Ellen Brown and Martin Armstrong suggest that we just print the money instead of borrowing it...That's been tried, by Germany and Zimbabwe, with very bad results, because it removes any kind of incentive for fiscal discipline...And the US would still be on the hook for 36 trillion+, but the anticipation of hyperinflation would cause US bonds to plummet in value, and people to dump dollars for anything tangible....

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There is more to what Ellen says, but there is the legal concept of "Odious Debt", which applies to unjust debts incurred upon a nation from above, generally through corrupt leaders and outside arrangements.

Whether just or unjust, the vast siphoning-off of national production to financial elites is harmful to society. Retirements do need to be provided.

How to structure the default for the minimum harm and maximal benefit, "justice" to society is the political question to consider.

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The US has defaulted several times before, but not on this scale...but if DOGE could get rid of enough deadwood, get illegals off welfare and Medicaid, cut the Pentagon back 90% (closing 800 bases abroad would be a start), the US would eliminate the deficit which would lend credibility to the dollar and debt problem...And there is much much more...

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Dec 12Edited

I do believe that you just called illegal immigrants deadwood, and with a straight face, and in service of your political bargaining with Collapse. Even though they're probably more productive than you on average. What you are proposing will just cause what you are seeking to avoid.

MAGAMAHA policy will collapse neoliberalism such that the neoliberal Elites can make their disappearing act. It wasn't me! MAGAMAHA can dispute that all they want but it happened on their watch: a political case of careful what you wish for. DOGE is a wrecking ball first and only a trash compactor second.

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I think "deadwood" and "getting illegals off welfare and Medicaid" were separate intentions.

But is true that working illegals are pulling the Texas economy these days, not like when I was young and could work those kinds of jobs. It is not realistic that their families be excluded from welfare benefits when they are pulling the productive-economy and making low wages.

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Appreciate that boss. Merit in is this case is getting your nanny state services if youre pulling your entry-level weight. Dont matter whether you were born in the usaco prison, entered through the gate, or climbed that fuckin fence like a real man lol

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Structuring the default to "work" as other than a default was what FDR & Nixon both did...

Eliminating the additional borrowing, and re-valuing the $US to what the US can export is necessary, however that can be done, with the minimum of harm...

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The Treasury does not issue currency. The Fed issues currency and the Fed is collateral constrained. It can't make unsecured loans (print money) because it is the lender of last resort. If it did there would be a systemic banking crisis (bank runs leading to capital controls).

The dollar will deflate, not hyperinflate, because the Elites are savers. Rich people are savers. Savers benefit from deflation.

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We shall see... What needs to happen is that "assets" held by corporate "persons" and typically the ultra-wealthy, need to stop paying out more than a trickle, while "assets" necessary for the livelihoods of retired and disabled people should support them in life.

This is the opposite of the desires of the ultra-wealthy, who have the system stacked for their support, killing other claimants upon real-wealth as "necessary".

However, that does not hold societies together, and without a coherent society and political economy, there is really not actual wealth, except stored commodities, which run out.

This is the difficulty, and where actually-skilled politicians can negotiate something other than complete collapse.

Wishing us "luck".

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The asset system, though. is all that there is in civilization.

Assets are the original gangster DEI platform. All subsequent politics are just marketing ploys. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: a Rorschach test with a Kuleshov effect. Hey why not?

An asset is an asset is an asset. Everyone gets a piece of the Magic Surplus pie - the great Something For Nothing. The Elites' straining portfolios that runneth over with performing assets do so because they got more of em, in order to paper over their non-performing, non-DEI, liabilities: age and age-related disability.

Something's gotta give. Just look at all the people in their prime who have taken over MAGAMAHA.

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All financial-asset values go to zero when society collapses, though.

There is lower-hanging fruit to bring down, the silly DEI stuff, and cutting unproductive departments, bureaucratic red-tape, and "workers" who have negative net value.

The actual elites need to actually negotiate, too, though, or their intransigence will hurt them worse than their cooperation.

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Dec 12Edited

Going to zero is what deflation seeks to avoid, for a couple years longer. Hyperinflation is going to zero: going to the moon numbers wise but going to zero asset wise. Deflation is the inverse. Less equals more when you're hungry enough: a whole lot more than nothing.

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I think it will take special tricks, like FDR and Nixon pulled.

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"I hope this is really investigated as a carcinogen, amongst other harms. In the Trump Administration Crosshairs: Cell Phone Radiation" I hope so too! Cell phones and all sources of wireless radiation.

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Then smartmeters equal houston we have a problem. tHat would be the dark beauty of an high alt emp false flag

- triaging electricity for the nuclear power infra7tructure and other hardened critical assets

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Good luck with the banana experiment Dr.J, Jack Frost is a mischievous devil.

Misinformation expert! There's that word again "expert" seems more and more anyone calling themselves expert are only expert at lining their wallets.

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The climate-zone 6-7 freeze once each winter in climate zone 9 began with Biden. Maybe it will end with Biden. We'll see. Namwah bananas are somewhat cold-hardy.

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Syria, the latest victim of Israel's Yinon Plan: break all the neighbouring

states up into statelets- full of competing (Moslem) groups endlessly bitching,

fighting, (too distracted to bother Israel) -proof "See ! They're not civilised !"

Meanwhile, grabbing some choice territory for lebensraum for the expanding

Greater Israel (Israel 'has no actual declared borders' )...

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"Eretz Israel" is a montage of all the areas that were ever "land-of-Israel" in antiquity.

I think "Ersatz Israel" may be a better name for this modern construct.

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Given the oil-powered noose of international finance capitalism around the neck of trad german culture at the time, and against the still-recent backdrop of bismark's german borders, lebensraum had legitimate meaning. Applying that german idea to israeli imperialism is a gross misappropriation based on holocaust propaganda.

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