossad on 9/11 and 7/7.,

On 7/7 he was in London at Tavistock square and the Bus was re directed to this place so Satanyahoo could see it personally explode.

Benjammin Satanyahoo was the Mastermind of the 7/7 Bombings.

A look into his face and the way he rolls his eyes shows you what a devious evil creature he is.

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The chosen people of god...it never says chosen for what? To press all the psychological buttons mankind has? To never, ever, have their wishes fulfilled? The state of Israel does not cut a fair figure among nations - how many wars, endless need for weapons - always pursuing something that seems close but always is out of reach.

Us proselytizing people who have kept the exact same religion for how long? Does not seem like successful strategy. Can they be helped to stop hurting others and themselves? It does not look like they want help. They only want help in hurting more of surroundings and themselves. For this, they already have friends, like the US and many other countries, arabs likewise. So, for this hobbit, it is only to watch in awe and sadness what humans can accomplish. An outdoor exhibit of what an endless cycle of revenge can achieve. It takes two to tango, so it does not make sense to take sides. I had two cats and when they were having a fight, I never could tell who was aggressor, or who won. It looked to me like they just felt like fighting and proceeded with that, and then stopped. Luckily they did not have friends and allies to support their causes.

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We shall first cut the body of Palestine into three parts of a Jewish State and three parts of an Arab State. We shall then have the Jaffa enclave; and Palestine’s heart, Jerusalem, shall forever be an international city. That is the beginning of the shape Palestine shall have.

Having cut Palestine up in that manner, we shall then put its bleeding body upon a cross forever. This is not going to be temporary; this is permanent. Palestine shall never belong to its people; it shall always be stretched upon the cross.

It is said that if partition is not accepted, there will be no room left for a solution. On the contrary, if partition is accepted the fatal step will have been taken. The Arabs and the Jews will have been set by the ears and never again will there be a chance of bringing them together. Far too many unfinished vendettas will then bar the way. If you delay and do not take the fatal step, you still leave open to the Arabs and the Jews the chance of a conciliatory solution through which they combine and work. It is not that if you do not take a final decision today, your jurisdiction to decide anything is barred. It means that ‘neither of these two solutions is acceptable and that something else must be found. The responsibility remains with you. Do not throw away that chance. Do not dose a door that may not be opened again. The United Nations must find a solution which is not only just and fair, but which has the best chance for success as regards the largest number of Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Our vote today, if it does not endorse partition, does not rule out other solutions.

Our vote, if it endorses partition, bars all peaceful solution. Let him who will shoulder that responsibility. My appeal to you is: do not shut out that possibility. The United Nations should seek and strive to unite and bring together rather than to divide and put asunder.”


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