Dr. John, this is from the Slog today. He is commenting on a Netflix piece. Very timely. Especially given the evidence presented by Meryl Nass on Myocarditis and Maui constantly on our mind. It is curious about Maui that Chinese spy satellites were over targets. It is equally curious that Chinese green lasers were mapping Maui earlier in the year. And perhaps more curious still that the Democratic party is strongly pro-PRC to the point of having the Democrat President as a valuable agent and ally.


- 'Ordinary Men: the Forgotten Holocaust – which, instead of being light and distracting entertainment, held me gripped by several insights.

The true story concerns ordinary German policemen recruited in 1942 as the Greater German Reich grew larger but the manpower to run it remained a problem. These were civil cops, not political yobs or Gestapo. They were to be shipped out to the new Empire, ostensibly as administrators and order keepers.

Abruptly one morning, the Chief Police Officer in charge of the men opened his mail and found some extremely unpleasant orders he was instructed to obey: he must ask his recruits to carry out summary executions of undesirable elements (at first in Poland) – especially Jews. But (the orders continued) he must give every officer at the outset the chance not to be involved in the actions.

At each roll call the Chief Officer read this last codicil out. For up to 40 seconds, nobody moved; then one person did. This then encouraged 3-4 others to follow. The rest stayed firmly in line.

It was a fascinating anthropological exercise in observing the will to conform, but above all the role of setting an example came to the fore: once one objector stepped out of line, up to four would follow.

There is a useful lesson here for all of us engaged in resistance to the New World Order aims....but there's more on the negative side too. For most of those who stayed grew to delight in their Licence to Kill, and never had the slightest doubt that culling of 'undesirable elements' was a worthwhile task, supporting their geliebte Fuhrer's aims. This supports research done secretly by Goldman Sachs some ten years ago showing how graduates with, at best, doubts about the ethics of certain trading practices, soon grew to accept them as natural.

In short, first up: those who refuse to accept the wrong number of fingers in Room 101 can not only stay steadfast, they can act as a vital role model for more feeble sympathisers who need to be given a lead. Here too, the growth of Blade Runners against ULEZ shows the same human tendency to be inspired by example.

And secondly, The New Normal psy-op propaganda is also to some extent on solid ground – that is, you can order someone to become a killing machine....and in a remarkably short time, such an occupation can be ''normalised''.

Despite what a small trollstorm tried to suggest about me the week before last (''miserable pessimist Grammar School boy'', I have to admit, was a corker for the SlogOddities File) I am a realist who recognises when we've gone past the Tickling Contest stage.

The best I can do is repeat the evidenced adage: ''When faced with a State that won't listen, it is every citizen's right and duty to join a hard-edged programme of social disobedience as the only thing that will get the State to accept that – while it may see itself as a Rottweiler – we will always be the dog owners with a firm grasp on the lead''.

Again, I urge you all: cherry-pick the Neoliberal Communist policy idiocies, and sabotage the State's ability to carry any of them through....there's a lot at stake here. If you doubt this, I offer some recent, particularly malodorous examples of the New World Abnormality stamping its signature (and jackboots) on the face of a once civilised Planet Earth.....

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"It is I who decides who is a Jew" - Joseph Goebbels

Today like yesterday the German people have the same problem... the Obedience to Authority.

And today's Authority have the same disease as ever... Bloodlust Power and lack of Empathy.

Todays elite like yesterdays elite belong to the Occult which is essential Jewish... they were Freemasons Vril and Thule Society.

The Wewelsburg today is a remnant of the Occult of the SS.


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Sep 25, 2023Liked by John Day MD



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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Author

Do take a look at this, the same information through a slightly different lens, which does not lead to prompt-rejection and arguments based upon misapplication-of-labels:



"Prussia is not a nation with an army, but an army that controls nations"

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Evidently my connection is not secure it won't link.

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There is an extra layer of filtering apparent on that site, for whatever reason. My browser wants to check it out, and it may be checking "me" out> The general link to the site seems easier to access than the link to table of contents. "Prussia Gate" is searchable on Substack.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Author

Do take a look at this, the same information through a slightly different lens, which does not lead to prompt-rejection and arguments based upon misapplication-of-labels:



"Prussia is not a nation with an army, but an army that controls nations"

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I didn't read that yet. I will, as I generally do.

John Ward is a good "1 in 8" kinda' guy.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Strange evolution, many French generals in a 2 hour documentary on TF5 admitted France can not go into a full blown war, not because their ammunition lasts for only 15 days, but their Star Wars, satellites and communication programs have not evolved with the latest technology. One retired general saying because of the dragon of conservatism and clinging to the 20th century warfare, we lose the fight and if we lose the fight(!) nato loses, and all our allies lose meaning Uncle Sam cannot fill the gaps.

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So maybe sending 5 man groups of French soldiers towards Moscow on foot, to copy the developing Ukrainian war tactics?


