We have started what looks to be a drought- don’t know how rough it will be but it’s part of our continents make up. I need to get busy installing another 5000 gal tank as evaporation exceeds transpiration here in central Victoria. Gardening needs water and it’s gunna get interesting. Hopefully we’ll get the odd summer shower to put water in storage. Wish me luck John!

Great opening round up at the beginning of the post

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There is a temporary climate perturbation going on currently, and that will continue for the next couple of years caused by that undersea volcanic eruption in Tonga last year. It injected an enormous amount of water vapor into the upper atmosphere, the most ever witnessed by scientists. Water vapor is THE MAIN greenhouse gas. (NOT CO2, which is negligible!). So be patient and the Earth will restabilize again. More or less. We ARE in a cooling cycle that will last for another thirty years or so, and these cooler periods do tend to produce more droughts because of less water evaporating from the oceans (that therefore won't be in the level of the atmosphere that produces the most rain). But the GOOD news is that our slightly higher CO2 level makes plants more drought-resistant. Yes, CO2 is highy beneficial for plants and for the Earth, contrary to the blatant lies of the Globalists' bought-off fraudulent scientists! For instance, during the 1970s the Earth was in a significant cooling cycle IN SPITE OF rising CO2. Get it? It's NOT CO2 that controls temperature!!!! In EVERY past warming period, carbon dioxide levels rose AFTER the temperature went up. It did not CAUSE the rise in temperature! It can't. And the Climate Alarmists are lying about everything. The Globalists just want to gyp people with carbon taxes and carbon credits, and to deindustrialize Western countries so they can destroy their economies and force their CBDCs on everybody! Track, trace, and enslave!

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There are a lot of global climatic waves adding and subtracting upon our planet, and military weather interventions.

I don't pretend to know what each coming season will hold at this point, because there is a lot of manipulating going on for specific reasons that are always far above my pay-grade.


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Thanks "Oxy", I wish you well in your drought this summer, but it has just turned to spring for you. It's still pretty warm here, but the sun is less intense. It gets down to 77-80F at night an up to 97-102F in the daytime. I'm gld I really didn't have to mow the grass for July and August, but I did weed-whack a couple of times.

My younger son is an engineer with an aerospace company and he got to spend a week in Melbourne, getting back a week ago. He was busy but it was pleasant.

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". . . and go on to transition into a completely renewable and carbon free economy."

I hope you are being facetious! Because you are too smart to believe THAT brand of Globalist propaganda! There will never be such a thing as "a completely renewable and carbon free economy" until and unless a practical means of utilizing zero-point energy or cold fusion or some such alternate source is realized. Both solar- and wind turbines-produced energy are bad jokes— terribly fossil fuels-intensive to manufacture, the infrastructure not lasting nearly as long as promised, and nowhere nearly the energy storage capacity available or manufacturable that would be required to make them practical. At this point, wind farms require MORE fossil fuel use to stabilize output via variable-output generators than if the electricity were just produced solely with constant-output generators like they are with no "renewables" tied in! The wind just isn't consistent enough to make substituting turbines for fossil fuel electrical generation feasible. And guess what? The sun doesn't shine all the time, either!

Manufacturing turbines and their blades and huge towers requires enormous amounts of fossil fuels, including the fuel to burn the lime to make a couple of hundred TONS of concrete per tower to anchor them!

And neither solar panels nor turbine blades are recyclable! Turbine blades are enormous and only last about twelve years, then they get entombed forever into giant landfills. That is NOT "GREEN"!!!!

"Climate change" is a gigantic SCAM, and so is the "pie in the sky" idea of transitioning to "renewables". The U.N.'s IPCC is a corrupt, lying con-job organization, and needs to be shut down, along with their criminal cabal of the WHO! DEFUND THEM ALL! And let's kick the U.N. out of New York while we are at it! A Globalist "Den of Thieves"!

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I always feel like it is obvious when I am trying to be facetious.

Yep, I was trying that again.

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"Following The Money" - but always ask, "Why Now?"

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WOW John - you got the lot! Wonderful research and a lotta work - well done and many thanks. I knew we were on the same path but have you been reading my stuff too? LOL




So let's talk solutions?



