"it was not clear what the strategic rationale for NATO now was..."

It's always been very clear, keep the monies flowing for as long as possible. Seems to be working, so far.

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This is a military analysis, steering as clear of politics as possible, but pointing out where politics clearly diverges from military practicalities.

It is very good work, and I whittled it WAY DOWN for you.

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Accusing NATO of "internal incoherence" seems accurate. Surely it is not the responsibility of the USA to fix this! Or perhaps I should ask does America need NATO and, if so, why? Isn't the Atlantic Ocean a protective barrier?

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NATO is obsolete and needs to be disbanded. If we'd had a real President, and not a pResident, in the White House the last 3.5 years, the Ukraine conflict likely would not have happened. Neocon ambitions are a threat to Peace and Prosperity of the entire planet. Sometimes it seems the only way they'll be stopped is for the Dollar to crash, and it seems wrong to root for that, but it beats WWIII...

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The problem I have with NATO as I have with all Institutions is that specific groups specifically Freemasons WEF and Bohemian grove who are known to undermine democracy can hijack them and stir these institutions into becoming what they are now today... the enemy of the people.

Under the tutelage of these sophisticated terrorist groups Institutions become and have become the problem.

The EU for example is under a German Jewish Dictatorship... yet it was against a German Jewish Dictator that was NATO and the EU founded.

Inevitably the EU and NATO respectively have become dictatorships.

And that is the problem I have with institutions...

Richard Nixon... Watergate... set up... to protect Bohemian Grove... responsible for the Manhattan Project... and the WEF is Bohemian Grove.

Nixon... Secret Honor 1984


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Do what you can to help in this year of abrupt change, which is like 1968. Most folks don't realize they can help right now in ways that will become apparent as the days unfold.

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You know me...

I am all willing and happy to help.

The future is what I am living for... the past is gone... the present change is what I embrace.

They are imploding... which makes them dangerous...

They are already blaming Iran... Blinken... wanting to push their WW3 with Iran...

Be aware.

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Biden can be thrown under the bus, but with pardons/immunity. Bibi, too.

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Satan and the ADL has the USA in their pockets...

US House speaker: Anyone who ‘gets out of hand’ during Netanyahu’s speech could face arrest


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They can stage a silent walkout, though. that seems to be non-disruptive, and these are Congressmen...

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Yes they can... what is it good for?

They be replaced with loyalists... same as in all coup de etat.

Musk is putting Millions into Trump... Thiel... Zuckerberg... too... and JD is also a Muppet.

Everyone in politics is controlled either by Israel or the CIA or the WEF or all of them.

Name me one honest Politician and I show you how the Universe implodes...

Nixon... Watergate... JFK...

Bohemian Grove... that is where the Dark Forces make politics

Everything else is just a show for the plebs.

Just look at the EU... a German Dictator that wants war with Russia... and the lost swallow it all.

As a German... I am disgusted... and I won't stand for it... and I know you neither...

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https://open.substack.com/pub/geopoliticsandempire/p/doctor-allen-global-pentagon-run?r=oh7gm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web this is all good, Trump psy-op event is discussed later in the second half at 2hr:08 min. A plausible explanation is a rice sized grain of gunpowder, detonated to be in time with the gunshots. Meaning likely T was in on it too, he knew how to react for the photo op.

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Do you have enough time to watch long videos? Life is short. :-o

I really think this is a failed CIA & friends attempt to blend the JFK assassination and 9/11, but failing on camera, instead of accomplishing "shock & awe".

The photographer, Doug Mills, who caught the bullet whizzing past Trump happens to be the same one who photographed George W. Bush reading "My Pet Goat" on 9/11. https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/greg-reese-reports-on-all-sides-of

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Just a little suspicious that catching a moving bullet requires something like 8,000 frames per second shutter speed, not something you'd typically shoot a speech with. Also, "coincidental" that the MSM has refused to cover any Trump rally for 4 years and, suddenly, they all show up to live stream the failed assassination attempt. Its almost like they expected something to happen... But of course, this is all a coincidence.

