Jul 7Liked by John Day MD

That picture with Kamala sure was a mean trick on that hyena

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Here's a link to how UK health policy went from 'normal' to 'security-services-driven':


This does tend to suggest that the security services in the UK, much like the CIA in the USA, are out of control, unaccountable people totally disinterested in anything but their own power.

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Victor Orban answers to God. He don't do no authority of clownsho freaks like the unelected warmonger fake leaders of the fake e u

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Unless Orban had the EU pay for his trip, he's perfectly entitled to visit whosoever he wants in his role as Head of State for Hungary. Just because he happens to be President of the European Council doesn't stop him doing his job as Head of State for Hungary. It's undoubtedly in Hungary's interest that no superpower war takes place in Eastern Europe as Hungary has a border with Western Ukraine and he can no doubt imagine Poland getting itchy feet if a land grab of a collapsing Ukrainian State were ever to take place. The last thing he wants in future is a bellicose aggressive Polish nation backed by US nutcases putting his own State's security in greater peril....

Orban's popularity in Hungary is to a certain extent predicated upon him sticking two fingers up at EU apparatchiks, after all. Anything that gets the Brussels crowd het up and agitated usually sees his poll ratings rise.

So in this situation, he is in the happy position that by doing the right thing in moral terms, he can expect his popularity to rise anyway.

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' Ning added,” Facts have shown that Washington is planning to plunder resources under the pretext of combating terrorism. It talks about human rights all the time, but it violates the right to survival and the right to life of the people of other countries. It claims to defend democracy, freedom and prosperity, while in reality it is constantly creating humanitarian crises.”'

That is the most forcible statement I have come across by a Chinese diplomat/politician with regard to US Foreign Policy. It may be that many such statements have been made previously, simply not reported widely in the West.

I would call that statement an absolutely peremptory challenge to the US' self-perceived right to 'rule the world as it sees fit'. It challenges the US moral authority, it challenges the basic premise that the US is a humane country and society and it basically says that the USA's foreign policy is entirely predicated upon creating human suffering to make profits for US corporations.

Hardly the sort of prospectus that the vast majority of non-NATO countries are going to look up to, is it?

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Yes, them's confrontatory fighting-words from the Chinese State.

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That is a fantastic picture of ScKamala who put me in jail when I foolishly ran for mayor against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom in 2007...

She is not going to be able to be the next pretendsodent because folks think she is just too fucking totally beautiful and awesome, and follows directions, but she is incapable of thinking for herself, poor girl. I mean they don't let her.

She has initially dropped the charges against me but someone told her to put them back on me, who might that have been? Ed Jew? Who told her to jail my ass and shut down my business?

Think they must have spent a lot of dough shutting my ass down, ScKamala clown ...

Her most famous words?

Don't come here....don't do it.

Gavin gave us care not cash. Sic.

And homeless mandates for killafornia, and needlerape scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions....

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Jul 7Liked by John Day MD

Wow! Amazing round up today. The thing no one seems to see about the Russian point is the international law as laid down by the UN charter is what Putin seems to be shooting for as opposed to rule based order. Looking at Who is THEY? /Corey Lynn, you see this: "All arms of the UN have these immunities and can extend them to organizations working with them." Does this sound like meaningful change? Remember spent some time in the WEF. Now wanting to follow the UN charter to the letter of the writ instead of the rules based order doesn't look so much a change of order as a change of rulers. The more things change the more they stay the same. Among Putins credentials I believe legal beagle is one of them. Immunity is very attractive to those in or seeking power. Just sayin'.

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Putin is a meticulous bureaucrat and bureaucratic lawyer, with a vast view of the chessboard's next 3 moves.

He's not quite balding-Jesus, same as I don't believe in orange-Jesus, nor the perfect existence of Bobby Jr.

Well, I guess we all go to the chess match with the army we've got, or whatever...


Jill Stein has earned my vote, if we get to vote this time.

