Thanks so much, Dr. John, for your gardening share on Meryl Nass' The Attack on Our Food and Farmers. Your gardening skills are amazing!

But you know I must remind your readers that the destruction of our democracy and of human civilization across the globe has an 'Off Planet Origin' that has been operating for over 8 decades. And IT is NOT for the Benefit of Humanity.

I am in Shock & Awe at the technological and psychological skill that our Enemy has brought to bear on humanity. And yet, it should be expected. We are the Native Peoples of Earth, unaware that eight decades ago we became the subject of intense scrutiny by a small alien collective determined to undermine our strength and utilize our weakness in a plan to gain control of our race and our world.

More than 40 years ago , we were warned of the presence and intent of this alien Intervention, but it was too far beyond our experience and ability to comprehend at that time. And so, their small army settled in to study and perform experiments to determine the best approaches to undermine us and convince us that we should be “very afraid” and threatened by our own species and the we should give ourselves and our world over to “their benevolent rule.”

This last part has yet to be divulged but they have accomplished the first part with great, practiced skill—mainly through the psychological application of Group Mind. They are so adept at manipulating us in the mental environment (M.E.) that their plan is to take us over with out a shot.

Oh YES, they do encourage war and divisiveness of every kind between ourselves, but they value our world and resources far too much to waste them. And we are an important part of those resources.

And there is also the matter of a Prime Directive in our area of the Greater Community (GC) of which we are a part which says that more advanced races cannot take over another immature, not-ready-for-prime-time race by war or without the permission of the leadership of that other world. Well, we have no such unified world leadership and so our Visitors are flying under the radar of this directive to be present here and taking advantage of our immature and naive race who has no idea of the danger we are in.

It is a good plan and one that these collectives have used successfully many times in many worlds—for they are very patient and very skilled at what they do. BUT, they do not know the power that resides at the core of humanity—the deeper Intelligence endowed in us by our Creator and kept alive over the history of our race. BUT, we must NOT be too arrogant concerning this inner-knowing that we have valued and their races have not. For they are also the children of the ONE God, but have chosen to go down the path of “Technology as God.” This a path humanity is considering as well and our Visitors are encouraging it.

And so, here we sit, convinced that a small group of evil globalists is plotting the demise of the lower class, with only a handful of people aware that there is a larger more intricate and well studied and AI-engineered plan in progress that goes “off planet.”

So how to sound the alarm? We are far too busy fighting “brush fires” at home to contemplate the next step in our GC evolution. And yet, we must contemplate this step—for we are the Natives who have been discovered in the jungle by the advanced races who have always surrounded us. And there is NO GOING BACK! And we must fight both battles at once; The one on our home planet which we cannot afford to lose and which requires that we KNOW THE ENEMY we are facing; And the one where we prepare for humanity’s next evolutionary step of emerging into the GC of intelligent life. We cannot afford to lose this one either.

Our freedom and sovereignty on our home world depends on our deeper connection with Knowledge—this deep inner-knowing and Greater Intelligence which is essential to maintaining our freedman the vastly larger and more competitive arena we are entering. And like the Native tribes who’ve been discovered in the jungle, we will want to go back to the “good ole days of isolation.” But we can never go back. It is time for humanity to grow up and take responsibility for the next stage of our development. AlliesofHumanity.org Free to read online.

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Thank You. This is not so different, that we are painted into a corner of mechanistic technology by a materialist elite, which manages us as human-herds.

The same answer is to seek, accept and actually follow Divine Guidance.

This is discernible by the currents of Compassion and occasional flashes of Wise-Insight. There is selflessness and hard work, not the allure of get-rich-quick or kill-the-evil-ones.

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I so agree, my wise friend. It really requires re-connecting to the deep Divine within and following THAT inner-guidance, not our old programing that got us into this deep mess. We have it within us--literally--and if we are wise we will seek further wisdom and guidance from that source. It is humanity's BIG CHANCE--a warning and a blessing.

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Keep on keeping on.


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Israel's continued slaughter of their Arab neighbors reveals the worthlessness (and insincerity) of so-called Western values that might be perceived as prohibiting genocide. The UN will not act, the ICC will not act, the USA will not act, the UK will not act - we are all complicit in our inhumanity.

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Israel has nukes, submarines, fighter-bombers and long range missiles, with a policy to nuke every capital they can reach (Samson Option) if the "State of Israel" is existentially threatened.

This includes Rome, London and New York...

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And we've let them? Is our "safety" at risk if we deny them bombs et al? My, aren't we clever. How many Americans know this? (Can you tell I am revolted?)

Why are we bothering with Ukraine at all?

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This would have started with Lyndon Johnson, who "lost off the back of the truck" a lot of enriched plutonium, after JFK had been taking stern measures to keep Israel from getting the bomb.

Johnson infamously wanted the USS Liberty sunk without survivors to justify using a nuclear weapon on Egypt in 1967, but it did not work out that way.

Israel "never had a better friend than Lyndon Johnson".

