Good to see you giving Ben Davidson some promotion. I'm an 0bserver, have been for many years. I think most of the Geopolitical BS we've got going on in this world now is just the "powers that should not be (PTSNB)" trying to keep us all distracted and busy fighting the wrong battles (cultural as well as physical) while they suck up as many resources as they can for their bunkers.

Ben often reminds people that what's coming isn't going to be "the end of the world", but it will be the end of our current civilization. Humans have survived this cyclical disaster many times in the past, to painstakingly rebuild. The current PTSNB are the descendants of those who knew what was coming the last time, and made the right preparations to survive it. They also do not want the rest of us to know enough to survive with any technology intact in the upcoming disaster cycle event. That way, they get to keep their generational advantage, and will quickly be able to enslave the few humans who somehow do manage to get lucky enough to survive the next one.

Getting the word out so "normal" people can try to migrate to safer areas and begin planning and learning how to live without electricity & other modern tech ahead of the event is the only way we have any chance of escaping yet another 12,000 year round of global enslavement by the descendants of the parasitic bankster types who currently own this iteration of "the world"...

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I first started looking at Ben's work in "Electric Universe" days, probaby around 2008.

I have featured some of his videos in recent years. There is a lot of speculation, which is not verifiable until some "event" occurs, but there is some information he presents which can be carried in mind going forward and seeing how events conform to his theories.

I feel that Ben Davidson has a pretty coherent model formed, and I have spent time looking into other, similar models. There is a spectrum of polar flip and sloshing-oceans possibilities, and The galactic current sheet, and dust, does seem to be a verifiable thing, which is not much discussed by NASA.

I continue to monitor Ben's feed regularly, and hold it in condsideration going forward.

I don't feel like there is enough evidence to have any certainty about micronoas and pole shifts eery 12,000 years, but it is also wrong to fail to consider and mention such an elegant theory, which implies that most of the people in the world are likely to die in a planetary catastrophe of "Biblical" proportions before I die of old age.

(If the sun starts dimming I need to figure out how to get under 4 ft of earth for a few days, just to survive the initial radiation of the micronova to follow. I don't know of any other theory out there predicting the sun darkening for a few days before a cataclym.)

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If you haven't seen Doug Vogt's work at Diehold Foundation, you might find it to be of interest as well. His theories differ from Ben's in a few respects, but on the whole, the end result is pretty much the same. As for getting under 4' of earth - well, a really deep root cellar might work (as long as you're not going to be in a flooded area), and the digging effort would not be wasted as it would be useful for year-round food storage even if their calculations are off and the Micro-nova doesn't happen in our lifetime :) I personally don't expect to survive it. If it happens when they think it will - late 2030's to mid 2040's, I will be too old to survive a "stone age existence" :)

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Root cellar would not protect from a direct overhead Flash-exposure of gamma rays. That't the problem.

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Well, that's why it would need to be a really deep one. Maybe with a sheet of lead for the ceiling :) But we (here in North America) are not going to get the flash this time (according to Ben). I went to the S0 event in Charlotte last month, and he discussed that the locations on Earth that take the direct flash, as well as the location that takes the impact of the blown-off outer solar shell move around the Earth in the same predictable pattern each cycle (presumably identified by the geologic record). If he is correct, then Europe & North Africa are supposedly going to take the flash this time, and the western Pacific will get the impact events (North America got it last time). So, for those in North America, at least, that's "sort of" good news...

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I don't believe it is predictable where the flash or impacts would hit.

I do believe it would move, but I suspect it would be fairly random.

I cannot be convinced of predictability of locations.. Too much speculation involved.

Gmma rays go right through lead unless it is super thick, like a foot thick. 2 feet oof water is pretty good, like one of those really cheap plastic-bag swimming pools with a frame that people put in their back yards, that don't last long...

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"Can Austin replicate it?" - Not in a meaningful time frame, no. The US certainly possesses the bulk of advanced chip -designers- in the world, but TSMC in Taiwan possesses the bulk of the advanced Process Engineers. Those are the folks who turn the designs into physical chips, which is both equipment intensive -and- requires specific expertise to run the equipment and tune it for runs of certain kinds of chips.

The process equipment can be bought, and for certain, a lot of it is Made in USA. But buying the expertise in day to day running of that equipment on varied production lines will be a long time happening, as it does in any complex endeavor. Even if some of that expertise could be hired and relocated to the US, there are language barriers, culture barriers, and outright scale (as in needing to hire quite a few experienced people who know how to work specific parts of the line).

Just buying the equipment and setting it up in a building does not make a functioning, efficient process line. If getting to "functioning and efficient" takes a few years, imagine the impact to high tech product production, such as smart phones, which depends on huge scale.

I don't see this happening easily or quickly. At all.

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Samsung (already established in Austin) is South Korean; which is close to Taiwan...

I'll keep an eye out for a big influx of Taiwanese engineering types.

Thanks for the specific insights.

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