6 hrs agoLiked by John Day MD

I’m a health stacker too… carrots, celery, apples, mandarins, avocados.

Fresh food is best, though I do like good cheese and crackers and yogurt

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I can’t seem to find any reasonable explanation as to why after 2.5 years of war the West all of the sudden decided to supply Ukraine with long range ballistic missals…

I’m pretty sure this has nothing to Iran’s attack on Israel in April 2024.Iran told everyone but Santa Clause when, how and what weapons they are going to use and Israel with the help of everyone with the most sophisticated and expensive “iron shield” still got hit with Russia supplied weapons and technology to ovoid interception…lol

The game of.chess continues to be played by the ‘Big Boys” with guns…

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The west has been incrementally pushing more advanced weapons to Ukraine and concluding that Russia only bluffs. History teaches otherwise.

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You know the West sells more weapons to Russia than China does, right?

Even after the official embargo…


It’s all schmaltz for the naive… a theatrical display…

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by John Day MD

Is it ‘irresponsible’ to threaten a first strike (at any time and w/o any provocation) with a second (fuck you!) return strike? Sounds MAD-) I wonder if nato thinks the USSR flinched first in the Cuban missile crisis forgetting we didn’t know the sub had a nuclear weapon? Which side was the adult in the room and which was intoxicated with the fantasy of great wealth while fatally ignorant of the, literally, grave consequences? Fools! Then and now.

There are Nationalists who “see” conflicting L><R Parties while some “see” a uni<>Party.

There are Globalists who “see” conflicting Nation States and some who . . . don’t? What if all of the above suffer from a form of Geo-centrism? Maybe we should look outside the . . . sphere? Must the course of human events always (as in every-single-tine) be good for them (the 0 .01%) and bad, or worse, for the rest of us? At what point do we evolve into Terra-ists? Will Earth ever Stand Still for a Day? What would Alice do if the rabbit hole turned into a black hole?

Just wondering . .

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Compassion is the most important thing that is missing from a lot of people at the levers of power, and it's a fairly simple thing, but they are the apex-predatory sub-species. It's what they like to do.

We have to demonstrate a better operating system.

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Just as plants evolved before animals, herbivore (sapiens) evolved before carnivorous (sapiens).

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"Eat Or Be Eaten", Iggy Pop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5uB9OM5c6Y

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The rationale behind 1st strikes, going all the way back to the '60s, is that America would lose on 20-30 million people, which the Pentagon considered acceptable...These psychos don't want to understand that much larger numbers would die of starvation or fallout, and that nuclear submarines can't be first striked....

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But they would be ABSOLUTE WINNERS.


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Quit spreadin' more BS lies, please! Nukes are just another of Baalzeebubian jew Fearmongering, Fearporn, lie, like imaginary, un-seen, isolated viruses or asteroids, and meteors, from fake/gay space! Wakey² Sheeples! https://open.substack.com/pub/merrick1/p/nasa-to-decieve-in-the-hebrew-dictionary?r=1hywhr&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webb

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You are a flatearther?

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Who woulda thunk?

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You good you …

Maybe viruses are also flat and that’s why you can’t see them? ;-)

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