Luckily Trump dodged that bullet or else we'd have an open insurrection state of scAmerica...

The sniper assassin on the roof was ignored because they really wanted to kill Victor Orban and the facial discogniton program malfunctioned tragically.

Dima reports the UkroNazies are heartbroken that Biden has now lost the pretendsodentcy....on his Military Summary channel, he says Trump will now be president of Ukraine, I think that is a mistake, possibly intentionally stated,

And most importantly he says the UkroNazies claim this assassin is one of their own assets and they got plenty more all round the world, certainly all around scAmerica....

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Author

The globalist-elites have opened a shooting-war against the nationalist-elites with an "own-goal", I think the nationalist-elites will counterstrike hard, and keep going.

Trump is bound to have the archetypal feel of actually LEADING an army in battle at this point.

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If I were RFK Jr. I wouldn’t want Secret Service anywhere near me… it’s beyond clear that they’ve been compromised by the deep state.

I know it’s very costly, but even if Kennedy is granted Secret Service protection, I hope he sticks with De Becker’s firm.

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Jul 14Liked by John Day MD

I have to disagree with your assessment of the shooting as a "professional hit". Unless there are more facts forthcoming to indicate otherwise, the incident instead at this point has the earmarks of a very poorly planned and executed attempt on the former president's life. Whether or not the security perimeter was inept or willfully sluggish in their detection and response is an entirely different matter.

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It is hard to find competent "professional suicide assassins".

This one was competent.

If Trump had not turned his head as the trigger was pulled, then gotten down, his brain would have been bug-splat.

Somebody delayed the order to take out the assassin, who was already in the Secret Service crosshairs, right?

This was necessarily coordinated, even if it did not quite succeed, and was instead an "own goal" for the globalist-elites, against the nationalist-elites.

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Jul 14Liked by John Day MD

I don't see nearly enough head movement by Trump to justify the rapidly growing contention that he inadvertently (or through divine intervention) escaped a fatal head wound. He doesn't even reposition his body in any significant way prior to the report of the gun or his reaction to the wound. There is simply not enough physical movement by President Trump to support that statement, especially if the shooter truly was only 50m away. I agree that there very well may have been organizations behind the incident, but the one video released so far, coupled with the drip of facts disclosed at this time, indicate to me that the shooter was sub-par, at best.

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The shooter was 130 meters away. There was some wind. Trump did turn his head. His ear was hit. It was a serious and nearly successful attempt, with security which allowed it to happen, then quickly killed the gunman. We will find out more about specific details, and we are bound to get some whopper lies, too.

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They are desperate...

Working on all fronts for WW3 is their pond of flesh...

Bloodlust and hate is their fuel.

And they hate Humanity for sure proven them to be inhumane...

Because there is now an intellectual resistance...

And sooner or later we must rise and remove these cancers from every position of power.


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Write people by mail and do take time to start conversations at random.

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Jul 16Liked by John Day MD

Again Dr John thank you 🙏🏼 for the amazing array of topics to dive into on your blog ... you gathering and sharing ... it’s the best « news outlet » and much appreciated I restack and share like crazy 😝 but I don’t understand why thousands don’t get it....you need to be read ‼️👏🏼👍🏼🥰

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Thank You, Psyche. I do what I can.

(The horse has to want-to drink...)

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Yeah, I think we are in general agreement, if we are merely arguing over the term 'racist' vs 'narcissist', I think we can get along peacefully lol)))

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The transparency of this Goliath approved take down of a political opponent is to let us all know that they are literally calling the shots.

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Yes, but it is an own-goal, so what does that "let the world know"?


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Dr John

If you asked most British citizens whether they would prefer a war with Russia or a war with the UK politicians, Civil Service, Security Services etc, they'd take the latter.

Right now we have the absolute disgusting reality of UK Labour MPs (women included) tallking about 'how terrible violence against politicians is'. They are curiously slient about how terrible the genocide against Palestinians is. From this, I have to conclude that they are simply racist. They think that their own lives are more valuable than those of Palestinians.

There is a real cognitive dissonance present amongst are non-leaders, allowing them to amplify the effects of relatively minor unpleasantness, whilst managing to completely downplay absolutely brutal mass murder.

I can't respect any public representative with those attitudes and that will mean that I will not be courteous to them if I ever have to address them directly.

The reason the salivatng warmongers go on genocidal jollies so regularly is that none of them ever get bumped off in punishment for having done so.

If they were, perhaps they would rule with greater responsibility????

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"Racist"? I think "narcissist" will do fine. It appears that the owners have been choosing as "leaders", a lot of narcissists that can readily lie with straight faces and never reconsider the rationality of their statements.

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Had to stop with the mention of that traitor from Hawaii. I would never vote for any ticket with her on it. She went willingly to an illegal unconstitutional undeclared war. She is a member of that British ensconced group interfering for decades in America's foreign policy, the Council of Foreign Relations. Not just no but hell no.

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I've been following Tulsi Gabbard since I was working in Hawaii in 2009, and I disagree with your assessment.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by John Day MD

I could have voted for Tulsi in 2020 (if the DNC hadn't cheated, again). But, i was suspicious of how she qualified her anti war statements by restricting her criticism to "wars for regime change". I'm against War. Period. And isn't Gaza a war to remove Hamas?

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Tulsi served in the Mideast war zones twice. She joined-up after 9/11. She is still a US Army Reserve Lt. Colonel. She is restricted in what she can say.

I "wrote in" Tulsi Gabbard in 2020, and added Cynthia McKinney as VP for good measure.

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She served in our illegal unconstitutional undeclared war post 9-11. Hardly commendable. Bush couldn't even get a UN resolution either.

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She was young when she signed up after 9/11.

Her views of US foreign and military policy changed while she was in the combat zones.

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