Dr Day, I think you have one of the most interesting and relevant substacks. A while ago, you wrote about C19 treatment and there were a few new and pragmatic tips. I really heard your voice as a good doc in the clinical reasoning and exploratory openness -- looking to the patient and the setting. I first looked you up because Dr Mercola was honoring you in his comments. Then, I saw this amazing scope of commentary, including the economic and geopolitical history. I have been especially excited about the jubilee debt cancellation notes! I think that as a nation, we desperately need some preparation of economic survival models beyond Communism, Fascism, Crony Capitalism, and descent into Mad Max. We need ideas that the majority can sign onto like a New Deal. I don’t know what you think of FDRs effort, but we are going to need something that has not been seen yet. God bless you and yours.
I watched the Earth Disaster is Coming video and found it unconvincing to say the least. Top of my list of questions would be, how would a magnetic pole shift (which we know take place quite often in geological terms) translate into a geographic pole shift?
My second question would be, given that we know from other evidence (or we think that we know) that Greenland has been covered in ice for 2 million years and Antarctic has been covered in ice for over 20 million years, why have none of these supposed previous geographic pole shifts at 12 thousand year intervals not melted this ancient ice?
I could come up with a hundred more issues if I checked out all the claims and links that presenter gave, time for research is short, particularly in the spring planting and mowing season.
I agree that the polar ice cap mass causing the rotational poles to change, in order to place those masses at the equator seem "optional" to me.
The mechanism would be that the mantle gets heated by the massive current from a solar micronova, loosens up the tectonic plates, which loosens everything up.
As I understand it, there is question about the age of the ice cores at the poles, with revisios of the isotopic dating being in 10s of thousands of years, not millions, but I cannot speak to that independently.
My impression, overall is that something like the Laschamps Event, about 42,000 years ago might have been that kind of a rotational-polar shift, but I agree that it is hard to envision that happening every 12,000 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laschamp_event
Our spring comes earlier here in (fairly central to coastal plains) Texas.
I think we need to clarify the difference between a magnetic pole shift and a geological pole shift. geomagnetic excursions like the Laschamps Event and larger magnetic pole reversals are established to have occurred and are recorded in the geological record. What impact they have on the biosphere when they occur is debatable, but the biosphere has always survived them up to now. Our human and pre-human ancestors(at least a small bunch of people) must have survived them too, or we wouldn't be here to talk about them.
If the magnetic poles shift or weaken, this will have potentially serious consequences. For a start, I can imagine civilization destroying consequences if our electrical and electronic systems get fried. But the world would still turn as it does now, the geographic poles would remain the same, the seasons would remain the same.
A 90-degree geographic pole shift is quite another matter. If it happened over a span of years or even decades, I can't imagine any humans or large terrestrial mammals surviving it. This video shows Peru and Singapore hosting the new poles. If that happened, we could say goodbye to the South American and Southeast Asian rain forests. And the climate everywhere would be totally different from what it is now. Also, we couldn't predict what the climate would be without knowing the degree of axial tilt - the inclination of the axis of rotation to the plane of the earth's orbit - the ecliptic.
Actually, just changing the tilt would profoundly affect seasonality. If we turn on our mental simulator and imagine the earth with a 0º tilt with the geographic poles at 90% to the ecliptic, there would be no seasonality at all and every day the sun would rise to the same height that it presently does at the spring and fall equinoxes. That might be no problem for the current tropics, but everywhere else it would be pretty weird. I can imagine the polar ice caps becoming huge because there would be no summer sun to melt them.
A 90% tilt of the axis would be even wielder. That's similar to the rotation of Uranus. The poles would spend six months in darkness and for the other six months, the sun would spend three months rising and soaring, eventually reaching the zenith, and the next three months sinking and setting. As for the equator, twice a year the sun would run along the horizon; then there would be 12-hour days with the sun rising higher each day for three months until it touched the zenith at noon on its highest day, followed by three months rising lower each day until it was back on the horizon 24 hours a day. That would be a kind of seasonality.
