The subconscious mind generates a pseudo-consciousness, a fictitious identity from memory and conditioning, in accord with the DNA in the brain’s neurons. It is projected to have a feeling of “me” and “I”. But this entity which is identified with consciousness, is the self we live as identified with, in daily life.
Under the right circumstances this fictitious personal self can suddenly vanish leaving consciousness without any sense of personal identity. It’s a moment of total relief but one where no one is the beneficiary.
For instance, you feel as though you are a self, as a feeling of being a personal “me”, an anxious me. You could think “I feel anxious”.
The mental and psychological experience is one of feeling like “I am anxious”. It feels authentically that you exist as this “anxious me”.
Here is a method which is very effective in breaking up this illusion of being this anxious self:
Think “who is anxious?”
The answer should be: “I feel anxious”
Focusing on that particular “I”,
think: “this anxious I is not my true self, its feeling of anxiousness isn’t mine, this anxious self isn’t myself”
This can often cause the subconscious mind to suddenly cease generating this fictional self.
It works with any type of emotional state like fear, anger, sadness, boredom or any form of suffering, seeking, grasping or resisting.
The self felt as “me” in a dream is also a projection of the subconscious mind. Both the daytime personal self felt as ”me” and the personal self felt as “me” in a dream; are both totally fictitious, self-identities.
The suffering self is an imaginary projection of the subconscious mind. Such a self can’t be liberated nor ever become enlightened. Any personal self identity felt as “me” or “I”, is imaginary.
Not only is there no path, there is no self to follow a path or teaching. Who are these teachers, gurus and lamas giving teachings to in order that they might someday become enlightened
Yeah. After Judith passed that became my fundamental insight, before and after Enlightenment. Back in the late 80's and mid 90's mostly I was deeply drawn to Ch'an more so than Zen but despite the rather martial flavor of Japanese Zen I still read on. Then I read Bankei and strolled backwards to Pre-Socratic writers. :).
“Not only is there no path, there is no self to follow a path or teaching”
A compilation …
‘The world is afflicted with death and decay, therefore the wise do not grieve, knowing the terms of the world’ (Buddhaghosa). ‘Life is a poison that one absorbs, if one knows it not for a poison’ (Ali). ‘The whole human race is so miserable and above all so blind that it is not conscious of its own miseries’ (Comenius). ‘Self is the root, the tree, and the branches of all the evils of our fallen state’ (William Law). ‘The fact is that when Heaven proposes to impose a great responsibility on a man, it is sure first to discipline his purpose by suffering, and his bones and sinews by bodily toil, to whom all the secrets of God were revealed’ (St Augustine). ‘In none of Christ’s sufferings did his Godhead come to the help of his manhood’ (Eckhart).
‘Remember, Consolata, that I am good. Do not disfigure me! The world likes to think of sanctity under a mask of austerity, discipline and chains.—No, this is false! If sacrifice and penance are encountered in the life of a saint, these do not constitute his whole life. The saint, the soul who gives himself generously to me, is the happiest being in the world, for I am good, exclusively good. ‘Do not forget that the Jesus whom thou sawest die on a cross at the end of his mortal career is the same person who shared the common life with all men for thirty years; the same who during his three years of preaching took part in banquets … Do not disfigure me and do not ever forget that I am good’ (Sister Consolata). ‘Whatever sacrifice may be made in the service of the Lord, know that it is the equanimity of your soul that is the best and fittest offering. Equanimity is sweet to taste and has the supernatural power of transforming everything ambrosia. Equanimity expands the soul and gladdens the mind, as the sunlight fills the vault of heaven, and is considered to be the highest devotion’ (Yoga-Vasishtha).