I've had it with UK - we're off to Simons Town (Cape Town) in a couple of months and hopefully link up with Tellinger and get UBUNTU going because, once Digital ID's arrive, there will be no way to access a bank account, my UK pension or anything else. We will be off-grid, on our own - BUT FREE! This is my mission - 'Protect & Survive'



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I would have replied sooner, Peter, but our internet was out for about 10 hours yesterday, which I address in today's post.

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Somehow, I can't seem to find any mention of government controlling "Health" in the Constitution. The "Health" Trojan horse is so obvious in light of the Covungabunga scamdemic. So let's double down and give our sovereignty to Bill Gates and the WHO... Yeah. Fuck that. Sure hope they wear those blue helmets so they are easy to recognize.

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Hi John. "declining net global oil to power economies"

Not at all sir. Fossil Fuels and Gas are here to stay, at least till the end of 2099.

India and China have commissioned 60 new coal plants. UK has commissioned

new drilling sites in the North Sea. Canada is also going ahead with Tar Sands till 2030.

Every OPEC nation is trying to produce more barrels

to the extent of 2019-18 production scales. Also we should not forget that entire

green colored energy output, machines, panels, etc are all run of fossil fuels. Agriculture is fossil fueled. Tourism is fossil fueled. Entertainment and Mass Media is also Fossil Fueled.

What you see is pathetic greenwash capitalism, quickly trying to get rid of FFs

What you see is a lot of angry teenagers shaming the FF corporation,

What a party! that too is running on Fossil Fuels.

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That was a very specific statement: "declining net global oil to power economies".

We can wait and see how much global oil is "produced" in coming years.

I didn't say that these fuels and feedstocks would cease to be available to some degree, but I think they will decline sharply in amount and quality.

Coal quality is in a long decline since WW-1, as I pointed out.

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The waiting is done ... There is so much CO2 and GHGs locked into the atmosphere. Which is not going down. Being emitted as we speak, that it will make no tangible difference even if FFs decline sharply. I am all anti-fossil fuels and hope for the collapse of modern techno industrial civilization, yet by changing energy, coloring it green, makes no difference to the biophysical limits of the earth, which we as a species have long crossed.

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Sep 24, 2023
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During self-organization, system designs develop and prevail that maximize power intake, energy transformation, and those uses that reinforce production and efficiency."

This is a false theory. If we see Jevon's Paradox. Also you see, 1MPP or 1000 MPP, we are still stuck inside a infinite planet with finite resources. It's called Biophysical Limits. The theory of MPP, works maybe for one big factory or a very rich society (closed).

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Sep 24, 2023
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Be that the case, that MPP is a corollary to Jevon's Paradox (evidence please).

What do you base your claim upon? When you say "to the birthing of civilization. In order for civilization to take hold, year-on-year energy surpluses"

Not at all the case when we see, prior civilizations, like Mesopotamia, or Egypt or Meso America or Roman or Chinese. They were grain states. Centralized power. Backed by military not energy. This MTI (modern techno industrial) is surely hooked and based on energy. and subservience of people, by the elite.

+ these theories as good as appear, are conflicting when placed next to each other, and not corollary to each other. Also Cultural Anthropology shows nothing specific about MPP. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_anthropology

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There are a great many strategies to deal with dry and I am implementing a few now. Tree thinning to favour the dominant high value hardwood (eucalyptus polyanthemos and microcarpa mainly). Mulch the thinings, multigraft on established fruit and nuts to allow water allocations to less trees. Drought tolerant species such as olive, carob, pistachio, pear, apple, plum, apricot, bunya, quince, loquat, grape etc.

I got so many tricks in the bag the Overlords have got no idea!!!

Swales, mulch pits dry compost toilet, etc, bring it on.

I do like water though so installing another tank this month

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That sounds excellent. Can you rent a chipper for mulching the thinned trees?

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I have 6.5 horse power one for the small branches. The remainder is chopped for firewood.

I think we could have dangerous fires this year - my spidey-sense is tingling. The weather channel in New Zealand are saying the El Nino could be short but possibly the worst in 100 years and they are predicting 40 plus temps on the south coast of NZ!

Prepping hard

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Sep 24, 2023
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Our insect situation is very healthy. Our forest locally is 35,000 acres and very low fertility and low rain (550 mm annual). Bees particularly are a problem in that there are too many - they are in every available hollow - displacing many birds and reptiles.

The coming heat and fire is our big issue.