All of the above would be catastrophic enough, but would not involve any shift in the geological poles. The climate would be very different to the one we are familiar with, but the equator and poles would still be in the same place relative to the earth's surface.
But a geological pole shift, would be much much more catastrophic. Fortunately, there is plenty of evidence that it has never happened (although I am getting more and more wary of scientific evidence the older I get) and plenty of reason to believe it will never happen, because the amount of power that would be ....
Actually, I asked a very smart chatbot for its opinion, and it told me "The Earth has a tremendous amount of rotational inertia, which means it would take an enormous amount of torque to change its rotational axis significantly. According to calculations, it would require the equivalent of about 10^29 joules of energy to shift the Earth's axis by 90 degrees, which is many orders of magnitude greater than the total energy output of the entire human race over its entire history."
I'm not too impressed with the total energy output of the entire human race over its entire history. I expect the galaxy could outdo us. But I think if such a change in the Earth had occurred, it would have wiped the surface clean of any animals larger than insects.
Anyway, these are my thoughts, prompted by that video. But this is a BIG subject. Probably too BIG for me to get a handle on. Cheers!
Thank you for your thought, Tim. Thank you for thinking, which is what I have been doing, too.
You obviously ran a lot of mental projections, which I have also done.
As I understand it the rotational-inertia issue models out differently when the mantle becomes a less viscous liquid, due to heating from the massive current flowing preferentially through mantle layers, heating them through current conversion to heat as it passes through their resistance. The crust is then slipping freely and independently from core mass of the planet, as modeled.
The 90 degree pole shift would be a really big deal. All weather patterns would have to re-order. Who knows where things would end up? The earthquake activity would be planetary and would continue a long time. In my own mental model, lots of pockets of life would survive in the short term. The Amazon rainforest would be in the Antarctic. That would suck.
Canada, Russia, Siberia, Tibet and Alaska would do quite well, but polar bears would be at the equator. India and Southeast Asia would be in the Arctic.
Again, I'm not sure how often this may have happened or when, but I have started paying more attention to it as a possibility in the last couple of years. Solar micronova alone is already a lot to consider dealing with, and it does seem more likely to me that it is a recurrence. The hiding of magnetic-field-strength data since it decreased by 5% from 2000 to 2010, the non-release of the much awaited 2020 data by NASA, is anti-reassuring to me. A friend who did high level programming at NASA for years brought this model back into the forefront for me a few years back. His report is that a lot of people at NASA follow this and follow Ben Davidson, and like him, but are quiet about it for political job-security reasons.
1. Magnetic poles moving seems it would cause at least some of Nature to get very confused, such as migratory birds that use magnetic flux to find "north". Who knows how much of Nature really is affected by this? And,
2. If this galactic current is enough to heat the Earth's mantle, why would it not also utterly cook all of Life on the planet?
I understand that you're just getting into this, so the 16-minute video doesn't go into as much necessary detail, as say, the whole disaster playlist. Nevertheless, I want to quickly point out one misconception of the model. You're abolutely right that rotating like Uranus is not likely to happen. In this model, it doesn't. The mantle unlocks from the crust, in a few hours it locks up again, and we continue to rotate on a 23.5° axis (same seasons, etc). The locations of the land masses have changed, the axis of the core has not.
Thank you, Tony, for pointing this out. As you say, I am just getting into this, and it is a lot to take in, even just to conceive of the mechanism that could make the mantle do this.
On the other hand, I did read four of Velikovsky's books in the 1970s with pleasure, so I am not averse to studying catastrophic theories per se. But at the same time, I trying to poke holes in other people's theories, not in a mean way, but just to test them against the body of established knowledge we have.
I mentioned the polar caps and how long they seem to have been around. Obviously, they wouldn't remain in place very long if the land they were on moved suddenly to the equator. Also, there are fjords in Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada Antarctic and southern South America that seemed to have been cut by glaciers. I haven't seen much evidence for similar fjords in other places where the poles might have been prior to the last flip. I haven't looked though. Then there is the shape of the Earth—and oblate spheroid bulging at the equator and flattened at the poles due to its rotation. I've been wondering ho the crust is going to fit over this shape if it slides by 90 degrees. Perhaps this is not a problem, though, and I'm simply perplexed because I am not familiar with the mechanism.
