Thank you for the collection of news stories, They are NOT present in the "newspapers" I read online.

The longer this horror goes on, the worse I think of the UN, Biden, the UK. Israel comits war crimes and we cheer. WTF?

I've been reading Chris Hedges, who has at least twice reported on the ongoing murder of children in Gaza. Here are my comments to him:

Sir, You have to stop writing about the people in Gaza, in particular the children. I can’t take it any more. I weep all the time.

It’s not emough that Israel has become anathema. So too has America. How can we be anything else when we encourage Israel to slaughter the people who occupied the land that Israel now claims for its exclusive use? Israelis have turned themselves into the Nazis of the Middle East. And we support and defend them. What does that make us? Why are we not trying Netanyahu for war crimes?

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“Sir, You have to stop writing about the people in Gaza, in particular the children. I can’t take it any more. I weep all the time.”

So unbearably sad. Seeing/feeling the relief of the father (I’m guessing), when his toddler was pulled out of the rubble, it makes me think about all the children who weren’t so lucky, and the heartache of all the parents who have lost a child. I’m sure there is no greater pain.

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Dear Lord, deliver us from evil. I pray all day, every day & continue to do what I can thru God's Amazing Grace ...

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That video of Palestinians saving a child from rubble should be forced onto all Zionist apologists that wish to work in the media, in politics.

It shows them up for the total liars that they are.

What's more, why are they not calling for all Israelis to be held collectively responsible for the genocide? That's what the Jews demanded of the German people in 1945. Now it's time for Arabs to demand it of Jews in 2023/24.

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Careful not to "become your enemy", Mate! :-D

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Do you have proof of all these heinous acts being committed were done by Israel??? I don't believe everything that I read, hear or even think I see these days and neither should you or anyone else.

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So, Ms Baker, there is a real person behind the interrogator's harsh, confrontational demeanor. I'm sorry I couldn't see it earlier with your rhetorical spotlight shining in my face.

There is asking questions, and then there is asking questions. If you choose to ask questions in the provocative fashion that you employed against Dr. John earlier, then you are bound to rub other people up the wrong way?

Synonyms for TIDBITS: bits, goodies, treats, delicacies, dainties, cates, viands, delectables, candies, morsels. (Source: Merriam Webster)

I don't see "Man loses over 20 relatives to a bomb attack on their home in the middle of the night as a tidbit. If they need a culinary label, might I suggest a punch puran, smorgasbord, potpourri, salmagundi, or hodge-podge? But a simple assortment or collection of stories or anecdotes would cover them nicely.

Snippets would have been less inappropriate than tidbits because snippets are merely parts of larger wholes, while tidbits in the context of news articles are commonly included as supplementary information to provide a broader perspective or offer a more comprehensive understanding of the subject, which is the opposite of what these stories are.

Moreover, tidbits often serve as attention-grabbing elements or provide a lighter, more entertaining aspect to balance out the seriousness of the main news content. Say what you want about losing 21 relatives overnight to a bomb, there's absolutely nothing lighthearted about that.

In your aesthetic judgment, they are not full-fledged journalistic pieces, not that anybody claimed they were. But if they were, they would be appearing in a fully-fledged journal such as Vanity Fair or The New Yorker.

I'm not going to answer any more of your questions without a lawyer present! And I'm not going to explore your motives or speculate in public about how you like to get your jollies because that could be construed as cyberbullying or harassment. And I'm not going to bring deities into this okonomiyake of half-baked innuendo and psychobabble.

Good luck to you too madame. I hope you will not need it.

With my most sincere regards and respect,

I remain yours, etc., etc.


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I am sorry Mr. Groves that you feel that way and felt the need to respond so. I am also sorry I used a word that so greatly offended you. Truly. I am sorry I let my own ego and subsequent anger override my judgement. That was wrong. We are both wrong. Sadly, we are an example of what is wrong with us humans. Don't you think? I offer, humbly my apology and will accept whatever criticism you continue to have for my behavior.