‘Thou didst contrive this ‘I’ and ‘we’ in order that Thou mightst play the game of worship with Thyself, That all ‘I’s’ and ‘thou’s’ should become one soul and at last should be submerged into the Beloved’ (Rumi). ‘This world, you see, is like a drum; there is a Being who plays all kinds of tunes on it’ (Ananda Moyi). ‘It is God Himself who is sporting in the form of man’ (Sri Ramakrishna). ‘Remember that you are an actor in a play, and the Playwright chooses the manner of it … Your business is to act the character that is given you and act it well; the choice of the cast in Another’s’ (Epictetus). ‘When young, beware of fighting; when strong, beware of sex; and when old, beware of possession’ (Confucius).
‘A wife once spoke to her husband, saying, ‘My dear, I am very anxious about my brother. For the few days he has been thinking of renouncing the world and of becoming a Sannyasin, and has begun preparations for it. He has been trying gradually to curb his desires and reduce his wants.’ The husband replied, ‘You need not be anxious about your brother. He will never become a Sannyasin. No one has ever renounced the world by making long preparations.’ The wife asked, ‘How then does one become a Sannyasin?’ The husband answered, ‘Do you wish to see how one renounces the world? Let me show you. ‘Saying this, instantly he tore his flowing dress into pieces, tied one piece round his lions, told his wife that she and all women were henceforth his mother, and left the house never to return’ (Sri Ramakrishna).
To attain Buddhahood thus we must scatter this life’s aims and objects to the wind’ (Milarepa). ‘Monks, if beings knew, as I know, the ripening of sharing gifts, they would not enjoy their use without sharing them’ (Itivuttaka). ‘I will cease to live as self, and will take as my self my fellow –creatures’ (Santi-Deva). ‘Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success’ (Swami Sivananda).
You don't have to copy those guys. That unborn Buddha nature, shining whether there are clouds obscuring it or not, that Stegial posted a link to is "good work if you can get it".
Despite Meryl's enthusiastic support for our collective victory I wouldn't exactly compare this with storming the Bastille, an "I am Spartacus" moment, or even defying Ceaușescu. The Kaiser edict left patients free to stay unmasked; it merely encouragesthe masking to other components of the Kaiser staff. Kaiser doesn't know how to nudge and we don't know how to defy.
[BEGIN QUOTE] On Thursday morning, however, Kaiser officials said reinstatement of the mask mandate only applies to physicians and staff. The health care provider said in an email it is “strongly encouraging masks for patients, members, and visitors in the hospital and medical offices in the Santa Rosa Service Area in response to this latest increase in COVID-19 cases.”
The latest change in policy comes after some patients said they had visited Kaiser facilities this week and noticed some people were not masking. Some Kaiser managers on Wednesday notified their staff that the mask mandate only applied to staff and physicians, while patients and visitors were should be encouraged to mask.
On Thursday afternoon, Kaiser released a statement to The Press Democrat apologizing for the confusion.
Local hospital reinstates mask mandate amid COVID spike. What to know about COVID now
“Our intent was to communicate that as of Tuesday, we have expanded the masking requirement for our employees and physicians to medical offices and clinic settings; we apologize for any confusion among Press Democrat readers,” Kaiser said in its latest statement. [END QUOTE]
It took a couple of years to get all the codes to go off so it could be inspected and registered. It's a "new" car to me, a gift from my younger son, who bought it for $2k a few years cefore COVID, from his friend's parents. I have certainly put over $3500 parts and labor into it now, with a good friend doing most of the work, after my (engineers both) sons tried to get the codes to go off for a year.
It's not an obsession, but a practicality. It's a good little vehicle now. I'm finally driving it.
Cheap miles is the goal. The cylinder walls areall immaculate when examined with a scope through the spark plug holes. It's good mechanical engineering, too.
I’m not mechanical but my close friend is and he sings praises of their reliability. My house generator gets used for septic and power too ups and building as we are off grid it never ever stops going 12 years now. The local hire shop says Subaru are slightly better though
I'm a Toyota fan. The Honda mechanicals are good, but the codes for all of the smog stuff are really hard to get to go off, for whatever reason.
