Great garden y'all! When do you find time to write? A very complete post to digest, thanks. We could all sit down and read "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", "The Diary of Ann Frank", or "The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements", by Eric Hoffer. All would make excellent companions as we decide how to handle the next crisis.

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I try to keep those historical lessons where we can think about them.

We're in the crisis, and I think we will be for a long time, those of us who survive...

(Thanks, that's the intimate-garden at our Austin duplex)

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Really awesome. I dredge up memories from these books frequently as we morph from crisis to crisis. Keep the faith.

We just restarted our garden in Tennessee after the freezes. Cheers!

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Thanks for all the good news 🥴. The one that caught my eye most was the NATO & France using depleted uranium weapons on Ukrainian soil. Again, as the widow of the only radiologist I've known who supported Nukewatch for years, and was on public record speaking out against depleted uranium used in Iraq, I am struck by how UNloving that is for the Ukrainian people, putting the lie to all the crap about "standing with Ukraine."

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"Standing with Ukraine" is like "supporting our troops overseas", isn't it?

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You write from the heart, and my heart responds... I think about these things, too. It's good that you take the time to write these thoughts down and remind us of these questions and observations and conundrums... I believe that there is a sort of growing hysteria among the planners of this globalist agenda, and among the complicit. They surely must feel, as some of us do, that things are not going to go as per the schedule. And I think that if we, keeping our heads, keeping our cool, continue to stand up and say "NO!" loudly but without too much emotion, we will see the little sprouts of our garden begin to poke out of the soil, to use a metaphor that fits your photo... The beginning of New Life... Don't FIGHT the evil, work around it!!! It just keeps coming back to me, every single day. HUGS TO YOU! ^_^

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God bless you, Sister.

May it be as you have said.


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^_^ Thanks! I hope so, too!

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Big props to Hungary and Slovakia for saying no to a policy that world put them into poverty just for the stupid glory of the globalist corporate states.

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Let's ALL of us do this! Maybe this next bit of time is when the Nasties try to hammer us, and WE learn to turn to each other, use our creativity and compassion, and start to heal our brokenness. The start of something OLD... Love! Health! Joy!

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Thanks John, much to think about, too much in the air. I see a last summer of freedom [because even 'they' want their vacations as we see every year here in Greece: 'they' even stop spraying from June 1 to 3rd week August....btw 3rd week August indicates that 'they' live in NW EU] and then the boom will drop. The 'west' is being isolated from the rest of humanity via sanctions and diplomacy refusal - we are progressively captive in a new western cauldron, to use war terminology.

The decisions for the EU are so crazy that only crazy people think its ok, a sign of hope. Also the oil & gas sanctions are already breaking down. Third, Ukraine narrative is breaking down. Fourth, Vaxx narrative breaking down. The narratives hold better in NW Europe and more or less not at all in S and E Europe...on the down side this makes us ripe for a false flag of giant proportions, on the upside a vast population who understand what is happening.

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Thanks Eleni,


Outcomes are not tracking "the plan" very well, so DOUBLE-DOWN and SPEED-UP!

I do think there are a lot of skins to this onion, and I can't pretend to predict anything with accuracy past the "plan" going badly. Unfortunately, my life support system is controlled by the same "owners" who are pushing the plan. Fortunately, i can make some limited provisions for a bit into the near future.

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I think probably in 2022 the tough adult therapist speaking to the adult child of the permissive culture likely would not entitle his book as did Wilhelm Reich. Nor would a publisher let them. Folks in his era were not as sensitive. Today probably with foil on the cover and flowers the paperback book by the tough therapist would be Listen Dude: Love, Grow And Win.

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Time to revisit the famous book by Wilhem Reich-"Listen, Little Man." A little man does not know he is little and is afraid to know. He hides his pettiness and narrowness behind illusions of strength and greatness, someone else's strength and greatness. He's proud of his great generals but not of himself. He admires an idea he has not had, not one he has had.

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Nobody says "listen little man".

To get acceptance and buy-in, the words, "I so admire your strong and principled position", work much better, right?

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