Feb 23, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Thanks, as ever, for your thoughts and synthesis. The "something has to give" thing has been with me for at least a year now. My conclusion: "What matters is what you do when they come to your door", metaphorically, or in fact, physically...

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Weed pulling should be on the list of doctoring advices (its a precursor of health and healthy food methinks)..

Welcome, take what you can use what you can, you are good at communicating on this platform.

You would be interested in this Sachs testimony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZyjFUXXGBA

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I must say, as a non-US citizen, that I would be hugely in favour of some big states seceding from the Union, to become independent nations. Both California and Texas are far bigger than many, many notionally sovereign nations at present and removing them from the Washington nexus would weaken decisively the power of the evil warmongers in the US Deep State. Neither Texas nor California would be minded alone to go on endless wars of violence in the Middle East and I'm pretty certain that a Texas Governor would be pretty proactive in preventing uncontrolled migration into Texas from outwith the US national borders as currently constituted. If 'New California' (i.e. a state constituting predominantly rural counties of California and excluding the megapolises of LA, the Bay Area etc) emerged, they would doubtless be of a more similar mind to Texas.

The USA is uniquely blessed in never having fought an existential war on its land surface in the era of mechanised warfare (i.e. since 1900). As a result, vast numbers of Americans are dangerously under-educated into what kinds of horrendous human suffering occurs in wars, what hatreds emerge and quite how long it can take to rebuild relations utterly fractured by heartless, inhuman waves of mass murder of the innocent.

Vast numbers of non-Americans developed a lasting contempt for the American people's moral fibre when they saw what squealing crybabies they were over 9/11 when, remember, less than 5,000 people died. Yet those same Americans are also pretty sanguine about 1 million dead in Iraq, lord knows how many million dead in Vietnam, 1 million dead in Indonesia in the 1960s etc etc.

If you are all squealing hysterics over 3,000 dead, why on earth do you expect others to be calm and diplomatic over the murder of more than 300 times as many in their nations??

You are not a people apart, unless you are all racists. You are not allowed to have one set of rules for your psychopaths and another set for everyone else's.

I don't think your Deep State realises how close the peoples of Europe (not our mouthpieces selected to be prostitutes for Washington) are to permanently renouncing friendly relations with the USA. More and more people in Europe want all US military personnel off the continent, they don't want free access to European energy markets for the USA any longer after Nordstream II; and they don't want to be told that the USA will initiate war if they don't become their slaves.

There's a lot of US citizens in Europe who may suffer if the US Deep State carries on the way it has been going. They need to understand that they are not allowed to carry on regardless, because their leaders treat Europe and Europeans with absolute contempt. There are consequences for US businesses, US diplomats and US citizens and those consequences need to be universally negative.

This is not a 'kiss Putin's ass' statement.

It's a direct challenge to US behaviour without any consideration of anything else whatsoever.

You don't get to decide what our values our, how we wish to frame our societies.

If you think you do, you need to understand that US human rights for US human citizens can no longer apply if they set foot on the continent of Europe.

We don't value the life of Jake Sullivan very highly. Nor that of Victoria Nuland. We think Anthony Fauci is a criminal, a prostitute and a fraud. We don't look up to Bill Gates in any way whatsoever, even as we are mindful of his ability to bribe, bully, blackmail and worse.

This does not mean that Europeans are all saints.

But they were born here, they do live here and in a free world free of USA hegemony, they are people that we, as Europeans, can throw out of our national Parliaments.....

We can't throw Joe Biden out of the White House, much as many of us want nothing more than that to happen before Easter 2023.

That's down to you lot. All the necessary evidence exists to impeach him, just as all the necessary evidence exists to remove all right to legal immunity for Pfizer, Moderna, their investors and all kinds of people plugging their errant products.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by John Day MD

To quote you here, " I feel a lot of tension and urgency. It's not just me, I think. I'm sensitive to the vibes in our world"- I'm been thinking about this A LOT since November, as I've been parked in Galveston, TX and feeling significantly "out-of-sorts" compared to MY "normal state of being". My friend, who is also sensitive to vibrations, suggested that this uptick in sensitivity may have a lot to do with all of the lost lives and trauma here....?! I'm not sure, but I've never felt this emotionally/mentally bleh, anywhere, any season of my life, before. Leaving soon, countdown is on and I cannot wait. The mental gymnastics this place requires of me is detrimental to my and my family's well-being. The mountains are calling, and I must GO! ✌️ 🕊️

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by John Day MD

High stakes DRAMA !

There is plenty of hypocrisy to go around these so called " WORLD LEADERS". DON'T BE FOOLED, BACKROOM DEALS MEANT TO SELL OUT THE CITIZENS ARE IN YHE WORKS . May include the unthinkable.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Here is a short 15-minute talk by Reinette Senum (California) about what I feel ae the most urgent situations facing us all today! Not next month or year. The WHO is a Biggy! - Plus CBCDs and a couple of other life-challenging subjects!


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I try to tell people for a very long time that we need to unite in spirit to achieve something great.

But to achieve something great we must give up that which holds us back.

War & Oil hold us back.

Water as energy is the future.

I achieved something... or better I discovered something that goes beyond what people think they know.

I have proven (at least theoretically) that we have the technology here and now to go way faster than the speed of light.

I prove Einstein wrong.

Aldo my technology is the blueprint of interstellar space travel.

And I also propose using the Internet as a learning tool to bring education to the world.

If we can make people understand that we can go to the stars we can achieve anything we set our mind onto and we have the capability now... then we have a chance.

My proposal is here.


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Feb 23, 2023Liked by John Day MD

Thank you.

Great summation

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My gut tells me the only hope for freedom in the US now - in the face of all you reported on today, Dr. John - is for awakened state governors to use a literal and strict interpretation of the 10 amendment to quietly "secede" and turn their states into sanctuaries for constitutional freedom. Several states have already put in place a constitutional "gate", requiring all new Federal "rules" and "laws" to be first vetted by the state's AG for constitutionality. They need to rapidly expand this. Add "treaties" to that list. The Deep State is too entrenched and committed and will never relinquish control. The nation once envisioned by the founders is truly gone. As a veteran, it's hard for me to write that.

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