Thank you for this. The first article (as well as numerous others) seems to assume that the ultra-wealthy zionist ruling class (who are intentionally inflicting daily atrocities on the local people in Palestine) wants to "win" against Hamas, and destroy Hamas, but I am not so sure, given that the zionist ruling class created Hamas, fund it and keep it in power (some of the evidence available in English can be seen here Their objective clearly isn't to destroy the boogeyman enemy they created but to maintain a constant state of conflict with it (I'll explain in a moment the dividends they reap from this).
Besides the above, a dead giveaway that Hamas is a zionist-created proxy is the fact that Hamas joined Israel, USA and their other created proxy (Al-Qaeda ISIS) in the zionist/american regime change operation in Syria in 2012. Yes, you read that right - just like the ISIS proxy which is funded and armed by the west, Hamas was also fighting together with/alongside Israel & USA to fulfill their imperialist objective in Syria!!! Yes, Hamas was fighting TOGETHER WITH/ALONGSIDE Israel!!!
I think this excellent article explains quite well how Hamas and the Zionist ruling class operate according to the same right wing religious supremacist ideology and why they need each other; how each of them (Hamas and Zionist ruling leadership) takes actions that strenghthen the other (in the eyes of its public), and helps the other keep a grip on its own people, providing the other with the perfect boogeyman - cruel monstrous enemy - with which to frighten its "own people" into obedience and support for them, the rulers of each of the societies, who present themselves as "protectors of the nation" against the scary monstrous boogeyman enemy over there. The article explains it clearer than me :-)
And probably most important of all the links is this really brilliant and insightful essay to understand how the ultra-wealthy right-wing ruling class in each society must constantly use a boogeyman enemy in order to keep the have-nots in each society under control and obedient to the "patriotic duty of fighting the monstrous enemy of the nation (or at least hate & blame them, or morbidly fear them)"
And by the way, the boogeyman enemy does not even have to be a physical or factual other nation/tribe/religion/party/ethnicity (although that's what it often is), it can even be fear of hell or "divine" damnation.. That can also be used as a boogeyman by the ruling class to keep the have-nots in line..
Why would the right-wing zionist ruling class do that (Both fund Hamas AND ensure that the zionist forces inflict as much trauma as possible on the local people in Palestine)?
Because, like the United States, the Israeli government is run by a very wealthy zionist upper class that economically severely oppresses and exploits Israeli ordinary people (Israel has the third largest gap between rich and poor and the highest poverty rate in the developed world). The zionist ruling billionaire class uses tribal divide-and-conquer to brainwash ordinary Israelis by pretending to be our righteous and patriotic "protector" against our boogeyman enemy-- those "evil scary monstrous" Palestinians.
To make the Palestinians be an effective boogeyman enemy, the right-wing zionist billionaire class needs Hamas (which it created and funds and keeps in power) to be as frightening to Jews as possible, it needs the boogeyman zionist-funded Hamas to espouse religious supremacist and exclucivist views that are threatening to non-Muslims (and which are, by the way, a mirror image of the exclucivist fundamentalist views espoused by right-wing Jewish religious supremacists), and it needs Hamas to deliberately direct lethal violence (suicide bombers in the past and rockets more recently) against non-combatant Israeli civilians (i.e. to commit terrorism) in order to make it seem (to propagandized, uninformed and gullible Israelis and others) as if ordinary Palestinians want to kill all the Jews in Israel..
Hamas plays the role of Palestinian antisemitic terrorist perfectly; it is exactly the boogeyman that the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to stay in power.
The long-time support of the right-wing ultra-wealthy zionist ruling class for Hamas is not a secret. When the subject comes up, right-wing zionists “explain away” this support by saying it was simply a clever way of weakening the PLO (the secular 'Palestine Liberation Organization') . However, what such right-wing Israeli leaders never mention is that The REASON that the Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen religious fundamentalist Hamas was because the PLO advocated for something that actually appealed to ordinary Israeli working-class people: that the entire land between the Jordan river and the meditarranean sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its citizens (not a supremacist state where the immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' are superior to the local palestinian people of the land but) a secular democratic state in which Jews Muslims Christians other religions and the non-religious would have equal rights under the law and live without constant conflict & war, in dignity, respect, safety, prosperity and peace with each other (one of PLO's most memorable tenents was: Jews - yes!! Zionist racism & supremacy - no!! ).