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The old Matrix i.e. System of control is fading into oblivion while at the same time the new one is build..

The people in power always stay the same...with Keir Starmer the latest additions of this Jewish owned assimilation of Humanity

Bruce Lee said famously in Enter the Dragon : Brics don't hit back..

But BRICS is the new power of a Multipolar World and it dion't need to hit back.

The MCC (Millenioum Challenge Cooperation) a CIA think tank is planning the next Ukraine... Georgia is on the list...

The UE which is as we speak the biggest scam lie of the Jews behind the Matrix.. has no Authority because the UE is basically a trade Union masquerading as a Country ruled by a German Dictator.

It is a Jewish Dictatorship ruling through Money and Violence.

And they laid their plan out... war with Russia within 5 years.

You don't think they will stop do you?

At the same time they build the next control grid which is Starlink AI a 20 Billion Robot Army and a gigantic living artificially grown AI Brain that will feed upon the human race and devour it.

If Humanity will avoid WW3 they will become the Borg.


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There are better paths through this than you have elucidated.

It's up to us to do our best.

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There is no better path then ZEN.

One cannot fight if one has no possession of equal value.

One must disarm them first.

You might not recognize what I am doing...

But I am disarming them.

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Outlive them. Do something better.

They are working hard against us, but also working against reality and history.

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We can't outlive them...

They are Immortal... but we can outsmart them so they never bother us again.

Do something better?

Better than this?


Water as energy is the Key.

I stick to that and soon you'll know I was right all along,

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Outlive the human elites. Accept Divine Guidance.

Our world is not yet ready for so much energy, not while the demonic forces still rule.

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My Friend... the most high of divine guidance is ZEN.

Even Buddha followed the path of ZEN.

There is no higher guidance as the path I am on.


ZEN is water

ZEN is pure

ZEN is knowledge of the Ancient

ZEN is Truth

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Jul 7Liked by John Day MD

A couple of things:

Putin is trying to establish fior the record how little any reasonable soverien country leader can trust the west. This is being determined by the rejection of peace innitiatives and by the reneging on the Istanbul and Minsk accords. This will thus justify Putin's more severe terms at the conclusion of the UKR conflict. He is establishing without a doubt that one can simply NEVER trust the US/NATO/Globalists. They have poisoned the well and it will take generations to restore any trust. Target countries will have to maintain eternal vigilance at great cost to their econo0mies and people's standards of living.

Meanwhile, Europe is running out of wiggle room as it burns the candle at both ends. One burning end is man made and caused by the oligarchs through their hitmen politicians and rogue agencies like the BIS, WHO, COVID and climate change scams, food production destruction, illegal immigrant invasion, and destabilization of governments like UKR,

The other end is the impending collision of industrial civilization against the natural order: The decling supply of readily accessible energy and raw materials which translates into the necessities of heating/AC,jobs, transportation and food production. These resources will be overtly fought over one way or another. This fight is being exploited by the globalists. In a way, it is like on the African Serengetti when a clan of hungry hyenas and a pride of lions fight over a kill during the end of the dry season when game has become scarce. The jackal will sneak in between the two, aggravate the lions and then lead them to the hyenas and try to get them to fight each other. Then while the others are preoccupied, the jackal sneaks in and gets his meal.

This will wash over to our shores here in the US. It's only a matter of time. Biden vs Trump? Harris/Horschul/Newsome/Whitmer vs Trump? It doesn't matter. Things are so off the wall now I would not be surprised if Trump ( whom I am sure is controlled in ways we don't realize) "selects" Nikki Haley as his VP, wins the election, and shortly after his inauguration, conveniently gets Arkancided and power is transferred to Haley, the ultimate globalist war mongering neocon who carries out the Globalists' agenda. All in the name of protecting our freedoms like with the Patriot Act after 9-11 of course. Haley's insertion as president will look to be legitimate.

