Good post. If we’re not feeling uneasy just about now we’re very likely not paying attention.

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On the other hand maybe because Russia has agents of influence around the world and no doubt in key power positions it is reasonable from a communist perspective that victory requires war but a contained war to an extent shaped for the world to come. Merkel for instance was Stasi before she was head of state. Democrats are in bed with China. The bizzare policy of bellicosity is destroying Europe and the USA as well. A riddle inside an enigma we cannot decipher with the ideas held prior to Covid. Xi may be very weak but the CCP is very strong. The WEF corporations built China after Nixon and after Deng everyone "jumped into the sea.". Covid created the cover for vaccine democide globally. Russia is still collaborating to the extent it is allowed on the surface of things with the WEF.

September could well be the trigger but for who and for what end is hard to know. The only thing we can reasonably say is that Globalism is getting stronger and it greatly favors totalitarianism. A hybrid Capitalism-Totalitarianism such as China is a model.

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I think the "Trotskyists", the globalist-cancerous-growth are desperate to get-Russia-back. "Permanent revolution" has been supplanted by "permanent global-neoliberal-financialization-growth", though the roots to global banking go way back to the overthrow of the Tsar.

Dung was strong and intelligent. Xi, meh.

Who can hold the reins in China? Xi looks like he got rid of most of his rivals.

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Collective leadership probably until one leader emerges. Mao obviously is the CCP model leader for better or worse.

It seems that as with Feudalism or Corporatism there is an imperative to grasp all power and collective leadership is the first step. Russia and China may be in a serious leadership crisis. Replacing either leader right now would be a very interesting moment.

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“Everyone will not forget September 24, 2022 and everyone will know exactly where he or she was”

That was said in the German Bundestag...


Now this may be the dirty Bomb i was talking about... it may be the total Internet Blackout...

But this certainly is something we all should be very aware of...

If those bastards are so cockshit arrogant about that we have to prepare for the worst.

I hope you are all aware of this.

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This is the rumor to which Irefer, and it is from manysources at about the same time. Some vary by a day. Equinox is 9/2222. Some predict an event on 9/23. This seems to me like open signaling, which is how the 9/1/22 "Red Sermon" speech seemed, an open, but cryptic symbol.

I may be wrong. Ask my wife...

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The clip is from February this year, and it appears he mis-spoke.

(Tho, admittedly, Februar (German) looks and sounds nothing like September,

so it indeed seems rather matrix-glitch-like.)

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I had the pleasure (Not) to watch the whole speech attached from Febuary ( as stated) from Friedrich Merz and I assure you as I am fluent in both German and English that the accredited lines according to September 24 are not in his speech.

Also it is no his voice.

What more... if it was spoken at anytime it would have raised voices there and then.

It has not... it just came out now.

And to me it does sounds very legitimate.

Least of all because I was predicting something like that a year ago.


In order to bring in their Jewish Great Reset and their New World Order they do need an event like 9/11 otherwise their plan goes up in flames.

And they burn with it.

That is why we all must raise our awareness as to the ongoing shenanigans.

I told Dr. John that the longer we wait the higher the possibility for them to pull something like that off because we give them the time to prepare.

And Time is against us.

This is why I call for a Revolution.

Because if we don't have a Revolution they will blindsight us into WW3.


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The UN General Assembly is ongoing: 9/13/22 - 9/27/22

General Debate takes place 9/20 - 9/26/22 https://gadebate.un.org/en

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Shabbat, September 24, 2022

28 Elul, 5782

Elul 29 — The Omen Of 1929

Black Tuesday hits Wall Street as investors trade 16,410,030 shares on the New YorkStock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost, wiping out thousands of investors, and stock tickers ran hours behind because the machinery could not handle the tremendous volume of trading. In the aftermath of Black Tuesday, America and the rest of the industrialized world spiraled downward into the Great Depression.


The Shemitah & The Seven Year Cycle Of Economic Crashes That Everyone Is Talking About


Elul 29 2015 – The Harbinger – Doom and Economic Calamity


There are a multitude of possibilities but all related to Elul

We must keep our eyes open to whatever whenever.

These are Trying times... but they will fail...

Hum,anity is wide awake and so are you and so am I.

Bless you.


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don't trust rumors.

if we're speculating: no source, just a hunch re: timing

Sunday, 2nd of October?!

posting in hopes that day passes w/out a major awful event

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