Accepting, for the sake of argument, that these rapid 90º shifts of the mantle have occurred or do occur, I can't see how any of us would have a hope of surviving one. It would be much bigger than a Noah's flood level event and it would take Noah's Ark type preparations plus exceptional good fortune for anybody to come through it.
I will definitely look into your work some more. You've probably answered most of the questions a newcomer would ask many times in the past.
Thanks for being curious about the world, Tim. One of Ben Davidson's vidoes was included April 15th at the end of the "Siding With Truth" post. The Velikovsky video is excerpted
You're welcome, Tim. I've followed Ben (his work) for a few years now. He often takes the Devil's Advocate position, doesn't sensationalize his reports, and he has many (NASA, JPL, etc) scientists feeding him information that they can't come out and say publically. His findings are sound and open to criticism. Given all the crap on the internet today, it's good to be a Suspicious 0bserver. In fact, that's what he named his channel. :)
My idea is the death toll is -like in the Second World War -from the overt killing machine is local. Each county tabulates data differently. The distribution of the Covid injection by batch varied by county and region. I feel the best numbers found for deaths are intentionally muddied and buried. A concerted look over here mis-direction removes our gaze at the deaths and injuries mounting higher. 2024 is a long time away and the system can collapse quickly and like Humpty Dumpty not get put together again. Imagine this in 2026. No matter vote outcome.
A martini costs 15$ hold on wait a minute, the walking death are not so death as they’re supposed to be. In Russia they make vodka in their bath tube and in the Pacific they know Kava and other high spirits, making or in fact forgetting that they’re even death walking they fabricate alcohol from oranges, pineapple even bananas! Moon shiners are not death they will survive except not in a sober way. Hallelujah to the spiritual vegetables and fruits.
Tip O the Day for Dr J, from the walking wounded...wearing sandals whilst mowing is a recipe for disaster...a mere pebble turns into a crazed toe-piercing projectile with resultant gushings of crimson&promise of infection&gangrenous gifts...so says this ol'mechanic
Around 20 years ago, I almost lost my left hand to a rice straw cutter, which, after threshing, chops the sheaves into neat two-inch sections.
I have to feed a couple of thousand of them into the hopper each autumn. On one occasion, a particularly fat bundle of straw got stuck and wouldn't go down, so I helped it along with my hand - without turning the thing off.
Fortunately I was wearing thick leather gloves. The gripping wheel gripped the fingers of the glove - which is what it is supposed to do - and tried to pull the gloved hand in. I pulled away just in time, and the machine pulled the glove off, but not before pressing my finger tips a lot harder than was good for them.
The result was the skin on the front of two finger tips was pulled away and blood was oozing. A neighbor drove me 5km to the local hospital, where they told me that as it wasn't a sharp cut, they were not competent to deal with it, so we drove 20km to the proper hospital in town where they fixed me up nicely and the wounds healed within a week.
I've been very careful around machinery ever since. To run a lawn mower like that, I'd wear work boots, jeans or something lighter on the legs, gloves, sunglasses and ear muffs. I don't have a mower, but some of my neighbors here in Japan use them even on 30% slopes, which looks very dodgy to me. On the flat, though, you'll probably have no trouble running one. It's just that those naked toes look very vulnerable.
The big thing to me right now is flipping this aerobic compost heap.
Dr Day, I think you have one of the most interesting and relevant substacks. A while ago, you wrote about C19 treatment and there were a few new and pragmatic tips. I really heard your voice as a good doc in the clinical reasoning and exploratory openness -- looking to the patient and the setting. I first looked you up because Dr Mercola was honoring you in his comments. Then, I saw this amazing scope of commentary, including the economic and geopolitical history. I have been especially excited about the jubilee debt cancellation notes! I think that as a nation, we desperately need some preparation of economic survival models beyond Communism, Fascism, Crony Capitalism, and descent into Mad Max. We need ideas that the majority can sign onto like a New Deal. I don’t know what you think of FDRs effort, but we are going to need something that has not been seen yet. God bless you and yours.