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Dear Pam, please don't rebuke yourself. My ego got the better of me. I should have been more restrained and less confrontational. Dr. John is not a Buddha, but I believe he is as enlightened as it is possible to be in our time and still write a Substack. By comparison, my emotional responses are a lot less mature sometimes.

I don't believe I was offended by your comments, but I felt that the tone of your questioning of Dr. John was excessively critical, and at the same time I didn't expect he would defend himself, so I took it upon myself to defend him by attacking you. At the time, I considered that you might be what is known as a Hasbara Troll, although certainly not a Hezbollah Troll, or that you might be a bot. I don't think Habara Trolls or bots are necessarily bad people, but they have a job to do and there is a war on. But in view of your latest comment, I am now assuming that you are "an innocent civilian" caught in the crossfire, so to speak.

Most humans are natural psychologists, forever analyzing each other for "tidbits" of information about who the other person is and how are they thinking. At an online forum where our only means of communicating is the written word or the emoji, we don't get enough information to be able to judge the other person well—but we make such judgements all the same, and we revise them according to the other person's behavior. It's only natural that we get this wrong, and often badly wrong, even more than we do in direct contact "real world" situations.

Now that I consider you as an ordinary person with feelings that can be hurt and thoughts that deserve respect, I feel I've done you an injustice. Probably, most of the time there is never ONLY ONE BAD commentator. Usually, people have to collaborate with each other to keep conflicts going. But I played my part, and overplayed it. So I have to apologize to you sincerely for that.

Why did Dr. John post this story about the man who lost so many relatives to an air raid? Perhaps because it deeply saddened him, as it saddened me? And perhaps also because he thought it wouldn't have been published very prominently in the mainstream media in the West? I don't know. But I did a quick Google search and discovered that this story and several others have appeared in the US and world media.

Prominently, the BBC reports that a 36-year-old father lost eleven family members in one blast, CBS reports that a Palestinian man in Denver lost 26 relatives to Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, and CNN reports that a Palestinian American family is mourning 42 relatives killed in a single day in Gaza.

I don't actually know the truth of any of these reports, as any of them could be war propaganda, and I can't investigate them all personally. But I accept them provisionally, while baring in mind that I initially accepted the 1991 "Kuwaiti premature babies being thrown out of their incubators" story . And when I read them, although I try to remain centered, calm and composed, I am greatly troubled by these stories. I try not to condemn anybody—as I don't feel have the moral right to judge—but I can't help but condemn the brutal wholesale killing of civilians, if that is what's happening.

I watched this short video of Ayn Rand speaking in 1979 about the Palestinians and found it very informative.


She described them in the following terms: "if you mean whose side should one be on, Israel or the Arabs, I would certainly say Israel because thank because it's the advanced technological civilized country amidst a group of almost totally primitive savages who have not changed for years and who are racist and who resent Israel because it's bringing industry and intelligence in modern technology into their stagnation."

When questioned critically about her characterization, she replied: "No I don't resort to terrorism. I don't go around murdering my opponents' innocent women and children. That is what I have against the Arabs that takes the conflict out of the sphere of civilized conflicts and makes it murderous, and anyone, private citizens, who resort to force is a monster, and that's what makes me condemn and despise them."

According to Ayn Rand, if a group murders its opponents' innocent women and children, they are monsters who deserve to be condemned and despised. While I don't feel I have the right to condemn or despise, I feel strongly that I have the duty not to support or condone the mass murder of civilians.

Over ten years ago, I lost an old friend due to differences of opinion about the Israel-Palestine conflict. He's a Swedish man, now over 70 and living here in Japan, and we've known each other for 40 years. He was always strongly anti-American, blaming US foreign policy for most of the evils in the world, and he hated cars, and nuclear power plants, and Christianity. His sister was (and maybe still is) a rector at a church and he thought her hypocritical.

With a CV like that, you would have expected him to be pro-Palestine. But no, he was as rabidly anti-Palestine as Ayn Rand was, and he was filled with grief at "all the hatred of Israel." I could see his point, and sympathize to some extent. People love to pick sides and cheer and boo as if they were watching a sports match.