You can replace everything and the code is still on. Can't pass a full inspection with codes showing. We finally got them all to go off, did all of the suspension, brakes, transmission fluid, and I decided to register it in Yoakum, having had my official address changed on my driver's license. The light came on, and I think it is the gas tank fume vent system again, but they don't check that in the country. It runse great with premium, and well enough with regular, but notably less healthy. It ha a 10.4:1 compression ration, which strictly needs premium, but the cam gets retarded for pre-ignition so it won't pre-ignite with regular, because the effectice compression ratio is lowered a LOT. It feels soggy and (automatically) shifts gears a lot with regular, though that is what it is specified for...
Dr. John -What becomes of a country devoid of integrity? I worked for Democrats in the days Willie Brown ran California and San Francisco Democrats began their rise. I worked in the belief I was raising money to change the balance of power in Swing Congressional Districts to stop Contra Aid. I was quite mistaken. Our Non-Profit tightly connected to key Democrats like Feinstein used Brown Beret train organizers - flew them in - and refused to play nice most of the time by pushing our group and our strategy into the limelight. This ended badly. Democrats could not find the power to stop Contra Aid. To end military Contra Aid the Democrats had to support Welfare for the Contras as the very best deal. To JFK, Jr. I see a venal man. I do not ask for perfection. I merely ask for no venality. He waffles. I do not see him as a President and honestly I see no further need for a Duopoly. “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.” Until the People of the Several States declare a complete break with Globalist Tyranny and its Congress, Senate, and President and claims the powers of an independent country by 2030 freedom is not at home.
Paul Craig Roberts-
Search the Western world for integrity. You cannot find it in any governing party. You cannot find it in any institution, whether educational, justice, corporate, media, medical, legal.
How does the FBI have integrity when the organization frames the President of the United States and his supporters?
How does the CIA have integrity when the organization overthrows foreign governments that do not turn their countries over to Washington and the New York Banks?
How do Tony Fauci, NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO have integrity when they use the inaccurate PCR test to overstate the Covid threat in order to make the people fearful, prohibit the use of known Covid cures such as Ivermectin and HCQ, arrange incentives for hospitals to lie and report every death as a Covid death, lie about the safety and effectiveness of the deadly “vaccine,” deny that there are any adverse reactions to the Covid jab to the extent that the CDC ceases to compile VAERS data ( ), count flu cases as Covid cases (remember the year there was zero flu cases?), and, as there was no accountability, are now in the process of orchestrating another “Covid threat,” a new round of “vaccination,” and the return of masks and lockdowns?
How does Justice Department prosecutor Jack Smith have integrity when a federal judge has to stop him from trying Trump on Florida charges in a D.C. court with an all-Democrat Trump-hating jury?
How does NY prosecutor Alvin Bragg have integrity when he cannot identify the federal charge he has brought against Trump or justify the trial of Trump on a federal charge in a state court?
How does Atlanta prosecutor Fani Willis have integrity when she brings racketeering charges against President Trump for questioning an election outcome?
PCR ideas start where I indicate PCR. Integrity is naturally indispensable and goes to the relationship between our personal character and qua truth. As we know after Covid, our "elites" our "professionals" our "experts" will take the money and state the party line. And they do on "Anthropogenic Climate Change" as well.
How does any man have integrity in a time of total lies? PCR is a human with all the biases of his age and rise in the world. Blame him for his viral belief-but he is on good ground as a non scientist here deferring to the masters of those who know and not pursuing ideas that to him are on the fringe. I am looking as frequently as possible to move past my biases and accept this is unique and due entirely to leisure. I subsist on air. PCR subsists on his intellectual ability and reputation. He and I do disagree. I prefer other explanations and different solutions for many issues of the hour. I have no reputation to defend. No friends to alienate. Nothing stops me from remembering my past 66 years of this American Life and finding understandable meaning or meaninglessness. Since my childhood searching and thinking. Revising what I thought last week or 20 years ago or looking from a different view at Mt. Fuji like Hokusai.