Thank you for your kind words. We seem to both belooking for hidden harms and good soulutions for humanity and life on Earth.
I pray for guidance and wisdom. I have been blessed, and I don't want to "waste my talents".
I watched the Earth Disaster is Coming video and found it unconvincing to say the least. Top of my list of questions would be, how would a magnetic pole shift (which we know take place quite often in geological terms) translate into a geographic pole shift?
My second question would be, given that we know from other evidence (or we think that we know) that Greenland has been covered in ice for 2 million years and Antarctic has been covered in ice for over 20 million years, why have none of these supposed previous geographic pole shifts at 12 thousand year intervals not melted this ancient ice?
I could come up with a hundred more issues if I checked out all the claims and links that presenter gave, time for research is short, particularly in the spring planting and mowing season.
I agree that the polar ice cap mass causing the rotational poles to change, in order to place those masses at the equator seem "optional" to me.
The mechanism would be that the mantle gets heated by the massive current from a solar micronova, loosens up the tectonic plates, which loosens everything up.
As I understand it, there is question about the age of the ice cores at the poles, with revisios of the isotopic dating being in 10s of thousands of years, not millions, but I cannot speak to that independently.
My impression, overall is that something like the Laschamps Event, about 42,000 years ago might have been that kind of a rotational-polar shift, but I agree that it is hard to envision that happening every 12,000 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laschamp_event
Our spring comes earlier here in (fairly central to coastal plains) Texas.
Thanks very much for your reply, John.
I think we need to clarify the difference between a magnetic pole shift and a geological pole shift. geomagnetic excursions like the Laschamps Event and larger magnetic pole reversals are established to have occurred and are recorded in the geological record. What impact they have on the biosphere when they occur is debatable, but the biosphere has always survived them up to now. Our human and pre-human ancestors(at least a small bunch of people) must have survived them too, or we wouldn't be here to talk about them.
If the magnetic poles shift or weaken, this will have potentially serious consequences. For a start, I can imagine civilization destroying consequences if our electrical and electronic systems get fried. But the world would still turn as it does now, the geographic poles would remain the same, the seasons would remain the same.
A 90-degree geographic pole shift is quite another matter. If it happened over a span of years or even decades, I can't imagine any humans or large terrestrial mammals surviving it. This video shows Peru and Singapore hosting the new poles. If that happened, we could say goodbye to the South American and Southeast Asian rain forests. And the climate everywhere would be totally different from what it is now. Also, we couldn't predict what the climate would be without knowing the degree of axial tilt - the inclination of the axis of rotation to the plane of the earth's orbit - the ecliptic.
Actually, just changing the tilt would profoundly affect seasonality. If we turn on our mental simulator and imagine the earth with a 0º tilt with the geographic poles at 90% to the ecliptic, there would be no seasonality at all and every day the sun would rise to the same height that it presently does at the spring and fall equinoxes. That might be no problem for the current tropics, but everywhere else it would be pretty weird. I can imagine the polar ice caps becoming huge because there would be no summer sun to melt them.
A 90% tilt of the axis would be even wielder. That's similar to the rotation of Uranus. The poles would spend six months in darkness and for the other six months, the sun would spend three months rising and soaring, eventually reaching the zenith, and the next three months sinking and setting. As for the equator, twice a year the sun would run along the horizon; then there would be 12-hour days with the sun rising higher each day for three months until it touched the zenith at noon on its highest day, followed by three months rising lower each day until it was back on the horizon 24 hours a day. That would be a kind of seasonality.
All of the above would be catastrophic enough, but would not involve any shift in the geological poles. The climate would be very different to the one we are familiar with, but the equator and poles would still be in the same place relative to the earth's surface.
