Egyptian woman BLASTS CNN reporter over SHAMEFUL coverage of Gaza and for falsifying the truth​ (Less than 2 minutes ​ofperfectly articulated truth.)

That's the definition of Rightous indignation! Right on lady. MSM, and ilk serve up nauseating reporting on most subjects. But their biased reporting from occupied Palistine sets a new world record for "How low can you go?"

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A remarkable round up Dr. Day - you are doing sterling work and I thank you.

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Thank You, Eleni.

Praise accepted.


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Thank you for this compilation. I was quite interested in the Christian population of Gaza, about whom no one else is writing. I was even more interested in Scott Ritter's comments about Hezbollah defeating Israel.

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Somewhat obscured by modern history, the near East littoral had become Christian both through early conversion, and under the Byzantine Empire. The Arab Conquest 634-751 AD changed this, however the arabs showed religious toleration towards those who did not convert - Christians, Monophysites, Hebrews, Zoroastrians etc. - instead classifying them as dhimmi (non-Muslims under Muslim rule). Under the Ottomans dhimmi status continued, further classified into religious and national filarets. Thus Christianity continued, while also some Christian-Muslim sects developed such as the Alawites, Bektashi, Druze...

Little known, Yasser Arafat was a Christian, as was Tariq Aziz, the remarkable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister under Saddam Hussein. It was also why there was religious peace in the "Middle East" until extremist terror groups were hatched and funded by US-UK-Israel during the 20th c and still in use today. The fanatic settlers of 'Israel' certainly qualfy too.

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Thank you for this information!

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I keep reading that the Mideast was a region of relative religious tolerance and peace for much of the last couple of thousand years, but it is not the "common knowledge" that people so-often repeat as mantra.


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"Defeat" and "victory" don't always mean the same things when spoken or written...

Israel thinks Israel always won, but Hezbollah, Egypt and many others, think otherwise.

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Gaza was the Philistine capital and an important port of the Mediterranean world during the Mycenean / Minoan periods which preceeded the catastrophes of 1200 BC. Gaza has continued to exist throughout the entire history of the Near East, under the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, the Arab Conquest (which is why all these countries speak arabic, while not being arabs), finally the English and has NEVER once ever belonged to'Israel'.

Jerusalem and Jericho were also important cities dating from the Mycenean / Minoan period. The Hebrew nomads claim them as theirs in their Torah, and people in the West believe this claim but (1) neither city was built by the Hebrews nor (2) in their possession for anything but extremely brief periods until the modern US / UK colony of 'Israel' was brought into self proclaimed existence by Ashkenazi jewish terrorism.

These simple facts should provide a different perspective.

I write from the east Mediterranean where modernity is considered to start circa 1000 AD :-))

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I can't help but notice the word "nazi' in Ashkenazi. It's really the irony of ironies. The pot calling the kettle black.

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Oct 22, 2023
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Oil became the fundamental fuel resource during WW-2.

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Oct 22, 2023Edited
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Britain went through peak-coal in WW-1, but really only the US had gone totally to oil by WW-2. Britain could not send coal to Italy after WW-1, so Italy had allied with Germany by WW-2.

During WW-2, military vehicles desperately needed oil, and the US was the biggest supplier.

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Oct 22, 2023Edited
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I do that job at the start of spring to stop the grass taking up the nitrogen and water from light spring rains. Allows the water to move further down the soil.

My animal proof enclosure around the apricots, cherries, jujube and grave to a back seat this Sunday to nursing a hang over I’m slightly ashamed to say.

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I do that grass-pulling-around-roots job several times a year, but this was a big one.

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you have my sympathies

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Jenny held the cages up so the skin on the backs of my hands did not get torn and bleed, as it usually does.


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Well I was cutting out a bottom section of mine (persimmon) to release a huge blue-tongued shingle back lizard just yesterday!

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I looked them up. Rather unattractive critters, they are...


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In the Scott Ritter section Scott refers of the "incursion" by Hamas into Israel - not "an invasion of", or "an attack on Israel" that all other commentary and reports claim...

Scott's "incursion" points to the way the choice of words is being deliberately employed to shape perceptions of the conflict...(Scott is the only poster i've read who mentions other 'militant' groups

were involved in the incursion...)...

Scott includes the warning "If they (Israelis) go into Gaza, they will be slaughtered by Hamas who has deliberately set this trap."

All the tunnels etc that exist under Gaza were built as defenses from which to fight against a possible invasion by IDF into Gaza...To claim they were "deliberately set to trap" rests on the assumption that Hamas' 7 October incursion was solely to provoke an invasion into Gaza by the IDF...

I accept Hamas' claim its aim was to capture as many IDF personnel as possible to use in exchange for Palestinians held in Israeli prisons...I accept Hamas considered their incursion might provoke an invasion, but still risked it, but i'm unwilling to accept the Hamas et al have a Death Wish...

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Fair enough. Ritter often states things to get the attention of a certain audience, which I am not quite. What I see from him and others is getting some people to listen to reason with the argument that invading Gaza is playing into the hands of Hamas. Gilbert Doctorow has done the same. I think it works a bit...

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Whether Ritter is working an angle or not regarding his interpretation of the Hamas motivation-- he is presenting something true to the Zionists who are different from the Jewish people actively working for restraint and calming -- this truth is that the Zionists may perish wholly in the maelstrom. This is an objective point based on the structure of the situation and overall military weakness of the Israeli forces and US. Beyond the moral questions, there are existential threats that must be faced. Netanyahu is quite mad unless the Jabs they took were blanks -- his government led them to be first in jabbing something completely unknown -- now leads them into such deadly peril with an only ally who is controlled by NWO mad folks -- Joe and the NWO have literally castrated the US. We are facing serious war fighters in Turkey and Iran and so many other countries that have been absolutely devastated by our foreign policy for decades. This is not a battle for anyone to engage as a pragmatic matter of survival. WTF -- are the goofs of the Congress completely psycho? You know something is going on when even some of the worst of the media are actually trying to put a break on -- like maybe the slimy press realize the US invasion by millions of military age men could have repercussions on their eminent little selves! My prayer is for all to find sanity and seek for the Love of Truth with their Creator to counter strong delusion. Great reporting DrJohn. 💜

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This "Crisis" that never was a crisis but an act of deliberate evil by Jewish Nazis...

We all must stand up and raise our voices.

I am German.

These people (Jews / Israel) are worse than the Nazis ever were.

They must be stopped now.

All Zionists removed from power.

All Aid to Israel stopped.

This is Project Omega.

This is a deliberate Attempt to size world Power by the Jews.


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