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Sep 25, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Still they want to go to war, no will to surrender till the last man standing, fighting forever that was the end conclusion of the retired general. Musks Starlink is in full vision, there are now Russian satellites parked in the neighbourhood, and both Russians and Chinese have succeeded in recycling and destroying their own satellites to the amazement of everyone, creating a zone in space where they gonna put all their garbage and future destroyed enemy missiles. Anyone seen the intro in the Asian games and China giving a show of their technological know-how? Take a seat and hold tight to the armchairs. China in 2 years time having fully operated 2 new sea carriers, it took France 20 years.

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I'm not buying aircraft carriers this season.

Beans, rice, cooking oil and salt are better investments.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Buy a lot, even start a small business. Ukraine is nothing but an experimental lab, everyone predicts the real thing Indopacific war starting in 2027, it’s building but I don’t want to panick or make others panick….a lot of power play and theatre. It gives us another 4 years, who knows 40, if they are mistaken so the better meanwhile we can eat a lot of rice and beans. I can see where it is going, wars with personnel have no future, soldiers have to be transported, have to eat and drink and sleep and buried, and material bullets, missiles even drones will be obsolete by 2027, so there the sky is not the limit or better Space, space wars with autonomous missiles that don’t need stupid military, they will finish the job and neutralise each other, while we earthlings will be eating rice and beans and drinking tea and coffee.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Don’t forget to look up from times to times, wars have become a very private occupation. Ukraine techno soldiers getting boxes with plastic or hardboard drones, they assemble them personally put a bomb underneath, link them to their iPhone and direct them from a basement or attic to a target somewhere on the field. These mostly kamikaze bombs have auto recognition, are silent and undetectable and highly efficacious. What can we learn from these utmost private operations? All these systems and systems evolving depend on imaging and information communicative satellites, and if these can be sabotaged all goes blank! Up in space is the weakest point, don’t forget to look up all burning pieces from taken down satellites may fall on your head. Star Wars or more specific satellite wars are in the making, now think tanks breaking their head over anti and anti satellite weapons, come and see within 4 years, we are at war info and disinfo/censor wars. Let them go to war we will go to our garden, much more satisfying and creative with Mother Nature.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by John Day MD

To follow orders…in modern warfare, transmission or to follow up orders will be even more prevalent and problematic, so you must decide and react wholly independently, no more military hierarchy…….and that makes the perfect terrorist, the modern soldier has become a terrorist! He can never return to a civilian life unless he’s constantly psychologically (mis-dis and mal) reviewed.

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Nobody in Germany knows what the Government is doing other that controlling its people.

Nobody here trusts the Government or Police...

There was an article in 2002 by a Russian scientists who said that every planet actually grew an atmosphere and the magnetic fields of every planet is changing.

He was known only as Dimitiev...

He also said that the Heliosphere increased by 100%.

That was in 2002.

This is an except from this article which I saved...

The atmospheres of five of the planets and the Earth's moon are changing.

When the United States landed on the moon in 1969, it found no atmosphere. Since then, the earth's moon is growing an atmosphere that wasn't there before, made up of a compound that Dr. Dmitriev refers to as "Natrium." This new atmosphere is now 6,000 kilometers deep.

The earth's atmosphere in the upper levels is forming HO gas that was not there before. It simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. The Russians say it's not related to global warming and it's not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or anything like that. It's just showing up.

The Martian atmosphere is getting sizably thicker than it was before. The Mars Observer probe in 1997 lost one of its mirrors, which caused it to crash. This happened because the atmosphere was about twice as dense as NASA had calculated. Basically, the wind on that little mirror was so high that it blew it right off.

The atmospheres of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also are changing, according to the Russians, but they didn't explain.

The brightness of the planets is changing.

Venus is showing marked increases in its overall brightness.

Jupiter's energetic charge has risen so high that there is actually a visible tube of ionizing radiation that's formed between the surface of Jupiter and its moon Io. You can actually see the luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken recently.

Uranus and Neptune also are becoming brighter.

The magnetic fields are changing.

Jupiter's magnetic field has more than doubled.

Uranus's magnetic field is changing — no explanation.

Neptune's magnetic field is increasing.

All three of these planets are becoming brighter, and their atmospheric qualities, say the Russians, are changing — but they do not explain what is meant by this.

What's truly amazing, since some people here on Earth have been expecting and predicting a pole shift for some time now, is that the Russians report that Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager II space probe flew past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizably offset from where the rotational pole was in earlier recordings. In one case, it was 50 degrees off, and in the other case the difference was around 40 degrees. Earth Changes

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The pole shifts of our sister planets are interesting, as NASA won't talk about our magnetic field these days.

"Natrium" is the Latin word for "Sodium", the metal our our table salt, sodium-chloride.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Natrium is a silver metal... I believe our salt is Natrium Chloride...

It is a soft Metal I believe...


I saved this article a long time ago... It isn't on the internet anymore.

NASA also switched off many sattelites when there were strange things... like a big energy field moving...

If you want i can sent you the whole article...

Very interesting.

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Natrium/Sodium is a highly reactive metal when pure, so it is not found that way unless refined and preserved from oxygen, like in an oil bath.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by John Day MD

That is why it is usually stored in Oil...