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Susan J - here are some reasons for Zionist US administrators to 'bother with Ukraine':

1. It's part of a strategy of surrounding Russia with hostile US satrapies.

2. It prevents Russia supplying Europe with gas via pipelines through Ukraine.

3. It's a mineral rich country, at least in the regions that 'declared their autonomy' and have cultural ties to Russia.

4. It has the finest agricultural 'black earth' on earth, which Larry Fink wants to get his hands on (and has already to some extent).

5. As an extremely corrupt country, corrupt US officials can take enormous kickbacks from corrupt Ukrainian officials.

6. If Palestine gets too hot for Zionist Khazars to handle, then Ukraine can be 'the new Israel' - the ethnic cleansing of Slavs is underway, ready for the Master Race to take over the black earth and mineral-rich country.

7. In order to impoverish the whole of Europe, giving tens of billions of 'arms' to Ukraine is essential, not to mention that the US criminals can take 10% kickbacks from all that useless weaponry supply.

8. The US arms industry sees Ukraine as the next great profit centre, when US taxpayers have to pay the bills. By giving away all the old stuff, the US and Europe now need spanking new shiny stuff, which means trillions in sales for the warmongers.

9. America wants a Black Sea naval base, and Sevastopol is the only suitable one. Not to mention removing a warm water naval port for Russia.

10. Warmongering is good for votes, so Kamala won't stop now.

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Oh God!

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How long has this been in effect?

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In an article titled "Last Secret of the Six-Day War" the New York Times reported that in the days before the 1967 Six-Day War Israel planned to insert a team of paratroopers by helicopter into the Sinai. Their mission was to set up and remote detonate a nuclear bomb on a mountaintop as a warning to belligerent surrounding states. While outnumbered, Israel effectively eliminated the Egyptian Air Force and occupied the Sinai, winning the war before the test could even be set up. Retired Israeli brigadier general Itzhak Yaakov referred to this operation as the Israeli Samson Option.[22]

In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Arab forces were overwhelming Israeli forces and Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert and ordered 13 atomic bombs be readied for use by missiles and aircraft. The Israeli Ambassador informed President Nixon that "very serious conclusions" may occur if the United States did not airlift supplies. Nixon complied. This is seen by some commentators on the subject as the first threat of the use of the Samson Option.


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You're definitely a shady character wearing shorts, Dr John. I've done that most of the summer and anyone who claims I'm not 'shady' is immediately sent to the career naughty step.

Thing is, shady characters like us are beginning to seem like sane alternatives to warmongers like Harris, Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland, Cheney, Graham etc etc etc.

Interesting map of where all the mineral wealth in Ukraine is. No wonder Zelensky et al can't tolerate Donetsk and Luhansk 'becoming autonomous'. I tend to suspec t that the value of the 'black earth' agricultural lands will reside in the less mineral-rich oblasts of Western Ukraine, though.

Healthy eating is a drug-free way to cure obesity - I guess from a government's point of view, it depends on what it costs to get people to eat healthy, when they know the cost of prescribing pills. Not to mention the nice £25-250k 'donations' to electoral funds that their party will get from Ozempic producers. Thing is, healthy eating does more than just help you lose weight. It keeps your gut ecology healthy, which popping Ozempic certainly won't. It supplies daily vitamins, which Ozempic certainly won't. It provides protein, which Ozempic doesn't. At some point or other, Ozempic or not, people have to start eating healthily. So Ozempic is just a variable cost addition, whereas healthy nutrition is an immovable fixed cost.

As for Ukraine 'joining NATO', we'll see about that. NATO is a busted flush, anyway. A tyrant and a bunch of supine cowering colonies in Europe. NATO lost its raison d'etre in 1991, but like plenty of big unaccountable klunky organisations, it refused to be euthanased. We now live the consequences of that refusal. I can see five or six European nations holding referenda to leave NATO within the next 16 years. And I can forsee three to five of them giving a 'YES' vote.

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Be a healthy human critter by emulating older human patterns of life and seeing how they differ from the "junk" lifestyle now on offer. It is a path of realization...

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The piece on the death of the physician was disturbing. You are reporting it as true, which to a scientist means confirmed. Have you accounted for the Hamas practice of placing legitimate military targets in schools and hospitals? Have you accounted for the Hamas desire to maximize Palestinian casualties for propaganda purposes? I see no reference to the Israeli practice of warning residents several hours in advance with "knocks' on the roofs of buildings.

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The roof-knock warning time got very short last December, and there are no apartment-tower roofs left now, right?

Your question asserts that Hamas has a practice of putting military centers in masses of unarmed civilian refugees, a longstanding Israeli justification for slaughter. Can you prove that assertion?

It seems that Hamas hangs out deep underground in tunnels more, does it not?

How did Hamas get a political start? Largely by serving Israeli interests to avoid a 2-state solution, which Likud long funded covertly, as Hamas divided the Palestinians so that there "was no negotiation partner", as Likud desired.

Those days are over, as Israeli open-genocide has now united Palestinians towards this State-Solution goal.

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'Israel is "Deeply concerned"'.

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I always wonder when I see a large, impersonal corporation having attributed to it things like sincere feelings of individual humans. How about you?

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