“How does man have integrity in a time of total lies?”
A brilliant question that reaches to the depths of the longing soul and filleth the hungry soul with goodness!
I could find fault with people for their “viral” beliefs just as I could for their “space” beliefs, but the indoctrination-limitation-well is forever deep and to convey a belief by way of progressive individuation, ‘is really the individual’s task to differentiate himself from all others and stand on his own feet. All collective identities … interfere with the fulfillment of this task. Such collective identities are crutches’ (Carl Jung), see the Axiom of Maria — Jung saw this dictum as an apt metaphor for the process of individuation, a progressive advance of consciousness in which conflict plays a profoundly important part.
From the metaphysical perspective, manifestation is rigorously implied in the infinity of Principle … ‘The world cannot exist, since it is a possible and therefore necessary aspect of the absolute necessity of Being’ (Schuon).
Manifestation is by way of progressive individuation, limitation, descent or ‘fall’: ‘To go from essence towards substance is to go from the center towards the circumference, from the interior towards the exterior … from unity towards multiplicity’ (Guenon). ‘He has exteriorized everything inasmuch as He is the Interior, and He has withdrawn the existence of everything inasmuch as He is the Exterior’ (Ibn Ataillah).
It can be seen that ‘evolution’ according to traditional science implies a deterioration: the world commences with a Golden Age, rather than terminating in a Millenium (which belongs to another world, another age, another cycle); and in fact ‘the modern Theory of Evolution denies Truth-God the power to create something perfect’ (Cf. Philo).
A thought from Schopenhauer … ‘But he will fear least to become nothing in death who has recognized that he is already nothing now, and who consequently no longer takes any share in his individual phenomenon, because in him knowledge has, as it were, burnt up and consumed the will, so that no will, thus no desire for individual existence, remains in him any more’.
‘Tao begets One (the original state of unconscious wholeness): one begets two (the loss of innocence occasioned by conflict between opposites): two begets three (the transcendent function, a potential resolution): three begets all things (the transformed state of conscious wholeness). All things are backed by yin and faced by yang, and harmonized by the immaterial Breath’ (Tao Te Ching).
It seems like the integrity of our individuation is held captive by the "Empire of Lies", and the consequences of the conflicts that arise from it, elevate the Truth as the "Transcendent Function" that transforms the spiritual-physical journey into the purpose and destiny of our birthright; to get back to where we started, but knowing where we've traveled.
The sensible world is the consequence of the Spirit’s awareness of “the diversified world-picture painted by itself on the vast canvas of itself” (Sankaracarya). ‘It is not by means of this All that he knows himself, but by his knowledge of himself that he becomes the All’ (Coomaraswamy).
Climate is variable and mainly Solar forced. Vulcanism has it's role. Position of the Earth's orbit has a role. Pollution is not climate change. The lies based on Mann's Hockey Stick are advantageous to the ideas of the WEF. Totalitarians use anything to advance the agenda and wrap it in the lie of safe and effective. Bill Gates blames methane from livestock is killing the world so all must eat lab meat.
Dzogchen presents this through the question-
Who or What is the Suffering self?
The subconscious mind generates a pseudo-consciousness, a fictitious identity from memory and conditioning, in accord with the DNA in the brain’s neurons. It is projected to have a feeling of “me” and “I”. But this entity which is identified with consciousness, is the self we live as identified with, in daily life.
Under the right circumstances this fictitious personal self can suddenly vanish leaving consciousness without any sense of personal identity. It’s a moment of total relief but one where no one is the beneficiary.
For instance, you feel as though you are a self, as a feeling of being a personal “me”, an anxious me. You could think “I feel anxious”.
The mental and psychological experience is one of feeling like “I am anxious”. It feels authentically that you exist as this “anxious me”.