The right-wing Zionist billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non-threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like them and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless right-wing billionaire ruling class, just like them.
THIS is exactly the reason why right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all the Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a humane thriving democratic state where we're equal under the law and where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, freedom, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering manipulative billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by transfering society's wealth upwards to the 0.1%, and keep us all - Israelis & Palestinians - struggling just to keep the head above the water).
The billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a world of nationalist fear of the other, nationalist division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the ruling class in each country) to be our so-called "protectors of the nation" from "those evil people" over there, that scary other tribe over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all" (and the scary and monstrous boogeyman created by the billionaire class gives ordinary citizens all the "proof" needed to claim that 'the other side' are non-human monsters who hate us for no reason).
That is also why the zionist billionaire ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the palestinians will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionist ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate Jews for no reason (and the zionists can get away with such cynical manipulation because the world's zionist media never shows the context of what palestinians are actually reacting to, but only shows the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)
The nonstop cruelty amd inhumanity that the zionist supremacists inflict on the palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn make reconcilliation impossible, which is precisely what the billionaore ruling class wants (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the billionaire ruling class) AND tne palestinian anger and resentment of the constant abuse discrimination and dispossesion directed at them make Palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven tribalism will always reign, ensures that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the billionaire class to be our rulers (because these nationalist deceivers pretend to be "the patriotic protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the ultra-wealthy ruling class and their fascist representitives do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of hateful conflict and antagonism (or downright war) against others (the scary monster enemy) AND ensure that the nation's wealth keeps flowing upwards from the people to the ultra-rich 0.1%
I heard they didn't steal nothing when they robbed Seth except his life. I know little about that, but I get tired of Russia being blamed for all of scAmerica s ills, which t are sundry
Cool grand daughter picture. Hope she s in gymnastics, wow!
The wars ahem! It seems as though the warmongers are deep into the game. I’m sure their overlords are watching it as great entertainment, planned for so long, kept alive by paid dissenters spreading innuendos and lies. And still following that damn portent and omens of another races culture altogether that was forced into our culture. ......oh oh oh. 911 had to happen, we had to follow the repeated plot!,....Bullshit we did, that’s not our war.
It seems we are no further ahead than we ever were........well some of us are....*sigh*. I do believe the Babylonian money system was created for war in this realm.....just had to grow societies with COMPLETELY different cultures to have a much better game.
I always wondered, these paid dissenters to bring prejudice and false beliefs into societies, like the kkk, or antifa , where do they come from? Are they brain washed and mk ultraed?
There seems to be profit in turning people against each other and lending them money and selling them weapons, then foreclosing on what they have left.
I’m not convinced that the “national states” are morally centered. The weeping over Gaza does nothing but create the next world crisis. However the people of the world do feel the horror of the extreme Israeli response to a False Flag. On the other hand the War to End All Wars remains the gift that keeps giving us sleepless nights and images of horrific atrocities 24/7/365. Frequently I wonder if we boycott news and simply participate in life and act in kindness will this be the “Turning?”
I think yes, very important. Ramana Maharshi said this about a monk in a cave meditating: “A realized one sends out waves of spiritual influence in his aura, which draw many people towards him. Yet he may sit in a cave and maintain complete silence.” I have no doubt that as wicked as the era is that the presence and practice of people of compassion averted the worst of the evil. The Last of the Just was a novel about the last of the 12 Just Men who preserved the world from catastrophe-unknown men-and he is in a concentration camp.
Thank you for this. The first article (as well as numerous others) seems to assume that the ultra-wealthy zionist ruling class (who are intentionally inflicting daily atrocities on the local people in Palestine) wants to "win" against Hamas, and destroy Hamas, but I am not so sure, given that the zionist ruling class created Hamas, fund it and keep it in power (some of the evidence available in English can be seen here Their objective clearly isn't to destroy the boogeyman enemy they created but to maintain a constant state of conflict with it (I'll explain in a moment the dividends they reap from this).