But our falling out came because a few yeas earlier in 2004, the Israelis assassinated the Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Hassan Yassin. My friend thought this was justified because Yassin was a hate preacher radicalizing young Palestinians to become terrorists. I thought it was unjustified because (a) Yassin was blind, old and crippled, and (b) killing him was counterproductive. So we ranted at each other and neither of us has had the courage or the energy to try to make up.

So, this time around, I have decided there is no point in me getting angry with anybody or arguing with them over the rights and wrongs of this conflict. But I still feel the need to condemn the slaughter of innocents by whoever is doing it.

I'll close with a quotation from Howard Zinn, which I think is quite apt:

“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”

This is an abridged quote from his 1986 essay, “Terrorism Over Tripoli”, decrying the U.S. bombing of Libya to retaliate for the bombing of a West Berlin discotheque.

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Domo Arigato Gozaimashita, Groves Sama.

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So, are you saying that Hamas is the victim here or maybe residents of the Gaza strip? Or are you just offering the "other side" of the situation? What is your purpose here? It appears to be just a collection of tidbits. Is this your philosophy? Did I miss something in this long list of tidbits? Very confusing what you are trying to get across.

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This is the result of another long period of trying to find out what is happening in our human world. We are entering another world war by appearances, and history rhymes, so each cycle is different.

There are people who are living in compassion, and people who are living without compassion, and people living in hate.

This is part of an analysis, and this information is food for thoughts.

What I am doing here is a service, meant to help those who see it as useful. I look for information which reveals threats to myself, my group, life in general, and also look for information which might help people survive bad times.

I hope you might find my efforts to be of use.

Have you ever known the feeling of helping save a life that was in the balance, from trauma, or other immediate threat of death?

If you have, then the video at the top looks different to you, than if you have not had that experience.

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(edited for grammar)

Thank you, Dr. Day, for giving some context for your post. I am always intrigued by your eloquent writings. I apologize to you for offending your readers by the use of the word "tidbits".

Your comment: "There are people who are living in compassion, and people who are living without compassion, and people living in hate." makes me sad. Compassion or absence of, or hate is not the sum total of the human existence. As you well know.

I do know, Dr. Day what it is like to not only help save a life or lives from "trauma or other immediate threat of death", but to actually save them from death sir. Or save them from pain or loneliness, disability, despair and hunger. I also was there for countless numbers of those with no friends or family while they breathed their last on this planet, in this existence. I have held the desperate gaze of so many looking for help while I tended them. I have suffered the soul wrenching anguish of being useless while a precious life slipped away. There isn't much one can do when the aorta ruptures except be there and share your soul with them. And that anguish doesn't really go away. It changes you and humbles you forever. I am a Registered Nurse of 35 years. I also served 13 years in the service of the U.S. Army Medical Corps and the U.S. Army Nurse Corps. I have held countless hands and soothed brows, praying and caring for people; those being the more appropriate things I can write in a comment section. The things that I will not write would make the average, non-medical person vomit or pass out. Again, as you well know.

I have had to say hard things to patients and family members and to other nurses and doctors. I have cleaned up the result of many of my fellow human's worst actions and more importantly, witnessed the light of God.

I asked questions because to form an opinion with unanswered questions is foolhardy. And I see that reason doesn't always follow compassion as demonstrated by some of your readers.

Again, my apologies for triggering some of your readers and for allowing my anger to overcome my judgement. I would edit or remove the comment, but I believe in being responsible for my actions. I will take the criticism and I will pray for them and myself and indeed the world.

I will leave you with this as he said it so well:

"I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." President Abraham Lincoln 1861

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Thank You, Sister. We know the same path and serve the same master.

I hope that we can all pull together in these times which we have entered.

"Pam", as I now see below. :-)

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It's a collection of news stories that are not present in most mainstream "newspapers."

