I reject secrecy.

The act of secrecy is betrayal.

Also there is no debate when the outcome is already made behind the curtain.

This is an open letter everyone should sent to any and all politicians.


I disavow object refuse and reject any and all Governments their laws and actions.

I disavow each and every politician to be a representative of we the people.

I hereby declare the Government and politicians are without mandate of we the people acting on behalf of the enemies of we the people which is a crime under the Law.

The war in Ukraine must end NOW.

Ukraine must accept defeat and the condition Russia presents.

NATO must retreat from any border state bordering Russia.

The war in Israel must end NOW.

All ties with Israel must be cut NOW.

All financial support with Israel must stop now.

All Governments must be audited and all Information made publicly available unredacted.

This includes all CIA Operations and all black budget Operations.

And of course the Epstein Client list in full.

All the secret Videos of Epstein & Epstein Island.

All the Videos confiscated in Washington DC on 9/11 2001.

All Military must stand down and return to port.

All Police and Military must stand down in support of we the people until all traitors are imprisoned and punished.

All Politicians should be under house arrest until this conflict is solved.


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The conditions have reawakened the need, indeed the necessity for the dissolution of this tyrannical government that on every turn has systematically destroyed the Bill of Rights.

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It takes a while to build institutions, so let's try to get rid of the worst offenders and deal with a whole lot of damage, already done, and about to hit.

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It takes hundred years to grow an oak tree.

It takes a second to nuke it away.

These institutions are the cancer designed to protect the worst individuals.

It is called Khakistocracy... with the outcome already known before the election.

There is no truth... it is all build on lies.

We cannot start rebuilding if we allow this charade to go on.

We know what they want...ww3.

If this isn't a crime I ask you what is?

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It is many crimes, but laws and constitutions are not to blame, rather their perversion by dishonest traitors, serving Globo-cap, Satan, etc.

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Here is a question...

On which ground is the Law based?

As a Humanitarian and free speech abolitionist I say that many laws contradict the laws before and are not upheld by those who make laws.

Less is more.

In Germany there was a law introduced that every citizen has the right and power and duty to resist any Government shall the Government abandon Democratic Values (GG 20 /4)

Yet the Government nor the Judges accept this law.

I say rip it all up.

The law is as worthless as the paper and as the politicians.

It is meaningless.

The system is fraud and you know it...

Rip it up... and start from scratch.

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Laws in different settings have different histories of their basis and codification. The example you give is a "good" law, difficult to follow within a hierarchical power structure on a limited budget.

On a low budget you threaten, then rob and/or beat people who disobey you.

There has to be a broadly accepted system of right and wrong, because there are criminals among us.

It needs to be funded and monitored by society better, but that money is going elsewhere, to parasites, it seems.

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I used to walk by the site of the long gone but immortalized Charter Oak Tree almost every week. The Connecticut Charter is an astounding document and like our Constitution, the British Crown wants no lands under self governance or a Bill of Rights.

King Chuckles III, like King George III, needs to be challenged and destroyed for the evil shit he is. He and his Royal Institute of International Affairs and it's offshoot, the Council of Foreign Relations screwing with our


Traitors need trials and sentencing, harsh sentencing. Presidents former and present not excluded.

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King Chuck-3 purportedly has turbo-cancer from the shots.

His Sister, Princess Anne, is seemingly the best royal, more like her Mom, and is helping out with various duties.

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Education is the Key.

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In 1649, King Charles (Chuckles) I was taken to the block and beheaded.

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Better or worse death than cancer?


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That's why I wrote this.

All Governments... everywhere.. must be dissolved for the reasons stated in my post loud and clearly.

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I do not fully agree. Having a social compact based on the Subsidarity Principle to me is important. Otherwise are you good to hand over the reins to the BIS, WEF, WHO, Banksters, etc. Etc.?

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Yes, but I'm watching things unfold in the world we actually inhabit.

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It's hard to complain about the media criticism of Biden's "performance" at the "debate". But WTF was the DNC doing to counter the criticisms? Waiting how many hours? Not strategic.

The DNC has proved to be inept, it not senile, in its approach to finding a suitable candidate. Waiting to the last minute is BAD.

Please God, Not Newsome!! Not Harris.

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It is a difficult spot for the criminal cabal, and they seem to be in some disagreement about what to do. they may have several computer models that don't agree, and No Natural Leader For These Times.

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They want a Natural Leader without having done anything to develop one.

I am reminded of the 1972 film "The Candidate".

Calling them the "criminal cabal" seems easy, and relevant.

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Susan - looking from the outside, from a country no more democratic than yours (I am from UK), I would say that your system can't react quickly because the two Uniparties have been bought by the 1% and so the 1% get to call the shots. So the DNC has to talk to the bigshots before they can decide what to do.

What you (and indeed my country's citizens) need to think about is this:

1. What is the total taxes paid by Americans over a 4 year cycle? My estimate is that it's not far off $10trn.

2. What does it cost to buy and election? I'd say a few hundred billion.

So the 0.1% that spend 3% or less of the total taxes raised during a 4 year cycle get to choose what the 99.9% get to choose between.