But a geological pole shift, would be much much more catastrophic. Fortunately, there is plenty of evidence that it has never happened (although I am getting more and more wary of scientific evidence the older I get) and plenty of reason to believe it will never happen, because the amount of power that would be ....
Actually, I asked a very smart chatbot for its opinion, and it told me "The Earth has a tremendous amount of rotational inertia, which means it would take an enormous amount of torque to change its rotational axis significantly. According to calculations, it would require the equivalent of about 10^29 joules of energy to shift the Earth's axis by 90 degrees, which is many orders of magnitude greater than the total energy output of the entire human race over its entire history."
I'm not too impressed with the total energy output of the entire human race over its entire history. I expect the galaxy could outdo us. But I think if such a change in the Earth had occurred, it would have wiped the surface clean of any animals larger than insects.
Anyway, these are my thoughts, prompted by that video. But this is a BIG subject. Probably too BIG for me to get a handle on. Cheers!
Thank you for your thought, Tim. Thank you for thinking, which is what I have been doing, too.
You obviously ran a lot of mental projections, which I have also done.
As I understand it the rotational-inertia issue models out differently when the mantle becomes a less viscous liquid, due to heating from the massive current flowing preferentially through mantle layers, heating them through current conversion to heat as it passes through their resistance. The crust is then slipping freely and independently from core mass of the planet, as modeled.
The 90 degree pole shift would be a really big deal. All weather patterns would have to re-order. Who knows where things would end up? The earthquake activity would be planetary and would continue a long time. In my own mental model, lots of pockets of life would survive in the short term. The Amazon rainforest would be in the Antarctic. That would suck.
Canada, Russia, Siberia, Tibet and Alaska would do quite well, but polar bears would be at the equator. India and Southeast Asia would be in the Arctic.
Again, I'm not sure how often this may have happened or when, but I have started paying more attention to it as a possibility in the last couple of years. Solar micronova alone is already a lot to consider dealing with, and it does seem more likely to me that it is a recurrence. The hiding of magnetic-field-strength data since it decreased by 5% from 2000 to 2010, the non-release of the much awaited 2020 data by NASA, is anti-reassuring to me. A friend who did high level programming at NASA for years brought this model back into the forefront for me a few years back. His report is that a lot of people at NASA follow this and follow Ben Davidson, and like him, but are quiet about it for political job-security reasons.
Couple things:
1. Magnetic poles moving seems it would cause at least some of Nature to get very confused, such as migratory birds that use magnetic flux to find "north". Who knows how much of Nature really is affected by this? And,
2. If this galactic current is enough to heat the Earth's mantle, why would it not also utterly cook all of Life on the planet?
1) Absolutely.
2) Not much current gets induced in human bodies, like those inductive heating electric stoves.
I understand that you're just getting into this, so the 16-minute video doesn't go into as much necessary detail, as say, the whole disaster playlist. Nevertheless, I want to quickly point out one misconception of the model. You're abolutely right that rotating like Uranus is not likely to happen. In this model, it doesn't. The mantle unlocks from the crust, in a few hours it locks up again, and we continue to rotate on a 23.5° axis (same seasons, etc). The locations of the land masses have changed, the axis of the core has not.
Thank you, Tony, for pointing this out. As you say, I am just getting into this, and it is a lot to take in, even just to conceive of the mechanism that could make the mantle do this.
On the other hand, I did read four of Velikovsky's books in the 1970s with pleasure, so I am not averse to studying catastrophic theories per se. But at the same time, I trying to poke holes in other people's theories, not in a mean way, but just to test them against the body of established knowledge we have.
I mentioned the polar caps and how long they seem to have been around. Obviously, they wouldn't remain in place very long if the land they were on moved suddenly to the equator. Also, there are fjords in Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada Antarctic and southern South America that seemed to have been cut by glaciers. I haven't seen much evidence for similar fjords in other places where the poles might have been prior to the last flip. I haven't looked though. Then there is the shape of the Earth—and oblate spheroid bulging at the equator and flattened at the poles due to its rotation. I've been wondering ho the crust is going to fit over this shape if it slides by 90 degrees. Perhaps this is not a problem, though, and I'm simply perplexed because I am not familiar with the mechanism.