Here is a method which is very effective in breaking up this illusion of being this anxious self:
Think “who is anxious?”
The answer should be: “I feel anxious”
Focusing on that particular “I”,
think: “this anxious I is not my true self, its feeling of anxiousness isn’t mine, this anxious self isn’t myself”
This can often cause the subconscious mind to suddenly cease generating this fictional self.
It works with any type of emotional state like fear, anger, sadness, boredom or any form of suffering, seeking, grasping or resisting.
The self felt as “me” in a dream is also a projection of the subconscious mind. Both the daytime personal self felt as ”me” and the personal self felt as “me” in a dream; are both totally fictitious, self-identities.
The suffering self is an imaginary projection of the subconscious mind. Such a self can’t be liberated nor ever become enlightened. Any personal self identity felt as “me” or “I”, is imaginary.
Not only is there no path, there is no self to follow a path or teaching. Who are these teachers, gurus and lamas giving teachings to in order that they might someday become enlightened
Indeed, Asians are big into negations, lists of things that a thing isn't, including "itself".
This is koan-like, leaving the mind perplexed, attempting to push it into blank moments...
The blank moments occur anyway, like if a steel ball-bearing would fall on a marble floor 5 feet behind you, you would have a blank-moment.
Remaining eager to wedging blank-moments open a bit for a little longer is cool, too.
Still, there is lots of work to do, "chop wood, carrry water..."
Yeah. After Judith passed that became my fundamental insight, before and after Enlightenment. Back in the late 80's and mid 90's mostly I was deeply drawn to Ch'an more so than Zen but despite the rather martial flavor of Japanese Zen I still read on. Then I read Bankei and strolled backwards to Pre-Socratic writers. :).
Thanks, I read that.
"Cloudless Day"
yours in whimsey
“Not only is there no path, there is no self to follow a path or teaching”
A compilation …
‘The world is afflicted with death and decay, therefore the wise do not grieve, knowing the terms of the world’ (Buddhaghosa). ‘Life is a poison that one absorbs, if one knows it not for a poison’ (Ali). ‘The whole human race is so miserable and above all so blind that it is not conscious of its own miseries’ (Comenius). ‘Self is the root, the tree, and the branches of all the evils of our fallen state’ (William Law). ‘The fact is that when Heaven proposes to impose a great responsibility on a man, it is sure first to discipline his purpose by suffering, and his bones and sinews by bodily toil, to whom all the secrets of God were revealed’ (St Augustine). ‘In none of Christ’s sufferings did his Godhead come to the help of his manhood’ (Eckhart).
‘Remember, Consolata, that I am good. Do not disfigure me! The world likes to think of sanctity under a mask of austerity, discipline and chains.—No, this is false! If sacrifice and penance are encountered in the life of a saint, these do not constitute his whole life. The saint, the soul who gives himself generously to me, is the happiest being in the world, for I am good, exclusively good. ‘Do not forget that the Jesus whom thou sawest die on a cross at the end of his mortal career is the same person who shared the common life with all men for thirty years; the same who during his three years of preaching took part in banquets … Do not disfigure me and do not ever forget that I am good’ (Sister Consolata). ‘Whatever sacrifice may be made in the service of the Lord, know that it is the equanimity of your soul that is the best and fittest offering. Equanimity is sweet to taste and has the supernatural power of transforming everything ambrosia. Equanimity expands the soul and gladdens the mind, as the sunlight fills the vault of heaven, and is considered to be the highest devotion’ (Yoga-Vasishtha).
‘Thou didst contrive this ‘I’ and ‘we’ in order that Thou mightst play the game of worship with Thyself, That all ‘I’s’ and ‘thou’s’ should become one soul and at last should be submerged into the Beloved’ (Rumi). ‘This world, you see, is like a drum; there is a Being who plays all kinds of tunes on it’ (Ananda Moyi). ‘It is God Himself who is sporting in the form of man’ (Sri Ramakrishna). ‘Remember that you are an actor in a play, and the Playwright chooses the manner of it … Your business is to act the character that is given you and act it well; the choice of the cast in Another’s’ (Epictetus). ‘When young, beware of fighting; when strong, beware of sex; and when old, beware of possession’ (Confucius).