That doesn't seem very democratic to me and it is a function of allowing huge donations by individuals, which always leads to them buying policies or, as a Trades Union, buying a President.

If you want change, you have to change your entire system of picking Presidents, Senators and Congressfolk. You have to change the rules concerning political donations and political lobbying. And you have to wake up to the fact that it's not Russia interfering with your elections, it's Israel.

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I really appreciate your comments.

Given the way that Congress "works", I doubt it can change the rules about political donations and lobbying. Even if it wanted to, which I also doubt.

I'm inclined to agree with you about Israel interfering in our elections. Accusing Russia is just bear-baiting.

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"far-left media outlets like Time Magazine and Politico"

That sort of idiocy is what makes me click away from many right-wing websites. I love the English language and I'm sick of it being butchered and misused by people who don't bother to understand what they are saying. There is nothing "far-left" about either Time or Politico; they are middle-of-the-road publications quite accepting of U.S. capitalism, militarism, and imperialism.

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It's a clickbait and pandering world in the media these days.

Glad I don't have to make a living at it.

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And I have to say I have little sympathy with people who fall for government smears, of any stripe!

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Sympathy is cheap, though, and we all need it sometimes. It can build friendships.

It brings this song to mind, a separate issue, not to support the point I just made:


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Oh jeezums, Mick Jagger, the man with a half-life similar to plutonium. I remember Mackenzie Phillips talking about him essentially raping her on the kitchen floor when she turned 16. Sorry, not ever a Stones fan. My apologies!

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It just came to mind from "Sympathy"

No offense intended.


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' There’s a good chance that means betting against the dollar… just like speculators bet against the pound three decades ago. And that would ultimately reduce the value of the dollar, increase inflation, and trigger a new ‘Bretton Woods’ agreement in which the US dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency.

​ George Soros became known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England”.​ '

I remember asking a question back at business school, asking if Bretton Woods needed upgrading. It induced a shockwave of 'whoah!!!' around the room, but it seems a quarter of a century on that the crisis is getting big enough to see it now as on the table.

The thing with the dollar being the reserve currency is this: so long as it is, America can export its inflation so that it is higher in greater parts of the globe, but not turning into hyperinflation in just the USA.

As more and more countries dedollarise and join BRICS, the ability of the USA to export its inflation will diminish and that will bring its crazy money printing fiascos into ever starker relief.

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BRICS is going to be so deflationary, and also so efficient, with much less parasitic-extraction.

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You asked for ideas who they pick for VP. From what I have heard, Michelle Obama has followed the path of Barak prior to his presidency with autobiographies and such. While that is true, people who know her also say she is not interested in public office, and she reportedly hated being in the White House. So that might not work. Still, if they keep Biden on the ballot, it also has Harris. At some point, Biden drops out, but Harris remains, picks the person the Dems really want to run for president as her VP and, after the election assuming they win, Harris drops out due to some deal or, if Michelle remains VP, Barak advises Harris and Michelle gets to stay out of the White House while serving the Dems. This avoids the issue of states that won't allow ballot updates: everyone voting will know with Biden gone, it's Michelle and Harris. For this, Harris promises to give the Biden family all pardons for "the good of the country so we can more forward" at the end of her 2025 presidency. LOL.

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It is a mess. I have long said that Michelle would work best for them, be electable, and give Barack a 4th term, as he is reported to be managing Joe's "decisions".

It is easy to understand Michelle Obama not wanting to swim in the toxic sewage more than she must already.

The rest of the world assumes Trump will get in, or even Kennedy, who is very similar in most of his reasoning, though not personality.

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Yes, indeed. I believe every possible action against Trump will be taken even, sadly, to the extreme. I heard there is someone in congress who wants to pull Trump's secret service.

Hillary is clearly angling to get in, but IMO she may be considered too toxic by the Dems. I would love to see Kennedy as head of the FDA.

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Secretary of State, maybe...

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Well he sure would stop wars. He is the only one who has addressed the true history of the Ukraine mess--it is on substack if you haven't seen it.

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I love your blog and have a suggestion for making posts easier to follow. Can you put a few asterisks between each subject?


Thank you!

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I spend a lot of time trying to get the spaces right between stories. Substack does a lot of auto-formatting that I am always trying to fix at the end. I initially lay it out in email then transfer to my johndayblog.com and drjohnsblog.substack.com You would not believe how long I spend formatting each post, hours.

Substack has a good auto-formatting, but I wish I could lay things out better, with the spacings I want, not spacings everywhere that break up the stories with gaps, and also stick the stories together sometimes.

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Wow. Wrangling with layout and spacing should be the least of a writer's job on a writing platform!

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I am usually much more of a curator and editor.

I'm not shy to write, but curating current news seems like the right thing these days.

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And I appreciate it!

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