Jul 24Liked by John Day MD

I have to wonder at your willingness to show your grandkids images online. To me, it's risky, but I suppose you do it with intention.

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We are regular people, a regular family.

That seems to be important these days, not to be assumed...

It may seem strange, but I am just trying to model human normalcy with garden and family pictures, and the occasional bicycle picture.

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Same here. I try to thread the needle. Gov schools, some packaged goods, some Netflix. They are already subjected to my ideological lifestyle enough. Permaculture gardens, off-grid living and their father is a dissident rapper to boot.

Bit of societal integration brings balance and shows them I take the world seriously but not seriously enough to make an idol of it.

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You set a good example, Amigo.

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Jul 25Liked by John Day MD

You never ever call me Amigo.

What have I done?

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I'm so sorry, Sweetheart!


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' EU may not be right fit for Hungary – member state. Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen has said Budapest’s views do not correspond with the bloc’s official line'

Interesting statement. The Finnish Foreign Minister is suggesting that the bloc's official line DOES correspond with the views of European citizens.

I would be most surprised if a referendum on that matter proved her correct. The EU's official line on most things is 'what Washington tells them it is'.

There is zero support for 'farming without farmers'. There is zero support for 'enforced mRNA vaccinations against bird flu'. There is zero support for spending billions making Zelensky and his oligarch co-criminals multi-billionaires. There is zero support for sanctions against Russia but paying 500% over the odds for LNG from the global genocidalist, the USA.

In Europe right now, there is a lot of belief that 'elections' are being fixed, mostly by overseas oligarchs. There is a firm belief that 'our leaders' are not ours, they do not represent us. There is a firm belief that the USA is on the wrong side of history but that it has an iron grip over Europe right now.

There is also an implacable belief that the reason so many migrants are coming to Europe from Libya is because the USA bombed the place to a pulp and it is a sine qua non that the USA should bear the financial cost for that.

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"Righty-right", then...


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Jul 26Liked by John Day MD

It's all about fear. Keep the fear up so it is easier to control the mob. Nowhere in the west is safe from this projection. Here is one from way up here in the great white north:


"Decision to attend ultimately up to Premier’s office, says RCMP

RCMP spokesperson Guillaume Tremblay said in an email that the advice provided, that Houston should not attend, was based on “environmental scans and threat assessments.” This time, they advised Houston based on “international events” and local protests.

“If the Premier had attended the parade, the RCMP believes that a disruption could have occurred, increasing the risk to the public’s safety and to himself.”

However, he said it was ultimately up to the Premier’s office whether or not Houston attended. If he did, then “RCMP resources are deployed accordingly.”

A video posted on social media shows pro-Palestine protesters blocking the street for the last few floats and groups, who were approaching the end of the parade. The parade eventually changes direction and heads down a different road.

A Halifax Regional Police spokesperson said there was a group of protesters there, but they were “dealt with by parade organizers.” They said police weren’t involved and differed any further comment to the event organizers."

Based on international events!? The sheeple lap it up, unbelievable. You'd think folks are pining for a great catastrophe to happen just to put them on "the map". I guess Swiss Air flight 111 in '98 is losing its drawing power. This happened only a few kilometres from my home. Time for another mass casualty event I guess, even if there isn't one lets pretend one is almost upon us. Crazy round up Doc in a crazy world, things moving very fast now. Something wicked this way comes, I think it's financial, too much lending not enough stuff left for collateral. Can't cover the bets so distract as long as possible at all costs. We are just cannon fodder and the more of us that drop dead one way or another before the bets are called the better. Money? The root of all evil...hmm... maybe if you allow it to be. Seems most allow it.

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Thanks Red. Interesting-times/Strange-days.

I believe the quote is, "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil".

Human trafficking/slavery was common as debt payment then for instance.

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I think that we have no transparency into the absurdity of the the faux Trump shooting. I ask Dr. John based on your expertise to help. Mr. Trump is obese, 78, and we are told fully vaccinated. Leaving aside the narrative, simply an enquiring mind, I am 67, not obese, not in shape either, not vaccinated for any damn thing since 1976 sojurn at Fort Knox. I do believe if I was shot- clipped then-in the ear-I would be in shock, bleeding profusely, and with no one there helping me, bleeding out quite a bit. Then I rise in rage and pump my fist with blood on my face (but I'm not a real disgrace since I'm here to rock you) against a clear blue sky. Funny that clear blue sky. All photos other than Iwo Jima are cloudy that day, in that place. I think the entire event is faux. Fake audience. Shooter is dead well before. I say this event is staged with compartmentalization. No clouds on a cloudy day and Trump triumphant is allowed in a live fire zone to have Iwo Jima staged standing up with little blood to pump his fist. Again at 67 I doubt I could do this. You are not much younger. Whadda ya think?

Buddy, you're a young man, hard man

Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday

You got blood on your face, you big disgrace

Waving your banner all over the place

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Author

What I think, since you ask, is that the stage was set and staged to show Trump go down and his brains blow out, but he turned his head funny and got a nick on his ear, which bled enough to show, but not to matter, and he dropped down, like any of us would.

When they helped him up, and he was standing on the podium, he remembered to put on a victory show, and he did. He's good about that.

The great pictures of Trump were supposed to be great pictures of Trump's death.

The flag overhead was a wind indicator for the assassin(s). It was actually a security no-no, like all of the other security no-nos on July 13.

Trump "stole" the show that was staged, by not dying, but getting clipped on the ear for some blood and dramatic effect.

It just played out that way, extra bad for the current globalist deep-staters. They are eating each other like hungry caged rats now (I think).

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Would you expect shock? At 78?

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No, shock is a physiologic response with loss of blood pressure, as from overwhelming infection, blood loss or severe allergic response, for instance.

He had time to think about it later, but was mostly reacting in the moment as it happened.

Some people pass out from a parasympathetic response to the sight of blood, for instance. Chuck Conners, "The Rifleman", was actually that way. Embarrassing, but not that common.

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Well said, Doc!

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Ok. Thanks. You do not expect much blood from a glancing shot across the ear of a fully vaccinated obese 78 year year old feller at warp muzzle speed. I naively expected it would be a shock to the system which if not inducing a coronary-(died suddenly moment) would surely not trigger a zombie impulse to rise with the Bodyguards and flag for Iwo Jima photoshoot. :)

Then again, yes, I guess based on Nixon in China and his aria News, mebbe yes, yes the man has that instinct for the media. He would if possible rise from the dead to sing news.


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Odd video.


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An enjoyable Opera if one has acquired the taste. :). I am the wife of Mao-Tse-tung is another fine aria in the performance.

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Jul 24Liked by John Day MD

John, Thank you for a good summary of headlines and summaries!

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You are welcome, Justin.

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Love the picture...

About the shooting... IMO... typical CIA MK Ultra shooter profile CIA stand down and execution = Inside Job.


Second... Civil War... Viva La Muerte

They need a Civil war to start WW3

Been predicting it


Third... the Crowdstrike global IT outing is part of the AI takeover and there are all signs that this was just a test... with the big one yet to come


Been predicting this one too as a cover up for the planned AI takeover.

Stay true my friend I know you are.

Be vigilant and i know you are too.

Give my kisses to your family.

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Thanks Fritz.

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