Besides the above, a dead giveaway that Hamas is a zionist-created proxy is the fact that Hamas joined Israel, USA and their other created proxy (Al-Qaeda ISIS) in the zionist/american regime change operation in Syria in 2012. Yes, you read that right - just like the ISIS proxy which is funded and armed by the west, Hamas was also fighting together with/alongside Israel & USA to fulfill their imperialist objective in Syria!!! Yes, Hamas was fighting TOGETHER WITH/ALONGSIDE Israel!!!
I think this excellent article explains quite well how Hamas and the Zionist ruling class operate according to the same right wing religious supremacist ideology and why they need each other; how each of them (Hamas and Zionist ruling leadership) takes actions that strenghthen the other (in the eyes of its public), and helps the other keep a grip on its own people, providing the other with the perfect boogeyman - cruel monstrous enemy - with which to frighten its "own people" into obedience and support for them, the rulers of each of the societies, who present themselves as "protectors of the nation" against the scary monstrous boogeyman enemy over there. The article explains it clearer than me :-)
And probably most important of all the links is this really brilliant and insightful essay to understand how the ultra-wealthy right-wing ruling class in each society must constantly use a boogeyman enemy in order to keep the have-nots in each society under control and obedient to the "patriotic duty of fighting the monstrous enemy of the nation (or at least hate & blame them, or morbidly fear them)"
And by the way, the boogeyman enemy does not even have to be a physical or factual other nation/tribe/religion/party/ethnicity (although that's what it often is), it can even be fear of hell or "divine" damnation.. That can also be used as a boogeyman by the ruling class to keep the have-nots in line..
Why would the right-wing zionist ruling class do that (Both fund Hamas AND ensure that the zionist forces inflict as much trauma as possible on the local people in Palestine)?
Because, like the United States, the Israeli government is run by a very wealthy zionist upper class that economically severely oppresses and exploits Israeli ordinary people (Israel has the third largest gap between rich and poor and the highest poverty rate in the developed world). The zionist ruling billionaire class uses tribal divide-and-conquer to brainwash ordinary Israelis by pretending to be our righteous and patriotic "protector" against our boogeyman enemy-- those "evil scary monstrous" Palestinians.
To make the Palestinians be an effective boogeyman enemy, the right-wing zionist billionaire class needs Hamas (which it created and funds and keeps in power) to be as frightening to Jews as possible, it needs the boogeyman zionist-funded Hamas to espouse religious supremacist and exclucivist views that are threatening to non-Muslims (and which are, by the way, a mirror image of the exclucivist fundamentalist views espoused by right-wing Jewish religious supremacists), and it needs Hamas to deliberately direct lethal violence (suicide bombers in the past and rockets more recently) against non-combatant Israeli civilians (i.e. to commit terrorism) in order to make it seem (to propagandized, uninformed and gullible Israelis and others) as if ordinary Palestinians want to kill all the Jews in Israel..
Hamas plays the role of Palestinian antisemitic terrorist perfectly; it is exactly the boogeyman that the right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to stay in power.
The long-time support of the right-wing ultra-wealthy zionist ruling class for Hamas is not a secret. When the subject comes up, right-wing zionists “explain away” this support by saying it was simply a clever way of weakening the PLO (the secular 'Palestine Liberation Organization') . However, what such right-wing Israeli leaders never mention is that The REASON that the Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen religious fundamentalist Hamas was because the PLO advocated for something that actually appealed to ordinary Israeli working-class people: that the entire land between the Jordan river and the meditarranean sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its citizens (not a supremacist state where the immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' are superior to the local palestinian people of the land but) a secular democratic state in which Jews Muslims Christians other religions and the non-religious would have equal rights under the law and live without constant conflict & war, in dignity, respect, safety, prosperity and peace with each other (one of PLO's most memorable tenents was: Jews - yes!! Zionist racism & supremacy - no!! ).
The right-wing Zionist billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non-threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like them and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless right-wing billionaire ruling class, just like them.