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Putin has been very specific: He wants USNATO out of the Ukraine,

and for the Ukraine to become steadfast neutral...

Whatever "Peace Plan" the TV Team* come up with, it wont be what

Putin is after, and it's quite evident Putin is in no mood for a compromise

that allows the re-eruption of the conflict in the future...

The TV Team* will have to agree to What Putin Wants. Attempts to insist

on a 'solution' satisfactory to USNATO, to The West, will be viewed the same

as The Minsk 1, and Minsk 2 Agreement, ie as stalling tactics...

And WW#3 will remain on The Agenda !!

**TV Team = Trump/Vance Team...OK ?

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Trump and Vance want a deal, not the drain of the Ukraine war. It was Biden's criminal fiefdom, and the global-financiers need emergency-powers for their "Great Taking", but the nationalist oligarchs want to rebuild the nation, seeing the futility of clinging to a dream that has been impossible for over a decade. It is time to negotiate national interests. Trump/USA will have a lot to bring to the negotiating table.

The traitors will need to be cleared from all the agencies. Creating that atmosphere will require some more dramatic arrests and trials, but the failed assassination is a good start.

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John - the brutal truth is that the past decade was about stealing Ukraine's 'black earth' for people like Larry Fink. This was an exact repeat of the rape of Russia in the 1990s, except this time, the cover for it was a war in the East.

Ukraine's people have been treated like scum by the USA's criminal elite. How anyone can say that 500,000 dead, loss of 30% of their black earth to the US alone and much more 'privatisation of state assets' is being a good ally is beyond me. That's before we discuss Zelensky, Kolomoiski et al.

Are we going to see Larry Fink give back the land to Ukraine? Are we heck. He'll claim he's 'just doing his job', when anyone knows full well that he has been the Consigliere for most bits of warmongering of the USA since 2010 and he's always getting juicy rump steaks of assets as a reward.

All the corrupt handing over of US taxpayers' money to Ukraine was mafia extortion, nothing else. There were no principles involved, nothing but heartless criminality that sacrificed half a million blameless young Ukrainian lives, mostly men.

All the kick backs to Capitol Hill need to be publicised, every sweet deal Larry Fink got must be front page news. All the money siphoned off by Zelensky must be documented and all of it must be contrasted with the World War I generalship in Ukraine, sending a whole generation of young Ukrainian men to die.

It is absolutely sick making and anyone with any humanity has nothing but complete contempt for all the US shysters that organised it and benefitted from it.

The USA has been very active in making enemies all over Eurasia the past decade it's not just Ukraine that is going to demand reparations. It's very easy for the Continent of Europe to demand reparations for blowing up Nordstream II and all the economic consequences thereof. We're talking hundreds of billions of dollars.....

The USA's usual response is more murdering.

One of these days, murdering, mass murdering is going to arrive in the lower 48. And when it does, I think we all know, based on 9/11, what the hysterical outbursts are going to be like.

The USA needs to think pretty carefully about what allies it's actually going to have left pretty soon.......

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That's not what the article said, but that's where the article on military strategy of NATO pointed as the area in need of work, with the real-world in mind, since NATO policies have diverged far from reality and are like a train headed for a brick wall.

The important consideration for Larry Fink & BlackRock is "ownership of assets", which question you raise as to Ukraine's rich black earth, but Lindsay Graham pointed out was $10-12 Trillion in mineral wealth, too.

That's probably more attractive to financiers as assets to leverage and hypothecate.

Asset-denial is what can help collapse the imperial-crime-machine of "western finance".

Trump seems to want to negotiate a step-down. He's an able negotiator, but he will have to be "agreement capable" to negotiate such a step-down for BlackRock & friends. The US/NATO will have to devolve power back to this politician in a verifiable and enforceable way that will satisfy Russia, which holds the upper hand.

Can they bite the bullet and give Trump that power, or are they doomed to abrupt loss of those assets?

I'm impatient for their collapse, myself, but "God's will be done" is better than that.

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