Accepting, for the sake of argument, that these rapid 90º shifts of the mantle have occurred or do occur, I can't see how any of us would have a hope of surviving one. It would be much bigger than a Noah's flood level event and it would take Noah's Ark type preparations plus exceptional good fortune for anybody to come through it.
I will definitely look into your work some more. You've probably answered most of the questions a newcomer would ask many times in the past.
Thanks for being curious about the world, Tim. One of Ben Davidson's vidoes was included April 15th at the end of the "Siding With Truth" post. The Velikovsky video is excerpted
Earth Turns Over When The Crust Unlocks
You're welcome, Tim. I've followed Ben (his work) for a few years now. He often takes the Devil's Advocate position, doesn't sensationalize his reports, and he has many (NASA, JPL, etc) scientists feeding him information that they can't come out and say publically. His findings are sound and open to criticism. Given all the crap on the internet today, it's good to be a Suspicious 0bserver. In fact, that's what he named his channel. :)
Soft coup? I do vehemently disagree. The coup is continuous and quite Iron Fist and no medicine can check it's cancerous political growth.
I think Meryl Nass just meant "softer" than an overt killing operation, like what happened in Ukraine in 2014.
My idea is the death toll is -like in the Second World War -from the overt killing machine is local. Each county tabulates data differently. The distribution of the Covid injection by batch varied by county and region. I feel the best numbers found for deaths are intentionally muddied and buried. A concerted look over here mis-direction removes our gaze at the deaths and injuries mounting higher. 2024 is a long time away and the system can collapse quickly and like Humpty Dumpty not get put together again. Imagine this in 2026. No matter vote outcome.
I think she was just looking at the WHO power usurpation.
Yes, we don't now the ultimate death toll from the very intricate slow-poison in the spike-protein ene-therapy products yet.
There are so many things to imagine, and yet so many which will happen that we never imagine. Big Serge tells the story of the Battle of Stalingrad, which neither side ever intended to engage-in. https://bigserge.substack.com/p/death-trap-on-the-volga-stalingrad?
A martini costs 15$ hold on wait a minute, the walking death are not so death as they’re supposed to be. In Russia they make vodka in their bath tube and in the Pacific they know Kava and other high spirits, making or in fact forgetting that they’re even death walking they fabricate alcohol from oranges, pineapple even bananas! Moon shiners are not death they will survive except not in a sober way. Hallelujah to the spiritual vegetables and fruits.
Tip O the Day for Dr J, from the walking wounded...wearing sandals whilst mowing is a recipe for disaster...a mere pebble turns into a crazed toe-piercing projectile with resultant gushings of crimson&promise of infection&gangrenous gifts...so says this ol'mechanic
Around 20 years ago, I almost lost my left hand to a rice straw cutter, which, after threshing, chops the sheaves into neat two-inch sections.
I have to feed a couple of thousand of them into the hopper each autumn. On one occasion, a particularly fat bundle of straw got stuck and wouldn't go down, so I helped it along with my hand - without turning the thing off.
Fortunately I was wearing thick leather gloves. The gripping wheel gripped the fingers of the glove - which is what it is supposed to do - and tried to pull the gloved hand in. I pulled away just in time, and the machine pulled the glove off, but not before pressing my finger tips a lot harder than was good for them.
The result was the skin on the front of two finger tips was pulled away and blood was oozing. A neighbor drove me 5km to the local hospital, where they told me that as it wasn't a sharp cut, they were not competent to deal with it, so we drove 20km to the proper hospital in town where they fixed me up nicely and the wounds healed within a week.
I've been very careful around machinery ever since. To run a lawn mower like that, I'd wear work boots, jeans or something lighter on the legs, gloves, sunglasses and ear muffs. I don't have a mower, but some of my neighbors here in Japan use them even on 30% slopes, which looks very dodgy to me. On the flat, though, you'll probably have no trouble running one. It's just that those naked toes look very vulnerable.