‘A wife once spoke to her husband, saying, ‘My dear, I am very anxious about my brother. For the few days he has been thinking of renouncing the world and of becoming a Sannyasin, and has begun preparations for it. He has been trying gradually to curb his desires and reduce his wants.’ The husband replied, ‘You need not be anxious about your brother. He will never become a Sannyasin. No one has ever renounced the world by making long preparations.’ The wife asked, ‘How then does one become a Sannyasin?’ The husband answered, ‘Do you wish to see how one renounces the world? Let me show you. ‘Saying this, instantly he tore his flowing dress into pieces, tied one piece round his lions, told his wife that she and all women were henceforth his mother, and left the house never to return’ (Sri Ramakrishna).
To attain Buddhahood thus we must scatter this life’s aims and objects to the wind’ (Milarepa). ‘Monks, if beings knew, as I know, the ripening of sharing gifts, they would not enjoy their use without sharing them’ (Itivuttaka). ‘I will cease to live as self, and will take as my self my fellow –creatures’ (Santi-Deva). ‘Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success’ (Swami Sivananda).
That Sannyasin dude really showed his wife!
Milarepa was a complete hard-ass, too.
You don't have to copy those guys. That unborn Buddha nature, shining whether there are clouds obscuring it or not, that Stegial posted a link to is "good work if you can get it".
I'll try and stick with the last quote and what happens happens ...
Despite Meryl's enthusiastic support for our collective victory I wouldn't exactly compare this with storming the Bastille, an "I am Spartacus" moment, or even defying Ceaușescu. The Kaiser edict left patients free to stay unmasked; it merely encouragesthe masking to other components of the Kaiser staff. Kaiser doesn't know how to nudge and we don't know how to defy.
[BEGIN QUOTE] On Thursday morning, however, Kaiser officials said reinstatement of the mask mandate only applies to physicians and staff. The health care provider said in an email it is “strongly encouraging masks for patients, members, and visitors in the hospital and medical offices in the Santa Rosa Service Area in response to this latest increase in COVID-19 cases.”
The latest change in policy comes after some patients said they had visited Kaiser facilities this week and noticed some people were not masking. Some Kaiser managers on Wednesday notified their staff that the mask mandate only applied to staff and physicians, while patients and visitors were should be encouraged to mask.
On Thursday afternoon, Kaiser released a statement to The Press Democrat apologizing for the confusion.
Local hospital reinstates mask mandate amid COVID spike. What to know about COVID now
“Our intent was to communicate that as of Tuesday, we have expanded the masking requirement for our employees and physicians to medical offices and clinic settings; we apologize for any confusion among Press Democrat readers,” Kaiser said in its latest statement. [END QUOTE]
Baby steps into resistance and withdrawal of consent are still steps in the right direction.
My wife was OBSESSED with her Honda Civic so I think I understand
It took a couple of years to get all the codes to go off so it could be inspected and registered. It's a "new" car to me, a gift from my younger son, who bought it for $2k a few years cefore COVID, from his friend's parents. I have certainly put over $3500 parts and labor into it now, with a good friend doing most of the work, after my (engineers both) sons tried to get the codes to go off for a year.
It's not an obsession, but a practicality. It's a good little vehicle now. I'm finally driving it.
Cheap miles is the goal. The cylinder walls areall immaculate when examined with a scope through the spark plug holes. It's good mechanical engineering, too.