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Sep 24, 2023Edited
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Also - they survive nuclear bombs but high fertilizer kills them. Strange


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The bees are honey bees. I have a small apiary. The low fertility is geology based but keeps the poisoning out (ag).

In Hiroshima there is a shrine to our trees in their botanical garden as after an atomic bomb they grew back from stumps. Our trees are unkillable but looooooove fire. Fire is good for their babies so they are horny for this El Niño. I wish they weren’t but you can’t stop nature’s will

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Sep 25, 2023
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I think one of my fire strategies will be coppice and Pollard. If the weather in Dec to Feb looks catastrophic I’ll cut a few with pole saw at 3 or 4 metres off the ground and let them resprout after the fire season passes that way I keep my trees but get rid of fuel. Euc have heaps of volatile oils!

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Simplifying the Solution

Do you know where Oil comes from?

It is in general the liquefied dead of the Billions of Humans that lived before us.

Crisis actors need a crisis to act like a Messiah...

The Truth is that all we need is water... no oil... no coal... no gas (except Hydrogen from water).

This is the simple Truth.

Furthermore there are many technologies currently suppressed in order to enslave us.



Do you really know who they are?

They are not human.

Their purpose is to change the environment to suit their race.



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The biotic vs. abiotic origins of oil are disputed.

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They might well be... but I don't trust experts i want to see the evidence...

However some things cannot be disputed...

Such as that the earth had many civilizations and many of them are now deep under water...

We had a catalytic event some 14000 years ago...

And we been lied to...

We had a great flood and the water must have come from outside as the water levels rose 100m.

All that leads me to my conclusion and I do think i am spot on with this.

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Sep 24, 2023
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Have you ever seen "Ancient Aliens"?

Japan there they found an underwater city...

Malta.. if not the whole of the Mediterranean...

As for the others... I don't really know... my diving skills ain't that good.

However Graham Hancock and others found that the water levels rose by 100 m.

So if you dive a little deeper you find them.

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Sep 24, 2023
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Before your mother was a sperm.

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Razor sharp analysis John. Though it deserves many reads from me, once is enough to confirm that I wish a more permanent manifesto or book could be carved from it. Otherwise, it is so easily lost among all of the ephemera of voices relentlessly dribbling through.

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"World in Changes, still going through..."


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Not really, my response to John was about the fact that Fossil Fuels going nowhere

from the picture that soon. However since you wish to see Grains as calories as energy.

That sort of a structural analysis (reductionist logic) hardly serves any purpose, to common people. Grains are connected to farmers, who are forced abandon their land and work, when war, pestilence, plague, top-down policies and climate change strikes - that too is structural and definitive. Hence add that also to the grain which equates to energy. Wow and Adios.

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Sep 24, 2023Edited
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"to exceed the previous (subsistence) human carrying capacities of their local ecologies such that their populations exceeded Dunbar's Number (DN)" Actually Dunbar's number has been challenged many times, with evidence, and it makes sense only when there are 100-150 people. In terms of teamwork and nothing else in a world with 8 billion people. Mixing up so much knowledge hardly makes your point to equate Grain state to Energy States. You see, as much scientific jargon and reductionism you may apply, is to see the world, How you wish to. Does not convince me. Adios!

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Sep 24, 2023Edited
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Intriguing enough for me to go back and do some reading. Thanks for this reante.

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Sep 24, 2023Edited
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Whatever the mechanisms, and numerous are apparent, these (m)mRNA gene-therapy products are Swiss Army knives of delayed death.

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Ouch. I will have to do a lot more reading, but you just described my mom. 2 years ago, I was talking to her normally ... long distance from here in Japan to her home in Tucson. Though I tried to warn her and others in my family to be wary of Big Pharma, she dutifully followed the propaganda and got her boosters — would think she would have known better, having been born in Frankfurt Germany in 1938. During the last 2 years, she rapidly developed advanced stages of dementia (Alzheimers), became blind, and had to be moved to an assisted 'living' home. Ironic. She escaped being among the "good Germans" only to pass away prematurely ... on my birthday, Sept. 7, from what I suspect are symptoms correlated with being a "good American" as defined by the corporate nation-state.

The remainder of my family stateside are saying nothing, and I suspect it is because they are also all jabbed.

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I'm sorry, Steve.

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Thank you John.

I'm still tying to come to terms with what is happening to us all.

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