China is quietly selling Russian oil to Europe. India also. And evidently Russians are as well.

I still think the Ukraine is a distraction and quite helpful for Russian interests. I further think cheer leaders in this conflict do not see a bigger picture.

They have a narrative that is pro-Putin. Nothing can change this view. During Vietnam American conservatives as you recall were just as passionate and America - Love It or Leave It -was the same idea as Putin hero. Never mentioned is what Edvard Slavsquat points out about the vaccination passports, digital currency and ongoing quiet collaboration with the WEF. I have tried to engage on the Saker site with this information presented by Anatoliy Golitsyn. Shot down. Which is interesting. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2010/01/did_communism_fake_its_own_dea.html

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Those who control global finance, and/or seek to do so, are happy enough to manipulate factions against each other, controlling several flavors of opposition. it seems that 1848 "Communism" didn't work out in the 20th century, and is dead, but so many more ways to control people are now presented in the world by modern technology.

One should remain aware of all the angles of attack to enslave people.

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I shared the Edward Slavsquat material on Matthew Ehret's blog and got crickets.

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I don't recall if I saw that, and can't locate it, based on that description.

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Binary thinking is USA bad, Russia good. Convergence thinking is top down control. More interesting though is thinking about the process through time from perhaps beheading Charles I to the start of the SMO in Ukraine. How actions reinforced a direction to war.

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I'm not that important, lol. I just read on Edward's page that Slavsquat and Ehret participated in a panel discussion.

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I have to read a lot and can't watch videos, as a rule.

I'm interested in ideas and information, but it needs to be in print and graphic format.

I just can't keep up, and have physical things to do, also.

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Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

Ukraine wanted to take it over before the inspection so that after it would under international law stay put..

Russia deleted their attacking force consistent of Undercover US Mercenaries and other scum.

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Another desperate MI-6/BoJo plan gone horribly wrong for over 600 dead Ukrainian soldiers...

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The whole "war in Ukraine" reminds me of Adolf Hitler and his "Invasion" of Russia in the winter.

An unwinnable Battle yet everyone followed lines into destruction.

This one is more of the same.

Let them die.

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Most of the soldiers don't want to fight and die, but are conscripted.

Supposedly, these were green troops, trained in England.

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"Most of the soldiers don't want to fight and die, but are conscripted."...

That is a Truth echoing through times until eternity...

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Any remote likelihood that the Ukrainian assault on the NPP was coordinated with the West?

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It's all officially-unofficially coordinated, like all their HIMARS targets have to be OKd by the US...

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