Susan J. gets this, as does Susan P. But you don't seem get it.

So you embark on an interrogation. And what others interpret as news stories, you interpret as tidbits.

A young man losing 21 members of his family, including Ahmed’s father, two brothers, three sisters and 14 nieces and nephews to a night-time air raid on their home is a tidbit, as far as you're concerned.

I'm not going to interrogate you, or to make any further comment on your motives, your philosophy, your mentality, or your humanity. Your comment above tells me all I need to know.

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So Mr. Groves, is it a crime to ask questions when something presented is confusing? I was asking Dr. Day if I missed something in his purpose. And quite honestly, I struggled with the word to use to describe these short accounts of personal experiences. Do you have a better name? They are not full-fledged journalistic pieces. Some are anecdotal conveyances of experiences. Some have traditional news formats. Just a confusing list. Not questioning the stories themself, in case you didn't notice. The word "snippets" seemed far too trivial, "scenarios" wasn't correct, as were so many other words. It is a hodgepodge of stories. I made no reference as to the validity or moral ethos.

But it is truly bizarre that you would take the time to jump up my ass for asking questions? Why? Did I insult you in some way? Did I hurt your feelings or malign your integrity? (oops, is that too many questions to ask? Do you feel like I am interrogating you?) I think not. I think you like to get your jollies virtue signaling.

I am sure you will not deign to respond as you know all there is to know about me and the person I am. Indeed sir, you must be on the right hand of God in your prowess. Good luck to you sir. You will need it.

Respectfully, or as best as I can be considering the person you think I am,

Pam Baker

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I am reminded of the title of the Firesign Theater album,

"We're All Bozos On This Bus". ;-D

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Very well said.

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I imagine you fell out of the wrong side of your cot this morning and couldn't find your rattle or your pacifier. So in your rage you are throwing fruit at any adult within range.

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Nov 12, 2023
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Charmed, I'm sure. I bet you think this blog is about you. Don't you? Don't you?

It's a distinct pleasure to get a message from you, Reante. I've always liked you—even if you can be an obnoxious pest at times, you old <insert preferred Australianism or Red Dwarf expletive here>!

And by the way, I never asked Gail to ban you or to censor any of your comments. You do have a sharp edge to your sarcasm though, and some people more sensitive than I can get badly cut by it. So I can see why she deleted some of your comments. She's deleted plenty of mine and I've never complained. I figured, if Gail doesn't think they are appropriate, it is a kindness for her to edit them out of existence. But you, with that huge inflatable ego of yours, apparently can't abide somebody else curbing the excesses of your freedom of speech that you are to undicsciplined to curb yourself.

I expect my existential crisis will last as long as my existence does, my old mate. But in this, I am far from unique. And at least I am more stable than I give myself credit for.

The no virus theory—that's one of your hobbyhorses, isn't it? I am certainly warming to it as a possibility. But unlike your good self, I remain not convinced either way. Perhaps you can help by pointing me at irrefutable proof? Can Dr. Fleming and Notorious GVB have got it so wrong? Is JJ Couey barking up the wrong tree by insisting that those microscopic nuisances actually exist and can hack cells to secure their reproduction? I have an inquiring mind and I'd like to know.

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This may shed a little light for you P.B. John reports the truth, speaks the truth and lives his life with integrity.

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When Israel let phone services return for a couple of days they called most of the phones repeatedly telling everybody to leave, human calls and robot calls, then they turned off the service again.

They have been shooting up hospitals with tanks today.

This is all war-crime, and as others observe, my home-country is complicit. I do not intend to be complacent. These waves of war travel, so it is even in self-interest to seek to extinguish them early and far-away.

There is more than that for me. I feel what is happening to people. I feel compassion, so I feel bad with them, though far away.

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Nov 12, 2023Edited
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Mass displacement of peoples is a war-crime, whatever specific means are employed.

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Nov 12, 2023
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Stacked and interdigitated war crimes by a nuclear-power in military-occupation...

It is a difficult situation for the world to deal with rationally.

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