Silvery in Nature and you can cut it with a knife...


BTW I sent you the articles I had to your email.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Author

An hour of plasma cosmolgy lecture excerpts:


The paper you sent about glowing plasma at the bowsprit of the heliosphere advancing into the galactic current sheet https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGtxSmqfmBnjjPHTNqQsWzVdLkB?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1 concurs overall with Ben Davidson's work.

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Not familiar with his work...

As I said I have these documents for 20 years... interesting aren't they?

Also... that's important... in a living Universe where all ife is energy... those "Dragons" Anunaki live inside the sun...

The "Sunspots" are their eggs... hatching in a 12 year cycle... and the Heliosphere can be explained by them wanting to hitch a ride on Nibiru or known as Omuamua...

They arrived with Omuamua on earth and you see then strange things happen like Covid and ukraine...

I explain this here better.


These are things that may be known to the Occult but i have proof of this.

You see Time is essential and nothing exists without reason to exist.

The current events refer to old prophecies which can all be explained by this...

It is basically an Invasion of the mind by them who have no physical body.

The weak will be controlled.

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This appears to be a self-test to take about science-attitudes.

Do say more, please...

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Thanx... but can you explain a little?

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Quantavolutions (usually referred to pejoratively as catastrophes) have been experienced on sundry occasions and have been unequal in intensity. He argues fora Solar Binary and planetary instability.

His main idea-Quantavolution theory maintains that the world from its beginnings, including the world of life and humanity, has changed largely by quantum leaps, rather than by tiny incre-ments over great stretches of time. The over two million words of this collection of works by the author and collaborators present the full range of ideas and phenomena that pertain to this theory. It may be well to warn promptly against claiming any relationship to quantum field theory in physics, although dire consequences to gravitation concepts may inhere, because of the seeming all-sufficiency of new electromagnetic theory. Such a global change of perspective requires a search for new evidence, a reformulation of old evidence, a reconsideration of anomalies, changes in meanings of words and phrases, explora-tions of etymologies of words and concepts, and a reexamination of assumptions, often when they are so accepted as to be trite and so trite as to be ignored -- removed, indeed, from our very cognitive structures.

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"Quantum" means a small piece that can't be further broken down, as an atom was originally thought to be.

Evolution makes more sense when it is seen as a series of periodic "selection-events". Within a species which is thriving, as ours now is, a diversity of genetic traits may arise in a large population. If an event occurs which kills most of that population, then traits that helped allow survival would be concentrated in the survivors, and would become common in the much-reduced population.

I think that is a better way to understand evolution, a series of selection-events for survival traits, which may well be different between selection-events, though some might be generally beneficial, like group-intelligence in problem-solving.

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Thank you for elaborating...

In ZEN an d TAO we think of the Universe as on Gigantic living Organism... that is why we are alive... makes sense.

Also the Universe is essential electric and musical... it all follows the principle of Harmony.

Catastrophes are Quantum events as you describe them... but they are usually destructive as they are an accumulation of energy with a sudden release.

In a living Universe life evolves gradually... meaning energy is accumulated and digested in a gradual manner but sometimes there is a quantum leap which is usually a change in evolution and direction based on events.

One thing i like to add... and this is personal...

One such Quantum leap is this one:

Faster than the speed of light...



What do you thing will happen to Humanity when we realize we can travel throughout the Universe many times faster than the speed of light?

Because we are at that point.

We achieved this already but we been held back.

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Conquistadores will be found, if and only if proper shielding exists and navigation there and back again. The Solar System is cheaper to exploit.

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Don't go there with your body. Keep your body on Earth.


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I do with all my heart believe that we will find that the whole Universe and certainly our Solar System such as Mars and Venus was full of life and now is basically an Archaeological place and we will find remance of civilizations everywhere.

Which furthers my theory that we are controlled by an ancient race of beings who don't want Humanity to achieve exactly that... Interstellar travel.

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Here is a 22 minute video by a brain-dead neurosurgeon who had something like a near-death or between lives spiritual experience, which he has been expressing in books, lectures and videos since then.

A friend just sent it and I started watching it, then watched to the end.

Eben Alexander MD : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJP5E9hVbWQ

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I was clinically dead at the age of 18... car accident.

Since then everything changed.

I began a Journey and I am still on this path.

Also i have a kind of "medical condition"... I have visions and my REM state extends into the day... a certified day dreamer...

Many "Mystics" like Edward Casey seem to have similarities... or Inventors like Nikola Tesla...

Also... one time i saw "Shadows" trying to "Operate"... but as I reacted to them they seemed to be confused to the fact that i could see them...

Strange things happen to strange people... but People are strange...

In a living Universe life exists as energy alone...

That I have the proof of.

I had Interactions on different manifestations of life...

Something them with Fascist Intentions try to erase from Humanity...

The Truth of existenz itself.

We are gifted people...

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He bases his thought on Velikovsky whom he knew very well.

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I have a look into this.

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Landed on the moon ?

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How about landed a part on a Hollywood set ?

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