Remember how Kamala got on board as VP after all her 2020 debates bashing everyone?

This has become surreal.

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I was in full agreement until you got to the Serengeti, and frankly don't know after that.


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Jul 7Liked by John Day MD

That's the point. Anything is possible and no one can know. But the biggest tactic is deception.

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You sound like you are watching the horizon, too.

Feel free to contribute content that I miss.

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Jul 7Liked by John Day MD

I have yet to meet anyone locally who stocked up on loo paper during the

softening-up period before the 'covid' pandemic was officially declared... But,

then, i've long been convinced the 'panic buying' of loo paper (before the

'pandemic') was faked by holding back the supplies of loo paper, as a

propaganda scare tactic.)

'Panic Buying' of chook eggs is being stoked by Sydney, Australia's "news"

papers... Reports of 'bird flu' affecting local chooks, and the birds being

murdered en masse have been appearing on page 3, as small items -not as

major front page Scare Stories...

Already supermarkets are restricting customers purchases of chook eggs,

claiming reduced supplies...Such shortages are highly unlikely given how 'bird

flu' has been 'discovered' in only a couple of the many egg-laying chook farms...

But the point of such stories being placed on page 3 is to keep 'bird flu' in

the public's attention, very much like the last item above, from Meryl Nass...

Claims of empty loo paper shelves at supermarkets were intended the create

the perception that 'covid' really was a serious threat, just as reports about

Germany gearing up to produce a billion 'bird flu' jabs for hoomins do...

Without chook eggs, no cream puffs, no sponge cakes, no cakes at all - but i'll

bet little billy gates has a private egg supplier so he dont go without cream puffs !

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These things are funny. I am always stocking up weeks before it's a thing. We stocked up for COVID by mid February 2020, and had our chloroquine by the week after that, too.

We never stock up on eggs, though.

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I did! I live in Spain most of time and I only found out there’d be a lockdown on the afternoon of the 13th March. By 6pm it was officially declared the country shuts at midnight, everything. Down at the supermarket everyone had the same idea, consequentially the shop was virtually empty of items like this but oddly enough full again on Monday afternoon and so on during the selective lockdowns. The other point is that lunchtime shops were already putting up distancing barriers in front of tills, Perspex screens etc, so the plans were already in place.

The other thing I discovered before this dread date was H-Q was a potential cure by an article I’d accidentally read titled ‘why is France killing its patients’ in the South China morning post stating they’d declared this prescription only earlier as a favour to Sanofi and there vaccine attempt and sure enough the EU had declared this rule/law across the whole continent in January so I couldn’t get any as normal down the pharmacy.

This lockdown episode was even more frustrating for me when I was already convinced it was only an elaborate scam to sell expensive drugs, hide the real cause of this virus, etc, etc.

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Jul 7Liked by John Day MD

What a coincidence as I have resumed buying chicken in 12 pound increments and will be restarting my pressure cooking. My first batch in 2021 went well, with no bad jar seals after 2 and 1/2 years. 40 jars so far.

Toilet paper is a diversion to take your eyes off the real issue- that of a protein source. Freeze dried food is mostly starch even with venerable producers like Mountain House. When you pressure cook, you pay for your containers, food, and the energy to cook up front while it (energy) is still available, so you aren't having to go chopping wood for fire to cook later on. And woe to anyone who thinks that the electricity will be available to power all his freezers stock full of frozen food long enough to eat that food.

In a way, if there is no food, then there will be no poop that will require toilet paper. And speaking of poop, when you have to go outside to dispose of your waste, you'll get picked off by some gang waiting for you to open the door.

How many ways can things so wrong or not as planned?

Let me count the ways.

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Yeah, fuel and water are more critical at the base of things than electricity is. I canned 17 gallons of salsa in May/June when my tomatoes came in, and had my onions and garlic already. I admit to buying enough peppers to keep up, though. Peppers produce later.

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