THIS is exactly the reason why right-wing zionist billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all the Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a humane thriving democratic state where we're equal under the law and where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, freedom, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering manipulative billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by transfering society's wealth upwards to the 0.1%, and keep us all - Israelis & Palestinians - struggling just to keep the head above the water).
The billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a world of nationalist fear of the other, nationalist division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the ruling class in each country) to be our so-called "protectors of the nation" from "those evil people" over there, that scary other tribe over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all" (and the scary and monstrous boogeyman created by the billionaire class gives ordinary citizens all the "proof" needed to claim that 'the other side' are non-human monsters who hate us for no reason).
That is also why the zionist billionaire ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the palestinians will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionist ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate Jews for no reason (and the zionists can get away with such cynical manipulation because the world's zionist media never shows the context of what palestinians are actually reacting to, but only shows the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)
The nonstop cruelty amd inhumanity that the zionist supremacists inflict on the palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn make reconcilliation impossible, which is precisely what the billionaore ruling class wants (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the billionaire ruling class) AND tne palestinian anger and resentment of the constant abuse discrimination and dispossesion directed at them make Palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven tribalism will always reign, ensures that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the billionaire class to be our rulers (because these nationalist deceivers pretend to be "the patriotic protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the ultra-wealthy ruling class and their fascist representitives do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of hateful conflict and antagonism (or downright war) against others (the scary monster enemy) AND ensure that the nation's wealth keeps flowing upwards from the people to the ultra-rich 0.1%
It's "divide and conquer" writ large.
The same intelligent and insightful researcher that wrote the essays in the above links also has an excellent substack that I highly recommend
I heard they didn't steal nothing when they robbed Seth except his life. I know little about that, but I get tired of Russia being blamed for all of scAmerica s ills, which t are sundry
Profit for what? The game I guess. We have to concentrate on a better at least sane reality. Get rid of these psychos.
Oh , Getting some snow. Maybe be able to do some X- country skiing this year.
Cool grand daughter picture. Hope she s in gymnastics, wow!
The wars ahem! It seems as though the warmongers are deep into the game. I’m sure their overlords are watching it as great entertainment, planned for so long, kept alive by paid dissenters spreading innuendos and lies. And still following that damn portent and omens of another races culture altogether that was forced into our culture. ......oh oh oh. 911 had to happen, we had to follow the repeated plot!,....Bullshit we did, that’s not our war.
It seems we are no further ahead than we ever were........well some of us are....*sigh*. I do believe the Babylonian money system was created for war in this realm.....just had to grow societies with COMPLETELY different cultures to have a much better game.
I always wondered, these paid dissenters to bring prejudice and false beliefs into societies, like the kkk, or antifa , where do they come from? Are they brain washed and mk ultraed?
Interesting world.
There seems to be profit in turning people against each other and lending them money and selling them weapons, then foreclosing on what they have left.
It's really wasteful.
Maybe there is some other model we could use...
I’m not convinced that the “national states” are morally centered. The weeping over Gaza does nothing but create the next world crisis. However the people of the world do feel the horror of the extreme Israeli response to a False Flag. On the other hand the War to End All Wars remains the gift that keeps giving us sleepless nights and images of horrific atrocities 24/7/365. Frequently I wonder if we boycott news and simply participate in life and act in kindness will this be the “Turning?”
If you practice compassion that may be enough.
I think yes, very important. Ramana Maharshi said this about a monk in a cave meditating: “A realized one sends out waves of spiritual influence in his aura, which draw many people towards him. Yet he may sit in a cave and maintain complete silence.” I have no doubt that as wicked as the era is that the presence and practice of people of compassion averted the worst of the evil. The Last of the Just was a novel about the last of the 12 Just Men who preserved the world from catastrophe-unknown men-and he is in a concentration camp.
Seems Israel is exploiting 'the pause' of its murderous campaign
in Gaza to step up its murderous campaign in the West Bank...
While all eyes are on Gaza prisoner exchange, Israel wreaks havoc
in the West Bank - so it's in Israel's interests to keep on extending
"the pause' in Gaza...