I’m not mechanical but my close friend is and he sings praises of their reliability. My house generator gets used for septic and power too ups and building as we are off grid it never ever stops going 12 years now. The local hire shop says Subaru are slightly better though
I'm a Toyota fan. The Honda mechanicals are good, but the codes for all of the smog stuff are really hard to get to go off, for whatever reason.
You can replace everything and the code is still on. Can't pass a full inspection with codes showing. We finally got them all to go off, did all of the suspension, brakes, transmission fluid, and I decided to register it in Yoakum, having had my official address changed on my driver's license. The light came on, and I think it is the gas tank fume vent system again, but they don't check that in the country. It runse great with premium, and well enough with regular, but notably less healthy. It ha a 10.4:1 compression ration, which strictly needs premium, but the cam gets retarded for pre-ignition so it won't pre-ignite with regular, because the effectice compression ratio is lowered a LOT. It feels soggy and (automatically) shifts gears a lot with regular, though that is what it is specified for...
Dr. John -What becomes of a country devoid of integrity? I worked for Democrats in the days Willie Brown ran California and San Francisco Democrats began their rise. I worked in the belief I was raising money to change the balance of power in Swing Congressional Districts to stop Contra Aid. I was quite mistaken. Our Non-Profit tightly connected to key Democrats like Feinstein used Brown Beret train organizers - flew them in - and refused to play nice most of the time by pushing our group and our strategy into the limelight. This ended badly. Democrats could not find the power to stop Contra Aid. To end military Contra Aid the Democrats had to support Welfare for the Contras as the very best deal. To JFK, Jr. I see a venal man. I do not ask for perfection. I merely ask for no venality. He waffles. I do not see him as a President and honestly I see no further need for a Duopoly. “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.” Until the People of the Several States declare a complete break with Globalist Tyranny and its Congress, Senate, and President and claims the powers of an independent country by 2030 freedom is not at home.
Paul Craig Roberts-
Search the Western world for integrity. You cannot find it in any governing party. You cannot find it in any institution, whether educational, justice, corporate, media, medical, legal.
How does the FBI have integrity when the organization frames the President of the United States and his supporters?
How does the CIA have integrity when the organization overthrows foreign governments that do not turn their countries over to Washington and the New York Banks?
How do Tony Fauci, NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO have integrity when they use the inaccurate PCR test to overstate the Covid threat in order to make the people fearful, prohibit the use of known Covid cures such as Ivermectin and HCQ, arrange incentives for hospitals to lie and report every death as a Covid death, lie about the safety and effectiveness of the deadly “vaccine,” deny that there are any adverse reactions to the Covid jab to the extent that the CDC ceases to compile VAERS data ( ), count flu cases as Covid cases (remember the year there was zero flu cases?), and, as there was no accountability, are now in the process of orchestrating another “Covid threat,” a new round of “vaccination,” and the return of masks and lockdowns?
How does Justice Department prosecutor Jack Smith have integrity when a federal judge has to stop him from trying Trump on Florida charges in a D.C. court with an all-Democrat Trump-hating jury?
How does NY prosecutor Alvin Bragg have integrity when he cannot identify the federal charge he has brought against Trump or justify the trial of Trump on a federal charge in a state court?
How does Atlanta prosecutor Fani Willis have integrity when she brings racketeering charges against President Trump for questioning an election outcome?
Prosecutors devoid of integrity are tyrannical.
We see RFK Jr differently. Time will tell, and perhaps not so much time...
Next June are RNC and DNC conventions.
I'm flashing back on 1968. We should do our very best now.
PCR ideas start where I indicate PCR. Integrity is naturally indispensable and goes to the relationship between our personal character and qua truth. As we know after Covid, our "elites" our "professionals" our "experts" will take the money and state the party line. And they do on "Anthropogenic Climate Change" as well.
