My recollection is Crane Britton wrote on the French Revolution and learned the revolution was middle to upper middle class and resulted from a sudden change in the way the French economy was working. From prosperity to a downturn. And adding outside academic research the English were busying themselves stirring the pot. In one sense Trump was the Die Wende. Not a revolutionary figure but a popular figure who was different than most other people in the race. He lost. The Reactionaries won and win to this day.
The schools are so underfunded and dysfunctional now, not to mention burdened with a load of impossible requirements for the teachers, that it makes the State look stupid.
My wife is a school librarian. I get to stay current on this multifaceted problem.
The Revolution is way over due.
What we have everywhere is not a Democracy or a Republic run by democratic Values... it is in fact a Kakistocracy!
A kakistocracy (/kækɪˈstɒkrəsi/, /kækɪsˈtɒ-/) is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
The Gov Debt is now at 120% GOP... which means the USA is Bankrupted.
At the same time we have now the first Politicians being held responsible for Death by Vaxxination.
My recollection is Crane Britton wrote on the French Revolution and learned the revolution was middle to upper middle class and resulted from a sudden change in the way the French economy was working. From prosperity to a downturn. And adding outside academic research the English were busying themselves stirring the pot. In one sense Trump was the Die Wende. Not a revolutionary figure but a popular figure who was different than most other people in the race. He lost. The Reactionaries won and win to this day.
On Waiting For The Revolution...
Social-anarchist Murray Bookchin pointed out that the revolutions in
Russia (1917) and Spain (1936) were carried out primarily by worker-
peasants, that is, by factory workers who still had s strong roots in the
countryside, and had not had their spirits entirely broken by the
discipline of the factory & production lines...(Recall that Lenin's appeal
was to Workers AND Peasants)...
One memorable character of The French Revolution was Robespierre -
champion of the Modern Schooling System (aka - discipline training
institution)...He endorsed schools as a device to break the young's loyalties
to family & locality and transfer their allegiances to The State, esp The
Nation-State (Notice how when the Concerned Do-Gooders go into a
Third World Undeveloped country their first activity is to create schools,
provide uniforms, and make regular meals dependent on regular
attendance to school by the young- you cant have obedience to The
State without the disciplining etc of schooling)...
Robespierre borrowed the schooling ideas of The Jesuits, agreeing with
their claim that if captured early the young's allegiance were theirs for life...
Schooling nowadays is extended into late teens - in order to mop-up/hide
youth unemployment...Imagine relying on the young, after their long
years of enforced conformity (aka - schooling) and disciplining (aka -
schooling) in Authoritarian, anti-democratic institutions (aka - schools)
being willing to Join you at the Barricades !!
Schools are counter-revolution institutions...The State is Not Stupid !!
(The Student Revolt of the 1960s was also due to similar factors as in 1917,
and 1936, students were still somewhat freer and rustic in their attitudes)....
Viva La Revolution ?
The schools are so underfunded and dysfunctional now, not to mention burdened with a load of impossible requirements for the teachers, that it makes the State look stupid.
My wife is a school librarian. I get to stay current on this multifaceted problem.
Those were the old days. It's all chromebooks now.
Jenny does most of the library cleanup herself. The lady janitor is good, but the 2 guys are very lazy.