Look at those NFL players' faces, they know. They're not stupid or uninformed. They know, and they're scared scared scared. And so is the military.

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Before I go on to read this, I saw "confirmation bias" and for the first time said to myself, so what is this, exactly ?

And a more comprehensible , long loved quote , came to mind:

"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. " Paul Simon, "The Boxer"

I see now that I had a "bias" before 2020. I considered all humans to be far more intelligent than the masters considered them. .

That was a surprise!!

Next time I want to have total bs believed, I'll wear a pristine white coat. Or are the "hats" enough now? The captivating caps of the patriarchy.... an amazing dream I had. Others are beginning to see this now. All you have to do is put it on the "inner". It goes right past obstructions that way..

Another mom taught me that, about getting through to a young male. "Put it on the inner" she advised me. "It works> "

She's right.

So, folks, what you want to see evolve,( tho I cannot see any evidence of "evolution"....unless I play the song backwards.).....put it on the inner.

Let me kn ow how that works, okay?

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Humans are social animals. We are strongly wired to conform, mostly, most of us, most of the time. As a kid in school I saw conformity as something I needed to look like I was doing enough to get left alone.

There, I've told you. You don't necessarily have to eat lunch around me, now that you know.

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You're gonna have to work hard to get 'left alone" here!!

Not quite. Astrology tells loads about personal orientations. Some are wired to go against the grain. Some are "different", and advised to enjoy being such.

Can't express the wealth there. The elites don't BREATHE

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...without knowing the sidereal astrology

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Heehee. Beautiful.

Suddenly, in second grade, a boy or two came to me in recess and said "the boys all want to say something to you. " Me? Mostly they didn't want me to try to play ball with them. The girls were boring, all that shitty gossip.

Anyway, I thought, Me? why? I'm not cute Susie LaFleur.

Well got to the fence where they were lined up strong on the other side, bout five of them, arms around the middle boy, and I was Informed, in these exact words (my first feminist lesson, 1958) .."You can't be the smartest one in the class. It has to be a boy. Him!!"

He was the smartest boy in the class, and had enough intelligence to hang his head and not look me in the eye.

so, you can blame the boys. they clued me in

My reaction? "Watch me".

I don't believe any of the boys in that class earned a sholarship..rare for a female at the time...to the Six Year Medical Program at Boston University. Don't recall any of them being there.....

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