Scott Ritter says everything elenskies said to Congress would be forgotten.

But I remember, he said , paraphrase...

We have already won the battle for the minds....

This is the key reveal. They care what we think .

Because if we think the way we would likely do with a fuller and more accurate understanding of the things they tell us, most usually lies lies and more lies, with rainbow sprinkles of truth on top...

Then people might think that there is nothing to lose except our chains and shackles, which seems to keep getting a little heavier, or maybe just mine

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Or we could lose internet and grid overnight.

How would that grab all of us?

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They would have to treat me better at work, which they wouldn't have a mechanism to continue without these digital chains

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If it happens it happens, a few hours of trouble won't grab anyone beyond those of us that pay attention to these things. However if we got a couple of days worth of down time it just may wake a few more up. If it turns out to be the "kill shot" well then all bets are off.

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I am honestly hoping for a less-than-kill-shot wake-up-call.

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LOVE the photo of you and Jenny. It says EVERYTHING that's true. LOVE to you both.


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Thank You, Sister.


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"Hey, hey LBJ. How many kids did you kill today?" Campus Vietnam illegal unconstitutional war protest chant.

Our narrative is, the ability of corporations like Palentier to buy politicians is the reason there has been no, no legal Constitutional "War Declared" since before 1952.

May I suggest that protestors take time out and read the Constitution, out loud, with commentary, on the multi decadal abuses of power.


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Does the first amendment allow that? Then they will burn it and smoke it if so

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I did it in 2016 in front of the DNC's company in New Jersey. They did not burn it at Kent State on May 4, 1970. They did however bury it the day before.

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" the west will lose the ability to wage wars."

Already lost, no manufacturing base, no weapons production level required to face an opponent of equal power. The west is swimming in a cesspool of graft. Monies for everything except production. Close all the mills, granaries and mines, add to that a permitting process that costs a lot of time and money but mostly time. What could possibly go wrong? Government permits this is extreme but growing like the cancer it is: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2_ICERE0KaA

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Most people who live there should find ways to exit California... but they don't all have to come to Texas, either.

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it's a planned cull.

Georgia Guidestones

Jacques Attali

WEF and WHO and CFR and IMF and Fed Reserve

Club of Rome

Hitler's Fourth Reicht in play too.

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Yes, but the sunspots are just sunspots...

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I thought the prophecy was for 7 Days in May not 6 incoming Solar flares in May. Well maybe one flare or perhaps overall the effects of 6 will result in a "Harmonic Convergence" amongst the ignorant armies who fight by night and a mass awakening occurs the learned astrophysicists do not understand by their models.

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Groceries, Water, Cash...

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Yes indeed. I am triggered back to the olden time of Y2K when masses shopped and stockpiled and prepared for the New Year.

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I'd prefer for Calgon to take me away...

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It's not "either-or", is it?


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thank you

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You cant have a decent WAR, or have a chance

of winning a WAR (especially one you started),

without Supply Lines...But they cant be Global

Supply Chains (aka - Lines) that have been put in

place and used as excuses to de-industrialise your

national economy...The USA & NATO are learning

that simple reality from their WAR against Russia

in the Ukraine...

Soon, i expect, we'll be reading about the USA

whining "It's not fair ! China wont sell us the ammo

we need to beat the shit out of it to win OUR WAR

against it !!"

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We are learning the difference between Wars of Maneuver and Wars of Attrition. The US and Israel can fight wars of maneuver as long as they don't last too long and are not too big, and not against a peer-adversary.

Hmmm... that narrows it down a lot.

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This is a whole other discussion, but the West's online military analysts and the would-be analysts are making a huge over simplification - ie manouvre vs attrition. The Ukraine war is attritional exactly because of the topography...the steppes are FLAT and the contact line is1000 kms long. In that condition manouvre is meaningless.

Meanwhile West's definition of manouvre essentially boils down to aerial bombardment on weak foes followed by some ground clean up on flat land in tanks and Humvees. Example: Gaza. This is only 20% of the story and hardly describes real manouvre.

Left out is alternative terrain. It is more or less impossible to wage attritional war in the Balkans, in Iran, in Afghanistan - ie mountains - in island chains, in jungle. This has been the number one reason why US / ISR do NOT enter Iran where only a nuke can guarantee some "success" and why it lost in Afghanistan and Vietnam where the inhabitants themselves waged manouvre warfare.

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May 10Edited
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Power-elites they are, though. That is the situation. They "own" us and they have begun culling us. We have to supersede their order with something that outperforms it.

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May 10Edited
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We don't disagree, but the point is their functionality is to kill a lot of people when the herds overgraze. "We" as humanity, need to supersede that functionality and they will become obsolete.

The only system which can outperform their Apex-predators-hunting-in-packs-and-panicking-the-prey-with-fires, of which I am aware, is seeking and accepting Divine Guidance.

I am open to all suggestions, though. By my reasoning all power-hierarchies lead to the same outcomes of wars, famine, and pestilence...

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My preferred term for the self-styled "elites" is pseudo-elites.

I first noticed this new usage back in 2010 when Obama, the IMF etc were coming after Greece. Suddenly politicians and international administrative appointees (IMF, WB, ECB, EU etc) transformed from voted representatives and bureaucrats into "elites" that called the shots.

In this usage "elite" does NOT denote intelligence or competence or acheivement, rather raw power inventing ever-changing "rules" that suit their desired aims - whatever these may be depending on the situation - which break existing legal protections, and violate internatioal and national law to advantage the "elites" and disadvantage the formerly protected. In other words, they act illegally to strip away your rights. In the old order, which to a large extent still exists on the books, this was and actually is criminal.

The term "rules based order" came some time later, around 2017.

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Thanks Eleni. "Elites" is not well defined, but I think more of property-owning-elites, myself. Some people figure that college grads making mid six figure salaries are "elites", but to me they are managers, functionaries or some kind of specialists. They serve the "owners". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-anMSP6P384

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You are right that behind the functionaries (up to & including SCOTUS) there are the "owners", ie those that have quietly changed law so as to seize ownership of others' property (properly called fraudsters) but principally those who own the central banks and BIS (systemic ponzi).

I often wonder how these fraudsters intend to ACTUALLY seize the property of say the Greeks and Cypriots who 99% own their properties outright. A nuke or real pandemic (plague) would render these properties worthless (through danger) for generations. it could only be done through changing the laws (as above) which is something the non-elites CAN deal with ie pitchforks :-)....uprising.

An important point about the pseudo-elites is that they do NOT include any of society's producers (whether rich or poor) nor its trained professionals ie medical, engineering, military, farmers, shepherds, fishermen, power operatives etc....the 'invisibles' on which the frontmen and mega-fraudsters take for granted and on which they entirely depend. they can't pay off all of them! We do actually have power in our hands.

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May 11Edited
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Tiny penis Lunatics

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