Junger writes:"Bloy's "Dieu se retire" is more accurate than Nietzsche's apodictic "God is dead". Bloy adds: "It is doubtless that if God suddenly withdrew his blessing the simple stone, both granite and pebble, would disintegrate and crumble to dust – where would modern society be then?"

One smiles painfully and says let us wait and see.

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I have a feeling that we exist within the Dreamer...

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The domain of the Strange, the Marvelous and the Fantastic, a domain scorned by people of certain inclinations. Here is the freed image, dazzling and beautiful, with a beauty that could not be more unexpected and overwhelming. Here are the poet, the painter, and the artist, presiding over the metamorphoses and the inversions of the world under the sign of hallucinations and madness.”

Suzanne Cesaire 1941, Tropiques

So the last few weeks I have moved to listening carefully to podcast hours of Terence McKenna talking in workshops. Last month it was Rupert Sheldrake and Michael Levin. Dreaming in the dream. Dreaming the power of the dream.

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Oct 31·edited Oct 31Liked by John Day MD

Thanks for the news.

I thought the NYT was a "CIA mouthpiece". Are they in competition with WaPo?

Natanyahu remains a horror. He needs to go.

I like the Yemenis and the Houthis. Doing their bit to inconvenience Israel.

What idiot wants to bomb Russia?

Electronic voting machines are a oxymoron. WTF is wrong with paper ballots? Why are voting districts reluctant to be open about their vote counting? This should be a matter of pride!

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NYT is State Department, by traditional attribution.

"They" needed a better way to rig the votes...

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Edison Research!

This is about Edison Research

The Truth about Exit Polls: Meet the Man Behind the Data

Larry Rosin is the president of Edison Research in Somerville, New Jersey, the firm that since 2003 has provided all official exit poll data for presidential elections

Though networks take ownership of the information — “according our CNN exit poll” yada yada — in reality they’re all using the same data, supplied by Edison. In a pool-purchase arrangement, Edison feeds data to AP, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and FOX.

Edison’s exit pollsters manage some 1,000 stations nationwide, where temporary employees survey nearly 100,000 voters, using written questionnaires submitted anonymously. Pollsters relay results to the firm, which submits them to the networks.


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They had to adjust their polls to fit the fix.


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Expect them to do the same a week from now.

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Polls are already adjusted as proven with the release of the PA Election Data last Sunday.


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'INSIDER: P Diddy Has “Enough Dirt to Hang Half of Hollywood” – Elites Praying “He Keeps His Mouth Shut”​ https://www.dailyfetched.com/insider-p-diddy-has-enough-dirt-to-hang-half-of-hollywood-elites-praying-he-keeps-his-mouth-shut/'

So now we know: 'elite behaviour' involves committing career-ending capital crimes known to an outed accused sex offender.

Maybe someone should ask Donald Trump how many members of the 'elite' that he knows? Perhaps Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken could be asked the same question too?

I'm sure Kamala Harris wouldn't know anything about things like that.....butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, after all.

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Has NATO or the Pentagon confirmed that North Koreans are present in the Russian military? Last I heard, no...

Of course, it's a laughable subject, with thousands of American, European, and miscellaneous foreign troops killed fighting in Ukraine...and they're still there in quantity...

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For your discernment and comment, if you feel so inclined (always appreciate the value of your reflections, especially in the medical, or rather, healing arena):


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The only thing I must add to the data surrounding the Palestinian/Israeli War is that when innocent people are IMPORTANT TO A SOCIETY/CULTURE; Military Forces do not implement such tactics as cowards do. To deliberately endanger innocents as manipulation of an enemy to NOT fire is to genocide one's own people.

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