How does any man have integrity in a time of total lies? PCR is a human with all the biases of his age and rise in the world. Blame him for his viral belief-but he is on good ground as a non scientist here deferring to the masters of those who know and not pursuing ideas that to him are on the fringe. I am looking as frequently as possible to move past my biases and accept this is unique and due entirely to leisure. I subsist on air. PCR subsists on his intellectual ability and reputation. He and I do disagree. I prefer other explanations and different solutions for many issues of the hour. I have no reputation to defend. No friends to alienate. Nothing stops me from remembering my past 66 years of this American Life and finding understandable meaning or meaninglessness. Since my childhood searching and thinking. Revising what I thought last week or 20 years ago or looking from a different view at Mt. Fuji like Hokusai.
“How does man have integrity in a time of total lies?”
A brilliant question that reaches to the depths of the longing soul and filleth the hungry soul with goodness!
I could find fault with people for their “viral” beliefs just as I could for their “space” beliefs, but the indoctrination-limitation-well is forever deep and to convey a belief by way of progressive individuation, ‘is really the individual’s task to differentiate himself from all others and stand on his own feet. All collective identities … interfere with the fulfillment of this task. Such collective identities are crutches’ (Carl Jung), see the Axiom of Maria — Jung saw this dictum as an apt metaphor for the process of individuation, a progressive advance of consciousness in which conflict plays a profoundly important part.
From the metaphysical perspective, manifestation is rigorously implied in the infinity of Principle … ‘The world cannot exist, since it is a possible and therefore necessary aspect of the absolute necessity of Being’ (Schuon).
Manifestation is by way of progressive individuation, limitation, descent or ‘fall’: ‘To go from essence towards substance is to go from the center towards the circumference, from the interior towards the exterior … from unity towards multiplicity’ (Guenon). ‘He has exteriorized everything inasmuch as He is the Interior, and He has withdrawn the existence of everything inasmuch as He is the Exterior’ (Ibn Ataillah).
It can be seen that ‘evolution’ according to traditional science implies a deterioration: the world commences with a Golden Age, rather than terminating in a Millenium (which belongs to another world, another age, another cycle); and in fact ‘the modern Theory of Evolution denies Truth-God the power to create something perfect’ (Cf. Philo).
A thought from Schopenhauer … ‘But he will fear least to become nothing in death who has recognized that he is already nothing now, and who consequently no longer takes any share in his individual phenomenon, because in him knowledge has, as it were, burnt up and consumed the will, so that no will, thus no desire for individual existence, remains in him any more’.
‘Tao begets One (the original state of unconscious wholeness): one begets two (the loss of innocence occasioned by conflict between opposites): two begets three (the transcendent function, a potential resolution): three begets all things (the transformed state of conscious wholeness). All things are backed by yin and faced by yang, and harmonized by the immaterial Breath’ (Tao Te Ching).
It seems like the integrity of our individuation is held captive by the "Empire of Lies", and the consequences of the conflicts that arise from it, elevate the Truth as the "Transcendent Function" that transforms the spiritual-physical journey into the purpose and destiny of our birthright; to get back to where we started, but knowing where we've traveled.
The sensible world is the consequence of the Spirit’s awareness of “the diversified world-picture painted by itself on the vast canvas of itself” (Sankaracarya). ‘It is not by means of this All that he knows himself, but by his knowledge of himself that he becomes the All’ (Coomaraswamy).
‘God became man that man might become God.’
—St Anthanasius
—St Augustine
—St Cyril of Alexandria
—and many others
Nice work. Hang around, Mark!
Climate is variable and mainly Solar forced. Vulcanism has it's role. Position of the Earth's orbit has a role. Pollution is not climate change. The lies based on Mann's Hockey Stick are advantageous to the ideas of the WEF. Totalitarians use anything to advance the agenda and wrap it in the lie of safe and effective. Bill Gates blames methane from livestock is killing the world so all must eat lab meat.
Co2 ain't the enemy. Political lies are.
There is no information in that headline; no story...
Do read Bobby Jrs words about what his Mom, Ethyl told him after his brother's death.
Looks real to me...